Monthly Archiv: December, 2010


Validate and process uploaded files with forms
Files and Folders, HTTP, PHP 5, Validation
Antonello Mangone
This class can be used to validate and process uploaded files with forms.

It can check an uploaded file entry in the $_FILES array and verify whether its size does not exceed a given limit, as well the file name extension is one of the list of allowed file name extensions.

Valid files are copied to a given target directory.

Form Tools

Form Tools is an open source (free!) PHP / MySQL script that provides any existing web form with a backend database and a user-friendly interface to manage the form submission data, plus a wealth of tools for managing and manipulating your form data. Whether you create your forms by hand or through a script, whether your form is in HTML, Flash, Silverlight or anything else - Form Tools can help!

Combination Class

Combination Class
Generate combinations of an array of values
Algorithms, PHP 5
Ovunc Tukenmez
This class can be used to generate combinations of an array of values.

It takes an array of values and generates all possible combinations of those values including permutation of order of the values.

The class can be configured to only get unique combinations, i.e. identical combinations of values are not generated.

PHP MySQL Caching Wrapper

PHP MySQL Caching Wrapper
Execute MySQL queries and cache results in files
Cache, Databases
Bilge Hauser
This class can be used to execute MySQL queries and cache results in files.

It can connect to a MySQL server and execute given SQL queries.

The class can also retrieve the query results and store them in cache files.


Retrieve and parse RSS feed from remote sites
Cache, PHP 5, Web services, XML
Leonardo Branco Shinagawa
This package can be used to retrieve and parse RSS feed from remote sites.

It can send HTTP requests to remote sites that provide RSS feeds.

It can also parse the retrieved feeds and extract the feed entry information. The parsed information may be cached for a given period of time.

There are also sub-classes specialized in extracting information from YouTube and Wordpress RSS feeds.

WordPress 3.1 Beta 2

Haikus from Jane on her 39th birthday:

Practice makes perfect
is what they say about things,
but sometimes it’s not.

In this case it is
not practice but refinement,
and then more testing.

You can help WordPress!
Now: 3.1, beta 2
is here; needs testing.

But! Remember this:
Only install on test sites,
as YMMV.

The second beta of WordPress 3.1 is now available!

For things to test, please review our Beta 1 release announcement. A list of known issues can be found on our bug tracker.

Already have a test install that you want to switch over to the beta? Try the beta tester plugin. Please test 3.1 on a test site, not on your live site, as interactions with plugins that haven’t been updated may be unpredictable, and we can’t predict (see how that works?) whether something will break or not… that’s why we’re asking people to help us test everything! :)

Testers, don’t forget to use the wp-testers mailing list to discuss bugs you encounter. Plugin and theme authors, please test your plugins for compatibility.

Download the WordPress 3.1 Beta 2 now.


VESPA - VEry Simple Parser for directories with Audio files and the script with the most awful acronym ever - is an open source PHP script to read all MP3 files of a certain web directory and enables navigation through its sub-directories. VESPA uses the wonderful getid3 library to extract file information. It provides a sleek and advanced HTML-interface to play these files with Niftyplayer by tvst, Flash-MP3-Player by neolao or Yahoo's Media Player. The basic idea is having a script for an already existing and/or expanding online audio archive. The user manages the archive by simply uploading and deleting files rather than dealing with a CMS. Therefore VESPA takes a grown structure into account and makes it rather easy to expand the archive.
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