April 18, 2018 – By Moses P. Lee
The stock of Maui Land Pineapple Company, Inc. (NYSE:MLP) is a huge mover today! The stock decreased 3.33% or $0.4 during the last trading session, reaching $11.6. About 66,636 shares traded or 60.68% up from the average. Maui Land Pineapple Company, Inc. (NYSE:MLP) has risen 7.21% since April 18, 2017 and is uptrending. It has underperformed by 4.34% the SP500.The move comes after 9 months negative chart setup for the $222.53M company. It was reported on Apr, 18 by Barchart.com. We have $10.67 PT which if reached, will make NYSE:MLP worth $17.80M less.
NUTRAFUELS INC (OTCMKTS:NTFU) had a decrease of 37.5% in short interest. NTFU’s SI was 2,500 shares in April as released by FINRA. Its down 37.5% from 4,000 shares previously. The SI to NUTRAFUELS INC’s float is 0.01%. The stock decreased 2.93% or $0.0072 during the last trading session, reaching $0.2388. About 37,125 shares traded. NutraFuels, Inc. (OTCMKTS:NTFU) has 0.00% since April 18, 2017 and is . It has underperformed by 11.55% the SP500.
Investors sentiment decreased to 1.04 in 2017 Q4. Its down 1.34, from 2.38 in 2017Q3. It fall, as 6 investors sold Maui Land Pineapple Company, Inc. shares while 18 reduced holdings. 8 funds opened positions while 17 raised stakes. 4.71 million shares or 1.61% less from 4.79 million shares in 2017Q3 were reported. 28,877 are owned by Goldman Sachs Inc. Cornerstone Cap Management Hldgs Limited Co reported 0% stake. Malaga Cove Llc reported 0.13% in Maui Land Pineapple Company, Inc. (NYSE:MLP). Bank Of Mellon Corporation, a New York-based fund reported 35,393 shares. Dimensional Fund L P has invested 0% in Maui Land Pineapple Company, Inc. (NYSE:MLP). Davenport Lc stated it has 16,050 shares. Blackrock stated it has 501,200 shares. James Inv accumulated 78,630 shares. Northern stated it has 76,805 shares or 0% of all its holdings. Barclays Public Ltd Com invested in 1,064 shares. Bridgeway Cap owns 76,067 shares. Parallax Volatility Advisers Lp invested 0% in Maui Land Pineapple Company, Inc. (NYSE:MLP). Citigroup owns 2,599 shares. Strs Ohio reported 38,100 shares. Brandywine Investment Mgmt Limited Liability Corporation holds 0% or 7,300 shares.
Maui Land Pineapple Company, Inc., together with its subsidiaries, develops, sells, and manages residential, resort, commercial, agricultural, and industrial real estate properties in the United States. The company has market cap of $222.53 million. It owns approximately 23,000 acres of land on Maui. It has a 20.35 P/E ratio. The firm operates through Real Estate, Leasing, Utilities, and Resort Amenities divisions.
NutraFuels, Inc. manufactures and distributes oral spray nutritional and dietary products to retail and wholesale outlets. The company has market cap of $20.14 million. The companyÂ’s products include sleep spray to support a healthy sleep cycle and improve the quality of restful sleep; energize spray to enhance energy, and restore vigor and vitality; and garcinia cambogia spray, an appetite and weight management spray. It currently has negative earnings. It also offers NRG-X extreme energy spray to enhance energy and stamina; headache and pain spray to relieve headaches and pain; and hair, skin, and nails spray to nourish and encourage hair, skin, and nail growth.

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By1 Moses P. Lee
Article source: https://wolcottdaily.com/maui-land-pineapple-company-inc-mlp-reaches-11-60-after-8-00-down-move-nutrafuels-ntfu-shorts-down-by-37-5/
La Garcinia Cambogia es una reconocida planta que crece en el sur de la India donde es usada como un eficaz remedio natural que combate la obesidad. Uno de sus principales usos es en la preparación de platos típicos, lo que ayuda a quemar las calorías que proporcionan al ingerirlos.
La Garcinia Cambogia tiene alta cantidad de HCA (ácido hidroxicítrico) una sustancia que, cuando es consumida en grandes cantidades, es ideal para perder peso. Según estudios realizados por la FDA (Food and Drug Administration) se ha probado su efectividad en muchos pacientes con concentraciones de HCA superiores al 40%.
Alguno de los beneficios de la Garcinia Cambogia:
- Favorece la quema de grasas.
- Reduce el apetito.
- Aumenta los niveles de serotonina.
- Reduce la producción de colesterol y triglicéridos.
- Eleva la energía y vitalidad de aquel que la consume.
- Previene y alivia infecciones de carácter genital.
- Puede actuar como complemento alimenticio debido a las grandes cantidades de nutrientes que contiene.
- Combate el estreñimiento.
- Fortalecer el sistema inmune y promover el buen funcionamiento del sistema digestivo.
- Elimina la lipogénesis y disminuye el colesterol malo.
Esta planta se puede consumir de maneras muy variadas. A continuación les mostramos cuatro productos en los que se encuentra:
1. Extracto de Garcinia Cambogia puro: con HCA al 95%

Cada cápsula (60 cápsulas) contiene: complejo de Garcinia Cambogia, 95% de HCA (ácido hidroxicítrico) 700 mg, potasio (como cloruro de potasio) 35 mg, calcio (como carbonato de calcio) 35 mg y cromo (como quelato de aminoácido) 140 mcg.
Este es uno de los productos quemnadores de grasa naturales más vendidos. Actúa como bloqueador de carbohidratos y ayuda a frenar el apetito. Sin embargo, como cada persona es diferente, se pueden sufrir ciertas consecuencias como náuseas, dolores de cabeza, inquietud y falta de sueño o molestias en el tracto digestivo.
2. Suplemento con ingredientes para la pérdida de peso

Hecho con ingredientes 100% puros y enfocados en la pérdida de peso, como la celulosa microcristalina, Fosfato Dicálcico Dihidrato, Hidroxipropilcelulosa, Croscarmelosa sódica, Aceite vegetal hidrogenado, Estearato de Magnesio, Dióxido de Silicio y tiene revestimiento a base de vegetales.
De hecho, es un suplemento que se encuentra en el TOP 10 de los suplementos supresores y controladores del apetito más vendidos en Amazon. Además, es un suplemento que se encuentra en un alto índice de pérdida de peso gracias a sus ingredientes especiales.
3. Garcina Cambogia con L-Carnitina y Té Verde.

Compuesto pot extracto seco de Garcinia Cambogia 60% Ácido Hidroxicítrico (HCA) 1050mg., L-Carnitina tartrato 900mg., Extracto de Té Verd, 90% Epigalocatequinas 150mg, Agente de carga (Celulosa microcristalina), Antiaglomerante (Estearato de magnesio).
Este producto está integrado con estractos de L-Carnitina y Té Verde que no solo ayudan en la pérdida de peso si no que ayudan a reducir el apetito y a acelerar el metabolismo así como a mejorar el rendimiento en las actividades deportivas.
4. 90 cápsulas para la pérdida de peso

Cápsulas compuestas de productos 100% naturales. Pastillas de Garcinia Cambogia que están compuestas por potasio, calcio y cromo. Ayudan al control de ansiedad y a nivelar el azúcar y colesterol en la sangre. Además, está libre de rellenos, aglutinantes, gelatina, productos químicos y conservantes.
Los suplementos de Garcinia garantizan una gran conversión de carbohidratos en grasas saludables y bloquea el almacenamiento de las mismas, según estudios clínicos.
Article source: https://laopinion.com/2018/04/16/garcinia-cambogia-bajar-de-peso-de-forma-natural/
I have seen a few articles recently on a form of training injury that can be quite dangerous. This condition is known as Rhabdomyolysis.
If you have ever worked out hard after not doing weights in a while, or run for the first time in a long time, you are very very aware of the muscle soreness that can occur.
Sometimes though, well trained people will transition from one type of exercise to a brand new one and the possiblilty exists for them to really fry their muscles badly and get this condition called Rhabdomyolysis.
What is Rhabdomyolysis?
Rhabdomyolysis is the breakdown of muscle tissue that leads to the release of muscle fiber contents into the blood. These substances are harmful to the kidney and often cause kidney damage. This means the kidneys cannot remove waste and concentrated urine. In rare cases, rhabdomyolysis can even cause death.
As you can see from the image to the right the kidneys are having trouble clearing toxins and muscle fibers and your urine would be a brownish color.
This is a very very bad thing to have happen.
If you see this make sure you go to an emergency room immediately to get your electrolytes adjusted as well as blood cleaned, possibly with dialysis.
When muscle is damaged, a protein called myoglobin is released into the bloodstream. It is then filtered out of the body by the kidneys. Myoglobin breaks down into substances that can damage kidney cells.
There are a lot of causes for this. Not just this idea of pushing muscles really hard but also, trauma or crush injuries, use of drugs such as cocaine and other stimulants, genetic muscle diseases, extremes of body temperature.
In fact this issue was first discovered not in athletes, but in victims of an earthquake back in the early years of the 20th century.
What Does Research Say About Rhabdomyolysis?
I first saw an article on the Today site when I heard about this issue on the radio a couple mornings ago, the article was called Thinking about signing up for spin class? Read this warning first. I know, this is classic fear mongering but here is how that article started.
Lauren Peterson figured taking a spin class would be a great way to get in shape. But after less than 15 minutes of intense pedaling she felt nauseous and nearly passed out.
Two days later the 33-year-old Bronx schoolteacher’s urine had turned dark and the muscles in her thighs had become swollen and excruciatingly painful.
The article is shocking enough to never want to take a spin class but realistically this is not quite as common as you might think for Spinners and other people getting into shape although Rhabdomyolysis occurs in about 26,000 people a year in the United States.

The article that they were referencing on the news on the radio that I heard a couple of days ago was this one that has been published pretty widely. Intense, repetitive motion exercise can cause rhabdomyolysis
Like many doctors, I, too, have advised patients and readers to exercise as part of a healthy lifestyle. Now, Dr. Maureen Brogan, associate professor of medicine at New York Medical College, reports that intense, repetitive motion exercise can cause rhabdomyolysis. And, in rare cases, it can kill.
Brogan explains that when muscle is damaged, it dumps myoglobin, an iron and oxygen-binding muscle protein, into blood circulation. Excessive amounts of myoglobin can obstruct the kidney’s filtration system and cause serious damage.
Takeaways For Athletes To Avoid Rhabdomyolysis
So is this the kind of issue that we should be worried about now as the weather gets warmer and we are out getting more exercise? No, I don’t think so, but it is always prudent to make sure you are careful. Remember that you are one year older than last year and not only are your muscles, but also connective tissues likely weaker than back last Summer.
One other issue that came up in this research was the idea of dehydration. I know that dehydration can creep up quick and if your muscles and organs are not well hydrated you are at risk for cramping and heatstroke, as well as Rhabdomyolysis.
Finally one last thing that I think needs to again be pointed out, if you are in great shape and are looking to try a new sport or activity, remember that you can likely push your body far harder that first time out then your body would be able to recover. Try to avoid excessive soreness.
Article source: https://www.fitnesstipsforlife.com/rhabdomyolysis-in-athletes-transitioning-to-new-workouts.html
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SOUTH PLAINFIELD, N.J., April 2, 2018 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/Â — WholeFoods Magazine (http://www.WholeFoodsMagazine.com), a trade publisher serving the natural products industry, has named 18 winners of its 2018 Natural Choice Awards. The awards are distinctive because the votes are cast by natural products retailers based on the impact the products made on their business.
“It’s not easy to win a Natural Choice Award,” said Heather Wainer, publisher of WholeFoods Magazine. “We are honored to celebrate these companies who are working to make lives better.”
Bluebonnet Nutrition Corporation, SugarLand, TX, is the recipient for the third year running of the full line dietary supplements honor. All the winners are featured online and in the April issue of WholeFoods Magazine. Presentations will be made at the Natural Products Expo East in Baltimore.
The winners:
Full Line
Bluebonnet Nutrition Corporation, SugarLand, TX
Sports Nutrition
Bluebonnet Nutrition Corporation, SugarLand, TX
100% Natural Whey Protein Isolate
Bone/Joint Health
New Chapter, Brattletboro, VT
Bone Strength Take Care
Heart Health
Natural Factors, Monroe, WA
Coenzyme Q10
Immune Health
Nature’s Way, Green Bay, WI
Weight Loss
Bio Nutrition, Oceanside, NY
Garcinia Cambogia Extract
Digestive Health
Enzymedica, Venice, FL
Digest Gold
Nordic Naturals, Watsonville, CA
Nordic Berries
New Chapter, Brattleboro, VT
Turmeric Force
Flora Health, Burnaby BC, Canada
Brown Flax Seed
Daiya, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Cheddar Style Shreds
GTs Living Foods, Beverly Hills, CA
GT’s Kombucha
Sensitive Diet
Ener-G, Seattle, WA
Light Tapioca Bread
Nutrition Bar
Kellogg Co.’s RXBAR, Chicago, IL
Maple Sea Salt Protein Bar
Health and Beauty Aids (HABA)
Skin Care
Aura Cacia, Norway, IA
Argan Oil
Hair Care
Acure Organics, Fort Lauderdale, FL
Curiously Clarifying Lemongrass Conditioner
Personal Care
Twin Labs’ Reserveage Nutrition, Boca Raton, FL
Beautiful Legs with Diosmin
Nordic Naturals, Watsonville, CA,
Omega-3 Full Line
WholeFoods Magazine is a one-stop resource for current health and nutrition articles, including gluten-free lifestyle and dietary supplement news. Fans of the magazine can also listen to The Natural View podcast.
The purpose of Whole Food Magazine’s health and nutrition articles is to inform natural product retailers and suppliers about the latest natural product and dietary supplement news, so they can take advantage of new opportunities and improve their businesses. The magazine provides important information regarding the industry’s new and emerging product categories, plus the science behind key dietary supplements.
SOURCE WholeFoods Magazine
Article source: http://markets.businessinsider.com/news/stocks/wholefoods-magazine-announces-2018-natural-choice-award-winners-1020230816
La Garcinia Cambogia es una reconocida planta que crece en el sur de la India donde es usada como un eficaz remedio natural que combate la obesidad. Uno de sus principales usos es en la preparación de platos típicos, lo que ayuda a quemar las calorías que proporcionan al ingerirlos.
La Garcinia Cambogia tiene alta cantidad de HCA (ácido hidroxicítrico) una sustancia que, cuando es consumida en grandes cantidades, es ideal para perder peso. Según estudios realizados por la FDA (Food and Drug Administration) se ha probado su efectividad en muchos pacientes con concentraciones de HCA superiores al 40%.
Alguno de los beneficios de la Garcinia Cambogia:
- Favorece la quema de grasas.
- Reduce el apetito.
- Aumenta los niveles de serotonina.
- Reduce la producción de colesterol y triglicéridos.
- Eleva la energía y vitalidad de aquel que la consume.
- Previene y alivia infecciones de carácter genital.
- Puede actuar como complemento alimenticio debido a las grandes cantidades de nutrientes que contiene.
- Combate el estreñimiento.
- Fortalecer el sistema inmune y promover el buen funcionamiento del sistema digestivo.
- Elimina la lipogénesis y disminuye el colesterol malo.
Esta planta se puede consumir de maneras muy variadas. A continuación les mostramos cuatro productos en los que se encuentra:
1. Extracto de Garcinia Cambogia puro: con HCA al 95%

Cada cápsula (60 cápsulas) contiene: complejo de Garcinia Cambogia, 95% de HCA (ácido hidroxicítrico) 700 mg, potasio (como cloruro de potasio) 35 mg, calcio (como carbonato de calcio) 35 mg y cromo (como quelato de aminoácido) 140 mcg.
Este es uno de los productos quemnadores de grasa naturales más vendidos. Actúa como bloqueador de carbohidratos y ayuda a frenar el apetito. Sin embargo, como cada persona es diferente, se pueden sufrir ciertas consecuencias como náuseas, dolores de cabeza, inquietud y falta de sueño o molestias en el tracto digestivo.
2. Suplemento con ingredientes para la pérdida de peso

Hecho con ingredientes 100% puros y enfocados en la pérdida de peso, como la celulosa microcristalina, Fosfato Dicálcico Dihidrato, Hidroxipropilcelulosa, Croscarmelosa sódica, Aceite vegetal hidrogenado, Estearato de Magnesio, Dióxido de Silicio y tiene revestimiento a base de vegetales.
De hecho, es un suplemento que se encuentra en el TOP 10 de los suplementos supresores y controladores del apetito más vendidos en Amazon. Además, es un suplemento que se encuentra en un alto índice de pérdida de peso gracias a sus ingredientes especiales.
3. Garcina Cambogia con L-Carnitina y Té Verde.

Compuesto pot extracto seco de Garcinia Cambogia 60% Ácido Hidroxicítrico (HCA) 1050mg., L-Carnitina tartrato 900mg., Extracto de Té Verd, 90% Epigalocatequinas 150mg, Agente de carga (Celulosa microcristalina), Antiaglomerante (Estearato de magnesio).
Este producto está integrado con estractos de L-Carnitina y Té Verde que no solo ayudan en la pérdida de peso si no que ayudan a reducir el apetito y a acelerar el metabolismo así como a mejorar el rendimiento en las actividades deportivas.
4. 90 cápsulas para la pérdida de peso

Cápsulas compuestas de productos 100% naturales. Pastillas de Garcinia Cambogia que están compuestas por potasio, calcio y cromo. Ayudan al control de ansiedad y a nivelar el azúcar y colesterol en la sangre. Además, está libre de rellenos, aglutinantes, gelatina, productos químicos y conservantes.
Los suplementos de Garcinia garantizan una gran conversión de carbohidratos en grasas saludables y bloquea el almacenamiento de las mismas, según estudios clínicos.
Article source: https://laopinion.com/2018/04/16/garcinia-cambogia-bajar-de-peso-de-forma-natural/
First, there was Zima. Then came Mikes Hard Lemonade, followed by hard iced tea from Mikes and then Twisted Tea. By the time hard root beer blew up and alcoholic Mountain Dew knockoffs started to hit the shelves, malt beverages were at peak velocity.
Enter hard seltzer water. Fermented from ordinary sugar instead of malted grains, hard seltzer waters hit the scene in 2013, a few years after the beginning of sparkling water LaCroixs meteoric rise in market share for soft drinks.
These drinks tend to follow a similar format: relatively low in calories (around 100 to 120 calories per 12 ounces, compared with 150 or more for most beers), carbs and sugar, and invariably fruit flavored, suitable for drinking straight out of the can, served on the rocks or used as a mixer in a cocktail (instead of boring, nonalcoholic mixers).
Here are six hard seltzers to try on one of the many upcoming hot afternoons.
SpikedSeltzer is the original hard seltzer, first to market in 2013 and inspiring many imitators before being purchased by AB InBev in 2016. SpikedSeltzer comes in four varieties: Cape Cod Cranberry, West Indies Lime, Valencia Orange and Indian River Grapefruit, flavors derived from cold-pressed fruit. At 6 percent alcohol by volume and with 5 grams of sugar, SpikedSeltzer is both stronger and a little sweeter than most of the newer brands, and its also a little more calorie-dense, at 140 calories a serving.
White Claw Hard Seltzer is perhaps the biggest competitor to SpikedSeltzer. Owned by the Mark Anthony Group, which also owns the Mikes Hard line of malt beverages, White Claw markets itself as the “purest hard seltzer in the world,” made from only essential fruit juice, sugar and water. These 12-ounce cans clock in at 110 calories each and 5 percent alcohol by volume. Flavor choices include Ruby Grapefruit, Black Cherry and Natural Lime. e_SClBTruly Spiked Sparkling, an offshoot of the Boston Beer Co. (makers of Samuel Adams beer, Angry Orchard cider and Twisted Tea), offers a wide range of flavor options, designed to cater to “craft” consumers. For example, theres Wild Berry (strawberry, raspberry and Marion berry) and Pomegranate, Blueberry and Acai, Lemon and Yuzu, Raspberry and Lime, Blood Orange, Grapefruit and Pomelo and Colima Lime (made with limes grown in volcanic soil). Its a little drier than White Claw, but the fruit flavors are still quite pronounced.
MIA HRD WTR, produced by MIA Brewing out of Miami, represents the first real craft entry into the category. Grapefruit, Cucumber and Lemon Lime, and Blueberry, make up the flavor portfolio here, and you can find these in 16-ounce cans and on draft all around the Tampa Bay area. HRD WTR is the driest of the bunch, similar to LaCroix, with muted fruit flavors and a refreshing crispness. e_SClBCoco Cocktail is another Florida-based entry, produced by Healthy Beverages, LLC. The company name says it all: These are marketed toward health-conscious drinkers, with 75 to 95 calories per drink, triple the potassium of most sports drinks and no tannins or added sulfites characteristics its manufacturers claim will produce “no hangovers.” (Someone test this and get back to us.)
Aside from unusual ingredients like garcinia cambogia and mangosteen in its Refresh Lemon Key Lime flavor, Coco Cocktails are also notable for being made of orange wine and coconut water. Other flavors include Power Pomegranate Berry, as well as Pink Grapefruit and Watermelon versions of the 75-calorie Uberlyte line.
3 Daughters Spiked Water is new and local, first produced by the St. Petersburg brewery in January. The 10-barrel (310-gallon) pilot batch was split into Orange, Lemon and Kiwi versions, all of which have since sold out. Despair not: New batches are on the way, including a canning run that should be on the shelves as early as late April, each containing 4.5 percent alcohol by volume and 90 calories per serving.
e_SClBContact Justin Grant at [email protected] Follow @WordsWithJG.
Article source: http://www.tampabay.com/things-to-do/food/spirits/Six-hard-seltzers-a-k-a-alcoholic-sparkling-water-you-should-try-_166958883
SOUTH PLAINFIELD, N.J., April 2, 2018 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ — WholeFoods Magazine (http://www.WholeFoodsMagazine.com), a trade publisher serving the natural products industry, has named 18 winners of its 2018 Natural Choice Awards. The awards are distinctive because the votes are cast by natural products retailers based on the impact the products made on their business.
“It’s not easy to win a Natural Choice Award,” said Heather Wainer, publisher of WholeFoods Magazine. “We are honored to celebrate these companies who are working to make lives better.”
Bluebonnet Nutrition Corporation, SugarLand, TX, is the recipient for the third year running of the full line dietary supplements honor. All the winners are featured online and in the April issue of WholeFoods Magazine. Presentations will be made at the Natural Products Expo East in Baltimore.
The winners:
Full Line
Bluebonnet Nutrition Corporation, SugarLand, TX
Sports Nutrition
Bluebonnet Nutrition Corporation, SugarLand, TX
100% Natural Whey Protein Isolate
Bone/Joint Health
New Chapter, Brattletboro, VT
Bone Strength Take Care
Heart Health
Natural Factors, Monroe, WA
Coenzyme Q10
Immune Health
Nature’s Way, Green Bay, WI
Weight Loss
Bio Nutrition, Oceanside, NY
Garcinia Cambogia Extract
Digestive Health
Enzymedica, Venice, FL
Digest Gold
Nordic Naturals, Watsonville, CA
Nordic Berries
New Chapter, Brattleboro, VT
Turmeric Force
Flora Health, Burnaby BC, Canada
Brown Flax Seed
Daiya, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Cheddar Style Shreds
GTs Living Foods, Beverly Hills, CA
GT’s Kombucha
Sensitive Diet
Ener-G, Seattle, WA
Light Tapioca Bread
Nutrition Bar
Kellogg Co.’s RXBAR, Chicago, IL
Maple Sea Salt Protein Bar
Health and Beauty Aids (HABA)
Skin Care
Aura Cacia, Norway, IA
Argan Oil
Hair Care
Acure Organics, Fort Lauderdale, FL
Curiously Clarifying Lemongrass Conditioner
Personal Care
Twin Labs’ Reserveage Nutrition, Boca Raton, FL
Beautiful Legs with Diosmin
Nordic Naturals, Watsonville, CA,
Omega-3 Full Line
WholeFoods Magazine is a one-stop resource for current health and nutrition articles, including gluten-free lifestyle and dietary supplement news. Fans of the magazine can also listen to The Natural View podcast.
The purpose of Whole Food Magazine’s health and nutrition articles is to inform natural product retailers and suppliers about the latest natural product and dietary supplement news, so they can take advantage of new opportunities and improve their businesses. The magazine provides important information regarding the industry’s new and emerging product categories, plus the science behind key dietary supplements.
SOURCE WholeFoods Magazine
Article source: https://www.benzinga.com/pressreleases/18/04/r11449720/wholefoods-magazine-announces-2018-natural-choice-award-winners
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