Monthly Archiv: March, 2018
It’s official…despite the increasing costs of postage and shipping costs, Traverse Bay Farms / Fruit Advantage has announced it will continue to offer free shipping a number of its all-natural, nationally award winning gourmet products.
The announcement is a welcome change in the natural health areana. For many companies to offer free shipping they simply increase thier price to end consumer. However, Traverse Bay Farms has also announced it will not be increasing its price for its popular tart cherry juice concentrate or tart cherry capsules.
According the Andy LaPointe, Director of Marketing with Traverse Bay Farms / Fruit Advantage, “For our customers, enjoying the natural health benefits of tart cherries is part of enjoying a healthy daily lifestyle. Cherries not only taste great but are packed full of healthy antioxidants. In addition, they reply on our products to help fight joint pain, inflammation or other health issues that may have a negative affect on your lifestyle.
With many uncertainties in the world, our customers don’t have to worry about paying for shipping to get our nationally award winning products and all natural products delivered to thier home or office. We do everything we are capable of to ensure our customers enjoy our all natural products, while supporting the American farmer. By announcing we will continue to maintain our free shipping policy, along with no increase in prices, this further solidifies our reputation of being a leader in the super fruit and tart cherry juice area.”
About Traverse Bay Farms / Fruit Advantage
Winner of 26+ national food awards at America’s largest and most competitive food competitions. Traverse Bay Farms is the #1 award winning super fruit company in America.
Offering an all-natural line of fruit salsa, fruit barbeque, dried fruit including dried cherries, dried blueberries and more. In addition, Traverse Bay Farms offers cherry juice concentrate and teaches about health benefits of cherry juice.
Fruit Advantage is the sister brand an offers a complete line of condition-specific, fruit-based supplements including tart cherry capsules, blueberry capsules, pomegranate capsules. In addition, Fruit Advantage offers a patented formula combining tart cherries with glucosamine and chondriotin. This one-of-a-kind supplement is called Cherry Prime – Complete Muscle and Joint Complex.

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Access and manipulate files
This package can access and manipulate files...
March 3, 2018 – By Adrian Erickson
South Texas Money Management Ltd decreased Eaton Corporation Plc (ETN) stake by 1.08% reported in 2017Q3 SEC filing. South Texas Money Management Ltd sold 4,379 shares as Eaton Corporation Plc (ETN)’s stock rose 8.91%. The South Texas Money Management Ltd holds 399,994 shares with $30.72M value, down from 404,373 last quarter. Eaton Corporation Plc now has $35.12 billion valuation. The stock increased 0.14% or $0.11 during the last trading session, reaching $79.7. About 3.25 million shares traded or 20.48% up from the average. Eaton Corporation plc (NYSE:ETN) has risen 31.02% since March 3, 2017 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 14.32% the SP500.
NUTRAFUELS INC (OTCMKTS:NTFU) had a decrease of 82.33% in short interest. NTFU’s SI was 4,100 shares in March as released by FINRA. Its down 82.33% from 23,200 shares previously. The SI to NUTRAFUELS INC’s float is 0.01%. The stock increased 5.39% or $0.0137 during the last trading session, reaching $0.2677. About 42,467 shares traded. NutraFuels, Inc. (OTCMKTS:NTFU) has 0.00% since March 3, 2017 and is . It has underperformed by 16.70% the SP500.
Analysts await Eaton Corporation plc (NYSE:ETN) to report earnings on May, 1. They expect $1.06 EPS, up 10.42% or $0.10 from last year’s $0.96 per share. ETN’s profit will be $467.04 million for 18.80 P/E if the $1.06 EPS becomes a reality. After $1.29 actual EPS reported by Eaton Corporation plc for the previous quarter, Wall Street now forecasts -17.83% negative EPS growth.
Among 31 analysts covering Eaton Corporation (NYSE:ETN), 9 have Buy rating, 3 Sell and 19 Hold. Therefore 29% are positive. Eaton Corporation had 85 analyst reports since July 31, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. The stock of Eaton Corporation plc (NYSE:ETN) earned “Hold” rating by Deutsche Bank on Tuesday, August 25. The stock has “Buy” rating by Stifel Nicolaus on Monday, February 5. The rating was maintained by RBC Capital Markets on Thursday, February 4 with “Sector Perform”. Jefferies maintained it with “Hold” rating and $7500 target in Tuesday, June 6 report. KeyBanc Capital Markets downgraded the stock to “Sector Weight” rating in Friday, September 9 report. The rating was maintained by Jefferies on Thursday, July 13 with “Hold”. The company was maintained on Monday, May 2 by Buckingham Research. RBC Capital Markets maintained the shares of ETN in report on Monday, July 10 with “Hold” rating. The firm has “Hold” rating by Stifel Nicolaus given on Tuesday, January 2. JP Morgan downgraded Eaton Corporation plc (NYSE:ETN) on Friday, February 3 to “Neutral” rating.
South Texas Money Management Ltd increased Vanguard Total Intl Stock (VXUS) stake by 7,699 shares to 86,534 valued at $4.74 million in 2017Q3. It also upped Vanguard Index Trust (VO) stake by 3,772 shares and now owns 15,243 shares. Merck Co. Inc. (NYSE:MRK) was raised too.
Investors sentiment decreased to 1 in Q3 2017. Its down 0.07, from 1.07 in 2017Q2. It fall, as 59 investors sold ETN shares while 280 reduced holdings. 80 funds opened positions while 259 raised stakes. 330.10 million shares or 0.23% less from 330.85 million shares in 2017Q2 were reported. Tompkins has invested 0% of its portfolio in Eaton Corporation plc (NYSE:ETN). Dekabank Deutsche Girozentrale has invested 0.06% in Eaton Corporation plc (NYSE:ETN). Aperio Gp Inc stated it has 0.14% in Eaton Corporation plc (NYSE:ETN). Advisory Services Networks Ltd Liability Corp holds 16,965 shares or 0.15% of its portfolio. Capital Interest Invsts, a California-based fund reported 3.37 million shares. Tru Of Vermont holds 0.39% or 51,378 shares in its portfolio. Advent De holds 0.07% or 50,000 shares in its portfolio. 26,369 were accumulated by Employees Retirement Of Texas. Strategy Asset Managers Ltd Llc owns 21,644 shares for 0.34% of their portfolio. Ser has invested 0.09% of its portfolio in Eaton Corporation plc (NYSE:ETN). Virtus Inv Advisers Incorporated reported 13,149 shares stake. Hanson Doremus Invest Mgmt accumulated 972 shares. Proshare Limited Liability holds 0.03% of its portfolio in Eaton Corporation plc (NYSE:ETN) for 45,702 shares. Mcrae Capital Mngmt holds 128,730 shares. Cibc Bancshares Usa owns 4,000 shares or 0.04% of their US portfolio.
NutraFuels, Inc. manufactures and distributes oral spray nutritional and dietary products to retail and wholesale outlets. The company has market cap of $21.90 million. The companyÂ’s products include sleep spray to support a healthy sleep cycle and improve the quality of restful sleep; energize spray to enhance energy, and restore vigor and vitality; and garcinia cambogia spray, an appetite and weight management spray. It currently has negative earnings. It also offers NRG-X extreme energy spray to enhance energy and stamina; headache and pain spray to relieve headaches and pain; and hair, skin, and nails spray to nourish and encourage hair, skin, and nail growth.
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By Adrian Erickson
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Here's how to mix three audio files into one:
ffmpeg -i alex.aiff -i fred.aiff -i whisper.aiff -filter_complex "[0:0][1:0] amix=inputs=3:duration=longest" out.mp3
Note the inputs=3
part as we're mixing three files.
And this mixes only two files putting one on the left and one on the right:
ffmpeg -i alex.aiff -i fred.aiff -filter_complex amerge out.mp3
Detect if the current request uses the Tor network
This class can detect if the current request uses the Tor network...
Judging by the flurry of activity across the WordPress project throughout February, it looks like everyone is really getting into the swing of things for 2018. There have been a lot of interesting new developments, so read on to see what the community has been up to for the past month.
WordPress 4.9.3 & 4.9.4
Early in the month, version 4.9.3 of WordPress was released, including a number of important bug fixes. Unfortunately it introduced a bug that prevented many sites from automatically updating to future releases. To remedy this issue, version 4.9.4 was released the following day requiring many people to manually update their sites.
While this kind of issue is always regrettable, the good thing is that it was fixed quickly, and that not all sites had updated to 4.9.3 yet, which meant they bypassed the bug in that version.
You can find out more technical information about this issue on the Core development blog.
The WordCamp Incubator is Back
In 2016, the Global Community Team ran an experimental program to help spread WordPress to underserved areas by providing more significant organizing support for their first WordCamp event. This program was dubbed the WordCamp Incubator, and it was so successful in the three cities where it ran that the program is back for 2018.
Right now, the Community Team is looking for cities to be a part of this year’s incubator by taking applications. Additionally, each incubator community will need an experienced WordCamp organizer to assist them as a co-lead organizer for their event — if that sounds interesting to you, then you can fill in the application form for co-leads.
You can find out further information about the WordCamp Incubator on the Community Team blog.
WordPress Meetup Roundtables scheduled for March
In order to assist local WordPress meetup organizers with running their meetup groups, some members of the Community Team have organized weekly meetup roundtable discussions through the month of March.
These will be run as video chats at 16:00 UTC every Wednesday this month and will be a great place for meetup organizers to come together and help each other out with practical ideas and advice.
If you are not already in the WordPress meetup program and would like to join, you can find out more information in the WordPress Meetup Organizer Handbook.
GDPR Compliance in WordPress Core
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is an upcoming regulation that will affect all online services across Europe. In order to prepare for this, a working group has been formed to make sure that WordPress is compliant with the GDPR regulations.
Aside from the fact that this will be a requirement for the project going forward, it will also have an important and significant impact on the privacy and security of WordPress as a whole. The working group has posted their proposed roadmap for this project and it looks very promising.
To get involved in building WordPress Core, jump into the #gdpr-compliance channel in the Making WordPress Slack group, and follow the Core team blog.
Further Reading:
If you have a story we should consider including in the next “Month in WordPress” post, please submit it here.