Here's how to mix three audio files into one:
ffmpeg -i alex.aiff -i fred.aiff -i whisper.aiff -filter_complex "[0:0][1:0] amix=inputs=3:duration=longest" out.mp3
Note the inputs=3
part as we're mixing three files.
And this mixes only two files putting one on the left and one on the right:
ffmpeg -i alex.aiff -i fred.aiff -filter_complex amerge out.mp3
Detect if the current request uses the Tor network
This class can detect if the current request uses the Tor network...
Judging by the flurry of activity across the WordPress project throughout February, it looks like everyone is really getting into the swing of things for 2018. There have been a lot of interesting new developments, so read on to see what the community has been up to for the past month.
WordPress 4.9.3 & 4.9.4
Early in the month, version 4.9.3 of WordPress was released, including a number of important bug fixes. Unfortunately it introduced a bug that prevented many sites from automatically updating to future releases. To remedy this issue, version 4.9.4 was released the following day requiring many people to manually update their sites.
While this kind of issue is always regrettable, the good thing is that it was fixed quickly, and that not all sites had updated to 4.9.3 yet, which meant they bypassed the bug in that version.
You can find out more technical information about this issue on the Core development blog.
The WordCamp Incubator is Back
In 2016, the Global Community Team ran an experimental program to help spread WordPress to underserved areas by providing more significant organizing support for their first WordCamp event. This program was dubbed the WordCamp Incubator, and it was so successful in the three cities where it ran that the program is back for 2018.
Right now, the Community Team is looking for cities to be a part of this year’s incubator by taking applications. Additionally, each incubator community will need an experienced WordCamp organizer to assist them as a co-lead organizer for their event — if that sounds interesting to you, then you can fill in the application form for co-leads.
You can find out further information about the WordCamp Incubator on the Community Team blog.
WordPress Meetup Roundtables scheduled for March
In order to assist local WordPress meetup organizers with running their meetup groups, some members of the Community Team have organized weekly meetup roundtable discussions through the month of March.
These will be run as video chats at 16:00 UTC every Wednesday this month and will be a great place for meetup organizers to come together and help each other out with practical ideas and advice.
If you are not already in the WordPress meetup program and would like to join, you can find out more information in the WordPress Meetup Organizer Handbook.
GDPR Compliance in WordPress Core
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is an upcoming regulation that will affect all online services across Europe. In order to prepare for this, a working group has been formed to make sure that WordPress is compliant with the GDPR regulations.
Aside from the fact that this will be a requirement for the project going forward, it will also have an important and significant impact on the privacy and security of WordPress as a whole. The working group has posted their proposed roadmap for this project and it looks very promising.
To get involved in building WordPress Core, jump into the #gdpr-compliance channel in the Making WordPress Slack group, and follow the Core team blog.
Further Reading:
If you have a story we should consider including in the next “Month in WordPress” post, please submit it here.
Suggest words that complete strings
This class can suggest words that complete strings...
Suggest words that complete strings
This Class provides possible completions of a word given the beginning letter(s) of the word and the reference text(...
Send AJAX requests and responding with JSON data
This package can send AJAX requests and responding with JSON data...
Los Angeles, CA, February 24, 2018 — The BalanceDiet Company has announced improvements to its signature Citrus Lean Fat Burner to add more anti-oxidants to the and nature-based ingredients to the formulation.
Citrus Lean has been a top-selling weight loss and fat burning product, designed by expert health formulators for BalanceDiet in 2002. To keep its position as a market leader, the product formulation has been enhanced from time to time to include new ingredients.
The product now includes a mix of several powerful naturally derived fat fighting ingredients including Bitter Orange Fruit Extract, combined with Green Tea Leaf Extract and White Willow Bark (extract).
“Improving the already-popular formulation to our Citrus Lean product has allowed us to add more anti-oxidants to the product. We were striving to take advantage of some of the newer, more potential nature-based ingredients which show in laboratory studies a high ability to fight stubborn body fat and naturally raise the metabolism, and are very pleased with the results,” commented Lauren Molveney, product formulation advisor.
Natural Atlantic Sea Kelp helps to contribute nearly 40% of the US RDA of Iodine, a mineral essential for healthy weight loss. Iodine is paired with Garcinia Cambogia Fruit Extract, which is standardized to provide 60% Hydroxycitric Acid (HCA), shown in studies to help suppress cravings and overall hunger levels. HCA has also been shown in tests to combat fat loss by inhibiting a key fat-producing enzyme (Citrate Lyase).
In total, the new fat fighting formulation contains 10 ingredients, including the amino acid L-Tyrosine, which may help to naturally combat stress-related weight gains.
Citrus lean is available at, via Amazon and Amazon Prime, and at select retailers.
Note: Content contained within this news release is for information purposes only, and is not intended to diagnose, cure, or treat any disease or condition. Always consult with a health professional prior to making any changes to your diet or exercise habits. This product and claims have not been reviewed by the FDA. Product not intended for children, pregnant women, the elderly, or anyone suffering from a chronic health condition.
About BalanceDiet™
From its origins as a regional weight loss chain 25 years ago, BalanceDiet™ has evolved into a complete nutrition and wellness brand, with a substantially widened audience, product lines, and its “Celebration of Food and Healthy Living!” approach to wellness.
BalanceDiet’s Licensing Programs allow manufacturers to capitalize on the brand’s longevity in the health and wellness space, technology and research programs, proprietary trade dress, brand Ambassadors, and storied history.
Social Media: @GoBalanceDiet
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Check DNS records and compare record sets
This class can check DNS records and compare record sets...
Check DNS records and compare record sets
This class can check DNS records and compare record sets...