Prettier in TextMate
Prettier is a code formatter, great for following consistent coding conventions with 0 effort. Here's how to add it to TextMate, my text editor of choice.
Install Prettier
Globally, so you take advantage of it in any old directory.
npm install --global prettier
This is the one I use, I stole it from React and simplified:
'use strict'; module.exports = { bracketSpacing: false, singleQuote: true, jsxBracketSameLine: true, printWidth: 80, trailingComma: 'all', };
Save this somewhere in your path, e.g. your home directory:
Go to menu "Bundles", then "Edit Bundles", then "CSS", then "Menu Actions".
(Doesn't have to be CSS, Prettier formats a lot of things. I just happen to be working on a CSS file)
Then menu "File", then "New", then "Command" from the dropdown.
Then fill out the stuff as you see on the screenshot:
I choose CTRL+Q shortcut as it already exists as "Format CSS" command, which I'm essentially replacing.
The code you need is:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby18 require ENV['TM_SUPPORT_PATH'] + '/lib/textmate' error = `prettier --write "$TM_FILEPATH"` puts error
And this is it - save, and start using!
Open an ugly file:
Press CTRL+Q (or your selected shortcut) and then all is pretty:
Oooor, open a file with an error:
... and see the error, without the need to test in the browser and pull hair:
So pretty! And don't forget, Prettier formats JS, JSON and what not. When in doubt, just try it!
Ah, and don't forget Stylelint in your TextMate too.