Monthly Archiv: August, 2009

UTF8 to UCS convertor

UTF8 to UCS convertor
Convert Arabic characters between UTF-8 and UCS
tariq momani
This class can be used to convert Arabic characters between UTF-8 and the Universal Character System (UCS).

It can take a string with Arabic characters and convert the characters to the respective representation of their codes in UCS.

SEO Title

SEO Title
Analyze and report problems in page titles
HTML, SEO, Text processing
Sandeep Kumar
This class can be used to analyze and report problems in page titles.

It can retrieve a page with a given URL and extract its title.

Currently the class can analyze the title text and report problems based on the title length and the characters used in the title as separators.

SEO Title

SEO Title
Analyze and report problems in page titles
HTML, SEO, Text processing
Sandeep Kumar
This class can be used to analyze and report problems in page titles.

It can retrieve a page with a given URL and extract its title.

Currently the class can analyze the title text and report problems based on the title length and the characters used in the title as separators.

MCContact Form 1,0

MCContact Form is a safe way to give your visitors the chance to get in contact with your site. MCContact Form is the solution. They can send you an email via MCContact Form and you can respond privately to their address.This version has some filters for malicious code injection and a captcha to avoid email sent through by robots. You also can choose between 2 languages English and Italian

Parser of Expression Grammar

Parser of Expression Grammar
Evaluate expressions in Reverse Polish Notation
Math, Text processing
This class can be used to evaluate expressions in Reverse Polish Notation (RPN).

It can take a string with an expression using RPN and parse it to evaluate its result.

The class supports constants, functions, operators, custom functions, custom operators.

Open Search for PHP

Open Search for PHP
Add support to a given search engine in a browser
Searching, XML
AliReza Ghafouri
This class can be used to add support to a given search engine in a browser.

The main class can generate a XML definition based on the OpenSearch standard that defines how to use a given search site and how to obtain suggestions that complete search text.

Another class can generate the output necessary return suggestions for partial search query text.

Flyweight Data Structures

Flyweight Data Structures
Manage collections of objects in several ways
Data types, PHP 5
Stanislav Shramko
This package can be used to manage collections of objects in several ways.

It defines interfaces and classes that can manipulate values and objects values that make part of collections.

Currently in provides classes for implementing hash tables, queues and stacks.

WordPress 2.8.4: Security Release

Yesterday a vulnerability was discovered: a specially crafted URL could be requested that would allow an attacker to bypass a security check to verify a user requested a password reset. As a result, the first account without a key in the database (usually the admin account) would have its password reset and a new password would be emailed to the account owner. This doesn’t allow remote access, but it is very annoying.

We fixed this problem last night and have been testing the fixes and looking for other problems since then. Version 2.8.4 which fixes all known problems is now available for download and is highly recommended for all users of WordPress.


CakePHP is a rapid development framework for PHP that provides an extensible architecture for developing, maintaining, and deploying applications. Using commonly known design patterns like MVC and ORM within the convention over configuration paradigm, CakePHP reduces development costs and helps developers write less code.
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