Monthly Archiv: April, 2010


Parse text with Wiki syntax into a XML document
PHP 5, Text processing, XML
Kai Dorschner
This class can be used to parse text with Wiki syntax and build a XML document.

It can parse a given text and replace with custom HTML tag nodes.

The class parses the resulting text to build a XML document object (DOM) for further processing by applications.

Musicbox Version 3.3

MusicBox lets you create and maintain professional music website, the best software in affordable price! it uses database to store songs. Musicbox can add/remove songs to playlist, mail a song, search by artist/albums/songs, download option for songs, add/approve/delete lyrics, rate songs and albums, view songs times played, buy song or buy album, multiple songs can be added at once from admin control panel ! it supports all audio formats ram/rpm/rm/wav/mp3/wma/asf... you and your users can create unlimited playlist and save your favorite songs to any of your created playlist. You can show top songs, top albums, top artists, top genres, top songs by genres, members playlist, view 5 new searches, play selected, play all, playlist creator, embedded player with songs/album/artist information with album/aritst covers! your users can upload multiple songs, artist/albums gallery, shopping cart, chat, private chat, allow only registered users to download, add remote url song and play them in flash players! Completly Automatic Update Music system.

Zainu Version 3

Start your own mp3 music website where your users can download or listen mp3 songs online and your visitors can listen to songs in flash embedded player or you can simply use windows media player or real audio player. Zainu is advanced coded using phpframework so no security worries. Simply install and run! You can upload single songs or multiple songs through ftp and you can even add weblinks, now downloading and now listening is also shown.

Secure File Permissions Matter

Summary: A web host had a crappy server configuration that allowed people on the same box to read each others’ configuration files, and some members of the “security” press have tried to turn this into a “WordPress vulnerability” story.

WordPress, like all other web applications, must store database connection info in clear text. Encrypting credentials doesn’t matter because the keys have to be stored where the web server can read them in order to decrypt the data. If a malicious user has access to the file system — like they appeared to have in this case — it is trivial to obtain the keys and decrypt the information. When you leave the keys to the door in the lock, does it help to lock the door?

A properly configured web server will not allow users to access the files of another user, regardless of file permissions. The web server is the responsibility of the hosting provider. The methods for doing this (suexec, et al) have been around for 5+ years.

I’m not even going to link any of the articles because they have so many inaccuracies you become stupider by reading them.

If you’re a web host and you turn a bad file permissions story into a WordPress story, you’re doing something wrong.

P.S. Network Solutions, it’s “WordPress” not “Word Press.”

XML Forms

XML Forms
Generate HTML forms from XML file definitions
Mark Kintigh
This class can generate HTML forms from XML file definitions.

It can parse a given XML file and extract definitions of HTML form fields.

The class can generate HTML for a form mapping XML attributes into form input attributes.


Accept or deny requests depending on IP address
HTTP, Networking, PHP 5, Security
This class can be used to accept or deny requests depending on the user machine IP address.

It can look at the current user IP address and decided to accept or deny the request depending on rules defined in a separate rules file. It can also detect IP addresses behind proxies.

The rules define whether to accept or deny requests from individual IP addresses or whole ranges.

When the current user IP address is denied, it can either redirect the user to another page using Javascript, show a given message, or issue a denied access response header.

[Free] New Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Express

The newly released Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Express has been added to the Free C/C++ Compilers and Interpreters page. This latest version of the compiler adds language features from the upcoming C++0x standard, among other things. It's free, so get it if you want to write computer programs in C++ on Windows.

Note: if you don't like Visual C++, there are now 37 free C/C++ compilers on that page, so you should (hopefully) be to find one that you can use. (Yes, there are that many. And I haven't even counted the C/C++ cross-compilers for handheld devices and embedded systems!)

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