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March 26, 2018 – By Russell Anderson

Analysts expect Packaging Corporation of America (NYSE:PKG) to report $1.53 EPS on April, 25.They anticipate $0.26 EPS change or 20.47% from last quarter’s $1.27 EPS. PKG’s profit would be $143.22M giving it 17.84 P/E if the $1.53 EPS is correct. After having $1.56 EPS previously, Packaging Corporation of America’s analysts see -1.92% EPS growth. The stock decreased 3.35% or $3.78 during the last trading session, reaching $109.2. About 742,545 shares traded. Packaging Corporation of America (NYSE:PKG) has risen 54.92% since March 26, 2017 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 38.22% the SP500.
NUTRAFUELS INC (OTCMKTS:NTFU) had a decrease of 82.33% in short interest. NTFU’s SI was 4,100 shares in March as released by FINRA. Its down 82.33% from 23,200 shares previously. The SI to NUTRAFUELS INC’s float is 0.01%. The stock decreased 1.58% or $0.004 during the last trading session, reaching $0.249. About shares traded. NutraFuels, Inc. (OTCMKTS:NTFU) has 0.00% since March 26, 2017 and is . It has underperformed by 16.70% the SP500.
Investors sentiment decreased to 1.02 in Q3 2017. Its down 0.29, from 1.31 in 2017Q2. It dived, as 29 investors sold Packaging Corporation of America shares while 146 reduced holdings. 92 funds opened positions while 138 raised stakes. 82.08 million shares or 1.51% more from 80.86 million shares in 2017Q2 were reported. Panagora Asset Management Incorporated holds 0.01% in Packaging Corporation of America (NYSE:PKG) or 30,619 shares. Daiwa Secs Gru Inc invested in 0.06% or 78,164 shares. Cadence Cap Mngmt Llc holds 21,356 shares. Pictet Asset Ltd reported 441,291 shares. 53,200 are held by Quantitative Inv Limited Liability Corporation. Green Square Capital Ltd has invested 0.11% in Packaging Corporation of America (NYSE:PKG). Neuberger Berman Grp Ltd Liability Co has invested 0.14% in Packaging Corporation of America (NYSE:PKG). Invesco reported 498,479 shares. Bessemer Gru stated it has 0% in Packaging Corporation of America (NYSE:PKG). Wealthtrust stated it has 0.01% of its portfolio in Packaging Corporation of America (NYSE:PKG). Daiwa Sb Invs stated it has 0.11% in Packaging Corporation of America (NYSE:PKG). Fiduciary Trust owns 6,600 shares for 0.02% of their portfolio. 9.99 million were reported by Blackrock. Asset One Co has 0.04% invested in Packaging Corporation of America (NYSE:PKG). Virginia-based Virginia Retirement Et Al has invested 0.07% in Packaging Corporation of America (NYSE:PKG).
Packaging Corporation of America manufactures and sells containerboard and corrugated packaging products primarily in the United States. The company has market cap of $10.22 billion. The companyÂ’s Packaging segment offers various corrugated packaging products, such as conventional shipping containers used to protect and transport manufactured goods; multi-color boxes and displays that help to merchandise the packaged product in retail locations; and honeycomb protective packaging. It has a 15.45 P/E ratio. This segment also produces packaging for meat, fresh fruit and vegetables, processed food, beverages, and other industrial and consumer products.
Since October 27, 2017, it had 0 buys, and 1 insider sale for $719,796 activity. 6,150 Packaging Corporation of America (NYSE:PKG) shares with value of $719,796 were sold by Carter Charles J..
Among 16 analysts covering Packaging Corporation of America (NYSE:PKG), 8 have Buy rating, 1 Sell and 7 Hold. Therefore 50% are positive. Packaging Corporation of America had 57 analyst reports since July 23, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. The stock of Packaging Corporation of America (NYSE:PKG) earned “Equal-Weight” rating by Barclays Capital on Monday, February 6. The stock of Packaging Corporation of America (NYSE:PKG) earned “Market Perform” rating by BMO Capital Markets on Tuesday, November 15. On Thursday, July 13 the stock rating was upgraded by Goldman Sachs to “Neutral”. The firm has “Neutral” rating given on Tuesday, September 15 by Bank of America. The rating was downgraded by Deutsche Bank to “Hold” on Tuesday, November 22. Bank of America maintained Packaging Corporation of America (NYSE:PKG) rating on Thursday, February 1. Bank of America has “Buy” rating and $138 target. Goldman Sachs initiated Packaging Corporation of America (NYSE:PKG) rating on Thursday, September 22. Goldman Sachs has “Sell” rating and $77 target. The stock of Packaging Corporation of America (NYSE:PKG) has “Neutral” rating given on Monday, April 11 by Dundee Securities. Deutsche Bank maintained Packaging Corporation of America (NYSE:PKG) rating on Wednesday, August 10. Deutsche Bank has “Hold” rating and $77 target. Deutsche Bank downgraded Packaging Corporation of America (NYSE:PKG) on Friday, July 22 to “Hold” rating.
NutraFuels, Inc. manufactures and distributes oral spray nutritional and dietary products to retail and wholesale outlets. The company has market cap of $21.00 million. The companyÂ’s products include sleep spray to support a healthy sleep cycle and improve the quality of restful sleep; energize spray to enhance energy, and restore vigor and vitality; and garcinia cambogia spray, an appetite and weight management spray. It currently has negative earnings. It also offers NRG-X extreme energy spray to enhance energy and stamina; headache and pain spray to relieve headaches and pain; and hair, skin, and nails spray to nourish and encourage hair, skin, and nail growth.
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By Russell Anderson
Article source: https://heraldks.com/packaging-of-america-pkg-eps-estimated-at-1-53-nutrafuels-ntfu-si-decreased-by-82-33/
March 17, 2018 – By Moses P. Lee
Nbt Bank N A decreased Lowes Cos Inc (LOW) stake by 5.71% reported in 2017Q3 SEC filing. Nbt Bank N A sold 6,885 shares as Lowes Cos Inc (LOW)’s stock rose 10.23%. The Nbt Bank N A holds 113,620 shares with $9.08M value, down from 120,505 last quarter. Lowes Cos Inc now has $72.21B valuation. The stock increased 1.71% or $1.46 during the last trading session, reaching $87. About 8.77M shares traded or 29.67% up from the average. Lowe’s Companies, Inc. (NYSE:LOW) has risen 5.92% since March 17, 2017 and is uptrending. It has underperformed by 10.78% the SP500.
NUTRAFUELS INC (OTCMKTS:NTFU) had a decrease of 82.33% in short interest. NTFU’s SI was 4,100 shares in March as released by FINRA. Its down 82.33% from 23,200 shares previously. The SI to NUTRAFUELS INC’s float is 0.01%. The stock decreased 12.50% or $0.03 during the last trading session, reaching $0.21. About 71,088 shares traded. NutraFuels, Inc. (OTCMKTS:NTFU) has 0.00% since March 17, 2017 and is . It has underperformed by 16.70% the SP500.
NutraFuels, Inc. manufactures and distributes oral spray nutritional and dietary products to retail and wholesale outlets. The company has market cap of $17.71 million. The companyÂ’s products include sleep spray to support a healthy sleep cycle and improve the quality of restful sleep; energize spray to enhance energy, and restore vigor and vitality; and garcinia cambogia spray, an appetite and weight management spray. It currently has negative earnings. It also offers NRG-X extreme energy spray to enhance energy and stamina; headache and pain spray to relieve headaches and pain; and hair, skin, and nails spray to nourish and encourage hair, skin, and nail growth.
Analysts await Lowe’s Companies, Inc. (NYSE:LOW) to report earnings on May, 23. They expect $1.30 earnings per share, up 26.21% or $0.27 from last year’s $1.03 per share. LOW’s profit will be $1.08B for 16.73 P/E if the $1.30 EPS becomes a reality. After $0.74 actual earnings per share reported by Lowe’s Companies, Inc. for the previous quarter, Wall Street now forecasts 75.68% EPS growth.
Investors sentiment decreased to 1.01 in Q3 2017. Its down 0.03, from 1.04 in 2017Q2. It dropped, as 76 investors sold LOW shares while 406 reduced holdings. 115 funds opened positions while 384 raised stakes. 589.78 million shares or 2.68% less from 606.01 million shares in 2017Q2 were reported. Halsey Assoc Ct owns 16,476 shares. Credit Agricole S A has 0.09% invested in Lowe’s Companies, Inc. (NYSE:LOW) for 329,552 shares. Prelude Ltd Co has 6,871 shares for 0.05% of their portfolio. First Interstate Bancshares invested in 1.68% or 97,748 shares. Cannell Peter B Com invested in 49,365 shares or 0.14% of the stock. Moreover, United Capital Finance Advisers Limited Liability has 0.18% invested in Lowe’s Companies, Inc. (NYSE:LOW) for 263,232 shares. First Foundation Advisors invested in 9,442 shares. Verity And Verity Limited Liability accumulated 58,864 shares. 5,399 are owned by Colonial Advsr. Stoneridge Investment Ltd reported 57,351 shares. Lynch And Assoc In stated it has 1.14% in Lowe’s Companies, Inc. (NYSE:LOW). Moreover, Elm Advsr has 0.16% invested in Lowe’s Companies, Inc. (NYSE:LOW) for 2,525 shares. Addenda Capital Inc owns 0.22% invested in Lowe’s Companies, Inc. (NYSE:LOW) for 40,195 shares. 18,025 were reported by Aviance Capital Partners Ltd Liability. Cubist Systematic Strategies Ltd reported 0.11% of its portfolio in Lowe’s Companies, Inc. (NYSE:LOW).
Since September 19, 2017, it had 0 buys, and 2 selling transactions for $778,532 activity. The insider Ramsay Paul D sold $163,675. Shares for $614,857 were sold by Hollifield Matthew V on Friday, September 22.
Among 35 analysts covering Lowe’s Companies Inc. (NYSE:LOW), 22 have Buy rating, 0 Sell and 13 Hold. Therefore 63% are positive. Lowe’s Companies Inc. had 97 analyst reports since August 19, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. RBC Capital Markets maintained it with “Buy” rating and $81.0 target in Monday, October 30 report. As per Thursday, November 17, the company rating was downgraded by Telsey Advisory Group. The stock of Lowe’s Companies, Inc. (NYSE:LOW) has “Market Perform” rating given on Thursday, December 8 by Telsey Advisory Group. The firm earned “Outperform” rating on Monday, January 22 by Bernstein. The firm earned “Hold” rating on Thursday, July 20 by Jefferies. The stock of Lowe’s Companies, Inc. (NYSE:LOW) has “Hold” rating given on Thursday, March 1 by SunTrust. The company was maintained on Wednesday, November 22 by KeyBanc Capital Markets. On Tuesday, January 2 the stock rating was maintained by Robert W. Baird with “Buy”. Oppenheimer maintained Lowe’s Companies, Inc. (NYSE:LOW) rating on Wednesday, August 23. Oppenheimer has “Buy” rating and $100.0 target. The stock of Lowe’s Companies, Inc. (NYSE:LOW) earned “Buy” rating by Robert W. Baird on Wednesday, November 22.
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By1 Moses P. Lee
Article source: https://wolcottdaily.com/nbt-bank-n-a-has-cut-lowes-cos-low-holding-shorts-at-nutrafuels-ntfu-lowered-by-82-33/
March 3, 2018 – By Adrian Erickson
South Texas Money Management Ltd decreased Eaton Corporation Plc (ETN) stake by 1.08% reported in 2017Q3 SEC filing. South Texas Money Management Ltd sold 4,379 shares as Eaton Corporation Plc (ETN)’s stock rose 8.91%. The South Texas Money Management Ltd holds 399,994 shares with $30.72M value, down from 404,373 last quarter. Eaton Corporation Plc now has $35.12 billion valuation. The stock increased 0.14% or $0.11 during the last trading session, reaching $79.7. About 3.25 million shares traded or 20.48% up from the average. Eaton Corporation plc (NYSE:ETN) has risen 31.02% since March 3, 2017 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 14.32% the SP500.
NUTRAFUELS INC (OTCMKTS:NTFU) had a decrease of 82.33% in short interest. NTFU’s SI was 4,100 shares in March as released by FINRA. Its down 82.33% from 23,200 shares previously. The SI to NUTRAFUELS INC’s float is 0.01%. The stock increased 5.39% or $0.0137 during the last trading session, reaching $0.2677. About 42,467 shares traded. NutraFuels, Inc. (OTCMKTS:NTFU) has 0.00% since March 3, 2017 and is . It has underperformed by 16.70% the SP500.
Analysts await Eaton Corporation plc (NYSE:ETN) to report earnings on May, 1. They expect $1.06 EPS, up 10.42% or $0.10 from last year’s $0.96 per share. ETN’s profit will be $467.04 million for 18.80 P/E if the $1.06 EPS becomes a reality. After $1.29 actual EPS reported by Eaton Corporation plc for the previous quarter, Wall Street now forecasts -17.83% negative EPS growth.
Among 31 analysts covering Eaton Corporation (NYSE:ETN), 9 have Buy rating, 3 Sell and 19 Hold. Therefore 29% are positive. Eaton Corporation had 85 analyst reports since July 31, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. The stock of Eaton Corporation plc (NYSE:ETN) earned “Hold” rating by Deutsche Bank on Tuesday, August 25. The stock has “Buy” rating by Stifel Nicolaus on Monday, February 5. The rating was maintained by RBC Capital Markets on Thursday, February 4 with “Sector Perform”. Jefferies maintained it with “Hold” rating and $7500 target in Tuesday, June 6 report. KeyBanc Capital Markets downgraded the stock to “Sector Weight” rating in Friday, September 9 report. The rating was maintained by Jefferies on Thursday, July 13 with “Hold”. The company was maintained on Monday, May 2 by Buckingham Research. RBC Capital Markets maintained the shares of ETN in report on Monday, July 10 with “Hold” rating. The firm has “Hold” rating by Stifel Nicolaus given on Tuesday, January 2. JP Morgan downgraded Eaton Corporation plc (NYSE:ETN) on Friday, February 3 to “Neutral” rating.
South Texas Money Management Ltd increased Vanguard Total Intl Stock (VXUS) stake by 7,699 shares to 86,534 valued at $4.74 million in 2017Q3. It also upped Vanguard Index Trust (VO) stake by 3,772 shares and now owns 15,243 shares. Merck Co. Inc. (NYSE:MRK) was raised too.
Investors sentiment decreased to 1 in Q3 2017. Its down 0.07, from 1.07 in 2017Q2. It fall, as 59 investors sold ETN shares while 280 reduced holdings. 80 funds opened positions while 259 raised stakes. 330.10 million shares or 0.23% less from 330.85 million shares in 2017Q2 were reported. Tompkins has invested 0% of its portfolio in Eaton Corporation plc (NYSE:ETN). Dekabank Deutsche Girozentrale has invested 0.06% in Eaton Corporation plc (NYSE:ETN). Aperio Gp Inc stated it has 0.14% in Eaton Corporation plc (NYSE:ETN). Advisory Services Networks Ltd Liability Corp holds 16,965 shares or 0.15% of its portfolio. Capital Interest Invsts, a California-based fund reported 3.37 million shares. Tru Of Vermont holds 0.39% or 51,378 shares in its portfolio. Advent De holds 0.07% or 50,000 shares in its portfolio. 26,369 were accumulated by Employees Retirement Of Texas. Strategy Asset Managers Ltd Llc owns 21,644 shares for 0.34% of their portfolio. Ser has invested 0.09% of its portfolio in Eaton Corporation plc (NYSE:ETN). Virtus Inv Advisers Incorporated reported 13,149 shares stake. Hanson Doremus Invest Mgmt accumulated 972 shares. Proshare Limited Liability holds 0.03% of its portfolio in Eaton Corporation plc (NYSE:ETN) for 45,702 shares. Mcrae Capital Mngmt holds 128,730 shares. Cibc Bancshares Usa owns 4,000 shares or 0.04% of their US portfolio.
NutraFuels, Inc. manufactures and distributes oral spray nutritional and dietary products to retail and wholesale outlets. The company has market cap of $21.90 million. The companyÂ’s products include sleep spray to support a healthy sleep cycle and improve the quality of restful sleep; energize spray to enhance energy, and restore vigor and vitality; and garcinia cambogia spray, an appetite and weight management spray. It currently has negative earnings. It also offers NRG-X extreme energy spray to enhance energy and stamina; headache and pain spray to relieve headaches and pain; and hair, skin, and nails spray to nourish and encourage hair, skin, and nail growth.
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By Adrian Erickson
Article source: https://www.mmahotstuff.com/2018/03/03/south-texas-money-management-ltd-has-lowered-eaton-plc-etn-stake-shorts-at-nutrafuels-ntfu-lowered-by-82-33.html
December 16, 2017 – By Vivian Park
The stock of NUTRAFUELS (OTCMKTS:NTFU) registered a decrease of 12% in short interest. NTFU’s total short interest was 2,200 shares in December as published by FINRA. Its down 12% from 2,500 shares, reported previously.
The stock decreased 6.12% or $0.02 during the last trading session, reaching $0.23. About 17,158 shares traded. NutraFuels, Inc. (OTCMKTS:NTFU) has 0.00% since December 16, 2016 and is . It has underperformed by 16.70% the SP500.
NutraFuels, Inc. manufactures and distributes oral spray nutritional and dietary products to retail and wholesale outlets. The company has market cap of $18.46 million. The companyÂ’s products include sleep spray to support a healthy sleep cycle and improve the quality of restful sleep; energize spray to enhance energy, and restore vigor and vitality; and garcinia cambogia spray, an appetite and weight management spray. It currently has negative earnings. It also offers NRG-X extreme energy spray to enhance energy and stamina; headache and pain spray to relieve headaches and pain; and hair, skin, and nails spray to nourish and encourage hair, skin, and nail growth.
More notable recent NutraFuels, Inc. (OTCMKTS:NTFU) news were published by: Prnewswire.com which released: “NutraFuels, Inc. (NTFU) Receives Purchase Order from New Customer Journey …” on October 29, 2015, also Marketwired.com with their article: “NutraFuels, Inc. (NTFU) Launches New Ecommerce Site to Sell Hemp Derived …” published on June 07, 2017, Prnewswire.com published: “NutraFuels, Inc. (NTFU) Produces Three Unique and Novel Oral-Sprays Enhanced …” on November 12, 2015. More interesting news about NutraFuels, Inc. (OTCMKTS:NTFU) were released by: Globenewswire.com and their article: “NutraFuels, Inc. (NTFU) Enters High Grade CBD (Cannabidiol) Market” published on July 21, 2015 as well as Marketwired.com‘s news article titled: “NutraFuels, Inc. (NTFU) Appoints Hon. Randy Avon to the Company’s Advisory Board” with publication date: February 02, 2017.
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Article source: https://weeklyregister.com/is-nutrafuels-otcmktsntfus-fuel-running-high-reports-show-less-sellers/
December 16, 2017 – By Vivian Park
The stock of NUTRAFUELS (OTCMKTS:NTFU) registered a decrease of 12% in short interest. NTFU’s total short interest was 2,200 shares in December as published by FINRA. Its down 12% from 2,500 shares, reported previously.
The stock decreased 6.12% or $0.02 during the last trading session, reaching $0.23. About 17,158 shares traded. NutraFuels, Inc. (OTCMKTS:NTFU) has 0.00% since December 16, 2016 and is . It has underperformed by 16.70% the SP500.
NutraFuels, Inc. manufactures and distributes oral spray nutritional and dietary products to retail and wholesale outlets. The company has market cap of $18.46 million. The companyÂ’s products include sleep spray to support a healthy sleep cycle and improve the quality of restful sleep; energize spray to enhance energy, and restore vigor and vitality; and garcinia cambogia spray, an appetite and weight management spray. It currently has negative earnings. It also offers NRG-X extreme energy spray to enhance energy and stamina; headache and pain spray to relieve headaches and pain; and hair, skin, and nails spray to nourish and encourage hair, skin, and nail growth.
More notable recent NutraFuels, Inc. (OTCMKTS:NTFU) news were published by: Prnewswire.com which released: “NutraFuels, Inc. (NTFU) Receives Purchase Order from New Customer Journey …” on October 29, 2015, also Marketwired.com with their article: “NutraFuels, Inc. (NTFU) Launches New Ecommerce Site to Sell Hemp Derived …” published on June 07, 2017, Prnewswire.com published: “NutraFuels, Inc. (NTFU) Produces Three Unique and Novel Oral-Sprays Enhanced …” on November 12, 2015. More interesting news about NutraFuels, Inc. (OTCMKTS:NTFU) were released by: Globenewswire.com and their article: “NutraFuels, Inc. (NTFU) Enters High Grade CBD (Cannabidiol) Market” published on July 21, 2015 as well as Marketwired.com‘s news article titled: “NutraFuels, Inc. (NTFU) Appoints Hon. Randy Avon to the Company’s Advisory Board” with publication date: February 02, 2017.
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Article source: https://weeklyregister.com/is-nutrafuels-otcmktsntfus-fuel-running-high-reports-show-less-sellers/
November 30, 2017 – By Vivian Park
The stock of NUTRAFUELS (OTCMKTS:NTFU) registered a decrease of 12% in short interest. NTFU’s total short interest was 2,200 shares in November as published by FINRA. Its down 12% from 2,500 shares, reported previously.
The stock increased 1.87% or $0.003 during the last trading session, reaching $0.169. About 7,343 shares traded. NutraFuels, Inc. (OTCMKTS:NTFU) has 0.00% since November 30, 2016 and is . It has underperformed by 16.70% the SP500.
NutraFuels, Inc. manufactures and distributes oral spray nutritional and dietary products to retail and wholesale outlets. The company has market cap of $12.43 million. The companyÂ’s products include sleep spray to support a healthy sleep cycle and improve the quality of restful sleep; energize spray to enhance energy, and restore vigor and vitality; and garcinia cambogia spray, an appetite and weight management spray. It currently has negative earnings. It also offers NRG-X extreme energy spray to enhance energy and stamina; headache and pain spray to relieve headaches and pain; and hair, skin, and nails spray to nourish and encourage hair, skin, and nail growth.
More notable recent NutraFuels, Inc. (OTCMKTS:NTFU) news were published by: Marketwired.com which released: “NutraFuels, Inc. (NTFU) Appoints Hon. Randy Avon to the Company’s Advisory Board” on February 02, 2017, also Marketwired.com with their article: “NutraFuels, Inc. (NTFU) Launches New Ecommerce Site to Sell Hemp Derived …” published on June 07, 2017, Globenewswire.com published: “NutraFuels, Inc. (NTFU) Enters High Grade CBD (Cannabidiol) Market” on July 21, 2015. More interesting news about NutraFuels, Inc. (OTCMKTS:NTFU) were released by: Finance.Yahoo.com and their article: “NutraFuels, Inc. (NTFU) Procures Manufacturing Job from BIOS Biochemicals Corp …” published on January 04, 2017 as well as Globenewswire.com‘s news article titled: “NutraFuels, Inc. (NTFU) Receives Initial Purchase Order From My Daily Choice …” with publication date: July 29, 2015.
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Article source: http://bzweekly.com/nutrafuels-otcmktsntfu-shorts-decreased-by-12-after-short-covering/
November 28, 2017 – By Maria Brooks

The stock price of Nutrafuels Inc. Common Stock (OTCMKTS:NTFU) recorded $-0.1 in recent trading, touching $1.36 and getting interest from avid investors. It’s the latest price, but let’s analyze how the stock has been doing recently. In the past year, Nutrafuels Inc. Common Stock’s stock was big mover. According to the short interest report published recently, (NTFU) had 42,300 shorted shares for 0.1 days to cover. The prior short interest was also unknown for a $N/A change. The 52-Week High and Low are noted here. -43.33 % (High), 2,166.67 %, (Low). The stock had 833,600 average volume.
Will Stock Price of Nutrafuels Inc. Common Stock (OTCMKTS:NTFU) Getaway to Their Potential? Register to Our Newsletter Now!
When moving into land of penny stock trading, one must determine whether the risk-reward ratio is favorable. Penny stocks can be tremendously attractive. Hollywood often shows selling or trading stocks being easy and fun, with millions of dollars earned as profits. It’s important to identify that there is considerable risk involved when putting money in penny stocks. The risks list include market volatility, getting stuck with fake shell firms created for the only objective of the ‘pump and dump’. For those who are not aware with the term, pump and dump happens where brokers promote the equity until prices rise, then sell the stock, leaving novice investors to bear the loss.
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It is a common thing to get caught up in the excitement of penny stock email bulletins. Though the circulars are a helpful means to get ideas, wise investors still perform due diligence on interested stocks. Some penny stock circulars show a disclaimer at the bottom that states something like ‘We are not market advisors, we’ve got compensation and we may have this stock in our portfolio.’ Further study must be carried out to find out if a firm actually has businesses or is simply a home office.
Many a times, when a promotional plan is designed, there are big shareholders offloading shares they might have bought long ago, waiting for an opportunity to recoup their investments. It never indicates that these firms termed as ‘fake’ aren’t good options for short-term trading. If you have disposable money that you can put in use to make a quick trade, what a firm does is less significant than recording a win on a trade. In such a scenario, things like stock promotions are advantageous for shareholders as they throw more light on a dark or defunct firm.
Look at a promotion last year of Cynk Technology (CYNK), which surged all the way to $21.95 from low of 6 cents. The firm itself had very little to deliver as far as fundamentals or operations are concerned, and its shares price was purely led by trading activity.
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More notable recent NutraFuels Inc (OTCMKTS:NTFU) news were published by: Prnewswire.com which released: “NutraFuels, Inc. (NTFU) Receives Purchase Order from New Customer Journey …” on October 29, 2015, also Finance.Yahoo.com with their article: “NutraFuels, Inc. (NTFU) Procures Manufacturing Job from BIOS Biochemicals Corp …” published on January 04, 2017, Globenewswire.com published: “NutraFuels, Inc. (NTFU) Receives Initial Purchase Order From My Daily Choice …” on July 29, 2015. More interesting news about NutraFuels Inc (OTCMKTS:NTFU) were released by: Globenewswire.com and their article: “NutraFuels, Inc. (NTFU) Enters High Grade CBD (Cannabidiol) Market” published on July 21, 2015 as well as Marketwired.com‘s news article titled: “NutraFuels, Inc. (NTFU) Appoints Hon. Randy Avon to the Company’s Advisory Board” with publication date: February 02, 2017.
NutraFuels, Inc. manufactures and distributes oral spray nutritional and dietary products. The company has market cap of $13.96 million. The Company’s oral spray products are designed to provide more absorption than capsules or liquid formulas. It currently has negative earnings. The Company’s products include NutraFuels sleep spray; NutraFuels Energy Spray; NutraFuels Garcinia Cambogia Spray; NutraFuels Headache and Pain Spray, and NutraFuels Hair, Skin and Nails Spray.
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Article source: https://finnewsdaily.com/is-nutrafuels-inc-common-stock-ntfu-a-buy-the-stock-is-in-investors-sights/
November 2, 2017 – By Marie Mckinney
The stock of NUTRAFUELS (OTCMKTS:NTFU) registered a decrease of 81.29% in short interest. NTFU’s total short interest was 6,400 shares in November as published by FINRA. Its down 81.29% from 34,200 shares, reported previously. With 40,200 shares average volume, it will take short sellers 0 days to cover their NTFU’s short positions.
The stock decreased 11.76% or $0.02 on November 2, reaching $0.15. About 122,562 shares traded or 16.19% up from the average. NutraFuels Inc (OTCMKTS:NTFU) has 0.00% since November 2, 2016 and is . It has underperformed by 16.70% the SP500.
NutraFuels, Inc. manufactures and distributes oral spray nutritional and dietary products. The company has market cap of $11.01 million. The Company’s oral spray products are designed to provide more absorption than capsules or liquid formulas. It currently has negative earnings. The Company’s products include NutraFuels sleep spray; NutraFuels Energy Spray; NutraFuels Garcinia Cambogia Spray; NutraFuels Headache and Pain Spray, and NutraFuels Hair, Skin and Nails Spray.
More notable recent NutraFuels Inc (OTCMKTS:NTFU) news were published by: Marketwired.com which released: “NutraFuels, Inc. (NTFU) Appoints Hon. Randy Avon to the Company’s Advisory Board” on February 02, 2017, also Marketwired.com with their article: “NutraFuels (NTFU) Opens New Division Precision Analytic Testing, a CBD …” published on October 30, 2017, Marketwired.com published: “NutraFuels, Inc. (NTFU) Launches New Ecommerce Site to Sell Hemp Derived …” on June 07, 2017. More interesting news about NutraFuels Inc (OTCMKTS:NTFU) were released by: Globenewswire.com and their article: “NutraFuels, Inc. (NTFU) Receives Initial Purchase Order From My Daily Choice …” published on July 29, 2015 as well as Marketwired.com‘s news article titled: “NutraFuels, Inc. (NTFU) Launches its Oral Spray Nutraceutical Product Line …” with publication date: January 11, 2017.
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Article source: http://weeklyregister.com/it-seems-nutrafuels-otcmktsntfu-will-go-up-just-reported-less-shorted-shares/
November 2, 2017 – By reb123z
The stock of NUTRAFUELS (OTCMKTS:NTFU) registered a decrease of 81.29% in short interest. NTFU’s total short interest was 6,400 shares in November as published by FINRA. Its down 81.29% from 34,200 shares, reported previously. With 40,200 shares average volume, it will take short sellers 0 days to cover their NTFU’s short positions.
The stock decreased 11.76% or $0.02 on November 2, reaching $0.15. About 122,562 shares traded or 16.19% up from the average. NutraFuels Inc (OTCMKTS:NTFU) has 0.00% since November 2, 2016 and is . It has underperformed by 16.70% the SP500.
NutraFuels, Inc. manufactures and distributes oral spray nutritional and dietary products. The company has market cap of $11.01 million. The Company’s oral spray products are designed to provide more absorption than capsules or liquid formulas. It currently has negative earnings. The Company’s products include NutraFuels sleep spray; NutraFuels Energy Spray; NutraFuels Garcinia Cambogia Spray; NutraFuels Headache and Pain Spray, and NutraFuels Hair, Skin and Nails Spray.
More notable recent NutraFuels Inc (OTCMKTS:NTFU) news were published by: Prnewswire.com which released: “NutraFuels, Inc. (NTFU) Receives Purchase Order from New Customer Journey …” on October 29, 2015, also Marketwired.com with their article: “NutraFuels, Inc. (NTFU) Launches New Ecommerce Site to Sell Hemp Derived …” published on June 07, 2017, Globenewswire.com published: “NutraFuels, Inc. (NTFU) Receives Initial Purchase Order From My Daily Choice …” on July 29, 2015. More interesting news about NutraFuels Inc (OTCMKTS:NTFU) were released by: Globenewswire.com and their article: “NutraFuels, Inc. (NTFU) Enters High Grade CBD (Cannabidiol) Market” published on July 21, 2015 as well as Marketwired.com‘s news article titled: “NutraFuels (NTFU) Opens New Division Precision Analytic Testing, a CBD …” with publication date: October 30, 2017.
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Article source: https://kldaily.com/nutrafuels-otcmktsntfu-has-decline-in-shorts/
October 27, 2017 – By Vivian Currie

The stock price of Nutrafuels Inc. Common Stock (OTCMKTS:NTFU) recorded $-0.1 in recent trading, touching $1.36 and getting interest from avid investors. It’s the latest price, but let’s analyze how the stock has been doing recently. In the past year, Nutrafuels Inc. Common Stock’s stock was big mover. According to the short interest report published recently, (NTFU) had 42,300 shorted shares for 0.1 days to cover. The prior short interest was also unknown for a $N/A change. The 52-Week High and Low are noted here. -43.33 % (High), 2,166.67 %, (Low). The stock had 833,600 average volume.
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When moving into land of penny stock trading, one must determine whether the risk-reward ratio is favorable. Penny stocks can be tremendously attractive. Hollywood often shows selling or trading stocks being easy and fun, with millions of dollars earned as profits. It’s important to identify that there is considerable risk involved when putting money in penny stocks. The risks list include market volatility, getting stuck with fake shell firms created for the only objective of the ‘pump and dump’. For those who are not aware with the term, pump and dump happens where brokers promote the equity until prices rise, then sell the stock, leaving novice investors to bear the loss.
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It is a common thing to get caught up in the excitement of penny stock email bulletins. Though the circulars are a helpful means to get ideas, wise investors still perform due diligence on interested stocks. Some penny stock circulars show a disclaimer at the bottom that states something like ‘We are not market advisors, we’ve got compensation and we may have this stock in our portfolio.’ Further study must be carried out to find out if a firm actually has businesses or is simply a home office.
Many a times, when a promotional plan is designed, there are big shareholders offloading shares they might have bought long ago, waiting for an opportunity to recoup their investments. It never indicates that these firms termed as ‘fake’ aren’t good options for short-term trading. If you have disposable money that you can put in use to make a quick trade, what a firm does is less significant than recording a win on a trade. In such a scenario, things like stock promotions are advantageous for shareholders as they throw more light on a dark or defunct firm.
Look at a promotion last year of Cynk Technology (CYNK), which surged all the way to $21.95 from low of 6 cents. The firm itself had very little to deliver as far as fundamentals or operations are concerned, and its shares price was purely led by trading activity.
Disclaimer: The information contained on this website and from any communication related to this website is for information purposes only. The material on this website does not constitute advice and you should not rely on any material in this website to make (or refrain from making) any decision or take (or refrain from making) any action.
More notable recent NutraFuels Inc (OTCMKTS:NTFU) news were published by: Prnewswire.com which released: “NutraFuels, Inc. (NTFU) Receives Purchase Order from New Customer Journey …” on October 29, 2015, also Globenewswire.com with their article: “NutraFuels, Inc. (NTFU) Receives Initial Purchase Order From My Daily Choice …” published on July 29, 2015, Globenewswire.com published: “NutraFuels, Inc. (NTFU) Enters High Grade CBD (Cannabidiol) Market” on July 21, 2015. More interesting news about NutraFuels Inc (OTCMKTS:NTFU) were released by: Marketwired.com and their article: “NutraFuels, Inc. (NTFU) Appoints Hon. Randy Avon to the Company’s Advisory Board” published on February 02, 2017 as well as Marketwired.com‘s news article titled: “NutraFuels, Inc. (NTFU) Secures Partnership with Breadfruit Tree DBA NFSKIN to …” with publication date: January 03, 2017.
NutraFuels, Inc. manufactures and distributes oral spray nutritional and dietary products. The company has market cap of $10.65 million. The Company’s oral spray products are designed to provide more absorption than capsules or liquid formulas. It currently has negative earnings. The Company’s products include NutraFuels sleep spray; NutraFuels Energy Spray; NutraFuels Garcinia Cambogia Spray; NutraFuels Headache and Pain Spray, and NutraFuels Hair, Skin and Nails Spray.
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Article source: https://weeklyregister.com/is-nutrafuels-inc-common-stock-ntfus-fuel-running-low/