Monthly Archiv: March, 2011

100 Slick, Vector & Monochrome Social Icons

Alex Peattie, a talented freelance web designer and developer, has created a high-quality and vector social icons set.

The set has 100 icons and includes items for every major social network (Twitter, Facebook, Delicious, YouTube and many others).

They are provided as:

  • a whole in .AI + .EPS formats (90px*90px on 100px*100px artboards)
  • individual files in .PNG (32*32px) and .SVG formats

Monochrome Social Icons

The icon set can be downloaded from WRD:

Download Paper And Cardboard Textures

or from Alex Peattie's website.

This vector social icons set is free to be used in both personal and commercial projects.

Special Downloads:
Ajaxed Add-To-Basket Scenarios With jQuery And PHP
Free Admin Template For Web Applications
jQuery Dynamic Drag’n Drop

Professional XHTML Admin Template ($15 Discount With The Code: WRD.)
Psd to Xhtml
SSLmatic – Cheap SSL Certificates (from $19.99/year)


Generate Excel 2003 spreadsheet from array of data
Files and Folders, PHP 5
Sergey Sergeevich Baklanov
This class can generate Excel 2003 spreadsheet from array of data...


An Open Source Language For Building Mobile Web Apps – mobl

mobl is an open source language which aims to fasten the process of creating mobile web applications.

It has a JavaScript-like syntax which minimizes the learning curve and runs as a plugin under the free-to-use Eclipse IDE.

The language is statically-typed (JavaScript-like) which makes instant debugging of the entire application possible.


mobl's compiler converts to code into HTML5, CSS +JavaScript and the output is compatible modern Webkit-based browsers, including iOS (iPhone, iPad), Android (2.0+), WebOS, Safari and Chrome.

It transparently handles database access by auto-creating the database schema and managing object persistence (no SQL is required).

P.S. There is also a command-line compiler that makes writing the code with any application.

Special Downloads:
Ajaxed Add-To-Basket Scenarios With jQuery And PHP
Free Admin Template For Web Applications
jQuery Dynamic Drag’n Drop

Professional XHTML Admin Template ($15 Discount With The Code: WRD.)
Psd to Xhtml
SSLmatic – Cheap SSL Certificates (from $19.99/year)

Cross-Browser “Flexible Box Model” With Flexie

CSS3, besides the popular properties like border-radius or box-shadow, comes with many other new features like the Flexible Box Layout Module.

It helps creating equal-height columns, positioning them vertically or horizontally, aligning like any other element and usage in flexible sizes. Simply, stuff that we usually need to trick browsers in many ways.

On the other hand, as expected, it only works on WebKit and Gecko browsers.


Flexie is a tiny JavaScript solution that uses Selectivizr's engine to traverse your style sheets and looks for display: box elements. In case that the property is not supported by the browser natively, it applies the fix to make the Flexible Box Model work as expected.

It supports most of the properties that come with the Flexible Layout Module including box-orient, box-align, box-direction and more.

The script is not perfect, has some compatibility issues that can be called as minor in most cases and a good step forward to using this handy CSS3 feature.

Special Downloads:
Ajaxed Add-To-Basket Scenarios With jQuery And PHP
Free Admin Template For Web Applications
jQuery Dynamic Drag’n Drop

Professional XHTML Admin Template ($15 Discount With The Code: WRD.)
Psd to Xhtml
SSLmatic – Cheap SSL Certificates (from $19.99/year)

PHPDevel Wysiwyg HTML Editor

PHPDevel Wysiwyg HTML Editor is a free easy-to-use wysiwyg editor that you can use on your websites or integrate into your web applications. Adding the editor to an HTML form is as easy as adding textarea tag. If the code for textarea tag is: [textarea name="message"]Default text[/textarea], then the replacement code for wysiwyg editor would be: [?php echo wysiwyg('wysiwyg_id', 'message', 'Default text'); ?].

A JS Library For Manipulating Data-Driven Documents – D3

D3 is a lightweight and free JavaScript library for manipulating HTML documents based on data.

It can help us visualizing the data as HTML or SVG quickly, handle interactivity, and incorporate smooth transitions + staged animations into web pages.

The library can be used as a visualization framework (like Protovis) or as a framework to build pages (like jQuery).


D3 is not the traditional visualization framework that comes with it limits and ready-to-use templates. Rather, it solves only the crux of the problem: efficient manipulation of documents based on data which ends up in a serious flexibility.

Special Downloads:
Ajaxed Add-To-Basket Scenarios With jQuery And PHP
Free Admin Template For Web Applications
jQuery Dynamic Drag’n Drop

Professional XHTML Admin Template ($15 Discount With The Code: WRD.)
Psd to Xhtml
SSLmatic – Cheap SSL Certificates (from $19.99/year)

Free PHP RSS Reader Script

RSS offers a formalized means for encapsulating a Web site’s content within an XML based structure, known as a feed. It’s based on the premise that most site information shares a similar format, regardless of topic. For example, although sports, weather, and theater are all vastly dissimilar topics, the news items published under each would share a very similar structure, including a title, an author, a publication date, a URL, and a description. A typical RSS feed embodies all such attributes, and often much more, forcing an adherence to a presentation-agnostic format that can in turn be retrieved, parsed, and formatted in any means acceptable to the end user, without actually having to visit the syndicating Web site.
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