Monthly Archiv: October, 2011

Inkblot Auth

This class can authenticate users by showing them inkblot images. It can associate a given user password with a list of inkblot images. The user chooses the password after seeing a list of inkblots and tell what those inkblots look like. The class can authenticate the user after showing him the same inkblots in a random order and asking the user to tell those inkblots remind him.


This class can manage user experience points and achievements to implement site game logic. It can create database tables that can record the values of experience points earned by site users the accomplish certain achievements. The class can manage the records of site users participating in the site gaming activities, the user achievements, the levels and experience that they earn, obtain user statistics and top users listings.

No More CSS Prefix Chaos With PrefixFree

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Almost every browser comes with its own CSS prefix like -webkit-, -moz- or -o- which usually ends up in several repeated and unused CSS rules.

PrefixFree is a script which enables us to use CSS properties without vendor-specific prefixes.

At the backend, it detects the browser of users and adds only the prefixes needed to the CSS rules.


It works for both external (<link>) and inline (<style>) styles. PrefixFree even finds elements with style attribute and processes them too.

The script is standalone but there is also an optional jQuery plugin provided.

Special Downloads:
Ajaxed Add-To-Basket Scenarios With jQuery And PHP
Free Admin Template For Web Applications
jQuery Dynamic Drag’n Drop

Professional XHTML Admin Template ($15 Discount With The Code: WRD.)
Psd to Xhtml
SSLmatic – Cheap SSL Certificates (from $19.99/year)

A Set Of Pure CSS Animations – Animate.css

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Animations like fade in/fade out or bounce are used almost everywhere, thanks to the ease that JS frameworks are offering, to create attractive user experiences.

Many of these animations actually have equivalents in CSS and Animate.css eases the usage of them.

It is a single CSS file that includes various rules for animations like flash, bounce, shake and multiple fades, rotates + bounces.

Each animation comes as a class. As CSS animations have native hardware acceleration, they work much smoother compared to JS animations. However, it'll be a good practice to have JS animations as a fallback.


Special Downloads:
Ajaxed Add-To-Basket Scenarios With jQuery And PHP
Free Admin Template For Web Applications
jQuery Dynamic Drag’n Drop

Professional XHTML Admin Template ($15 Discount With The Code: WRD.)
Psd to Xhtml
SSLmatic – Cheap SSL Certificates (from $19.99/year)

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