Monthly Archiv: October, 2018
Also you may remember the story from a couple of weeks ago where I mentioned that Kentucky Fried Chicken is going to be dropping trans fats from their cooking process
So again, how do we avoid trans fats? I have looked around and found the following recommendations:
Basically, trans fat is made when manufacturers add hydrogen to vegetable oil–a process called hydrogenation. Hydrogenation increases the shelf life and flavor stability of foods containing these fats.
Trans fat can be found in vegetable shortenings, some margarines, crackers, cookies, snack foods, and other foods made with or fried in partially hydrogenated oils. Unlike other fats, the majority of trans fat is formed when food manufacturers turn liquid oils into solid fats like shortening and hard margarine. A small amount of trans fat is found naturally, primarily in some animal-based foods.
Trans fat, like saturated fat and dietary cholesterol, raises the LDL cholesterol that increases your risk for CHD. Americans consume on average 4 to 5 times as much saturated fat as trans fat in their diets.
Although saturated fat is the main dietary culprit that raises LDL, trans fat and dietary cholesterol also contribute significantly.
Check the Nutrition Facts panel to compare foods because the serving sizes are generally consistent in similar types of foods
foods lower in saturated fat, trans fat, and cholesterol. For saturated fat and cholesterol, keep in mind that 5 percent of the Daily Value (%DV) or less is low and 20 percent or more is high. (There is no %DV for trans fat.)
Replace saturated and trans fats in your diet with monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. These fats do not raise LDL cholesterol levels and have health benefits when eaten in moderation. Sources of monounsaturated fats include olive and canola oils.Sources of polyunsaturated fats include soybean oil, corn oil, sunflower oil and foods like nuts.
Choose vegetable oils (except coconut and palm kernel oils) and soft margarines (liquid, tub, or spray) more often because the combined amount of saturated fat and trans fat is lower than the amount in solid shortenings, hard margarines, and animal fats, including butter.
Consider fish. Most fish are lower in saturated fat than meat. Some fish, such as mackerel, sardines, and salmon, contain omega-3 fatty acids, which are being studied to determine if they offer protection against heart disease.
Choose lean meats, such as poultry without the skin and not fried and lean beef and pork, not fried, with visible fat trimmed.
Ask before you order when eating out. A good tip to remember is to ask which fats are being used in the preparation of your food when eating or ordering out.
Limit foods high in cholesterol such as liver and other organ meats, egg yolks, and full-fat dairy products, like whole milk.
Choose foods low in saturated fat such as fat free or 1% dairy products, lean meats, fish, skinless poultry, whole grain foods, and fruits and vegetables.
I have covered trans fats before in the following articles:
Fats in your diet
Low fat eating does not always reduce health risks
Seven foods never to eat
12 tips for healthier eating
Food labeling lies
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One of the problems that I have every weekend is my eating. I tend to eat pretty well during the week and can tweak that if I want but on weekends I tend to eat pretty badly and inconsistently. Why do you think that is? Well the reason is a daily meal plan.
All major diets have a meal plan where they say to succeed you must eat this food at this time and eat this food at that time. No one questions this they just eat what they should.
I have my eating plan during the week right down to the individual food and time starting with a big glass of water in the morning and finishing with a snack at 8:00 in the evening while watching TV. On the weekend days I do not have any schedule, I get up when the kids wake me. I get dragged off the computer when the kids want breakfast and I hunt, just like any other guy, for snacks and cookies. If I ever want to make big changes to my caloric intake it would just be a matter of having a fixed schedule on the weekends until those new habits stuck.
If you are having some problems now with your eating look at your eating schedule for the weekdays. Is it good? Is there something that you would like to change? Do you go out for lunch too often? Once you have those five days sorted out you can work on the bigger battle which I believe for most people is the weekend schedule and eating
Validate request values according to given rules
This package can validate request values according to given rules...
Find the geographical location by remote IP Number
This class is a wrapper for the ipAPI geolocation service provided by apiLayer...
I am blessed to have two crazy kids, well mostly blessed. My wife, Michelle, works on the weekends and I end up looking after the kids. When I first started looking after the little ones on the weekends I would make myself a big breakfast and then a smaller one for each of the kids. Did not work so well.
Kids tend to eat at their own pace and I was for a couple of weeks having these huge breakfasts of six eggs and four pieces of toast and even a couple of bowls of cereal. I learned fairly quickly to not cook breakfast for myself and just live off the remains of the kids.
Where does the human garbage can come from? Kids seem to have their own internal hanger clock, mine will snack a lot and eat small meals so as soon as I adjusted to that I was much better off. Before I adjusted to the kids weekend eating schedule I would eat whatever I prepared for them that they did not eat. Now I make decent sized meals (except breakfast) and whenever they are looking for a snack I just grab something out of the fridge for them to eat.
Parents are bad for being a human garbage can, constantly eating that little bit of food that the kids did not want, eating everything that is left and eating the leftovers in the fridge before they have gone bad. I have found that one of the best methods of feeding the kids is to make generic meals that they can eat over and over again although I always make sure to microwave to reheat only once….well I started doing that when my wife told me it was bad to reheat reheated food.
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When do you workout? Let’s pretend that the time that you workout is irrelevent because I really do believe that it is. There are a few times that you can workout, morning, lunch, evening, and weekends. The real decision is based around your schedule and the stresses of the day. One thing is important though and that is that you should make sure that hte time that you workout is consistent so that it fits in as a part of your day instead of you just rying to fit it in.
Exercise in the morning. If you are going to workout in the morning you have one problem to deal with and that is tiredness, some people just are not morning people. This is a plan to try out and see how well it works though because you probably will not have any distractions and you really can get the workout in without something getting in the way, unless of course the alarm clock fails you.
Exercise at lunch. I used to have a gym in the building that I worked in and this was a really great way to get my workout in. I would go downstairs to the gym abd play squash or do cardio or get in a workout. Working out at work also allowed me to have built in workout partners from the office. This of course is only an option if you work bearby a gym but I like this option best.
Exercise in the evening. Evening workouts are the most popular I believe. There is this idea that you have dinner, sit around for an hour and then go to the gym. This is my least favorite workout time but for many people it is the best time. The real problem with evening workouts is that they take the place of your social life so it is very easy to socialize at the gym instead and also there are a lot of things that can go wrong with the day that will either cause you to miss your workout or have your workout suffer because of the day.
Exercise on weekends. I hope that you realize that you need 5 or 6 workouts a week but one of the nice things that you can do on the weekend is have extended workouts and exercise that have nothing to do with your regular schedule. In the summer you can do outdoor hiking or long runs or bike rides and in the Winter you can do indoor rock climbing, skiing or snowboarding.
As you can see when to exercise really does come down to what is most conveninet to you. If things are working out well right now then this is not important. If you are not consistent with your exercise then you should look at some other options so that you can get that consistentsy into your exercise and not have to try to just “fit it in”.
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Today being Halloween and with two little kids I thought I would just drop a bunch of links to health news for you to check out at your leisure.
A new sex study was released which found nothing new as far as I see although others may believe that it is more interesting than I think (I have no idea why I don’t write more about sex issues on this blog…should I?)
Here in Canada Kentucky Fried Chicken has announced that it will be cutting trans fats from their chicken. To bad that they are two years too late and that the yummy chicken is really more poison to your arteries than food.
A new strain of H5N1 otherwise known as bird flu has been found in china. Flu season is just about to get started so I guess we will see more of these kinds of stories and the whole health industry is holding it’s breath for bird flu to become a pandemic with so few people in the third world being protected against it.
And finally. I am a sucker for reading about the craziest diets and the Diet Blog today has an article about the OXO diet. You know what OXO is it is those little salty spice cubes for making soup. apparently one man found that they were a good meal replacement and he has lost with them. Of course this will work and is a very cheap meal replacement, but remember there are no nutrients in an OXO cube either
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Manage content that works without a database
This package implements a platform to manage content that works without a database...
Generate combinations from a set of string values
This class can generate combinations from a set of string values...
WordPress 5.0 Beta 1 is now available!
This software is still in development, so we don’t recommend you run it on a production site. Consider setting up a test site to play with the new version, and if you are using an existing test site be sure to update the Gutenberg plugin to v4.1.
There are two ways to test the WordPress 5.0 beta: try the WordPress Beta Tester plugin (you’ll want “bleeding edge nightlies”), or you can download the beta here (zip).
WordPress 5.0 is slated for release on November 19, and we need your help to get there. Here are some of the big items to test so we can find as many bugs as possible in the coming weeks.
The Block Editor
The new Gutenberg block editor is now the default post editor!
The block editor provides a modern, media-rich editing experience. You can create flexible, beautiful content without writing a single line of code, or you can dive into the modern programming APIs that the block editor provides.
Even before you install WordPress 5.0, you can try the block editor here.
Of course, we recognise you might not be ready for this change quite yet. If that’s the case, you can install the Classic Editor plugin now, which will keep the editor you’re familiar with as the default, even after you upgrade to WordPress 5.0.
Twenty Nineteen
Along with the new block editor, we have a new default theme, called Twenty Nineteen, which takes advantage of the new features the block editor provides.
You can read more about Twenty Nineteen in its introduction post, and follow along with development over on the GitHub repository.
Default Themes
Of course, we couldn’t release a beautiful new default theme, and leave all of our old ones behind. All the way back to Twenty Ten, we’ve updated every default them to look good in the new block editor.
How to Help
Do you speak a language other than English? Help us translate WordPress into more than 100 languages! A known issue: the block autocompleter fails for blocks whose names contain characters in non-Latin scripts. Adding blocks via the plus sign works, and this bug is fixed in the Gutenberg 4.1 plugin. 
If you think you’ve found a bug, you can post to the Alpha/Beta area in the support forums. We’d love to hear from you! If you’re comfortable writing a reproducible bug report, file one on WordPress Trac, where you can also find a list of known bugs.
Minor bug fixes
Add up one by one by one
Then you change the world
Bob Ritchie says
November 25, 2009 at 4:11 am
Does Wendy’s Fast Food require long sleeve protective clothing while cooking? If not why not?