Monthly Archiv: June, 2010

Liber ORM

Liber ORM
Store and retrieve objects as database records
Databases, Design Patterns, PHP 5
Liber Fernández Gribov
This class can be used to store and retrieve objects as database records.

The class can take objects of arbitrary types them and insert, update and delete them in a database table according to mapping configuration.

In Spanish:

Esta clase permite al usuario mapear objetos a tablas en bases de datos relacionales como MYSQL. Provee una manera sencilla e intuitiava de implementar la persistencia en nuestra aplicaciones.

Simple data encryption class

Simple data encryption class
Encrypt data in files and MySQL databases
Cryptography, Databases, Files and Folders, PHP 5
anthony Huebers
This class can be used to encrypt and decrypt data in files and MySQL databases.

It can retrieve data from a file, MySQL database table record or use a string and encrypt it by subtracting the values of the bytes of the given key.


Tephlon Logo
Store and retrieve objects in files
Data types, Databases, Files and Folders, Libraries, PHP 5
Simone Scarduzio
This package can be used to store and retrieve objects in files or other storage container types:

It can serialize objects or other type of variable values and store them in files. It features:

- Java-style key-value maps
- Namespaces
- Codeigniter integration
- Configurable life time of records
- Multi-driver architecture (SQL, file system, etc, ...)
- Access to stored objects without using SQL
- Easy incremental backup of data with SVN/GIT


IMGhost is a lightwight opensource image hosting script. No installation / SQL needed. It automallicy creates thumbnails and prints out some links for boards, html etc.

Expanding the Theme Review Experiment

When I was a kid my dad used to practice his typing skills (on a real typewriter no less) with the phrase:

Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country.

For some reason that has stuck with me all these years. Today I’m going to rephrase and re-purpose that line:

Now is the time for great theme developers to come to the aid of their community.

The theme directory has been chugging along for more than a year now. During that time we’ve tinkered with the review process and some of the management tools, but haven’t really opened it up as much as we’d like. It’s time to rip off the band-aid and take some action; to that end, we’re looking for community members to help with the process of reviewing themes for the directory.

Right now this is a bit like a New Year’s resolution to exercise every day: it’s what we need to do, but we’re still figuring out exactly how it will all work. That’s part of the community involvement as well — we expect that those who pitch in will also help shape the process.

What’s involved in reviewing themes for the directory? There are some obvious things, such as being familiar with PHP and WordPress theme code (and the theme development checklist), with an eye for security issues. You would also need to have the ability to set up a separate install of the latest version of WordPress for testing theme submissions.

Hopefully a few talented theme developers are reading this right now and saying to themselves, “I’d love to help! How do I get started?” Just join the new theme reviewers mailing list and we’ll get you up to speed on this new opportunity to come to the aid of your community.


Generate a Web interface to edit database records
Databases, HTML, PHP 5
nicolas grillet
This class can be used to generate a Web interface to edit database records.

It takes a list of tables and fields that it will allow editing.

The class can generate HTML and JavaScript that uses the jQuery library for performing actions like listing, inserting, updating, deleting and searching records of the database tables.

It uses the PDO extension to access the database.

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