Monthly Archiv: October, 2018
WordPress 5.0 Beta 2 is now available!
This software is still in development, so we don’t recommend you run it on a production site. Consider setting up a test site to play with the new version.
There are two ways to test the WordPress 5.0 Beta: try the WordPress Beta Tester plugin (you’ll want “bleeding edge nightlies”), or you can download the beta here (zip).
WordPress 5.0 is slated for release on November 19, and we need your help to get there. Here are some of the big issues that we fixed since Beta 1:
Block Editor
We’ve updated to the latest version of the block editor from the Gutenberg plugin, which includes the new Format API, embedding improvements, and a variety of bug fixes.
Meta boxes had a few bugs, and they weren’t showing at all in the block editor, so we’ve fixed and polished there.
We’ve added support for registering and loading JavaScript translation files.
Twenty Nineteen
The Twenty Nineteen repository is a hive of activity, there have been a stack of minor bugs clean up, and some notable additions:
- There’s now a widget area in the page footer.
- Navigation submenus have been implemented for mobile devices.
- Customiser options have been added for changing the theme colours and feature image filters.
Everything Else
The REST API has a couple of bug fixes and performance improvements. PHP 7.3 compatibility has been improved.
We’re fixing the bugs:
All the ones you’ve reported.
Some that we’ve found, too.
I wrote a bit a couple of weeks ago about Trans fats and the fact that New York city was going to be perhaps banning trans fats in restaurants. Well it has happened. I just saw the news break and that means that today there will be stories in the news all about What trans fats are, how they are bad for us, and how much we should consume. I hope that you remember that past article as it seems that there is not healthy amount of trans fats to consume so any amount is to much. It will be interesting to see what happens now as I once heard that there are 20 or so Macdonalds restaurants in Manhattan itself let alone the other outlying boroughs.
As you probably remember trans fats are create by making hydrogenated vegetable oil, that is pumping hydrogen through Vegetable oil to give it a longer shelf life and
The Board of Health has voted to make New York the first city in the nation to ban artificial trans fats in restaurant food. The board is expected to give restaurants a slight break by relaxing what had been considered a tight deadline for compliance.
The board also ordered restaurants to standardize how they display the number of calories in dishes on their menus in an effort to combat obesity. This means that perhaps we will start to get better information on fat and calorie contents of foods everywhere so that we can make better decisions than just picking the “healthy Choice menu item at the local restaurant.
Here is a graph from the Associated Press showing some trans fat facts:

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A Garcinia cambogia é uma fruta tropical popular em suplementos de perda de peso. Dizem que ela bloqueia a habilidade do corpo em produzir a gordura e controla o apetite. Poderia também ajudar no controle do açúcar sanguíneo e dos níveis de colesterol. O ingrediente ativo dela é o ácido hidroxicítrico ou HCA que teria como ação a queima da gordura e diminuir o apetite em estudos. Parece que ele bloqueia uma enzima chamada de liase citrato, a qual o corpo usa na produção de gordura. Também aumenta os níveis de serotonina, a qual diminui a fome, no entanto, os estudos com relação à sua eficácia para perda de peso ainda são controversos.
Algumas pesquisas mostram que ela facilita o uso de glicose pelo corpo, o açúcar as células precisam para ter energia. Ratos usando a garcinia tiveram menores níveis de insulina do que aqueles que não a usaram. Se estiver tomando a garcinia junto com uma medicação que controle o seu açúcar no sangue, o seu nível de glicose pode cair demais; por isso consulte o seu médico antes de usar qualquer tipo de fitoterápico.
Alguns estudos mostram que a garcinia melhora os nívels de colesterol, diminuindo os triglicerídeos e o LDL e, aumentando o HDL. Mas, ela não seve ser utilizada caso você já esteja fazendo uso de algum medicamento para baixar o colesterol. Ela também pode interagir prejudicialmente com medicamentos para asma e alergias, hipoglicemiantes, ferro, analgésicos, antipsicóticos, estatinas e anticoagulantes. Também não deve ser consumida por gestantes ou lactantes, ou por pessoas com problemas hepáticos ou renais.

Article source:,9c030d2ca679159e568660bb1b62d0dfz7ahqkd3.html
No studies have assessed the effectiveness of the Thrive Patch for weight loss.
However, three of the ingredients in the Thrive Patch have been studied in this regard.
The effects of the herb Coleus forskohlii on weight has been studied in two small randomized, double-blind, controlled studies — one in men and one in women.
In women, it had no effect on weight, but the herb was noted to have a small effect on body composition in men and resulted in a 4% reduction in body fat (2, 3).
However, the results in the men’s study were variable and the effect on body weight insignificant.
Green Coffee Bean Extract
Green coffee beans are unroasted. They’re a source of chlorogenic acid, a carbohydrate blocker that aids weight loss by blocking the absorption of carbs.
One 12-week study found that participants drinking coffee enriched with chlorogenic acid lost an average of 11.9 pounds (5.4 kg), compared to 3.8 pounds (1.7 kg) for the control group that received regular coffee (4).
However, another study on coffee bean extract found that it had no significant effect on weight (5).
Garcinia Cambogia
Garcinia cambogia is a popular weight loss supplement. It’s said to aid weight loss by increasing fat burning and reducing appetite.
Results of weight loss studies have been mixed, with the positive studies only showing marginal effects (6).
For example, in one 12-week study, participants taking the supplement only lost 1.94 pounds (0.88 kg) more than the control group (7).
Effectiveness of the Patch’s Technology
Overall, research to support that any of the active ingredients in the Thrive Patch are effective for weight loss is currently insufficient.
Additionally, it’s unclear how much of the active ingredients are in the patch and whether they’re present in sufficient amounts to have any effect.
Dermal fusion technology (DFT) — the technology used to deliver the ingredients — has also not been studied, and it’s impossible to know how effective it is at delivering the active ingredients from the patch through your skin.
This means that in addition to a lack of evidence for the effectiveness of the ingredients within the patch, it’s currently unclear whether the patches are even able to increase your blood levels of these active ingredients.
Summary Research to back up claims that the Thrive Patch or its individual ingredients aid weight loss is currently lacking. The technology used to deliver active ingredients through the skin has also not been studied.
Article source:
Extract the values of named function parameters
This class can be used to extract the values of named function parameters...
Fast Food Nation is a movie coming out, or is out depending on where you live, that looks at the dark side of the fast food industry.
Apparently 1 in 8 adults in America have at one point received a paycheck from a fast food chain and this is a real problem, you will buy what you know, and the food is terrible for you as we all know.
One of the horrible things about the fast food chains though is the way that the supply train for the companies treat the workers all the way from the slaughtering plants to the stores.
The movie Fast Food Nation is based on the book Fast Food Nation by Eric Schlosser.
Fast Food Nation is getting some great reviews and I have found the sysnopis of the movie from the fast food nation site:
FAST FOOD NATION traces the birth of an everyday, ordinary burger through a chain of riveting,
interlocked human stories – from a hopeful, young immigrant couple who cross the border to work in a perilous meat-packing plant, to a teen clerk who dreams of life beyond the counter; to the corporate marketing whiz who is shocked to discover that his latest burger invention – “The Big One” – is literally full of manure.
As the film traverses from pristine barbeque smoke labs to the volatile U.S.-Mexican border, it unveils a provocative portrait of all the yearning, ambition, corruption and hope that lies inside what America is biting into.
I am looking forward to this movie a lot.
I remember how excited I was about Supersize Me when it came out and showed how bad eating McDonalds is to eat non stop for a month and I am hoping for just as big of things from this movie as well.
The more pressure that we can put on fast food companies to improve the quality of their food and working conditions the faster these changes will be made.
Article source:
No studies have assessed the effectiveness of the Thrive Patch for weight loss.
However, three of the ingredients in the Thrive Patch have been studied in this regard.
The effects of the herb Coleus forskohlii on weight has been studied in two small randomized, double-blind, controlled studies — one in men and one in women.
In women, it had no effect on weight, but the herb was noted to have a small effect on body composition in men and resulted in a 4% reduction in body fat (2, 3).
However, the results in the men’s study were variable and the effect on body weight insignificant.
Green Coffee Bean Extract
Green coffee beans are unroasted. They’re a source of chlorogenic acid, a carbohydrate blocker that aids weight loss by blocking the absorption of carbs.
One 12-week study found that participants drinking coffee enriched with chlorogenic acid lost an average of 11.9 pounds (5.4 kg), compared to 3.8 pounds (1.7 kg) for the control group that received regular coffee (4).
However, another study on coffee bean extract found that it had no significant effect on weight (5).
Garcinia Cambogia
Garcinia cambogia is a popular weight loss supplement. It’s said to aid weight loss by increasing fat burning and reducing appetite.
Results of weight loss studies have been mixed, with the positive studies only showing marginal effects (6).
For example, in one 12-week study, participants taking the supplement only lost 1.94 pounds (0.88 kg) more than the control group (7).
Effectiveness of the Patch’s Technology
Overall, research to support that any of the active ingredients in the Thrive Patch are effective for weight loss is currently insufficient.
Additionally, it’s unclear how much of the active ingredients are in the patch and whether they’re present in sufficient amounts to have any effect.
Dermal fusion technology (DFT) — the technology used to deliver the ingredients — has also not been studied, and it’s impossible to know how effective it is at delivering the active ingredients from the patch through your skin.
This means that in addition to a lack of evidence for the effectiveness of the ingredients within the patch, it’s currently unclear whether the patches are even able to increase your blood levels of these active ingredients.
Summary Research to back up claims that the Thrive Patch or its individual ingredients aid weight loss is currently lacking. The technology used to deliver active ingredients through the skin has also not been studied.
Article source:
Fast Food Nation is a movie coming out, or is out depending on where you live, that looks at the dark side of the fast food industry.
Apparently 1 in 8 adults in America have at one point received a paycheck from a fast food chain and this is a real problem, you will buy what you know, and the food is terrible for you as we all know.
One of the horrible things about the fast food chains though is the way that the supply train for the companies treat the workers all the way from the slaughtering plants to the stores.
The movie Fast Food Nation is based on the book Fast Food Nation by Eric Schlosser.
Fast Food Nation is getting some great reviews and I have found the sysnopis of the movie from the fast food nation site:
FAST FOOD NATION traces the birth of an everyday, ordinary burger through a chain of riveting,
interlocked human stories – from a hopeful, young immigrant couple who cross the border to work in a perilous meat-packing plant, to a teen clerk who dreams of life beyond the counter; to the corporate marketing whiz who is shocked to discover that his latest burger invention – “The Big One” – is literally full of manure.
As the film traverses from pristine barbeque smoke labs to the volatile U.S.-Mexican border, it unveils a provocative portrait of all the yearning, ambition, corruption and hope that lies inside what America is biting into.
I am looking forward to this movie a lot.
I remember how excited I was about Supersize Me when it came out and showed how bad eating McDonalds is to eat non stop for a month and I am hoping for just as big of things from this movie as well.
The more pressure that we can put on fast food companies to improve the quality of their food and working conditions the faster these changes will be made.
One of the problems that I have every weekend is my eating. I tend to eat pretty well during the week and can tweak that if I want but on weekends I tend to eat pretty badly and inconsistently. Why do you think that is? Well the reason is a daily meal plan.
All major diets have a meal plan where they say to succeed you must eat this food at this time and eat this food at that time. No one questions this they just eat what they should.
I have my eating plan during the week right down to the individual food and time starting with a big glass of water in the morning and finishing with a snack at 8:00 in the evening while watching TV. On the weekend days I do not have any schedule, I get up when the kids wake me. I get dragged off the computer when the kids want breakfast and I hunt, just like any other guy, for snacks and cookies. If I ever want to make big changes to my caloric intake it would just be a matter of having a fixed schedule on the weekends until those new habits stuck.
If you are having some problems now with your eating look at your eating schedule for the weekdays. Is it good? Is there something that you would like to change? Do you go out for lunch too often? Once you have those five days sorted out you can work on the bigger battle which I believe for most people is the weekend schedule and eating
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