Monthly Archiv: December, 2018

Laravel News: Building a Laravel Translation Package – Pre-launch Checklist

The Laravel News site has posted the latest part of their "Building a Laravel Translation Package" series focusing on a pre-launch checklist of items to get in place before it's finally released.

In the last part of the series, we finished up building the Laravel Translation package. With this completed, we are ready to start thinking about releasing the it to the world. However, before we do, there are few important steps we need to take.

The post covers some of the final non-code items to take care of:

  • Good documentation
  • Defining contribution guidelines
  • Providing issue templates for easier reporting of bugs/issues by others
  • Selecting a license
  • Setting up continuous integration for running tests, checking code style, etc.

Each item in the list includes a brief summary of what's involved and, for some, links to other resources and tools that can help get it accomplished.

Eduards Sizvos: Stop Learning Frameworks

In a recent post to his site Eduards Sizvos shares an opinion that's believed by many in the development world: stop learning frameworks.

We are developers. We need to stay up to date with technology. Every day, we learn programming languages, frameworks, and libraries. The more modern tools we know?—?the better.

Keeping up to date with Angular, React, Vue, Riot, Ember, Knockout is fun.

But we are wasting our time.

He goes on to talk about time, how important it is to spend on the right things and offers a story of his own where learning specific technologies didn't help in the long run. He then shares some resources (books) to help you learn good concepts instead of specific tools.

Remember – frameworks, libraries and tools come and go. Time is precious. Invest your golden time in transferable skills. Skills that will always be relevant.

Derick Rethans: The Mystery of the Missing Breakpoints

Derick Rethans has shared a post on his site with an experience he had with a mystery of missing breakpoints and some issues he commonly is asked about regarding Xdebug's breakpoint functionality.

Occasionally I see people mentioned that Xdebug does not stop at certain breakpoints. This tends to relate to multi-line if conditions, or if/else conditions without braces ({ and }).

f you set a breakpoint at either line 7, 11, or 12, you'll find that these are ignored. But why is that?

To help explain, he uses the vld tool to show the opcode behind the language's processing. In its results you can see that a EXT_STMT code is missing for the lines where the breakpoints were set. Xdebug doesn't see the marker it's expecting so the breakpoint isn't recognized and execution isn't halted as expected. He offers some suggestions you can use of other tools and functions to make sure the location you've selected can actually accommodate a breakpoint.

Tomas Votruba: Introducing Symfony Flex Loader

In a post to his site Tomas Votruba introduces something that can be helpful for those working with Symfony 4 and Flex to make the "zero-setup configuration" easier to work with: effective use of the Symfony Flex Loader.

Symfony 4 and Flex is heading in direction of zero-setup configuration - no bundles, no extensions, no configuration. You already know how to get rid of Configuration. Flex now loads services instead of Extension class.

But it has an extra price, a lot of new boilerplate code in Kernel. Today you'll learn how to keep your Kernel Flex-ready and clean at the same time.

He starts with an example kernel that loads an extra directory (defined by a "custom path"). He shows how to refactor these examples to "make them small again" making use of the Flex loader package that reduces the number of lines required to accomplish the same end result.

Site News: Popular Posts for This Week (12.21.2018)

Popular posts from for the past week:

Simple Active Record (New)

Simple Active Record
Store and fetch data with Active Records pattern
Databases, Design Patterns, PHP 5
Lars Moelleken
This package can store and fetch data with Active Records pattern...


Simple Active Record

Simple Active Record
Store and fetch data with Active Records pattern
Databases, Design Patterns, PHP 5
Lars Moelleken
This package can store and fetch data with Active Records pattern...


Security Vulnerability Announcement: Archive_Tar

A vulnerability in the Archive_Tar package has been found which potentially allows remote code execution.

A new release of the package is available which fixes this issue. One is strongly encouraged to upgrade to it by using:

$ pear upgrade Archive_Tar-1.4.4

Thanks to Fariskhi Vidyan who reported this issue.

Site News: Blast from the Past – One Year Ago in PHP (12.20.2018)

Here's what was popular in the PHP community one year ago today:

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