
It parses a XML with definitions of variables and values to set in a given object.
The class calls the object setter methods to set the given variable values.
Fancy creating your own cartoon (animation), with or without sound? Pencil lets you create your cartoons as a Flash file, a QuickTime movie file or as a series of PNG images. For lack of a better category page to list this interesting open source program, I've provisionally added it to the Free Drawing and Painting Software page. Since it can produce Flash files, you can even exhibit your cartoons on your own website. (QuickTime movies should work too, but not everyone has the QuickTime plugin.)
Over the last couple months I had a chance to help create a great new product for Stumbleupon. lets create short urls, publish directly to Facebook and Twitter and gives you great tracking and statistics around them. also helps you get more traffic by making it easy to get your content in front of the Stumbleupon community.
Last week we launched our API which lets you integrate shorten and post functionality into any site or application. Today we are adding the ability to use your own domain for shortening. This lets you have urls like so your readers can know what domain they are going too before they click on the link.
Now down to the fun part installation.
Just go to the homepage and sign up using suprjosh
for the invite code (The code is good for 500 sign ups).
I’m not going go over this in detail since instructions are already available from
Note: when installing the rewrite rule you’ll want to make sure its not catching any of your other pages, I put mine after all my custom rules and added a condition to check the given url wasn’t the name of a file or directory.
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteRule ^[a-zA-Z0-9]{4}$ supr.php?supr=$0 RewriteRule ^supr_settings.json$ supr.php?check_install=$0
If your doing your URL rewriting in PHP you might want to handle the link detection there instead, but 4 character words with no extension aren’t too common.
Now that you are up and running any short url created on for your domain will be use your domain instead of for the shortening. If you ran into any problems let me know, I will see what I can do to help.
The double redirection at the end lets us collect stats and do the required setup for showing the Javascript version of the Stumbleupon toolbar.
Two new free tools, an icon editor and a cursor editor, have been added to the Free Resource Editors, Compilers and Icon Editors page. The icon editor, IcoFX, lets you create icons, such as the "favicon" icon that is used by websites or the icons that appear on your computer desktop. The cursor editor, AniFX, can be used to create cursors, even animated cursors, that you can integrate into your programs or substitute for existing ones to customize your computer. Check them out.