Monthly Archiv: April, 2019

Use the Free uListing WordPress Plugin to Build a Powerful Business Listings Site Sponsored

Running a listing-based website can be both fun and lucrative. But traditionally, leveraging this type of platform to list real estate, jobs, automobiles or classified ads has been cumbersome and expensive. Building this type of site with WordPress meant investing a good bit of money in multiple plugins, while attempting to make all of these different pieces work together.

uListing is here to change that narrative. This free WordPress plugin from Stylemix Themes offers powerful functionality, fine-grain control, along with a simple drag-and-drop UI. Crafting a professional listings site has never been easier or more cost-effective.

Indeed, uListing includes features that go well beyond what you’d expect from a free plugin. Take a look and see for yourself!

A Complete Solution

uListing has been built from the ground up to provide all of the functionality and flexibility you need in one, easy-to-use package. From custom listings all the way to accepting online payments, it’s all here.

Create Custom Listing Types in Minutes

No matter which types of listings your site requires, uListing makes setup a breeze. Add custom listing attributes to correspond with your specific needs. Plus, create search forms, result listings, single listing pages and more. Best of all, you can add as many custom listing types as you like.

uListing custom listing type screen.

Monetize Listings

Create a revenue stream for your website with uListing’s built-in eCommerce functionality. Add various pricing plans that offer value to customers and accept online payments through PayPal or Stripe. There’s no need to deal with third-party shopping carts – everything you need to get started is included!

User-Friendly UI

uListing makes it easy for content creators get things done. On the back end, the Vue.js-powered plugin allows for drag-and-drop simplicity and lightning-quick speed. You’ll get more done in less time.

uListing layout builder screen.

Control the Process

Don’t want to provide access to the back end? You don’t have to! uListing enables users to manage their account and listings through the front end. Plus, you’ll find a number of settings that enable you to tweak things to meet your exact specifications.

Powerful Custom Search

Visitors to your site can find exactly what they’re looking for, thanks to uListing’s advanced custom search features. Users will be able to filter results via criteria that you set.

Filtering listings on the front end.

Go to the Next Level with uListing Addons

uListing provides the foundation for a highly-customized listings site. But it doesn’t stop there. Through the use of some powerful (and incredibly affordable) addon plugins, you can take your site even further.


Create payment plans that are both convenient and flexible. With the Subscription addon, you can offer recurring payments, featured listings and even limit the number of listings for subscribers. It’s everything you need to integrate professional payment options into your site.

uListing Subscription addon.

User Roles

With the User Roles addon, you’ll have fine-grain control over what users can and can’t do on your website. Create an unlimited number of WordPress user roles and assign a listing limit to them. Add custom fields to roles to collect more relevant user data. You can even moderate listings before they are published.

uListing User Roles addon.


One of the core features of a great listing site is the ability to compare multiple items. With the Compare addon, visitors will be able to view multiple listings side-by-side, helping them to make the right choice. Plus, you can set exactly which fields appear within the comparison.

uListing Compare addon.

Combined, all three addons bring robust features and cost as much as a few cups of coffee!

Get Started with uListing

uListing relieves designers of both the pain and cost associated with building a top-notch listings site. Just by installing this free WordPress plugin, you’ll have a huge head start on the competition.

And you’ll also have access to an incredible array of features that let you offer virtually any type of listing you can imagine. Plus, the built-in eCommerce capabilities will enable you to start monetizing your site right away.

Install uListing today and see how easy it is to build the listings site of your dreams.

The post Use the Free uListing WordPress Plugin to Build a Powerful Business Listings Site <span class="sponsored_text">Sponsored</span> appeared first on Speckyboy Web Design Magazine.


Dump MySQL database contents like mysqldump tool
Databases, PHP 5
This package can dump MySQL database contents like mysqldump tool...


php|architect: Migrating Legacy Web Applications to Laravel

By Barry O’Donovan Thanks to Taylor Otwell’s Laravel framework, PHP is reclaiming its rightful place as the go-to language for web application development. For those of us maintaining and developing applications using legacy frameworks, the grass certainly looks greener on Laravel’s ...

Tom&aacute;&scaron; Votruba Blog: Removing Static – There and Back Again

The more companies I meet, the more I see static and new everywhere. Not like new Product, but rather new ProductRepository(new Database()). Not just Laravel, but across all PHP frameworks. I wish frameworks could prevent antipatterns, but they don't, do they?

Instead of "refactor all the things" step by step, class by class, I'd like share my thoughts when exploring full automated path. I look for feedback to improve this process.

PHP Podcasts: 145:Breakfast with a Listener

This week, Eric, Thomas, and John discuss:

Laravel 5.8 update breaks third-party composer libraries · Issue #27949 · laravel/framework Unique Rule SQL Injection Warning - The Laravel Blog Be Careful: Laravel 5.8 Added bigIncrements As Defaults - Laravel Daily Security researchers reveal defects that allow wireless hijacking of giant construction cranes, scrapers and excavators

418 I’m a teapot

The IETF has a tradition to publish one or more april-fools RFC documents every year. Among the most famous are IP over Avian Carriers with Quality of Service, and of course Hyper Text Coffee Pot Control Protocol, which introduced the 418 I'm a teapot HTTP status.

This status-code is of course not an official one. You won’t find it in the IANA HTTP Status code registry. However, people have such a liking to it that it’s supported in many HTTP libraries.

About a year ago, the HTTP working group tried to reach out to various projects to try and remove their support for 418, so the number could be re-used for a new purpose, but this was met with a lot of resistance, even spawning

Several implementations of HTCPCP can be found, including:

The 418 code also appears as easter eggs in numerous systems.

Wikipedia has a page on all the IETF april fools jokes, which is well worth a read. It also features the HTCPCP-TEA extension!

All we need now is a WHATWG living standard that just solidifies everyone’s buggy implementations (looking at you URL standard), and a W3C committee that forks it once per year.

References & sources

Technical Thoughts, Tutorials, and Musings: PSR-14: Advanced Providers

PSR-14: Advanced Providers

In part 3 of our series we looked at some common Provider patterns for PSR-14. But the flexibility and complexity of Providers is limited only by your imagination. Today we'll look at a few more interesting examples of Providers that are all equally valid but tailored to particular use cases.

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