Garcinia Cambogia: Bajar de peso de forma natural | La Opinión

La Garcinia Cambogia es una reconocida planta que crece en el sur de la India donde es usada como un eficaz remedio natural que combate la obesidad. Uno de sus principales usos es en la preparación de platos típicos, lo que ayuda a quemar las calorías que proporcionan al ingerirlos.

La Garcinia Cambogia tiene alta cantidad de HCA (ácido hidroxicítrico) una sustancia que, cuando es consumida en grandes cantidades, es ideal para perder peso. Según estudios realizados por la FDA (Food and Drug Administration) se ha probado su efectividad en muchos pacientes con concentraciones de HCA superiores al 40%.

Alguno de los beneficios de la Garcinia Cambogia:

  • Favorece la quema de grasas.
  • Reduce el apetito.
  • Aumenta los niveles de serotonina.
  • Reduce la producción de colesterol y triglicéridos.
  • Eleva la energía y vitalidad de aquel que la consume.
  • Previene y alivia infecciones de carácter genital.
  • Puede actuar como complemento alimenticio debido a las grandes cantidades de nutrientes que contiene.
  • Combate el estreñimiento.
  • Fortalecer el sistema inmune y promover el buen funcionamiento del sistema digestivo.
  • Elimina la lipogénesis y disminuye el colesterol malo.

Esta planta se puede consumir de maneras muy variadas. A continuación les mostramos cuatro productos en los que se encuentra:

1. Extracto de Garcinia Cambogia puro: con HCA al 95%

Cada cápsula (60 cápsulas) contiene: complejo de Garcinia Cambogia, 95% de HCA (ácido hidroxicítrico) 700 mg, potasio (como cloruro de potasio) 35 mg, calcio (como carbonato de calcio) 35 mg y cromo (como quelato de aminoácido) 140 mcg.

Este es uno de los productos quemnadores de grasa naturales más vendidos. Actúa como bloqueador de carbohidratos y ayuda a frenar el apetito. Sin embargo, como cada persona es diferente, se pueden sufrir ciertas consecuencias como náuseas, dolores de cabeza, inquietud y falta de sueño o molestias en el tracto digestivo.

2. Suplemento con ingredientes para la pérdida de peso

Hecho con ingredientes 100% puros y enfocados en la pérdida de peso, como la celulosa microcristalina, Fosfato Dicálcico Dihidrato, Hidroxipropilcelulosa, Croscarmelosa sódica, Aceite vegetal hidrogenado, Estearato de Magnesio, Dióxido de Silicio y tiene revestimiento a base de vegetales.

De hecho, es un suplemento que se encuentra en el TOP 10 de los suplementos supresores y controladores del apetito más vendidos en Amazon. Además, es un suplemento que se encuentra en un alto índice de pérdida de peso gracias a sus ingredientes especiales.

3. Garcina Cambogia con L-Carnitina y Té Verde. 

Compuesto pot extracto seco de Garcinia Cambogia 60% Ácido Hidroxicítrico (HCA) 1050mg., L-Carnitina tartrato 900mg., Extracto de Té Verd, 90% Epigalocatequinas 150mg, Agente de carga (Celulosa microcristalina), Antiaglomerante (Estearato de magnesio).

Este producto está integrado con estractos de L-Carnitina y Té Verde que no solo ayudan en la pérdida de peso si no que ayudan a reducir el apetito y a acelerar el metabolismo así como a mejorar el rendimiento en las actividades deportivas. 

4. 90 cápsulas para la pérdida de peso


Cápsulas compuestas de productos 100% naturales. Pastillas de Garcinia Cambogia que están compuestas por potasio, calcio y cromo. Ayudan al control de ansiedad y a nivelar el azúcar y colesterol en la sangre. Además, está libre de rellenos, aglutinantes, gelatina, productos químicos y conservantes.

Los suplementos de Garcinia garantizan una gran conversión de carbohidratos en grasas saludables y bloquea el almacenamiento de las mismas, según estudios clínicos.

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2018 Natural Choice Awards

Nordic Naturals, Nordic Berries
Vitamins A, B, C, D3, E, zinc and more. This iconic gummy multivitamin comes in classic sweet-and-sour citrus and cherry berry. Pectin-based and gelatin-free, it’s for ages 2+, containing no artificial colors, flavors, sweeteners or preservations. Free of gluten, yeast, soy and milk derivatives.
111 Jennings Drive, Watsonville, CA, 95076,

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Whole Foods Magazine Reveals 2018 Natural Choice Award Winners

Every year Whole Foods Magazine honors companies for being the best in their category with The Natural Choice Award. The honorees in all 18 categories are selected by retailers who choose the products that have made the greatest impact on their business for the year. Some of the names you’ll recognize. Bluebonnet Nutrition Corp. takes home the trophy for Full Supplement Line three years running.

New this year is RXBAR, which won the Best Nutrition Bar category.  WholeFoods Magazine is a trade publisher serving the natural products industry.The awards are distinctive because the votes are cast by natural products retailers based on the impact the products made on their business.

It’s not easy to win a Natural Choice Award,” said Heather Wainer, publisher of WholeFoods Magazine. “We are honored to celebrate these companies who are working to make lives better.

Congratulations to Bluebonnet Nutrition Corporation, SugarLand, TX, for winning or the third year running of the full line dietary supplements honor. The Award presentations will take place the Natural Products Expo East in Baltimore in September. The 32nd Annual Natural Products Expo East, features innovative products launch centered on health, wellness, community building and sustainability


The winners:


Full Line
Bluebonnet Nutrition Corporation, SugarLand, TX

Sports Nutrition
Bluebonnet Nutrition Corporation, SugarLand, TX
100% Natural Whey Protein Isolate

Bone/Joint Health
New Chapter, Brattletboro, VT
Bone Strength Take Care

Heart Health
Natural Factors, Monroe, WA
Coenzyme Q10

Immune Health
Nature’s Way, Green Bay, WI

Weight Loss
Bio Nutrition, Oceanside, NY
Garcinia Cambogia Extract

Digestive Health
Enzymedica, Venice, FL
Digest Gold

Nordic Naturals, Watsonville, CA
Nordic Berries

New Chapter, Brattleboro, VT
Turmeric Force


Flora Health, Burnaby BC, Canada
Brown Flax Seed

Daiya, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Cheddar Style Shreds

GTs Living Foods, Beverly Hills, CA
GT’s Kombucha

Sensitive Diet
Ener-G, Seattle, WA
Light Tapioca Bread

Nutrition Bar
Kellogg Co.’s RXBAR, Chicago, IL
Maple Sea Salt Protein Bar
Health and Beauty Aids (HABA)

Skin Care
Aura Cacia, Norway, IA
Argan Oil

Hair Care
Acure Organics, Fort Lauderdale, FL
Curiously Clarifying Lemongrass Conditioner

Personal Care
Twin Labs’ Reserveage Nutrition, Boca Raton, FL
Beautiful Legs with Diosmin


Nordic Naturals, Watsonville, CA,
Omega-3 Full Line

WholeFoods Magazine is a national, monthly trade magazine that has been published since 1984 by Wainer Finest Communications. It is the longest-tenured media outlet of its kind in the natural products industry.

Remember to subscribe to our newsletter. Follow The Scope Weekly on Twitter and Facebook and Instagram.

If you would like to become a contributor to The Scope Weekly, read our submission guidelines, and apply. For product reviews, click here.

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GDPR Compliance Tools in WordPress

GDPR compliance is an important consideration for all WordPress websites. The GDPR Compliance team is looking for help to test the privacy tools that are currently being developed in core.

What is GDPR?

GDPR stands for General Data Protection Regulation and is intended to strengthen and unify data protection for all individuals within the European Union. Its primary aim is to give control back to the EU residents over their personal data.

Why the urgency? Although the GDPR was introduced two years ago, it becomes  enforceable starting May 25, 2018.

Make WordPress GDPR Compliance Team

Currently, the GDPR Compliance Team understands that helping WordPress-based sites become compliant is a large and ongoing task. The team is focusing on creating a comprehensive core policy, plugin guidelines, privacy tools and documentation. All of this requires your help.

The GDPR Compliance Team is focusing on four main areas:

  • Add functionality to assist site owners in creating comprehensive privacy policies for their websites.
  • Create guidelines for plugins to become GDPR ready.
  • Add administration tools to facilitate compliance and encourage user privacy in general.
  • Add documentation to educate site owners on privacy, the main GDPR compliance requirements, and on how to use the new privacy tools.

Don’t we already have a privacy policy?

Yes and no. That said, The GDPR puts tighter guidelines and restrictions. Though we have many plugins that create privacy pages, we need means to generate a unified, comprehensive privacy policy. We will need tools for users to easily come into compliance.

Site owners will be able to create GDPR compliant privacy policy in three steps:

  1. Adding a dedicated page for the policy.
  2. Adding privacy information from plugins.
  3. Reviewing and publishing the policy.

A new “postbox” will be added to the Edit Page screen when editing the policy. All plugins that collect or store user data will be able to add privacy information there. In addition it will alert the site owners when any privacy information changes after a plugin is activated, deactivated, or updated.

There is a new functionality to confirm user requests by email address. It is intended for site owners to be able to verify requests from users for displaying, downloading, or anonymizing of personal data.

A new “Privacy” page is added under the “Tools” menu. It will display new, confirmed requests from users, as well as already fulfilled requests. It will also contain the tools for exporting and anonymizing of personal data and for requesting email confirmation to avoid abuse attempts.

New section on privacy will be added to the Plugin Handbook. It will contain some general information on user privacy, what a plugin should do to be compliant, and also tips and examples on how to use the new privacy related functionality in WordPress.

The new privacy tools are scheduled for release at the end of April or beginning of May 2018.

How can you get involved?

We would love to have your help. The first step is awareness and education. For more information about the upcoming privacy tools see the roadmap.

If you would like to get involved in building WordPress Core and testing the new privacy tools, please join the #gdpr-compliance channel in the Make WordPress Slack group.

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