7 Color Palette Generators that Will Make Your Brand Pop

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As of January 2019, there were over 1 billion websites in the world (and counting!). In this veritable landslide of code, what can you do to make your website stand out at the end of the day?

The answer is so basic that it’s often overlooked. A website’s color palette often makes all the difference in the amount of attention it gets.

Why Color?

There are many reasons – both aesthetic and scientific – that play into why you should carefully select your website’s color palette.

For one, your color palette is an expression of your brand or business’s personality. The aim is to find something that jives with your brand and showcases how unique your brand really is.

When it comes to science, know that one study found that 92.6% percent of shoppers claim that color is the primary factor influencing their purchasing decisions. In another study performed by the University of Loyola, Maryland, it was discovered that brand recognition is boosted by 80 percent when the right colors are used.

How to Find the Right Color Combination

Creating a color scheme that fits your brand is no easy feat. In fact, color theorists use multiple rules and guidelines to help them assemble sets of colors.

Luckily, you don’t have to. There are two types of tools you can find online that allow you to create color palettes:

  1. Color Palette Galleries: In these, either humans or algorithms compile beautifully matched color schemes. This is the best choice for you if don’t understand color theory.
  2. Color Palette Generators: You can use these to design your color palette manually. To use color palette generators, start by choosing a color palettes you like. From there, adjust the combinations, hues, contrast and lightness. Some tools, like COLOURlovers, allow you to look at galleries and use a generator.

Read on for reviews of our top color palette generators to help you create a site that with a color palette that shines.

1. COLOURlovers


COLOURlovers proclaims itself an international creative community. In fact, it is 8 million users strong.

You could spend hours on this website, it’s that comprehensive. And at first, you might even find COLOURlover’s interface a bit overwhelming. Though it’s definitely not the simplest of the color palette generators on this list, with so much going for it, it’s worth taking the time to peruse all COLOURlovers has to offer.

coulourlovers palettes

On COLOURlovers, you can browse color palettes contributed by millions of users (along with commercially-generated color palettes), shapes, patterns, or the latest trends. If you’d like to brush up on your color theory, you can read articles on the psychology of color in relation to products or troubleshoot your color quandaries on the forums.

As we alluded to in our introduction, COLOURlovers is a tool where you not only can you view palettes, but you can also create palettes of your own.

2. Coolors


Coolors is one of the easiest color palette generators to use. All you have to do is hit your spacebar to generate a new 5-color palette (and click on colors to lock them in). This tool also allows you to view alternative shades of all of the colors of your palette at the same time and adjust hue saturation and brightness.

coolors color palette generator

This color palette generator also lets you create a profile and keep your palettes filed under names and tags for easy retrieval.

On the technical side of things, Coolors allows you to export or save color palettes as SVG, PNG, SVG, SCSS or COPIC. You can download Coolors as an iOS app, Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator plugin, and a Chrome extension.

3. BrandColors


BrandColors is as straightforward as it sounds. The site is a resource for color palettes of well-known brand names. The originator says the site was born because he needed a handy reference for himself (which started out with 30 colors).

Now, the site includes brand name colors for Delta Airlines, DHL, eBay, and Ferrari, to name a few.

brandcolors color palettes

The list of brand name colors on this site is quite comprehensive (and organized alphabetically), but if you feel there’s something missing, you can still make a suggestion for the site’s creator to add a brand.

BrandColors also enables you to Share the URL to your color palette or download it in ASE (Adobe), CSS, Sass, LESS, or Stylus.

4. Colr


As you can see from the screenshot below, Colr breaks your image down into tiny, colorful boxes. Click on a box to view the color, or choose to view the scheme as a whole.

colr pixel color palette generators - example

The most unique aspect of this tool is that it allows for some extra flexibility, as you can ask the tool to fetch a random Flickr image or upload your own.

Colr also gives you access to a few other tools, like a search engine that generates the color schemes used on websites, and the opportunity to view the latest schemes created by other users.

5. Palettable


Palettable reminds us of a dating app – only the choice is much simpler. Instead of looking for the love of your life, you’re just flipping through colors.

To start off, the site presents you with your first color. It will choose your next color based on whether you Like or Dislike the color before it.

palettable color palette generators

You can have a maximum of five colors in your palette at once. Otherwise, you can opt to trash a color, or adjust the hue.

This color palette generator is for those who are looking for simple fun. The fact that the color combos are based on the input of thousands of designers doesn’t hurt either.

6. Palette Cam

palette cam

This app has a 4.7/5 start rating in the App Store, and it’s free!

If you like the colors you see in the world around you, this could be the color palette generator for you. All you do is snap a photo and use the app to display the color palette of your photo.

palette cam color palette generators - examples

Plus you can easily access the RGB and hex codes to use in any upcoming projects.

7. Material Design Palette

material design palette

The Material Design Palette tool is also super simple to use. All you need to do is select two colors from the tiles and your work is done!

material design color palette generators

The color palette generator automatically comes up with a four-color palette that you can download or Tweet.


And there you have it! Some of the coolest color palette generators around that are designed to help you put together the perfect color scheme for your website.

If you’ve been inspired by these color palette generators, but are still on the fence about which color scheme to use, try looking at other factors to help aid your decision.

For example, different colors attract different types of people and inspire specific moods. For instance, the color red provokes energy and may spur customers to give in to impulse shopping. On the other hand, blue instills a sense of trust and security. Take a look around to see that this is true. Banks often use blue color schemes, and retail stores often use red color schemes. You can have the same effect over your site visitors depending on what actions you want them to take.

And if you’re thinking about launching a new website and need a little inspiration, be sure to check out our roundups of stunning Squarespace sites and real-life Wix examples to get you started in the right direction.

Lastly, don’t forget to enjoy selecting your splashes of color. After all, playing with color is supposed to be fun.

The post 7 Color Palette Generators that Will Make Your Brand Pop appeared first on WebresourcesDepot.

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