Monthly Archiv: April, 2018

PHP Browser OS Detection and Age Guessing (New)

PHP Browser OS Detection and Age Guessing
Estimate the age of the browser and OS it runs on
HTTP, Parsers, PHP 5
Peter Kahl
This class can estimate the age of the browser and OS it runs on...


PHP Browser OS Detection and Age Guessing

PHP Browser OS Detection and Age Guessing
Estimate the age of the browser and OS it runs on
HTTP, Parsers, PHP 5
Peter Kahl
This class can estimate the age of the browser and OS it runs on...


PHP CRUD 360 Form Generator (New)

PHP CRUD 360 Form Generator
Generate forms for administration panels
Databases, HTML, PHP 5, Utilities and Tools
Muhammad Usman
This package can generate CRUD forms for administration panels...


“Weight Loss” vs. “Weight Management”: Vitamin Shoppe Sidesteps False Advertising Suit

Putative class representative Andrea Nathan renewed her efforts to hold Vitamin Shoppe, Inc. liable under California’s Unfair Competition Law, False Advertising Law, Consumer Legal Remedies Act, and breaches of express and implied warranties over Vitamin Shoppe’s “Garcinia Cambogia” dietary supplements after a California district court judge tossed the suit in February of this year. Vitamin Shoppe markets two products that contain the supplement, for “appetite control” and “weight management” respectively. Nathan cited several studies in her first complaint, stating that the products’ only active ingredients (hydroxycitric acid and chromium) “are scientifically proven to be incapable of providing [] weight-loss benefits.” The court, however, found such studies to be irrelevant because Vitamin Shoppe’s advertising does not promote weight-loss benefits, as opposed to “appetite control” and “weight management,” and dismissed Nathan’s complaint with leave to amend.

Nathan filed her first amended complaint a week later, which purports to fix the pleading deficiencies noted by the court. However, as Vitamin Shoppe pointed out in its motion to dismiss, it relies on the same studies as the original complaint and still mentions the fatal phrase “weight loss” over thirty times. Vitamin Shoppe’s motion to dismiss remains pending.

Takeaway: In false advertising suits, specific language matters. To survive dismissal, parties should plead only the specific claims made in the allegedly false advertisement.

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OmniActive To Feature New EU-Focused Prototypes At Vitafoods

MORRISTOWN, N.J., April 23, 2018 /PRNewswire/ — To show off the versatility of its ingredients, OmniActive will feature several new prototypes for the European and global market at this year’s Vitafoods taking place in Geneva, Switzerland, from 15-17 May 2018. Attendees are encouraged to stop by stall H60 to sample some of these tasty nutritional treats, including deliciously flavored stick packs and gummies.


“Today, consumers are looking at functional products to deliver the same dose and benefits as their traditional supplement counterparts. Non-pill formats such as beverages and bars account for a third of the dietary supplement market today at ~$13 billion, with the gummy market worth nearly $4 billion,” said Becky Wright, Innovation Marketing Manager at OmniActive Health Technologies. “Together with various formulation partners, we have been able to expand the versatility of some of our key ingredients like Lutemax 2020 and UltraSOL Curcumin and apply them to various prototypes to give customers solutions and opportunities in the functional food and beverage markets.”

OmniActive will also be showcasing its full portfolio of ingredients at stall H60. Representatives from the Nutritional Innovations Solutions team will be discussing OmniActive’s portfolio of scientifically-validated, branded ingredients including the Lutemax and OmniXan ranges of macular carotenoid ingredients as well as UltraSOL Curcumin, and Capsimax. Presenting its portfolio of authenticated and standardized natural extracts (which Omni acquired as a part of its Indfrag acquisition), the Specialty Botanicals Extracts (SBE) team will be on site to discuss its wide range of offerings, including standard and organic green coffee, garcinia cambogia and ashwagandha extracts, as well as extracts of natural caffeine, boswellia, gymnema, banaba, curcumin and moringa leaf powder extracts. The SBE team will also be discussing the launch of its focused ingredient categories—Xtracs, Olixrs and Ogments. For more information on these categories, please see this informational video.

To schedule a meeting at Vitafoods, contact Sara Zoet at

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SOURCE OmniActive Health Technologies

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Garcinia Cambogia opinioni e commenti: fa davvero dimagrire?

La Garcinia Cambogia (nome scientifico Garcinia gummi-gutta) è una specie subtropicale di piante della famiglia delle Clusiaceae originaria dell’Indonesia, in particolare della regione della Garcinia. In rete è diventata famosa, e troverete tantissimi annunci in merito. Questo perché, a causa di alcune sue proprietà, aiuterebbe il dimagrimento, costituendo secondo i suoi sostenitori un validissimo aiuto per perdere peso.

La Garcinia Cambogia, in particolare, sarebbe utile nella dieta perché da una parte ridurrebbe del 70% i grassi, dall’altra accelererebbe il metabolismo consentendo così di bruciare più velocemente le proprie calorie, e ancora aiuterebbe a diminuire l’appetito. Naturalmente, c’è un grande dibattito tra sostenitori e detrattori di questo rimedio, e in questo senso rispetto a Garcinia Cambogia opinioni si possono trovare in vari spazi della rete. Tra questi, nel sito che ospita anche molti altri consigli utili su proprietà e utilizzo di questa pianta officinale.

Certamente, è un dibattito che potrebbe aprirne uno più ampio, forse infinito, ovvero come districarsi tra le tantissime opzioni e proposte che si trovano su internet per aiutare a dimagrire. Chi ha problemi di peso spesso ha già provato varie soluzioni, più o meno scientifiche, per riuscire a dimagrire. E’ per questo motivo che, in generale, è facile essere vittime di ciarlatani o di soluzioni comunque non adeguate. Certo, vale il consiglio di consultare comunque un medico, e di associare qualsiasi prodotto a una dieta sana e equilibrate, ma oltre questo?

Forse in questo caso la soluzione si trova nello stesso posto dove si trova il problema, in Rete. Internet, motori di ricerca, e siti specializzati, sono in grado di fornirvi una serie di fonti da confrontare e rispetto alle quali farvi un’opinione col vostro spirito critico. Usiamo dunque questo mezzo nel modo giusto, ovvero come accesso a una serie di consigli, informazioni, pareri, che poi sta a noi vagliare per poter individuare la soluzione giusta per le nostre necessità.




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