Monthly Archiv: June, 2010

Data Registry

Data Registry
Register and retrieve data easily anywhere in PHP
Data structures, PHP 5, User Management
Xavier Pérez
PHP singleton class to store and retrieve data anywhere in your PHP code.

Save any kind of data (string, numeric, array, record, object, files) in namespaces, with or without persistence, and allows to retrieve it anywhere.

Use it to populate data across all your application, and across all user session with optional persistence.

Similar in concep of Zend_registry, but more usefull, and more methods to store any kind of data.

Methods used:
init / set / setkey / get /getkey /getflash /getflaskey / test / testkey / clear / clearkey / setnamespace / getnamespace / getclass / setpersistence / backupnamespace / restorenamespace

Data Storage

Data Storage
Store and retrieve application data in sessions
Data structures, PHP 5, User Management
Xavier Pérez
PHP singleton class to store and retrieve data anywhere in your PHP code.

Save any kind of data (string, numeric, array, record, object, files) in namespaces, with or without persistence, and allows to retrieve it anywhere.

Use it to populate data across all your application, and across all user session with optional persistence.

Similar in concep of Zend_registry, but more usefull, and more methods to store any kind of data.

Methods used:
init / set / setkey / get /getkey /getflash /getflaskey / test / testkey / clear / clearkey / setnamespace / getnamespace / getclass / setpersistence / backupnamepace / restorenamespace

Supervisor of filling of folders

Supervisor of filling of folders
Monitor the size of files in file
Files and Folders, PHP 5, System information
Roberto Aleman
This class can be used to monitor the size of files in file.

It can traverse a given directory recursively and account the size that files are taking in the disk.

The class can repeat the process after a given period of time and the it display a chart using the Google Chart API to show the current disk space usage and change during the delay time.

En Español:

Cuando Tenemos una web que usan muchos usuarios, necesitamos saber cuanto crecen las carpetas críticas de la misma, por ejemplo , las imagenes y documentos que los usuarios suben a carpetas compartidas, asi mismo si disponemos de un limite para cada usuario de una cantidad específica de bytes sería de gran ayuda tener una alarma que nos indique en cada caso la estimación necesaria para intervenir y aumentar el tamaño de los discos duros, imaginémos una web con millones de usuarios lo importante que esto significa.

Usando la API Google Chart podemos construir interesantes e importantes controles que le favorecerian la visión de lo que está sucediendo en un sitio web a webmaster.

Con un poco de trabajo los usuarios que utilicen esta clase pueden aplicarla a un panel de control mediante AJAX.

Esta Clase envía varios parametros:

$url a monitorear: la cual debe estar en el mismo servidor donde se ejecuta el script.
$width_img y $height_img : las medidas del gráfico para Google Chart
$time: el tiempo o intervalo que de monitoreo.
$max_value: el tamaño critico de referencia para hacer los calculos.


Create and manipulate HTML output programaticallly
Niels Nielsen
This class can be used to create and manipulate HTML output programaticallly.

It can create HTML blocks from parameters passed to the class functions.

The class provides many other types of functions that implement operations to manipulate the created HTML blocks like: adding tags or content before or after a block and indenting or outdenting the HTML.

Moby Thesaurus

Moby Thesaurus
Get synonyms and parts of speech of given words
PHP 5, Text processing
Brent Rossen
This class can be used to get synonyms and parts of speech of given words.

It takes a given word and finds synonyms in a dictionary. If the exact word is not available, the class uses stemming algorithms to find synonyms of closer words.

The class can also get a list of parts of speech that include a given word.

Simple MySQL wrapper replicator

Simple MySQL wrapper replicator
Access multiple MySQL servers
This class can be used to access multiple MySQL servers.

It can attempt to connect to MySQL database servers from a list and executes a given SQL query.

If it fails the class repeats the process trying to access another server from the list until it succeeds or the list ends.

CountDown class

CountDown class
Display the time remaining to a give date
PHP 5, Time and Date
Angelo Geels
This class can be used to display the time remaining to a give date.

It takes a given final date and computes the remaining time to reach that date.

If the date has not been reached, the class displays the remaining time in weeks, days, hours, seconds and minutes. Otherwise the class just displays a countdown finished message.

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