MySQL Admin Tool SQLyog (Giveaway Of 5 Single Developer Licenses)
SQLyog, a powerful MySQL admin software, is giving away 5 Single Developer Licenses with premium support ($179/each) to WebResourcesDepot readers.
Detailed information on "how to join the giveaway" is provided at the bottom of this post.
What is SQLyog?
It is a MySQL GUI application with a user-friendly interface that offers many features for easily managing a MySQL database.
The application can control any number of databases in any number of hosts (can also connect to firewalled MySQL servers via HTTP(s) or SSH tunneling).
SQLyog does everything we can expect from a MySQL admin software like: CRUD operations on databases/tables/records, running custom queries, backup-restore and import-export (CSV/XML/HTML/Excel).
Also, it has many other advanced capabilities like:
- index analyzer
- schema optimizer
- query profiler
- SQL formatter
- visual query builder and schema designer
- and more..
There is a scheduling engine that can run any of the tasks at a given time for once or regularly. A very handy feature for regularly optimizing a database or taking backups.
It can also work as an interface for data-entry, thanks to the form-view support. And small-but-useful stuff like auto-complete or 100% keyboard support makes such usage much easier.
SQLyog is available for Windows and can be used on Linux or Mac OS X devices with the help of Wine.
How to join the giveaway?
SQLyog – MySQL admin tool is giving away 5 Single Developer Licenses with premium support. In order to join the giveaway:
- Share this giveaway with a tweet: "Just joined the @webyog SQLyog – MySQL Admin giveaway at WebResourcesDepot –" (click to tweet easily)
- Follow @webyog Twitter user
- Share your tweet URL within the comments
The winners will be selected with the query below on 22 September 2011 (1 week later):
SELECT * FROM wp_comments WHERE comment_post_id=2464 AND comment_approved=1 AND comment_type='' GROUP BY comment_author_email ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 5
Luck is believing you're lucky (by Tennessee Williams).
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