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How long are eggs good for? Eggs are a big part of my weekend breakfasts. During the week I will eat oatmeal, all Bran, or a bagel just because they are fast and easy and good for you but on the weekend I can get a chance to make myself a bit more breakfast so I will. I usually like to make a three egg omelet with a bit of veggies and some ham if we have any in the fridge.
How long are eggs good for?
I was wondering how long eggs are good for and after searching around a bit found out that eggs are good for week hard boiled in the fridge. Raw eggs are good for 3 to 5 weeks in the fridge but if you take them out use them right away as they will spoil in 2 hours on the counter.
One thing that may have you thinking is how can eggs be good on a farm for so long but not on the counter? Well apparently there is a special coating that the hen has on the egg is washed off in processing. Good for us but not so good for protecting the egg.
Calories per egg 80
Protein 6.30 g
Total Fat 5 g
monounsaturated 2 g
polyunsaturated 0 .07 g
saturated fat 1.50 g
cholesterol 213 mg
carbohydrates 0.60 g
sodium 63 mg
I had a comment asking how long eggs are good when out on the counter so I did a bit more digging and found that there is not a good consensus on this. I found the following comment:
If you want to eat the eggs, I believe they are only good for about a week, or so I think I remember reading, but on the other hand, the tried and true method of checking an egg for eating purposes is to put it in a glass of water. If it sinks, it is OK to eat. If it floats, it’s disposal food except for the shell which if baked or microwaved can be crunched up and fed back to the laying hens
following this a farmer in a farmer said they would be good for three weeks or maybe even more. I think however that the water floating test is good and also if you are not sure and still really want to use that egg then crack it in a seperate bowl and smell for any putrid smell that would lead you to believe that the egg may have gone bad.
I certainly hope this helps you understand how long are eggs good for.
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Article source:
• Produktnavn: Tested Burner SF/Tested Burner Fettforbrenner
• Navn på virksomheten som kaller tilbake varene/importør: Netthandelsgruppen AS
• Forhandler i EU: Prometeus Sport B.V.
• Produksjonsvirksomhet: Supplement Facts inc, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
• Opprinnelsesland: Canada.
• Varenummer: EAN 804947002048
Kosttilskuddet er solgt på nettsiden Det er solgt 20 stk. av det gjeldende partiet. Kosttilskuddet selges i bokser à 120 kapsler. Se bilder.
Årsaken til tilbaketrekkingen er at kosttilskuddet har for høyt innhold av (-)- hydroksysitronsyre (HCA). Kosttilskuddet inneholder Malabar Tamarind som også kalles Garcinia Cambogia. Ekstrakten av frukten til denne planten inneholder HCA som kan gi toksiske effekter på testiklene.
Forbrukere som har kjøpt produktet må kaste det.
Kontaktperson for Netthandelsgruppen AS: Gard Valderhaug, tlf. 957 67 115.
Mattilsynets kontaktperson: Annette Haugane, avdelingssjef, avdeling grensekontroll og import, region Stor-Oslo, tlf. 22 77 79 08.
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