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Pubblicizzata come integratore dalle strepitose proprietà dimagranti, la garcinia cambogia riscuote molto successo da diversi anni, malgrado le opinioni contrastanti sulla sua efficacia.
Viene estratta da un frutto chiamato “Gambooge”, noto anche con il nome di “Malabar tamarindo”, che cresce nel Myanmar (ex Birmania), in Indonesia e nell’India meridionale. Ha dimensioni simili a quelle di un arancia e una forma simile a quella di una zucca. Inizialmente di colore verde, quando giunge a maturazione assume un colore rosso o giallo.
*{È molto usata a scopo alimentare: nello Sri Lanka e a nella zona meridionale dell’India, è usata per la stagionatura del pesce. La crosta e la polpa sono richieste in molte ricette tradizionali asiatiche, dalla scorza si ricava una buona spezia, che è spesso impiegata per la preparazione del curry. Il mondo asiatico impiega la garcinia cambogia nella medicina ayurvedica dove i suoi preparati sono commercializzati come rimedi naturali per migliorare e attivare la digestione. Per lo stesso motivo, è un ingrediente molto ricercato nella cucina ayurvedica.
Nel 2012, la garcinia cambogia è stata presentata al mondo come un rimedio naturale per la perdita di peso. Gli estratti a base di garcinia sono stati sponsorizzati da una serie di personaggi televisivi e questo ha fatto sì che le vendite del prodotto arrivassero alle stelle. Come ogni sostanza, dovrebbe essere assunta solo sotto controllo medico durante la dieta dimagrante. Vediamo insieme quali sono proprietà, benefici, effetti collaterali e dove si compra la garcinia cambogia.
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November 2, 2017 – By reb123z
The stock of NUTRAFUELS (OTCMKTS:NTFU) registered a decrease of 81.29% in short interest. NTFU’s total short interest was 6,400 shares in November as published by FINRA. Its down 81.29% from 34,200 shares, reported previously. With 40,200 shares average volume, it will take short sellers 0 days to cover their NTFU’s short positions.
The stock decreased 11.76% or $0.02 on November 2, reaching $0.15. About 122,562 shares traded or 16.19% up from the average. NutraFuels Inc (OTCMKTS:NTFU) has 0.00% since November 2, 2016 and is . It has underperformed by 16.70% the SP500.
NutraFuels, Inc. manufactures and distributes oral spray nutritional and dietary products. The company has market cap of $11.01 million. The Company’s oral spray products are designed to provide more absorption than capsules or liquid formulas. It currently has negative earnings. The Company’s products include NutraFuels sleep spray; NutraFuels Energy Spray; NutraFuels Garcinia Cambogia Spray; NutraFuels Headache and Pain Spray, and NutraFuels Hair, Skin and Nails Spray.
More notable recent NutraFuels Inc (OTCMKTS:NTFU) news were published by: which released: “NutraFuels, Inc. (NTFU) Receives Purchase Order from New Customer Journey …” on October 29, 2015, also with their article: “NutraFuels, Inc. (NTFU) Launches New Ecommerce Site to Sell Hemp Derived …” published on June 07, 2017, published: “NutraFuels, Inc. (NTFU) Receives Initial Purchase Order From My Daily Choice …” on July 29, 2015. More interesting news about NutraFuels Inc (OTCMKTS:NTFU) were released by: and their article: “NutraFuels, Inc. (NTFU) Enters High Grade CBD (Cannabidiol) Market” published on July 21, 2015 as well as‘s news article titled: “NutraFuels (NTFU) Opens New Division Precision Analytic Testing, a CBD …” with publication date: October 30, 2017.
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November 2, 2017 – By Adrian Erickson
The stock of NUTRAFUELS (OTCMKTS:NTFU) registered a decrease of 81.29% in short interest. NTFU’s total short interest was 6,400 shares in November as published by FINRA. Its down 81.29% from 34,200 shares, reported previously. With 40,200 shares average volume, it will take short sellers 0 days to cover their NTFU’s short positions.
The stock decreased 11.76% or $0.02 on November 2, reaching $0.15. About 122,562 shares traded or 16.19% up from the average. NutraFuels Inc (OTCMKTS:NTFU) has 0.00% since November 2, 2016 and is . It has underperformed by 16.70% the SP500.
NutraFuels, Inc. manufactures and distributes oral spray nutritional and dietary products. The company has market cap of $11.01 million. The Company’s oral spray products are designed to provide more absorption than capsules or liquid formulas. It currently has negative earnings. The Company’s products include NutraFuels sleep spray; NutraFuels Energy Spray; NutraFuels Garcinia Cambogia Spray; NutraFuels Headache and Pain Spray, and NutraFuels Hair, Skin and Nails Spray.
More notable recent NutraFuels Inc (OTCMKTS:NTFU) news were published by: which released: “NutraFuels, Inc. (NTFU) Launches its Oral Spray Nutraceutical Product Line …” on January 11, 2017, also with their article: “NutraFuels, Inc. (NTFU) Receives Initial Purchase Order From My Daily Choice …” published on July 29, 2015, published: “NutraFuels, Inc. (NTFU) Receives Purchase Order from New Customer Journey …” on October 29, 2015. More interesting news about NutraFuels Inc (OTCMKTS:NTFU) were released by: and their article: “NutraFuels, Inc. (NTFU) Appoints Hon. Randy Avon to the Company’s Advisory Board” published on February 02, 2017 as well as‘s news article titled: “NutraFuels, Inc. (NTFU) Enters High Grade CBD (Cannabidiol) Market” with publication date: July 21, 2015.
Receive News Ratings Via Email – Enter your email address below to receive a concise daily summary of the latest news and analysts’ ratings with our FREE daily email newsletter.
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While this month we focused on building new features for WordPress core, we advanced other areas of the project too. Read on to learn more about what the WordPress project accomplished during the month of October.
The annual WordPress User Survey is a great opportunity for you to provide your feedback about how you use WordPress. This year is no exception, as the 2017 WordPress User Survey is out now.
The information collected in the survey is used to make informed decisions about improvements across the WordPress project, so your answers are incredibly valuable and help shape the future of the platform.
At the end of October, WordPress 4.8.3 was released containing an important security fix for all previous versions of WordPress. If your WordPress installation has not updated automatically, please update it now to protect your site.
This security issue was brought to light by a community member, so if you ever discover a security vulnerability in WordPress core, please do the same and disclose it responsibly.
WordPress 4.9 was in rapid development this month. We released four beta versions and published a release candidate. The target for shipping WordPress 4.9 is November 14 — just two short weeks away. With many new features, this is a hugely exciting release that improves WordPress’ user experience considerably. Notably, you’ll see improvements to the theme selection experience, plenty of widget enhancements, drastically improved code editing, and much better user role management.
To get involved in building WordPress Core, jump into the #core channel in the Making WordPress Slack group, and follow the Core team blog.
For the last few years, the number of do_action series of WordPress charity hackathons has grown around the world. What started as a community event to assist local nonprofit organizations, has become something many WordPress communities are replicating in an increasing number of cities.
As of this month, do_action events have been hosted in Cape Town and Johannesburg, South Africa, Beirut, Lebanon, Austin, Texas, and Montréal, Canada. In addition, events are now scheduled for Bristol, England and Zurich, Switzerland in 2018.
To get involved in organizing a do_action event locally, read the do_action organizer’s handbook and join the #community-events channel in the Making WordPress Slack group.
While work steadily continues on Gutenberg — the new editor for WordPress core — one update from this month addresses one of the primary concerns that some people shared about the project.
Up until the release on October 24, Gutenberg did not support the meta boxes that so many WordPress content creators rely on. The new editor now has initial support for meta boxes as well as a host of other critical features for content creation in WordPress.
Test out Gutenberg right now and help develop it by joining the #core-editor channel in the Making WordPress Slack group and following the Core team blog.
If you have a story we should consider including in the next “Month in WordPress” post, please submit it here.
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