Retorna latitude/longitude a partir do CEP
Get the coordinates of a place in Brazil from CEP
This class can be used to get the coordinates of a place in Brazil from CEP zip code using Google Maps API.
It take a given zip code of Brazil (CEP) and sends request to the Google Maps API to obtain the longitude and latitude coordinate of the respective location.
The class can also send a request to obtain the address of a location given its latitude and longitude coordinates.
In Portuguese:
Retorna latitude e longitude de um lugar a partir do CEP.
It take a given zip code of Brazil (CEP) and sends request to the Google Maps API to obtain the longitude and latitude coordinate of the respective location.
The class can also send a request to obtain the address of a location given its latitude and longitude coordinates.
In Portuguese:
Retorna latitude e longitude de um lugar a partir do CEP.
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