Compose HTML forms programmatically
This class can be used to compose HTML forms programmatically.
It can compose a form by adding input elements interleaved with arbitrary HTML sections by defining the input parameters. You can also directly add html code into composing form if you need.
The class assembles the HTML of the composed form and returns it as a string.
All html genetation made according to W3C standatds.

MySQL database access wrapper
This class implements a MySQL database access wrapper. It can:
– Establish connections to a MySQL database server host
– Execute arbitrary SQL queries
– Fetch query results into an array
– Execute SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE queries from parameters that define tables, fields, field values and conditions.
– Kill queries in execution
– Check if a table exist
– Optimize a table

A new virtual PDF printer driver, Bullzip PDF Printer, has been added to the Free PDF Converters, Editors and Printer Drivers
page. Such drivers allow you to create PDF files from any program that can send a file to the printer. It pretends to be a printer to that program, and allows you to create a PDF file as the output instead of actually printing the document.
It's a useful tool for those planning to publish their own ebook or who want to distribute their document to others in a portable fashion.
What if there was software with the elegance and extensibility of WordPress but all the features you’ve come to expect from social networks like Facebook? Now there is: check out BuddyPress.
BuddyPress is an official sister project of WordPress. The idea behind it was to see what would happen to the web if it was as easy for anyone to create a social network as it is to create a blog today. There’s been an explosion of social activity on the web, it’s probably the most important trend of the past few years, but there’s been a dearth of Open Source tools that enable the social web.
In WordPress we have a robust and extensible base that can scale to many millions of users, and BuddyPress is essentially a set of plugins on top of WordPress that add private messaging, profiles, friends, groups, activity streams, and everything else you’ve come to expect from your favorite social network, like a Facebook-in-a-box.
I don’t think BuddyPress will be something you use instead of your existing social networks, I mean all your friends are already on Myspace, but if you wanted to start something new maybe with more control, friendlier terms of service, or just something customized and tweaked to fit exactly into your existing site, then BuddyPress is a great framework to use. Maybe even someday you’ll be able to connect your BuddyPresses to each other and to the existing monolithic social networks.
This is just a 1.0 release and it’s not for everybody yet, for example it currently requires using MU which is a bit trickier to get set up than regular WordPress, but regardless I’d recommend diving into the community at, which is great example of the software in action.
Here’s Andy’s official announcement post.
The poll is closed, the votes are counted, and the results are interesting. The table below shows the actual breakdown of the poll votes, of which there were 2,651. As you can see, there were four main contenders: Dean J. Robinson’s Fluency-based submissions (two variations), the existing 2.7 interface, and Matt Thomas’s comp (MT), which exists somewhere between them in terms of style. Note: GB was a late entry, and was posted after over 900 votes had already been collected.

As several people have rightly pointed out, the Fluency-style designs not only took the top spot, but in combination added up to a higher percentage than any other. We’re not focusing solely on that statistic, though, because had other designers submitted multiple versions, the numbers might have looked different. What was most interesting for me was checking in on the votes over the course of the two days the poll was open. The top three (Fluency-dark, Current 2.7, MT) kept beating each other out for the #1 spot as they cycled back and forth through the top three slots, and had the poll closed on time (left it open a little longer in case anyone translated the time zone incorrectly), the order would have been a bit different.
What’s more interesting to me is the overall style that seems to be preferred among voters, as Matt’s comp has some stylistic similarities to Dean’s (see image at left). It also would be interesting to know how many of the votes for the current 2.7 interface were based on thinking it looked the best vs. how many were votes against changing the interface at all so soon after the 2.7 redesign. If you want to comment on what you liked best and/or least about any of the designs, this thread is a good place.
So what happens now? However we look at it, the Fluency-style designs clearly have a lot of fans. Then again, so do the designs of Matt Thomas (he’s behind the current style of 2.7, remember, in addition to the comp labeled MT). To give the interface the attention it is due, and to take seriously some of the interface feedback around usability and accessibility, we’re going to leave the looks alone for 2.8. It’s our guess that a revised style will make into 2.9 early in the development cycle to allow us plenty of time for user testing and revision. How close it winds up being to the comps submitted in this design tweaks challenge will depend, but in the meantime:
Congratulations, Dean J. Robinson, on winning the vote!
This new page lists free software that you can use to create
3D graphical content and models. They are useful for those who want to create animation or pictures for making games, videos, your home (eg to model it), avatars, etc.
Manipulate and display dates and time on Web pages
This class can be used to manipulate and display dates and time on Web pages.
It can perform several operations to manipulate and display dates and times.
Currently it can return the a given time in seconds to days, hours, minutes and seconds, return the current date and time, and generate HTML with Javascript that shows the current time on the browser side.

Manipulate songs listed in site
This class can be used to manipulate songs listed in site.
It can send requests to the site Web server to perform several types of operations.
Currently it can authenticate on behalf of a given user, search for songs, add user songs, retrieve the list of songs on the user profile, and remove user songs.

Log events to a PHP error log file
This class can be used to log events to a PHP error log file.
It composes a log message made of configurable information elements that may include the current date and time, the current request browser, etc..
The class calls the PHP error_log function to output the composed log message to a given log file.

Show MySQL query results split in pages using AJAX
This class can be used to show MySQL query results split in pages using AJAX.
It takes as parameters an SQL query, the number of results to show per page and the current page number.
The generates HTML and Javascript for links to browse the query result pages.
When the user clicks on the links an AJAX request is sent to a script that retrieves the page results and the respective pagination links.