mongodb 1.6.0alpha2
** Bug
* [PHPC-1331] - Fix typos in ReadPreference::__set_state() errors
* [PHPC-1332] - PHP array API downcasts 64-bit integers to 32-bit values on Windows
* [PHPC-1341] - Remove XFAIL for unacknowledged write concern test
** Epic
* [PHPC-837] - Update PHP driver to test in Evergreen
* [PHPC-1329] - Fix Windows build failures on AppVeyor
** Task
* [PHPC-691] - Test that Server command/query execute methods send read preference to mongos
* [PHPC-857] - Create Evergreen matrix for various test configurations
* [PHPC-858] - Add authentication axis to Evergreen matrix
* [PHPC-859] - Add SSL axis to Evergreen matrix
* [PHPC-860] - Add PHP runtime axis to Evergreen matrix
* [PHPC-861] - Add MongoDB version axis to Evergreen matrix
* [PHPC-862] - Add Evergreen matrix to run against nightly server builds
* [PHPC-863] - Add RHEL 7.1/Power 8 to the operating system axis
* [PHPC-864] - Add storage engines to Evergreen matrix
* [PHPC-1180] - Fix peer certificate verification errors for SSL clusters
* [PHPC-1240] - Remove noprealloc, nssize and smallfiles from MO configurations
* [PHPC-1271] - Add (only) RHEL on zSeries to Evergreen Matrix
* [PHPC-1276] - Create tool chain for PHP binaries
* [PHPC-1299] - Add Ubuntu 16.04/ARM64 to the operating system axis
* [PHPC-1333] - Revert to virtualized Travis CI environments
* [PHPC-1345] - Revise fragile session ID assertions
* [PHPC-1364] - Upgrade libmongoc to 1.14.0
* [PHPC-1370] - Revise test assertion for unknown modifier error message
** Improvement
* [PHPC-1301] - php_phongo_cursor_t.got_iterator should use bool type
* [PHPC-1307] - Exception interface should extend Throwable on PHP 7+
* [PHPC-1373] - WriteResult is inaccessible if executeBulkWrite() encounters socket error
mongodb 1.5.4
** Bug
* [PHPC-1378] - CFLAGS and LDFLAGS can cause truncated platform info in client metadata handshake
* [PHPC-1387] - Consider error document for cursor exceptions
** Improvement
* [PHPC-1359] - Ensure 4.0 drivers return an error when attempting sharded transactions on 4.2
couchbase 2.6.1
* documentation updates
* improved test integration with CouchbaseMock
parallel 1.1.0
- Fix #54 Input::add and Channel::send inconsistency
- Fix #55 parallelrun may schedule in wrong thread
- Anonymous channel support
- Add parallelSync
pcov 1.0.4
- Fix #17 Lines not covered when more tests are run
- Improve perf of clear routine
- Merge upstream cfg updates (switch block change)
- Omit ignored opcodes from internal coverage data completely (doesn't effect users, except less memory used)
runkit7 3.0.0RC1
Runkit7 3.0 finishes changing this extension's name from "runkit" to "runkit7".
This change was made at the request of PECL admins, to comply with naming and packaging standards.
The compiled shared object name has been changed from to (Mac/Linux) and php_runkit.dll to php_runkit7.dll (Windows)
(php.ini files should be changed to reference or extension=php_runkit7.dll)
The configure flag names have been changed from flags such as --enable-runkit / --enable-runkit-modify to --enable-runkit7 / --enable-runkit7-modify
Code using extension_loaded('runkit') should be changed to extension_loaded('runkit7') (as well as uses of ReflectionExtension, etc.)
The ini options runkit.superglobal and runkit.internal_override are unaffected.
Changes in 3.0.0RC1
Update documentation
datadog_trace 0.26.0
### Added
- Initial implementation of flushing spans via background thread #450
runkit7 3.0.0a1
Runkit7 3.0 finishes changing this extension's name from "runkit" to "runkit7".
This change was made at the request of PECL admins, to comply with naming and packaging standards.
The compiled shared object name has been changed from to (Mac/Linux) and php_runkit.dll to php_runkit7.dll (Windows)
(php.ini files should be changed to reference or extension=php_runkit7.dll)
The configure flag names have been changed from flags such as --enable-runkit / --enable-runkit-modify to --enable-runkit7 / --enable-runkit7-modify
Code using extension_loaded('runkit') should be changed to extension_loaded('runkit7') (as well as uses of ReflectionExtension, etc.)
The ini options runkit.superglobal and runkit.internal_override are unaffected.
Other changes:
It is now possible to disable superglobal support (--disable-runkit7-super was fixed)
Classkit compatibility functions/constants have been removed.
There’s been a movement afoot to remove clutter from our lives. Following author Marie Kondo’s question of whether an item “sparks joy”, people are tossing junk left and right. And frankly, we should be doing something similar when it comes to our WordPress websites.
Over time, a site can get gummed up with all sorts of items that are no longer needed. This can degrade performance and result in an unnecessarily large storage footprint. It can also overcomplicate the process of troubleshooting problems.
Of course, there are some differences between cleaning out your attic and your site. With a website, you have to be extra careful in what you remove. Otherwise, you could be left with broken links or worse. Therefore, caution is always recommended.
Today, we’ll point you towards some areas where virtual garbage can begin to pile up. And we’ll also introduce you to a few tools that can help make the cleaning process that much easier.
On a typical WordPress site, you shouldn’t need to look very far to find unnecessary items. This is particularly true for both the plugins and themes areas.
WordPress itself comes with a default theme. And as new default themes are released, they may become a part of your install as well. While these themes are nice enough, if you’re not actively using one of them, what’s the point of keeping them around?
The same goes for plugins. Beyond the default Akismet and Hello Dolly offerings, users have been known to add all sorts of experimental junk here as well. It seems that we love to install all manner of plugins and either: a) play around with them for a bit, then abandon the effort, or; b) install the plugin and never bother to activate it at all.
This goes well beyond just clutter. It can actually be a security risk. For instance, if an unused theme or plugin has a security flaw, a bot (or a human) may be able to sniff it out and exploit it.
Fortunately, this should be the easiest stuff to remove. The main rule of thumb is: If you’re not using it, get rid of it.
Trim Old Content and Revisions
Just about every site has some measurable amount of outdated or unused content. This could include anything from a 10-year-old blog post about how great the iPhone 3GS is, to those items you marked as drafts that were never quite finished. Not to mention the potentially thousands of revisions WordPress saves as you make changes to your content.
Even small sites can suffer from this level of clutter. As these items start to add up, your site’s database can become a bit bloated. And for a large website, this can result in significantly slower performance. As such, it’s worthwhile to do some cleanup.
Remove Drafts
The quickest and easiest thing to do is to review and remove all of the page and post drafts within your site. WordPress makes this easy, as you can use the menu at the top of the page/post listing to filter out everything but drafts. From there, it’s just a matter of deleting those items that you know you’ll never use.
Limit Revisions
Every time you make a change to content and save it, WordPress keeps track of it (plus an ‘Autosave’ as you make edits) in the form of a revision. This comes in handy when you want to restore something to its previous state. However, you may not want to keep an unlimited number of them lying around.
Through a quick addition to your site’s wp-config.php file, you can limit the amount of revisions WordPress will keep for any single content item:
define( 'WP_POST_REVISIONS', 5 );
Determining a number may be difficult, as you never know how far you’ll need to go back in time. However, it is important to place some sort of limitation here, as it’s a huge source of clutter. For most sites, 5-10 revisions should be enough. In the snippet above, we’ve decided to keep 5 revisions.
Use a Tool
As usual, there are a number of WordPress Plugins available to help make for a smoother process. Depending on your specific needs, WP-Optimize, WP-Sweep and Optimize Database after Deleting Revisions are all popular and highly-recommended choices.
Each one covers similar territory, cleaning up old revisions, comments and other database-bloating junk. Some offer automatic cleanup, adding an extra layer of convenience. Check them out and see which one is the best fit for your situation.
Look for Homeless Media Files
Another potentially messy situation can arise when you have unused media files hanging around. Images are perhaps the worst perpetrators, as uploading a single one outputs several thumbnail versions. Plus, many plugins (such as photo galleries and sliders) churn out their own specific thumbnail sizes. Things can go from merely messy to a full-blown hoard in a short amount of time.
Having multiple versions of an image isn’t necessarily bad – as long as you’re still using them. But there may be a number of images, pdfs and other media files that aren’t being used at all. These “homeless” files take up storage space and can slow down processes such as Media Library searches.
While you can certainly go through your /wp-content/uploads/ folder with a fine-toothed comb, it can be near impossible to weed out each and every unused file. It’s also a process that’s ripe for mistakes. That’s where a plugin such as Media Cleaner can be of great help.
It will scan your uploads and look for files that aren’t associated with a WordPress post, photo gallery, etc. There’s also a separate “Trash” bin that allows you to double-check to make sure a file is safe to delete before taking action.
Tidy Your Dashboard
The WordPress Dashboard can become quite unwieldy. The more items you install, the more menu entries, widgets and notifications start to appear. Not only does this make the items you need harder to find, it also distracts from getting actual work done.
We won’t spend a lot of time on this particular area of clutter, but suffice it say that uninstalling unnecessary themes and plugins can do wonders here as well. Beyond that, you can make use of the “Screen Options” tab at the top of each page within the back end. This will enable you to turn off some extras that you don’t want to see.
And again, there are plugins that will help you clean up the menu system. One such option is Admin Menu Editor. It helps you hide menu items you don’t need – or even stash them away based on a user’s role. In short, you can bring some visual Zen to one of the messiest parts of WordPress.
Keep It Clean
Virtually every WordPress website can benefit from some routine house cleaning. And, unlike that pile waiting for you in the kid’s room, this type of cleanup doesn’t require a whole lot of effort. With the help of some handy tools, much of what needs to be done can be automated.
Still, it’s worth noting that you shouldn’t delete anything from your site without understanding the consequences. That’s why it’s always recommended to keep fresh backups around – just in case.
Once you’re prepared to move forward, you can toss out the bloat and experience the, well, joy that comes from a squeaky-clean website.
This month saw the 16th anniversary since the launch of the first release of WordPress. A significant milestone to be sure and one that speaks to the strength and stability of the project as a whole. In this anniversary month, we saw a new major release of WordPress, some exciting new development work, and a significant global event.
Release of WordPress 5.2
WordPress 5.2 “Jaco” was released on May 7 shipping some useful site management tools, such as the Site Health Check and PHP Error Protection, as well as a number of accessibility, privacy, and developer updates. You can read the field guide for this release for more detailed information about what was included and how it all works.
327 individual volunteers contributed to the release. If you would like to be a part of that number for future releases, follow the Core team blog and join the #core channel in the Making WordPress Slack group.
A Successful WordPress Translation Day 4
WordPress Translation Day is a 24-hour event organised by the Polyglots team where community members from all over the world come together to translate WordPress into their local languages. For the fourth edition held on 11 May, 183 brand new contributors joined the Polyglots team from 77 communities across 35 countries in Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, South America, and Oceania.
While the WP Translation Day is a great time for focussed contributions to localizing WordPress, but these contributions can happen at any time of the year, so if you would like to help make WordPress available in your local language, follow the Polyglots team blog and join the #polyglots channel in the Making WordPress Slack group.
Updated Plugin Guidelines Proposal
The Plugins team has proposed some updates to the guidelines for developers on the Plugin Directory. The majority of the proposed changes are intended to address significant issues faced by developers who do not speak English as a first language, making the Plugin DIrectory a more accessible and beneficial place for everyone.
The proposal will be open for comments until late June, so the community is encouraged to get involved with commenting on them and the direction they will take the Plugin Directory. If you would like to be involved in this discussion, comment on the proposal and join the #plugin review team in the Making WordPress Slack group.
Continued Gutenberg Development
Since the block editor was first released as part of WordPress Core in v5.0, development has continued in leaps and bounds with a new release every two weeks. The latest update includes some great incremental improvements that will be merged into the 5.2.2 release of WordPress along with the other recent enhancements.
In addition to the editor enhancements, work has been ongoing in the Gutenberg project to bring the block editing experience to the rest of the WordPress dashboard. This second phase of the project has been going well and the latest update shows how much work has been done so far.
In addition to that, the Block Library project that aims to bring a searchable library of available blocks right into the editor is deep in the planning phase with a recent update showing what direction the team is taking things.
If you would like to get involved in planning and development of Gutenberg and the block editor, follow the Core and Design team blogs and join the #core, #design, and #core-editor channels in the Making WordPress Slack group.
Another free office suite, comprising a word processor, a spreadsheet program and a presentation program, has been added to the
Free Word Processors and Office Suites
page. This one handles modern Microsoft Office formats out-of-the-box as well as PDF files. The word processor
can also create EPUB files (used in ebooks).
“protein powder isolated on whiteYou can find all the images below in the same lightbox, I dare you to take a pick:”
A case report from India has connected products from Herbalife to acute liver failure. The findings follow similar reports from other countries, including Israel, Spain, Switzerland, Iceland, Argentina and the United States. The study, published in the March-April issue of the Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hepatology, also points out the dangers associated with herbal and dietary supplements (HDSs), many of which promise results with no factual basis.
The case report highlights a 24-year-old woman with hypothyroidism who was otherwise healthy but taking thyroxine supplementation. She initiated three Herbalife products: Formula 1 Shake Mix (two scoops/day with skim milk), Personalized Protein Powder (two tablespoons twice/day into the Shake Mix), and Afresh Energy Drink (10 g twice/day).
Two months after starting these supplements, the patient had a week of lost appetite and then followed by jaundice and transient pruritus.
“Initial blood work revealed that total serum bilirubin level was12.4 (upper limit of normal [ULN] 1.1 mg/dL); direct bilirubin, 9.9 (ULN 0.2 mg/dL); aspartate aminotransferase,582 (ULN 36 U/L); alanine aminotransferase, 648 (ULN45 U/L); alkaline phosphatase, 248 (ULN 120 U/L);gamma-glutamyl transferase level, 398 (ULN 35 U/L); albumin, 3 (ULN 5.5 g/dL) and international normalised ratio,4.7 (normal 1.2),” the report details. When the patient’s jaundice worsened, she went to the emergency department. Blood tests were performed for conditions including hepatitis and HIV.
“A transjugular liver biopsy showed extensive periportal and perivenular bridging necrosis with moderate-to-severe mixed inflammatory infiltration, interface hepatitis, cholangitis, severe ballooning, steatosis and intracanalicular cholestasis,” according to the report. The patient was referred to a transplant center and placed on a waiting list but soon died.
An Assessment of Herbalife
The doctors considered the possibility that Herbalife had contributed to the patient’s liver injury but were unsuccessful in obtaining products from the patient’s grieving family, but they obtained one product from the same seller the patient purchased her products from—it was also discovered that this distributor was operating without a license and was eventually shut down by the Department of Health and Human Services, Government of Kerala. Other Herbalife products were purchased online.
Upon analysis, all of the sourced Herbalife products contained high levels of heavy metals, and 75% of the samples contained undisclosed toxic compounds, while 63% of the samples contained bacterial deoxyribonucleic acid. Upon RNA analysis, multiple bacterial communities were discovered in Herbalife products—“including highly pathogenic species.”
Health Supplements Likely Do More Harm than Good
The researchers pointed out that many products advertised as nutritional supplements based in wellness not only have no health benefits but could in fact be harmful. Often, these products boast potential outcomes with no clinical evidence to support the company’s claims.
“As with any drug, it is important to put HDSs through preclinical and clinical scientific studies and postmarketing vigilance so that unknown and potentially harmful causes for severe adverse effects, such as liver failure due to the use of such agents, may be more identifiable and controlled,” the researchers wrote.
Market Study Report, LLC, has added an exhaustive research study of the ‘ Marine Flooring and Deck Covering market’, detailing every single market driver and intricately analyzing the business vertical. This ‘ Marine Flooring and Deck Covering market’ study will aid in seeking out new business opportunities and fine-tuning existing marketing strategies through insights regarding SWOT analysis, market valuation, competitive spectrum, regional share, and revenue predictions.
The Marine Flooring and Deck Covering market research report encompasses a brief segmentation of this industry along with a generic overview. The report has been effectively put together with a slew of forces that are known to influence the revenue scale of this business space, some of which fall along the likes of the market environment, the most recent trends, as well as the government policy. Not to mention, the Marine Flooring and Deck Covering market report is also inclusive of substantial information with respect to the geographical and competitive spectrums of this business space.
Regionally speaking, the Marine Flooring and Deck Covering market research report retains focus on explaining the growth prospects of this industry vertical across numerous regions spanning the globe. An in-depth analysis of the numerous competitive trends has been provided as well, that will enable shareholders to tap the best information available, and undertake vital decisions.
A detailed run-through of the regional landscapes of the Marine Flooring and Deck Covering market:
The study elaborates extensively on the geographical scope of the Marine Flooring and Deck Covering market, that is known to cover places such as United States, China, Europe, Japan, Southeast Asia India.
The market share which is held by each region, as well as the growth prospects of the geography, alongside the growth rate that each zone is projected to record over the forecast duration have been listed out in the Marine Flooring and Deck Covering market report.
How has the industry been split with regards to the product and application spectrums
The report is inclusive of a basic overview of the Marine Flooring and Deck Covering market in terms of the product and application landscapes.
As per the report, the product landscape is classified into the types such as By Material, TBS, Wood, PVC, Other Synthetic Materials, Epoxy Resins, Other, By Position, Internal Deck Covering and External Deck Covering.
The report presents details about the remuneration accounted for by each product, and also discusses regarding the price models and the production volume.
Considering the application spectrum, it is categorized into the types Military Ships and Civilian Commercial Ships by the report.
The study delivers substantial information regarding the application segment, also focusing on the product consumption pertaining to each application sector.
The valuation procured by each application segment, alongside the consumption market share, has been effectively provided in the study.
Another parameter that has been discussed in the report is the consumption growth rate of every application.
The competitive spectrum of the Marine Flooring and Deck Covering market has been dealt with firmly in the report. The vast expanse of this information is certain to help potential stakeholders and plausible new entrants gain an insight about the Marine Flooring and Deck Covering market and the various challenges it presents. The details about the competitive landscape presented in the report may also provide an evaluation of the prominent market vendors, their growth profiles, growth strategies, etc., helping stakeholders in quicker decision-making.
The report claims the Marine Flooring and Deck Covering market to be segmented into Saint Gobin, Weber Marine, Flexiteek International, Sika AB, Dex-o-tex Marine, Tiflex Group, Forbo Flooring Systems, Bergo Flooring, Better Life Technology and BSW Berleburger Schaumstoffwerk GmbH with respect to the competitive spectrum. Also, elaborate details about all these companies, inclusive of the market share that each company accounts for in the industry as well as the production capacity, have been enlisted in the report.
Some other pivotal parameters presented in the report include a short overview of the firm – such as a basic outline, product description, current valuation, etc.
Development Trend of Analysis of Marine Flooring and Deck Covering Market
Global Marine Flooring and Deck Covering Market Trend Analysis
Global Marine Flooring and Deck Covering Market Size (Volume and Value) Forecast 2019-2025
Marketing Channel
Direct Marketing
Indirect Marketing
Marine Flooring and Deck Covering Customers
Market Dynamics
Market Trends
Market Drivers
Influence Factors
Methodology/Research Approach
Research Programs/Design
Market Size Estimation
Market Breakdown and Data Triangulation
Data Source
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The Continuous Integration pipeline builds your code automatically, and runs a large number of checks. When those checks fail, the build of the application is cancelled, and the development team have a change to square everything again.ÂÂ