Monthly Archiv: November, 2011
Are you thinking of starting
a website where your users or visitors can freely add or modify pages just like the pages on Wikipedia? The newest entry on
the Free and Open Source PHP Wiki Scripts
page lets you do just that. The program doesn't even require you to have a
MySQL database. Wiki-based
sites are useful when you want (or need) your visitors to help you do the work of updating your website.
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Moments.js is a feature-rich JavaScript library for working with dates (parsing, manipulating, and formatting them).
It works both in the browser and server with NodeJS as all code is compatible with both of the environments.
The library can easily convert any given date to many different formats, add/subtract dates, hours, etc. and has methods for displaying user-friendly date/times like "in 5 days"
Moment.js is multilanguage and any new languages can be easily added by editing a language file.
Special Downloads:
Ajaxed Add-To-Basket Scenarios With jQuery And PHP
Free Admin Template For Web Applications
jQuery Dynamic Drag’n Drop
Professional XHTML Admin Template ($15 Discount With The Code: WRD.)
Psd to Xhtml
SSLmatic – Cheap SSL Certificates (from $19.99/year)
Check if a date is in the same year of another
This class can check if a date is in the same fiscal year of another...
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Responsive web design is being implemented more and more every day + new resources easing the process are being created regularly.
Amazium is a CSS framework that handles the most tricky and time-consuming parts of creating responsive websites.
The framework has a 960px grid with 12 columns and styles for typography, tables, buttons, lists, images and videos, all adjusting their sizes according to the browser sizes.
There are 4 main media queries:
- all browsers over 960px
- iPad or other tablet Portrait (728px)
- iPhone or mobile Portrait (300px)
- iPhone or mobile Lanscape (420px)
As a bonus, Amazium includes a ready-to-use 404 page as well.
Special Downloads:
Ajaxed Add-To-Basket Scenarios With jQuery And PHP
Free Admin Template For Web Applications
jQuery Dynamic Drag’n Drop
Professional XHTML Admin Template ($15 Discount With The Code: WRD.)
Psd to Xhtml
SSLmatic – Cheap SSL Certificates (from $19.99/year)
Generate links to browse MySQL query results
This class can generate links to browse MySQL query results...
Generate links to browse MySQL query results
This class can generate links to browse MySQL query results...
Today is the eleventh day of the eleventh month of the (20)eleventh year, and in several parts of the world, it is a holiday related to war. In the U.S., where I live, it is Veterans Day, which honors military veterans. In much of Europe, today is Armistice Day or Remembrance Day, commemorating the armistice signed at the “eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month” of 1918 that ended the fighting on the Western Front in World War I.
Whether serving in the military, living in an area of unrest or attack, having friends or family in the fray, or just being human enough to think war sucks (there’s really no gentler way to say that, is there?), war impacts most people in the world today.
The mission of WordPress is to democratize publishing. Sometimes we’re fortunate enough for that to mean providing a platform for communication that helps people work toward peace in their communities and around the world. Sometimes it means providing a platform for keeping people informed and aware of the other things that are happening around the world, including the horror of wars and revolutions.
At WordCamp San Francisco in August, one of the most popular and well-respected sessions was led by Teru Kuwayama of On this day of remembrance, I thought it would be good to share the video of his presentation. Not only is it a very cool example of how WordPress can be used in unexpected ways (this is not your father’s Oldsmobile usual blog), it’s a reminder of how much work still needs to be done to move from war to peace. So here is Taking WordPress to War: Peace out, yo.
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Validate.js is a very nice JavaScript form validation library that is inspired from the CodeIgniter form validation API.
The library is lightweight (~1kb gzipped), doesn't require any JavaScript frameworks and works in all major browsers (yes, including IE6).
Validation rules that are used frequently like numeric, required, e-mail, less/greater than, etc. are already included and it can be extended with new, custom rules.
It has support for chainable declarations for easily using multiple rules on a single input field.
And, although there are hard-coded warning messages for each rule, they can be overridden with a method provided.
Special Downloads:
Ajaxed Add-To-Basket Scenarios With jQuery And PHP
Free Admin Template For Web Applications
jQuery Dynamic Drag’n Drop
Professional XHTML Admin Template ($15 Discount With The Code: WRD.)
Psd to Xhtml
SSLmatic – Cheap SSL Certificates (from $19.99/year)
Sort large files similar to the UNIX sort command
This class can sort large files similar to the UNIX sort command...
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For multilingual web projects, there is a strong chance that we need to work with characters represented with Unicode universal character set.
And, besides that, there are many useful unicode characters that can replace icons or some images in web pages which makes it a good idea to have a library of these characters in our bookmarks.
Unicodinator is a project which allows us to navigate Unicode blocks and codepoints 0000 through DFFF easily.
The HTML and Java/C/Python codes for using the characters + related/similar ones for each item are displayed once they are clicked.
P.S. What would make this handy project better is a powerful search engine.
Special Downloads:
Ajaxed Add-To-Basket Scenarios With jQuery And PHP
Free Admin Template For Web Applications
jQuery Dynamic Drag’n Drop
Professional XHTML Admin Template ($15 Discount With The Code: WRD.)
Psd to Xhtml
SSLmatic – Cheap SSL Certificates (from $19.99/year)