Make LLVM fast again

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The front page of the LLVM website proudly claims that:

Clang is an “LLVM native” C/C++/Objective-C compiler, which aims to deliver amazingly fast compiles […]

I’m not sure whether this has been true in the past, but it certainly isn’t true now. Each LLVM release is a few percent slower than the last. LLVM 10 put some extra effort in this area, and somehow managed to make Rust compilation a whole 10% slower, for as yet unknown reasons.

One might argue that this is expected, as the optimization pipeline is continuously being improved, and more aggressive optimizations have higher compile-time requirements. While that may be true, I don’t think it is a desirable trend: For the most part, optimization is already “good enough”, and additional optimizations have the unfortunate trend to trade large compile-time increases for very minor (and/or very rare) improvements to run-time performance.

The larger problem is that LLVM simply does not track compile-time regressions. While LNT tracks run-time performance over time, the same is not being done for compile-time or memory usage. The end result is that patches introduce unintentional compile-time regressions that go unnoticed, and can no longer be easily identified by the time the next release rolls out.

Tracking LLVM compile-time performance

The first priority then is to make sure that we can identify regressions accurately and in a timely manner. Rust does this by running a set of benchmarks on every merge, with the data available on Additionally, it is possible to run benchmarks against pull requests using the @rust-timer bot. This helps evaluate changes that are intended to improve compile-time performance, or are suspected of having non-trivial compile-time cost.

I have set up a similar service for LLVM, with the results viewable at Probably the most interesting part are the relative instructions and max-rss graphs, which show the percentual change relative to a baseline. I want to briefly describe the setup here.

The measurements are based on CTMark, which is a collection of some larger programs that are part of the LLVM test suite. These were added as part of a previous attempt to track compile-time.

For every tested commit, the programs are compiled in three different configurations: O3, ReleaseThinLTO and ReleaseLTO-g. All of these use -O3 in three different LTO configurations (none, thin and fat), with the last one also enabling debuginfo generation.

Compilation and linking statistics are gathered using perf (most of them), GNU time (max-rss and wall-time) and size (binary size). The following statistics are available:

instructions  (stable and useful)
max-rss       (stable and useful)
task-clock    (way too noisy)
cycles        (noisy)
branches      (stable)
branch-misses (noisy)
wall-time     (way too noisy)
size-total    (completely stable)
size-text     (completely stable)
size-data     (completely stable)
size-bss      (completely stable)

The most useful statistics are instructions, max-rss and size-total/size-text, and these are the only ones I really look at. “instructions” is a stable proxy metric for compile-time. Instructions retired is not a perfect metric, because it discounts issues like cache/memory latency, branch misprediction and ILP, but most of the performance problems affecting LLVM tend to be simpler than that.

The actual time metrics task-clock and wall-time are too noisy to be useful and also undergo “seasonal variation”. This could be mitigated by running benchmarks

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