Anvisa determina retirada de inibidor de apetite dos postos de venda de todo o país

A Agência Nacional de Vigiância Sanitária (Anvisa) proibiu a importação, a distribuição, a divulgação, a comercialização e o uso do Garcínia Cambogia, da marca Fruta Planta Life, importado pela empresa Life Import Ltda. Vendido como inibidor natural de apetite, o produto foi suspenso por falta de registro no órgão regulador. A determinação vale para todo o território nacional.

A Resolução 1.550, publicada no Diário Oficial da União desta sexta-feira, dia 15, determinou, ainda, a apreensão e a inutilização das unidades do produto que estejam disponíveis nos pontos de venda de todo o país.

A garcinia cambogia — cujo nome serviu de inspiração para o produto — é uma fruta exótica utilizada como medicamento fitoterápico para a perda de peso.

O produto da Fruta Planta Life é vendido em cápsulas. Na loja virtual da marca, a versão premium ainda aparece vendida por R$ 300.

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Anvisa determina retirada de inibidor de apetite dos postos de …

A Agência Nacional de Vigiância Sanitária (Anvisa) proibiu a importação, a distribuição, a divulgação, a comercialização e o uso do Garcínia Cambogia, da marca Fruta Planta Life, importado pela empresa Life Import Ltda. Vendido como inibidor natural de apetite, o produto foi suspenso por falta de registro no órgão regulador. A determinação vale para todo o território nacional.

A Resolução 1.550, publicada no Diário Oficial da União desta sexta-feira, dia 15, determinou, ainda, a apreensão e a inutilização das unidades do produto que estejam disponíveis nos pontos de venda de todo o país.

A garcinia cambogia — cujo nome serviu de inspiração para o produto — é uma fruta exótica utilizada como medicamento fitoterápico para a perda de peso.

O produto da Fruta Planta Life é vendido em cápsulas. Na loja virtual da marca, a versão premium ainda aparece vendida por R$ 300.

Article source:

Anvisa determina retirada de inibidor de apetite dos postos de venda de todo o país

por O Globo

Garcínia Cambogia, da marca Fruta Planta Life: produto é vendido em cápsulas
– Reprodução


RIO — A Agência Nacional de Vigiância Sanitária (Anvisa) proibiu a importação, a distribuição, a divulgação, a comercialização e o uso do Garcínia Cambogia, da marca Fruta Planta Life, importado pela empresa Life Import Ltda. Vendido como inibidor natural de apetite, o produto foi suspenso por falta de registro no órgão regulador. A determinação vale para todo o território nacional.

A Resolução 1.550, publicada no Diário Oficial da União desta sexta-feira, dia 15, determinou, ainda, a apreensão e a inutilização das unidades do produto que estejam disponíveis nos pontos de venda de todo o país.

A garcinia cambogia — cujo nome serviu de inspiração para o produto — é uma fruta exótica utilizada como medicamento fitoterápico para a perda de peso.

O produto da Fruta Planta Life é vendido em cápsulas. Na loja virtual da marca, a versão premium ainda aparece vendida por R$ 300.



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7 Web Design Questions Companies Should Ask Clients

Your website is the heart of your online presence. You need to invest in web design so you can attract more qualified leads and keep them engaged on your site. If you don’t have experience designing a website, you will want to work with a professional web design company to design your site.

When you choose a web design company, you want to make sure they are the best fit for your business. There are numerous questions a web design company should ask you about your website. It is important that they ask questions about your site so they can produce the best website for your business.

In this post, we’ll discuss seven questions your web design company should ask you.

Let’s get started!

1. What does your business do?

To create the best website for your business, a web design company needs to fully understand your business. They can’t produce a website that works for you if they don’t know much about your company. It is important that your web design company takes time to get to know your business.

They should ask about the history of your business, the products or services you offer, your employees, competitors, and more. All these questions should help them get a better understanding of your business, how you operate, and your company values.

When a web design company knows your business, they can start to shape a site that reflects your business best.

2. Do you have a website?

It may seem like a silly question, but your web design company should ask you if you already have a website built. This is an important part of the process for two reasons.

The first reason is that your web design company needs to know how much work they need to put into your site. If you don’t have a website, they’ll need to put in more effort to build one for you. For businesses with established sites, they know that they have an existing structure they can modify.

It is also important to know if your business has a website because if you do, your web design company can ask you about your site. They can ask you what you like and dislike about your site, what you wish was on your site, and how your website drives (or fails to drive) results for your campaign.

This is an opportunity for your web design company to learn what you like and dislike about websites. It will help them create a site that drives results for your business.

3. What is your site’s goal?

Your web design company should ask you what you want to achieve with your website. It is important that you know what you want to achieve with your site, too. You shouldn’t just build a site “just because.”

There are numerous goals you can focus on with your website. You can aim to earn more leads and revenue, increase brand awareness, capture emails or social followers, or get more phone calls to your business. It is important that you establish a goal for your website to help your web design company create a better site for your business.

Your goal impacts the design of your site. If you want to increase more brand awareness, your web design company will focus on building your brand and helping people become familiar with it. On the other hand, if you wanted to earn more leads, your web design company will focus on incorporating elements that encourage people to learn more and ultimately purchase.

4. Who is your target audience?

Your target audience plays an important role in how you shape all aspects of your campaign. You want to appeal to them and get them interested in your business. Your website’s design is no different.

To design a website that drives results, you need to know who is in your target audience. The right web design company will ask you about your target audience so they can build a site that works better for your audience. Your audience’s behavior will impact how you structure your site.

When you work with a web design company, you want to make sure that they inquire about your target audience. They should ask you about your ideal customer to get an idea of how to appeal to that type of customer.

5. How is your company unique?

Each company across the country has something unique to offer their customers. There is something that sets them aside from the competition. It may be something small, but there are things that make your business unique compared to your competition.

A web design company should ask you how your company is unique. This is an important selling factor that they’ll want to incorporate into or emphasize in the design.

You want to stand out from the competition. Your unique features of your business will help you do that. It’s important that your web design company asks you about those features so they can highlight those features for your audience.

6. Who are your competitors?

Your web design company should always ask you about your competitors. You want to create a website that will help you stand out from the competition. It is important that your web design company knows about your competitors so they can create a website that makes you unique from your competitors.

You’ll need to think of a short list of competitors that directly impact your business. You can give this list to your web design company so they can check out their sites. This will give them an idea of how your competitors sites look and how they can produce a site that is better.

7. What features do you want on your site?

When a web design company builds your site, they should be asking about the features you want included on your site. It is important that you incorporate features that will help you achieve your campaign goals.

You’ll need to think about how you want your site to look. There are numerous features you can add to engage your audience and keep them interested in your site. You need to think about which features you want on your site.

Some popular features include email sign-up bars, social media icons, incorporation of videos, or color choices. These are all features that have an impact on your audience. It is important that you think about which features are important to your campaign.

You want to be sure that you are incorporating elements that help you achieve your site’s goal. If your goal is to capture more leads, you’ll want to incorporate an email sign-up bar and social media icons. The features you incorporate on your site should help you build a site that gets your audience to complete the intended action.

Start building a better website today

If you want to build the best website for your business, you need to make sure your web design company asks questions that help you construct your ideal website. Their questions should help you construct a better site that is more effective for your audience. When a web design company understands the ins and outs of your business, they can create a more effective site for your audience.

Are there any other important questions a web design company should ask? Share them in the comments below!

The post 7 Web Design Questions Companies Should Ask Clients appeared first on WebFX Blog.

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