Monthly Archiv: April, 2016

CodeIgniter ReCaptcha Helper (New)

CodeIgniter ReCaptcha Helper
CodeIgniter controller for ReCAPTCHA validation
Libraries, PHP 5, Security, User Management, Validation
Alessio Felicioni
This package is a CodeIgniter controller for ReCAPTCHA validation...


Pretty PHP S3 Files Manager (New)

Pretty PHP S3 Files Manager
Web based interface to manage files in Amazon S3
AJAX, Content management, PHP 5, Web services
Tran Tuan
This package provides a Web based interface to manage files in Amazon S3...


WordPress 4.5 “Coleman”

Version 4.5 of WordPress, named “Coleman” in honor of jazz saxophonist Coleman Hawkins, is available for download or update in your WordPress dashboard. New features in 4.5 help streamline your workflow, whether you’re writing or building your site.

Editing Improvements


Inline Linking

Stay focused on your writing with a less distracting interface that keeps you in place and allows you to easily link to your content.


Formatting Shortcuts

Do you enjoy using formatting shortcuts for lists and headings? Now they’re even more useful, with horizontal lines and <code>.

Customization Improvements


Live Responsive Previews

Make sure your site looks great on all screens! Preview mobile, tablet, and desktop views directly in the customizer.

Custom Logos

Themes can now support logos for your business or brand. Try it out with Twenty Sixteen and Twenty Fifteen in the Site Identity section of the customizer.

Under the Hood

Smart Image Resizing

Generated images now load up to 50% faster with no noticeable quality loss. It’s really cool.

Selective Refresh

The customizer now supports a comprehensive framework for rendering parts of the preview without rewriting your PHP code in JavaScript.

Script Loader Improvements

Better support has been added for script header/footer dependencies. New wp_add_inline_script() enables adding extra code to registered scripts.

Better Embed Templates

Embed templates have been split into parts and can be directly overridden by themes via the template hierarchy.

JavaScript Library Updates

jQuery 1.12.3, jQuery Migrate 1.4.0, Backbone 1.2.3, and Underscore 1.8.3 are bundled.

The Crew

Mike SchroderThis release was led by Mike Schroder, backed up by Adam Silverstein as Release Deputy, Mel Choyce as Release Design Lead, and the help of these fine individuals. There are 298 contributors with props in this release. Pull up some Coleman Hawkins on your music service of choice, and check out some of their profiles:

@mercime, Aaron D. Campbell, Aaron Edwards, Aaron Hockley, Aaron Jorbin, Abiral Neupane, Ahmad Awais, aidanlane, Amanda Rush, ambrosey, Andrea Fercia, Andrea Gandino, Andrew Nacin, Andrew Ozz, Andrew Rockwell, Andy, Ankit K Gupta, Anton Timmermans, apaliku, Aram Zucker-Scharff, ash.matadeen, Ashok Kumar Nath, BandonRandon, Barry Ceelen, Ben Dunkle, berengerzyla, Bernhard Riedl, Bhushan S. Jawle, Birgir Erlendsson (birgire), Boone B. Gorges, Brad Williams, Brady Vercher, Brandon Allen, Brandon Hubbard, Brandon Kraft, Brian Krogsgard, Bruno Borges, Callum Macdonald, Cami Kaos, Chandra Patel, Charles Fulton, Chetan Chauhan, Chouby, ChriCo, Chris Christoff, Chris Mok, Christoph Herr, ckoerner, Claudio Sanches, Compute, coreymcollins, d4z_c0nf, Daisuke Takahashi, danhgilmore, Daniel Bachhuber, Daniel Bailey, Daniel Jalkut (Red Sweater), Daniel Llewellyn, Daniele Scasciafratte, danielpataki, Danny van Kooten, Dave Clements, David A. Kennedy, David Brumbaugh, David Herrera, David Newton, David Shanske, Davide 'Folletto' Casali, Denis de Bernardy, Dennis Ploetner, Derek Herman, Dion Hulse, dmsnell, Dominik Schilling, Dossy Shiobara, Dotan Cohen, Dreb Bits, Drew Jaynes, duaneblake, Dzikri Aziz, Elio Rivero, Ella Iseulde Van Dorpe, Emerson Maningo, enej, Eric Andrew Lewis, Eric Binnion, Eric Daams, Erick Hitter, Evan Herman, Fabien Quatravaux, faishal, fantasyworld, Felix Arntz, finnj, firebird75, Fredrik Forsmo, fusillicode, Gary Jones, Gary Pendergast, gblsm, George Stephanis, Giuseppe Mamone, Giustino Borzacchiello, Grant Palin, groovecoder, Guido Scialfa, Gustavo Bordoni, hakre, Helen Hou-Sandí, Henry Wright, Hinaloe, Hugh Lashbrooke, Hugo Baeta, Iain Poulson, Ignacio Cruz Moreno, imath, Ionut Staicu, Ivan Kristianto, J.D. Grimes, jadpm, James DiGioia, Jason, Jasper de Groot, Jeffrey de Wit, Jeffrey Schutzman, Jennifer M. Dodd, Jeremy Felt, Jeremy Herve, Jeremy Pry, Jesin A, Jess G., Joan Boluda, Joe Hoyle, Joe McGill, joelerr, John Blackbourn, John James Jacoby, JohnnyPea, Jonathan Brinley, Jonny Harris, Jory Hogeveen, Joseph Fusco, Josh Levinson, Josh Pollock, jrchamp, jrf, Juanfra Aldasoro, Juhi Saxena, Julio Potier, katieburch, Kelly Dwan, Kevin Hagerty, Kiran Potphode, Kirk Wight, Kite, kjbenk, Konstantin Kovshenin, Konstantin Obenland, Konstantinos Kouratoras, KrissieV, Lance Willett, leemon, Lew Ayotte, Liam Dempsey, Luan Ramos, luciole135, Lukas Pawlik, Lutz Schröer, madvic, Marco Chiesi, Marin Atanasov, Mario Peshev, Mark Barnes, Mark Jaquith, Mark Uraine, Marko Heijnen, Martin Burke, Matt Mullenweg, Matt Wiebe, mattfelten, MattGeri, Matthew Ell, maweder, Mayo Moriyama, mcapybara, Mehul Kaklotar, Meitar, mensmaximus, Michael Arestad, michalzuber, micropat, Mika Epstein, Mike Glendinning, Mike Hansen, Mike Jolley, Milan Dinić, Morgan Estes, moto hachi ( ), Mr Papa, mwidmann, nexurium, Niall Kennedy, Nic Ford, Nick Halsey , Nilambar Sharma, Ninos, oaron, overclokk, Pascal Birchler, Pat O'Brien, Paul Bearne, Paul de Wouters, Payton Swick, Perez Labs, Pete Nelson, Peter Wilson, petermolnar, Petter Walbø Johnsgård, Pieter, Pippin Williamson, Pirate Dunbar, prettyboymp, Profforg, programmin, Rachel Baker, rahal.aboulfeth, Rami Yushuvaev, Rastislav Lamos, Ricky Lee Whittemore, Ritesh Patel, rob, Roger Chen, RomSocial, Ruud Laan, Ryan Boren, Ryan Kienstra, Ryan McCue, Ryan Welcher, Sagar Jadhav, Sal Ferrarello, salvoaranzulla, Sam Hotchkiss, Sara Rosso, sarciszewski, Scott Kingsley Clark, Scott Reilly, Scott Taylor, scottbrownconsulting, scribu, Sebastian Pisula, Sergej Müller, Sergey Biryukov, Shane, Shinichi Nishikawa, sidati, Siobhan, sky, slushman, smerriman, stephanethomas, Stephen Edgar, Stephen Harris, Steve Grunwell, Steven Word, Store Locator Plus, Subharanjan, Sudar Muthu, Sumit Singh, Taco Verdonschot, tahteche, Takashi Irie, Takayuki Miyoshi, Tammie Lister, tharsheblows, theMikeD, thomaswm, Timothy Jacobs, timplunkett, tmuikku, Toni Viemerö, Toro_Unit (Hiroshi Urabe), Tracy Levesque, Tran Ngoc Tuan Anh, Travis Smith, Ty Carlson, Ulrich, Utkarsh, vhomenko, virgodesign, vlad.olaru, voldemortensen, vtieu, webaware, Wesley Elfring, Weston Ruter, WisdmLabs, WP Delighter, xavortm, yetAnotherDaniel, and zinigor.


Special thanks go to Siobhan McKeown for producing the release video and Jack Lenox for the voice-over.

Finally, thanks to all of the contributors who provided translations for the release. WordPress 4.5 comes fully translated into 44 languages and the release video has been translated into 32 languages!

If you want to follow along or help out, check out Make WordPress and our core development blog. Thanks for choosing WordPress. See you soon for version 4.6!

15 Interesting JavaScript and CSS Libraries for April 2016


In this post we bring you our monthly collection of web dev libraries, frameworks and plugins that we’ve recently come across. Each one of them is handpicked and we’ve tried our best to select tools that are useful, reliable, and built with the latest trends in mind. Enjoy!


Office UI Fabric

An official Microsoft open-source project, this is a framework for building web apps that follow the look and feel of desktop MS Office programs. It works in a similar fashion to Bootstrap: HTML and CSS components, a responsive grid, and a lot of jQuery add-ons.



This library allows developers to add unique peel-off stickers to their web projects. Any element on the page can be transformed into a sticker and when somebody hovers on it a realistic animation is applied. This library has no external dependencies – only vanilla JavaScript and smooth CSS3 animations are used.



Cash is a lightweight alternative to jQuery. It provides the same syntax and many of the popular jQuery methods and features, rewritten using modern JavaScript, resulting in a library only 8kb in size (compared to the 32kb of jQuery). If you don’t need to support old IE and think jQuery has become too big through the years, give Cash a try.


Popper is a JavaScript library for adding tooltips and popovers to HTML elements. It offers a ton of customization options and is fully modular with separate plugins for every feature. Popper is fairly complicated compared to other tooltip libraries, while still being very easy to use and small in size.


Bootstrap Material Datepicker

A Material Design themed date and time picker built on top of jQuery and Momentjs. To use it you just have to bind it to an input field, set the options you need, and decide if you want a date picker, time picker or both. When a user clicks on the input, a modern looking dialog will pop up containing an Android inspired calendar or clock.


Material Kit

A free UI kit that combines the familiar syntax of Bootstrap with the modern looks of Google’s Material Design. There are other similar projects such as Material Design for Bootstrap and Bootswatch Paper Theme, but Material Kit, being the newest, has learned from the older frameworks and offers a polished product with neat styles and lots of components.



Skeleton is a responsive CSS library that will turn a bland HTML project into a stylish one with practically zero effort. Unlike Bootstrap and other UI frameworks where you have to add a ton of classes to the HTML, Skeleton requires just a handful of classes and automatically styles everything else. The library is extremely lightweight, featuring just a simple 12 column grid and the most basic components.



As most web developers know, the default HTML checkboxes and radio buttons look horrible and are a huge pain to customize correctly across all browsers. That’s why there are countless libraries that help you do this, and iCheck is probably the coolest of them all. It offers several unique themes, is heavily customizable, and even has IE6+ and mobile browser support.



Stylefmt is a PostCSS module that automatically formats CSS and SCSS stylesheets. You can write your own format rules or use the standard ones to make the CSS of your project look the same, no matter who wrote it. Stylefmt is available everywhere – as a CLI, a node.js module, and as a plugin for popular text editors or task runners.



Turn any text on your web page into a twitter share button. Just add a span with the right attributes and InlineTweet will automatically turn the selected text into a link. When someone clicks on it, it will generate a tweet, including hashtags and a URL going back to your page.



SmoothState is a brave project that turns your ordinary web sites into single page apps. The way this works is it prevents links from opening new pages and instead injects them into the current one using AJAX, while manipulating the browser history and URLs, as if the page has changed. Add a cool loading animation while the AJAX request finishes and you’ve got yourself a SPA.


In just 700 bytes gzipped, nanobars enables web developers to quickly create fully functional progress bars. The library has a very tiny pool of methods and options but gives you exactly what you need – a function to initialize a new bar, and another one to change it’s progress.


Image Blur

This is a jQuery plugin that allows deveopers to add a blur filter to images. Usually this can be done using the CSS filter property, but the browser support for it is still pretty bad. By using this plugin you can make sure that the blur effect will work equally well in all mainstream browsers.



With TypeIt you can create animation effects that will display a string as if it is being typed out. The library offers all the features you might think of such as looping animations, controlling the typing speed, replacing a string with a new one, and others.



CSS animations are way more memory efficient than their JavaScript counterparts, but can still slow down a web page if they are not done correctly. Applying transition effects to the width, height, top or left of an element causes a redraw of the DOM and occupies the GPU. Instead, the transform property should be applied and the guys behind Repaintless have used this to create the most buttery-smooth animation library possible.

PHP Stack and Queue Implementation (New)

PHP Stack and Queue Implementation
Manage collections as LIFO stacks or FIFO queues
Data types, PHP 5
Takis Maletsas
This package can manage collections as LIFO stacks or FIFO queues...


PHP Emulated SQL Filesystem

PHP Emulated SQL Filesystem
Emulate a filesystem storing files in SQL database
Emulators, Files and Folders, PHP 5
Ryan Cole
This class can emulate a file system storing files in a SQL database...


PHP CSS Optimizer

PHP CSS Optimizer
Optimize CSS and make it browser independent
HTML, Parsers, Performance and optimization, PHP 5
Victor V. Nabatov
This class can optimize CSS and make it browser independent...

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