Monthly Archiv: November, 2020

PHP Slug Generator Function Class

PHP Slug Generator Function Class
Generate a slug text to use in a URL from a string
PHP 5, Text processing
Channaveer Hakari
This is a simple class that can generate a slug text to use in a URL from a string...


Site News: Blast from the Past – One Year Ago in PHP (11.19.2020)

Here's what was popular in the PHP community one year ago today:

PHP Internals News: Episode 71: What didn’t make it into PHP 8.0?

PHP Internals News: Episode 71: What didn’t make it into PHP 8.0?

In this episode of "PHP Internals News" we're looking back at all the RFCs that we discussed on this podcast for PHP 7.4, but did not end up making the cut. In their own words, the RFC authors explain what these features are, with your host interjecting his own comments on the state of affairs.

The RSS feed for this podcast is, you can download this episode's MP3 file, and it's available on Spotify and iTunes. There is a dedicated website:


Derick Rethans 0:15

Hi, I'm Derick, and this is PHP internals news, a weekly podcast dedicated to demystifying the development of the PHP language. This is Episode 71. At the end of last year, I collected snippets from episodes about all the features that did not make it into PHP seven dot four, and I'm doing the same this time around. So welcome to this year's 'Which things were proposed to be included into PHP 8.0, but didn't make it. In Episode 41, I spoke with Stephen Wade about his two array RFC, a feature you wanted to add to PHP to scratch an itch. In his own words:

Steven Wade 0:52

This is a feature that I've, I've kind of wish I would have been in the language for years, and talking with a few people who encouraged. It's kind of like the rule of starting a user group right, if there's not one and you have the desire, then you're the person to do it. A few people encouraged to say well why don't you go out and write it? So I've spent the last two years kind of trying to work up the courage or research it enough or make sure I write the RFC the proper way. And then also actually have the time to commit to writing it, and following up with any of the discussions as well.

Steven Wade 1:20

I want to introduce a new magic method the as he said the name of the RFC is the double underscore to array. And so the idea is that you can cast an object, if your class implements this method, just like it would toString; if you cast it manually, to array then that method will be called if it's implemented, or as, as I said in the RFC, array functions will can can automatically cast that if you're not using strict types.

Derick Rethans 1:44

I questioned him on potential negative feedback about the RFC, because it suggested to add a new metric method. He answered:

Steven Wade 1:53

Beauty of PHP is in its simplicity. And so, adding more and more interfaces, kind of expands class declarations enforcement's, and in my opinion can lead to a lot of clutter. So I think PHP is already very magical, and the precedent has been set to add more magic to it with seven four with the introduction of serialize and unserialize magic methods. And so for me it's just kind of a, it's a tool. I don't think that it's necessarily a bad thing or a good thing it's just another option for the developer to use

Derick Rethans 2:21

The RFC was not voted on and a feature henceforth did not make it into PHP eight zero.

Derick Rethans 2:27

Operator overloading is a topic that has come up several times over the last 20 years that PHP has been around as even an extension that implements is in the PECL repository. Jan Bøhmer proposed to include user space based operator overloading for PHP eight dot zero. I asked him about a specific use cases:

Jan Böhmer 2:46

Higher mathematical objects like complex numbers vectors, something like tensors, maybe something like the string component of Symfony, you can simply concatenate this string object with a normal string using the concat operator and doesn't have to use a function to cause this. Most basically this

Truncated by Planet PHP, read more at the original (another 14876 bytes)

PHP 8.0 feature focus: Named Arguments

Last week’s installment talked about the most contentious new feature of PHP 8.0. In our 10th and final installment, we’ll cover the formerly most contentious feature, one that somehow managed not only to generate little pushback this time around, but to become one of PHP 8.0’s top new features. In every programming language that has functions (that is, all of them), functions can be called by passing an ordered list of arguments to them as input parameters.

PHP 8.0 feature focus: Named Arguments

Last week’s installment talked about the most contentious new feature of PHP 8.0. In our 10th and final installment, we’ll cover the formerly most contentious feature, one that somehow managed not only to generate little pushback this time around, but to become one of PHP 8.0’s top new features. In every programming language that has functions (that is, all of them), functions can be called by passing an ordered list of arguments to them as input parameters.

PHP 8.0.0 Release Candidate 5 available for testing

The PHP team is pleased to announce the eleventh testing release of PHP 8.0.0, Release Candidate 5. This is an extra unplanned release, but we're not planning to adjust the GA date, however, this may change during the course of the RC cycle. The updated release schedule can, as always, be found on the PHP Wiki page about the PHP 8.0. For source downloads of PHP 8.0.0 Release Candidate 5 please visit the download page.Please carefully test this version and report any issues found in the bug reporting system.Please DO NOT use this version in production, it is an early test version. For more information on the new features and other changes, you can read the NEWS file, or the UPGRADING file for a complete list of upgrading notes. These files can also be found in the release archive. The next release will be the General Availability, planned for Nov 26 2020.The signatures for the release can be found in the manifest or on the QA site.Thank you for helping us make PHP better.

PHP Dump All Variables and Functions

PHP Dump All Variables and Functions
Display global names and stack backtrace
Debug, PHP 5
Martin Latter
This package can display global names and stack backtrace...


mezon PHP Configuration Options

mezon PHP Configuration Options
Manipulate configuration options store in arrays
Configuration, Parsers, PHP 5
Alexey Dodonov
This class can manipulate configuration options store in arrays...

Read more at | Journeys Erin Austin + Céline Villet Boongo

Speaking the language of family: how two veterans forged a friendship across the Atlantic Ocean One’s daily commute takes her to the Strasbourg – Saint-Denis stop of the Paris Métro, from where she steps out onto the Boulevard St. Denis, walks a half-block to the Boulevard de Sébastopol, and turns left, passing the sidewalk tables of a trendy brasserie before marching through the elaborately carved stone archway of her office building.

WordPress 5.6 Release Candidate

The first release candidate for WordPress 5.6 is now available!

This is an important milestone in the community’s progress toward the final release of WordPress 5.6.

“Release Candidate” means that the new version is ready for release, but with millions of users and thousands of plugins and themes, it’s possible something was missed. WordPress 5.6 is slated for release on December 8, 2020, but we need your help to get there—if you haven’t tried 5.6 yet, now is the time!

You can test the WordPress 5.6 release candidate in two ways:

Thank you to all of the contributors who tested the Beta releases and gave feedback. Testing for bugs is a critical part of polishing every release and a great way to contribute to WordPress.

What’s in WordPress 5.6?

The final release of 2020 continues the annual tradition of a new default theme that is custom built to showcase the new features and functionality of the software. Continued progress on the block editor is especially clear in this release, which brings more blocks to more places, and fewer clicks to implement your layouts.

WordPress 5.6 also has lots of refinements to polish the developer experience. To learn more, subscribe to the Make WordPress Core blog and pay special attention to the developer notes tag for updates on those and other changes that could affect your products.

Plugin and Theme Developers

Please test your plugins and themes against WordPress 5.6 and update the Tested up to version in the readme file to 5.6. If you find compatibility problems, please be sure to post to the support forums, so those can be figured out before the final release.

The WordPress 5.6 Field Guide, due very shortly, will give you a more detailed dive into the major changes.

How to Help

Do you speak a language other than English? Help us translate WordPress into more than 100 languages! This release also marks the hard string freeze point of the 5.6 release schedule.

If you think you’ve found a bug, you can post to the Alpha/Beta area in the support forums. We’d love to hear from you! If you’re comfortable writing a reproducible bug report, file one on WordPress Trac, where you can also find a list of known bugs.

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