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Garcinia Cambogia (Kudampuli): What Are The Other Health Benefits of This Weight Loss Fruit?

Garcinia Cambogia (Kudampuli): What Are The Other Health Benefits of This Weight Loss Fruit?

If you ask a Malayali what garcinia cambogia is, chances are that he may draw a blank. But any Keralite worth his salt will know what kudampuli is, a tart fruit used in many Malayali households for flavouring fish curries. It is to the South Indians what kokam or garcinia indica is to the West Indians. Garcinia cambogia, also known as Malabar tamarind, is essentially the rind of the garcinia gummi-gutta fruit, which resembles a tiny pumpkin. The sharp-tasting rind is often referred to as ‘tamarind’ in common parlance even though there’s no connection between the two. Folk wisdom says that the fruit and its rind is full of beneficial nutrients and does not aggravate acidity or cause any gastrointestinal problems that tamarind does.

The fruit is native to Southeast Asia and India. But now the regional ingredient has now captured the collective fancy of the fitness industry worldwide. The humble fruit is now basking in its new-found glory as a potent weight loss ingredient. Garcinia cambogia supplements have been flying hot off the shelves ever since.

How it Impacts Weight Loss

The active ingredient in the garcinia cambogia is hydroxycitric acid (HCA), which can aid weight loss. Studies suggest that the extracts of the fruit, as well as its HCA content, has anti-obesity effects that reduces food intake and body fat gain. The active ingredients regulate serotonin levels in the body, which promotes a feeling of fullness after eating. It is also said to reduce cravings for sweets and unhealthy foods, thereby causing weight loss. But studies reveal that the effects of garcinia cambogia on weight loss can be varied.

What are its other health benefits?

Lowers Cholesterol

Those struggling with high cholesterol levels may benefit from including garcinia cambogia in their daily diet. Studies suggest that it can lower triglycerides and improve cholesterol levels. The fruit may also raise HDL or the good cholesterol in the human body. The effect may be not be very significant, but if you are already on cholesterol-lowering medication, consult your physician before you consume garcinia cambogia.

Lowers Sugar Levels

Some studies suggest that the fruit may be able to control blood sugar levels by impacting the way cells use sugar. It may also improve the body’s response to insulin. But it can be dangerous for people who have fluctuating sugar levels or are prediabetic. Such people should be wary of their blood sugar falling dangerously low.


Although the garcinia cambogia can be safely consumed along with your daily diet, concentrated forms of the fruit in the form of supplements may not be very safe. Some common side effects may include headache, nausea, skin rash and symptoms that mimic common cold. It can also irritate the stomach and cause gastrointestinal complaints. HCA in garcinia cambogia can also cause liver problems. People who are already taking medications for lowering cholesterol and blood sugar should always consult their doctors before taking any kind of supplements.

Article source: https://www.latestly.com/lifestyle/health-wellness/garcinia-cambogia-kudampuli-what-are-the-other-health-benefits-of-this-weight-loss-fruit-193829.html


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Briefs: SunCran Naturelle, Sabinsa, Bioenergy Life Science

Taiyo’s SunCran Naturelle Earns Low FODMAP Certification

Minneapolis, MN – SunCran™ Naturelle, an all-natural premium branded formula made with Fruit d’Or Cran Naturelle™ cranberry juice powder and Taiyo’s Sunfiber®, an organic, soluble guar fiber, is now a Monash University Low FODMAP Certified™ product.

The product, introduced by Taiyo International at Engredea 2018, offers gut and urinary tract health benefits.

The certification proves it is a low FODMAP safe option for those who struggle with functional gastrointestinal disorders (FGIDs) and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). According to Monash University’s web site, one in seven people have IBS.  The university also puts out a diet for those suffering from gastrointestinal problems. Products that receive low FODMAP certification are listed in this diet; products also receive logos showing their certification.

FODMAPs (Fermentable Oligo-saccharides, Disaccharides, Mono-saccharides and Polyols) are a group of dietary sugars which are poorly absorbed in the small intestine. They are known to cause gas-related pain, intestinal distention and constipation and/or diarrhea in people suffering from FGIDs and IBS. Low FODMAP foods and ingredients help to reduce these symptoms.

Because many high-fiber foods are also high in FODMAPs, people with FGID and IBS often have difficulty meeting the recommended daily intake of 25 to 38 grams of fiber in their diets. That means they may not get enough soluble fiber which is essential to gut health and regularity.

Even more problematic, many of the short chain dietary fibers such as inulin, wheat and corn dextrin, and IMOs (Isomaltooligosaccharide) are high-FODMAP fibers and should be avoided by those looking to minimize FODMAPs in their diet.

“We are pleased that Monash certified SunCran Naturelle under its new therapeutic ingredient program,” comments Scott Smith, vice president of Taiyo International. “This is an example of how Taiyo International is assisting its customers with achieving and using its Sunfiber low-FODMAP certification in collaboration with Monash University.”

SunCran Naturelle works well in functional ready-to-drink (RTD) beverages, bars, stick packs, and scoopable powder.

Sabinsa Founder Dr. Muhammed Majeed Named 2018 NutraChampion

East Windsor, NJ – Sabinsa founder Muhammed Majeed PhD has been named the 2018 NutraChampion in the NutraIngredients Awards, in association with VitaFoods Europe.

His son, Shaheen Majeed, Sabinsa president-worldwide, accepted the award on his father’s behalf on May 16th in Geneva, Switzerland.

The NutraChampion award honors the industry’s biggest champions and heroes, those who leave a lasting impact on nutrition and the nutrition industry.

Dr. Majeed, who was born and raised in Kerala, India, has over 45 years of experience in the pharmaceutical, molecular biology, nutritional and cosmetic industries. He founded the Sabinsa Corporation in 1988.  In 1991, he set up Sami Labs Limited, a research group, in Bangalore, India.  Under his leadership, Indian Ayurvedic herbs were studied in depth, confirming traditional benefits, and often finding new ones, as well as developing proprietary extraction methods.  The company expanded into cultivation to insure a steady supply of raw materials grown to control common agricultural adulterants, structuring the program to improve the lives of many rural farmers in India.

Sabinsa pioneered numerous herbs that have become successful industry staples, such as Garcinia cambogia (CitrinÂŽ), Coleus forskohlii (ForsLeanÂŽ), Curcuma longa (Curcumin C3 ComplexÂŽ), and Black Pepper extract (BioPerineÂŽ). The company was the first to develop a shelf stable probiotic, LactoSporeÂŽ, nearly 20 years ago.

Sabinsa’s Hyderabad Facility Receives NSF GMP Certification

Hyderabad, India – The Sami-Group’s Hyderabad facility, located in the Genome Valley, Hyderabad, India, has received GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) Certification from NSF International. This marks the third Sabinsa factory to received the certification.

The state-of-the-art production center is situated in a 4.5-acre plot, and houses facilities for herbal extractions and nutraceutical preparations. The reactors range from 500 to 8000 liters, with all distillation assembly and other requirements. The factory is also equipped with an efficient quality control and microbiology lab that is capable of analyzing all incoming and outgoing materials on a regular basis.

The top products from the Hyderabad unit are Sabinsa’s PteroWhite® (Pterocarpus extract 90%), BioPerine® (Black pepper 95%), Curcumin C3 Complex® 95%, Boswellin®, and FenuFibers®, which are supplied to several world markets.

“This third party inspection and subsequent certification provides our customers with assurance that the products we manufacture will support their own regulatory compliance and quality standards,” said Shaheen Majeed, Sabinsa president-worldwide. “While we encourage our customers to visit us and conduct site inspections themselves, we also know that isn’t always possible. This location previously passed inspection by the U.S. FDA, but we are pleased by this most recent confirmation of our manufacturing standards as well.”

Bioenergy Life Science Ingredient Positively Appraised by EFSA

Minneapolis, MN – Bioenergy Life Science, Inc.’s (BLS) ingredient Bioenergy Ribose® (D-Ribose) has received a positive opinion from the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) for ‘the safety of use’ as a novel food (NF) ingredient.

The news was published in EFSA Journal 2018.

EFSA concluded that D-Ribose is safe for the general population including children and that this relates to a value of 36 mg/kg/day, which for a 70Kg adult is equivalent to a daily dosage of 2.5g, which is a strong dose for efficacy.

“We have worked very hard for this achievement and are very happy we have the safety approval from EFSA to use Bioenergy Ribose in food and beverage applications in the EU,” states Marianne McDonagh, vice president of sales at BLS.

Bioenergy Ribose has been used in dietary supplements for nearly 30 years in Europe. Its use in the United States, where it is FDA GRAS-certified, extends over 40 years and includes sports nutrition and functional food and beverage applications.

“We look forward to continue working with the EU Commission to define the list of food categories and expanding our brand and core product, Bioenergy Ribose, in Europe,” says McDonagh.



Article source: https://wholefoodsmagazine.com/haba/new-products-haba/briefs-suncran-naturelle-sabinsa-bioenergy-life-science/

The Month in WordPress: May 2018

This month saw two significant milestones in the WordPress community — the 15th anniversary of the project, and GDPR-related privacy tools coming to WordPress Core. Read on to find out more about this and everything else that happened in the WordPress community in May.

Local Communities Celebrate the 15th Anniversary of WordPress

Last Sunday, May 27, WordPress turned 15 years old. This is a noteworthy occasion for an open-source project like WordPress and one well worth celebrating. To mark the occasion, WordPress communities across the world gathered for parties and meetups in honor of the milestone.

Altogether, there were 224 events globally, with a few more of those still scheduled to take place in some communities — attend one in your area if you can.

If your city doesn’t have a WordPress meetup group, this is a great opportunity to start one! Learn how with the Meetup Organizer Handbook, and join the #community-events channel in the Making WordPress Slack group.

Privacy Tools added to WordPress core

In light of recent changes to data privacy regulations in the EU, WordPress Core shipped important updates in the v4.9.6 release, giving site owners tools to help them comply with the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). It is worth noting, however, that WordPress cannot ensure you are compliant — this is still a site owner’s responsibility.

The new privacy tools include a number of features focused on providing privacy and personal data management to all site users — asking commenters for explicit consent to store their details in a cookie, providing site owners with an easy way to publish a Privacy Policy, and providing data export and erasure tools to all site users that can be extended by plugins to allow the handling of data that they introduce.

To find out more about these features and the other updates, read the 4.9.6 update guide. You can also get involved in contributing to this part of WordPress Core by jumping into the #core-privacy channel in the Making WordPress Slack group, and following the Core team blog.

Updates to the WordPress.org Privacy Policy

In a similar vein, WordPress.org itself has received an updated Privacy Policy to make clear what is being tracked and how your data is handled. Along with that, a Cookie Policy has also been added to explain just what is collected and stored in your browser when using the site.

These policies cover all sites on the WordPress.org network — including WordPress.org, WordPress.net, WordCamp.org, BuddyPress.org, bbPress.org, and other related domains and subdomains. It’s important to note that this does not mean that anything has changed in terms of data storage; rather that these documents clarify what data is stored and how it is handled.

Further Reading:

If you have a story we should consider including in the next “Month in WordPress” post, please submit it here.

Luna Trim Review – Feel Lighter And Stay Healthier

In today’s time, who doesn’t wants to be fit? Who doesn’t want to have a slim and a model like a figure? Who doesn’t want to be appreciated and feel confident about how they look? The answer is pretty simple.

Almost everyone wants to be fit and wants to feel confident about themselves. But, to achieve the desired fitness, certain steps and measures are to be taken, which requires time and dedication. Sometimes even after all the effort, people do not get the effective results in weight loss.

Read User Reviews and Ratings on Luna Trim 

Luna Trim is a new weight loss supplement that tends to not only increase your metabolism rate of the body but also stimulates digestion in the digestive system so that whatever you eat can be processed completely to deliver energy. It tends to deals with the stubborn fat that is usually accumulated in the thighs, abdomen, and neck.

This is an all-natural weight loss supplement that helps its consumers to maintain their look or burn off the excess fat, just the way they want. Due to the natural ingredients added in its formulation and production, the product seems to have more beneficial factors and more advantages as compared to the other synthetic supplements.

Recommended use

Sometimes users tend to become impatient and think that by taking the pills in excess will somehow fasten up the whole process. Overdosage of any supplement can only bring harm to one’s body, so it is advised to take the ‘just right’ amount for the proper course.

Luna Trim contains 60 pills and the manufacturers of the product have advised its users to consume only 2 pills per day.

  • One pill in the morning, before the breakfast
  • One pill at the night, before the dinner


Luna Trim is a natural dietary supplement and contains natural ingredients. The main ingredients of the supplement include:

  • Forskolin
  • Ginseng
  • Garcinia Cambogia

Forskolin is generally used in many weight loss supplements, not because it aids in shedding off the unwanted fats, but because it helps in improving the body composition, making the muscles of the body leaner and stronger.

Ginseng is another valuable herb that is famous for its weight loss benefits and is also known for the energy boost, improved cognitive performance, cancer prevention, etc.

Garcinia cambogia is a tropical fruit also known as the Malabar tamarind. It is a popular weight-loss agent. People say it blocks your body’s ability to make fat and it puts the brakes on your appetite. It could help keep blood sugar and cholesterol levels in check, too.

How does it work?

When we eat, our body converts the calories into glucose(sugar). So when we consume too many calories, it means that too much glucose is also produced, which consequently raises the blood sugar levels. The body immediately reacts to the increased blood sugar but converting it into fats.

Here Luna Trim supplement does its work. Forskolin releases fatty acids from the adipose tissues and allowing them to be burned for energy. This ultimately melts the belly fat and converts it into energy.

This energy thus stimulates the metabolic rate and also supports the muscles. It also blocks the body to produce further fats and trim the waist as you desire.

Various benefits of the product

Luna Trim is an organic and an all-natural supplement, so it has many potential benefits.

  • It helps in shedding the fats, by increasing the metabolic rate of your body.
  • It produces various enzymes that are directly associated with the boost of metabolic rate.
  • It also stimulates the thermogenesis process in which the body extracts the maximum energy out of the supplement and fulfills the body with huge energy.
  • It regulates the digestive system, just like when it is a young age, so that a person can have a fit and healthy body. With growing age, person’s digestive system becomes weak that leads to the emergence of various problems.
  • It reduces the appetite and also prevents from emotional eating so that person can eat less and in small portions.
  • It is enriched with several essential nutrients.
  • The nutrients improve the overall health of the person by improving the sleep pattern, boosting the mood levels, and regulating the weight. With a good sleep, a person avoids the excess formation of fat cells and good mood avoids the person to refrain from stress eating and consuming abundant calories.
  • Luna Trim helps to increase the muscle mass and the natural ingredients give energy to the body for the production of new muscle mass that emerges in the form of lean muscles.
  • This supplement takes away the insecurities that leave the person to become more attractive and more confident.

Is there any side effect of the product?

There are not any potential side effects of the product but they may occur in case of overdosage.

In clinical research, it has been proven that the natural ingredients in the composition of this product are enriched with medicinal properties that improve your health and also helps in fighting with the lethargy and fatigue. This product has been clinically tested, so there is no any potential side effect.

How to maximize the benefits?

The manufacturers of the Luna Trim have suggested some ways in which the desired results can be maximized as it clear, that just by taking these supplements twice, and not taking other precautions won’t do any good. So following are some of the additional steps that can be taken:

  • Drink water in abundance and keep yourself hydrated. Water removes and flushes the toxins out of the body and also helps in weight loss.
  • Take a proper sleep of 7-8 hours, so that the body can rest and regulate properly
  • Avoid junk food and meals with high calories.
  • Avoid consuming alcohol as it is enriched with the huge amount of calories that makes the working of the product slow and almost negligible.
  • Make exercise as an essential part of your lifestyle.

Conclusion- Is it worth trying? 

Luna Trim is an advanced formula that contains the potent ingredients to burn your fats and trim down your body. It does not only increase your metabolic rate and helps in the fat reduction but also aids in blocking the further formation of the fat cells. Many of its potential benefits have already been described in detail. So just give the Luna Trim supplement a try and for a slimmer and healthier body.

Article source: https://reportshealthcare.com/luna-trim-feel-lighter-and-stay-healthier/

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