Update: Another Green Coffee Bean Class Action Settles

As reported in the July 5, 2018, issue of Advertising Law, the media defendants in a consumer class action, including television personality Dr. Mehmet Oz, reached a $5.25 million deal in the latest legal action involving false advertising claims made for green coffee bean dietary supplements promising weight loss.

A trio of plaintiffs filed the case in February 2016, alleging that Dr. Oz, ZoCo Productions LLC, Entertainment Media Ventures, Inc., and Harpo Productions Inc. promoted products such as Labrada Garcinia Cambogia Dual Action Fat Buster and Labrada Green Coffee Bean Extract Fat Loss Optimizer as a “magic weight-loss cure” and “revolutionary fat buster” on the Dr. Oz talk show, when in fact no scientific evidence existed to back up the claims.

Without admitting any liability, the media defendants reached a deal following extensive negotiations and three mediation sessions. The settlement agreement provides for a $5.25 million fund to pay the following in full and in this order: any necessary taxes and tax expenses, all costs associated with settlement administration, class counsel fees and expenses (not to exceed 33 percent of the total fund), class representative incentive awards (two for $5,000 and one $7,500 award), and payments to authorized class members.

Class members include U.S. residents (1) who purchased any green coffee bean extract or garcinia cambogia product from February 2, 2012, until the settlement notice is disseminated and who saw any fake ad purported to be sourced from or approved by Dr. Oz or the media defendants; or (2) who purchased any weight loss product, ingredient and/or plant after viewing three specific Dr. Oz episodes (or any portion of Doctoroz.com on or after April 26, 2012) related to green coffee bean extract or garcinia cambogia, or after seeing any fake ad purported to be sourced from or approved by Dr. Oz or the media defendants. Claimants will receive $30 cash for each product purchased, up to $90 per household without proof of purchase, and without limit for those with receipts.

The defendants also promised not to re-air three episodes of “The Dr. Oz Show” that promoted the products and to remove online clips from all three episodes.

Since the article was published, the parties have released an agreed-upon joint statement about the agreement, noting, “None of the media defendants have been found liable for any wrongdoing and are pleased with the resolution of this matter.” According to the joint statement, per the proposed settlement agreement, the plaintiffs requested that the court dismiss Dr. Oz and Entertainment Media Ventures (Sony Pictures Television was previously dismissed from the suit). Dr. Oz will not personally pay any money toward the proposed deal.

Litigation continues against the manufacturers of the dietary supplements.

To read the joint stipulation of settlement in Woodard v. Labrada, click here.

Why it matters: Though popular for a time, green coffee weight loss products yielded more legal action than weight loss success. In addition to consumer class actions like the one recently settled, the Federal Trade Commission brought several cases against the manufacturers and marketers of green coffee weight loss products alleging violations of Section 5 of the Federal Trade Commission Act. One case resulted in a $30 million judgment and a ban on deceptive advertising for one executive, while other companies agreed to pay $9 million and $3.5 million, respectively.

Article source: https://www.manatt.com/Insights/Newsletters/Advertising-Law/Update-Another-Green-Coffee-Bean-Class-Action-Sett

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Brand how many xanax does it take to overdose on 60 days


Drug Uses


Xanax (Alprazolam) is prescribed for treatment of diseases caused by excessive activity of neurotransmitters of the brain and increased excitability of the central nervous system:

–     Anxiety

–     Neuroses

–     Pathological phobia

–     Feelings of anxiety and fear

–     Increased irritability

–     Sleep Disorders

–     Panic disorder

This drug is used in case of somatic disorders that accompany emotional distress such as: tremors, convulsions, muscle pain.


Way of use and dosage 


–     Xanax (Alprazolam) is available in tablets for oral use.

–     Begin to use Xanax (Alprazolam) with low dose of 0.5 mg 2-3 times a day.

–     The dose can be gradually increased up to 10 mg per day.

–     The maximum daily dose of 10 mg should be divided into 3 doses.

–     Take your medication no more than 3 months.

–     To reduce the risk of withdrawal syndrome, refusal of treatment should be provided gradually. Within a week, reduce the dose to 1 mg daily.

Self-administration of Xanax (Alprazolam) can harm your body, it is highly recommended to consult a qualified doctor who will prescribe the optimal dosing regimen and talk about precautions.


Recommendations for the use


–     During treatment of Xanax (Alprazolam), you should avoid drinking.

–     Take the pill regardless of the meal, but if you feel pain in the stomach after taking the pills, you can start taking the drug after a meal, so it will decrease the impact of active substances on the stomach wall


– Patients with impaired liver and / or kidneys should use Xanax (Alprazolam) with caution


–  Prolonged use at high doses may develop drug addiction, particularly in patients who are prone to abuse drugs.

–     People under 18 years old, pregnant women, patients with severe depressive disorder, narrow-angle glaucoma, myasthenia gravis, are contraindicated to take Xanax (Alprazolam).


Side Effects


Some of the most common side effects of Xanax (Alprazolam) included: drowsiness, fatigue, and dizziness, and disorientation, mental retardation and motor reactions.

In individual cases, you can observe side effects in the digestive system as well as heartburn, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, stomach pain.

Adverse reactions take place during the first week and will not disturb the patient. If side effects do not disappear on their own, you need to see a doctor.




• Information provided in this article is for only general knowledge and is not a guide to action. The creators of this web site only provide information that you need to know for safe use of drugs, but it is strongly recommended to consult an expert doctor before you start taking any medication.

Article source: https://www.neweurope.eu/how-many-xanax-does-it-take-to-overdose/

Garcinia Cambogia te hará bajar de peso de manera natural

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Article source: http://periodicocentral.mx/2018/vida-y-estilo/item/16450-garcinia-cambogia-te-hara-bajar-de-peso-de-manera-natural

Este es el Efecto de la Garcinia Cambogia Para Bajar de Peso

Este es el Efecto de la Garcinia Cambogia Para Bajar de Peso

La garcinia cambogia es un fruto asiático que se ha vuelto popular, gracias a su efecto para perder peso de manera efectiva. Checa su poder a favor de tu silueta.

¿Cómo actúa?
Suprime el apetito y bloquea una enzima, cuya función es la de transformar los carbohidratos en grasa. Además, provoca un sensación de saciedad para no comer en exceso.

Otros beneficios:
– Te pone de buen humor (eleva los niveles de serotonina)

– Regula los niveles de colesterol

– Es antioxidante

– Alivia la acidez estomacal

– Protege al corazón

– Hidrata la piel

– Reduce la ansiedad por comer

– Acelera el metabolismo

– Fortalece el sistema inmune

– Inyecta energía

– Mejora la circulación sanguínea

Hasta ahora no se le han encontrado efectos secundarios y su el consumo deGarcinia Cambogia no implica algún tipo de riesgo para la salud.

Sin embargo, hay personas para las que no es recomendada, por ejemplo, las mujeres embarazadas o personas con problemas del corazón, pues acelera la frecuencia cardíaca.

La Garcinia Cambogia se consume comúnmente en comprimidos que puedes encontrar en las tiendas naturistas. No lo olvides, antes de tomar cualquier producto, consúltalo con tu médico.


Article source: http://www.cdnoticias.com.mx/articulos/este-efecto-la-garcinia-cambogia-bajar-peso-2/salud

Garcinia Cambogia Extract Market Expected to Witness a Sustainable Growth over 2027

Garcinia Cambogia a small, sweet tropical tree fruit also known as Malabar tamarind. Other names for Garcinia Cambogia are Assam Fruit, Gorakkapulli, Panampulli, Manda Huli, Goraka Pulli, Mangosteen, and Vadakkan Puli. Garcinia Cambogia is obtained in different colors depending on the spices such as yellow, green and red. Garcinia Cambogia extract is a hub of vitamins B, Thiamin, Folic Acid, Niacin, Magnesium, Vitamin C, Manganese, Potassium and Hydroxycitric Acid (HCA).

Hydroxycitric Acid in Garcinia Cambogia Extract is appetite suppressant which reduces cravings and decrease the urge to consume calories. Hydroxycitric Acid also helps in managing stress hormones, increase serotonin level, speed up metabolism leading to better mood sleep and reduce belly fat. Garcinia Cambogia Extract not only improves your overall health, but also prohibits the conversion of calories into fat. Hydroxycitric Acid inhibits the production of an enzyme that slows down the metabolism rate of the body. Because of this, the body converts the extra calories into glycogen. Garcinia Cambogia extract also helps the body to build more muscles.

Market Segmentation: Garcinia Cambogia Extract market is segment on the basis of form, distribution channel and region. On the basis of form market is segmented into powder, capsule and liquid.Garcinia Cambogia Extract come in different forms but the most popular form is the powdered form. Weight loss has become a common desire for many people these days and with huge rage of alternatives available it becomes quite difficult task for consumers to select one which they want for themselves. Exactly what makes garcinia cambogia extract powder hugely popular is the fact that it is natural, safe to consume and has proven positive results for weight loss.

Garcinia cambogia extract powder with 100% HCA is probably the best remedies for weight loss. On the basis of distribution channel the market is segmented into supermarkets/hypermarkets, convenience stores, medical stores and online stores. Online Stores is expected to hold a relatively high share in the garcinia cambogia extract market. Medical stores have also contributed significantly to the growth of Garcinia cambogia extract market over the forecast period. On the basis of region garcinia cambogia extractmarket is segmented into North America, Latin America, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Asia Pacific, MEA and Japan.

Market Regional Outlook: Regional segment for the market of asparagus is divided into seven different regions: North America, Latin America, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Asia Pacific, MEA and Japan. Among these segment Asia Pacific is expected to have the major market share globally, as it is the largest consumer of garcinia cambogia extract. In Asia Pacific region the India is generating the major revenue. In terms of revenue Africa is the second prominent contributor in the garcinia cambogia extractmarket.

Market Drivers: The rise in demand for weight loosing supplement is expected to drive the growth of global garcinia cambogia extract market. Garcinia cambogia extract is not only used as a supplement for weight reduction but it also exhibits some special properties such as it helps to reduce the cortisol level, reduce risk of heart disease, reduce risk of ulcer and improve lipid profile. It also helps in maintaining better metabolism and better cardiovascular health.

The versatile properties of garcinia cambogia extracthas defiantly attracted the pharmaceutical companies which will drive the garcinia cambogia extract market to a greater extent.Moreover, the market is also driven by the increasing awareness among the consumers about the health benefits associated with garcinia cambogia extract.

Market Key Players: Some of the key players in garcinia cambogia extractmarket are Power up health, BioGanix, Nature wise, Naturabest, NOW Foods, Top Secret Nutrition, Natrol, Global Health Ideas, Quality Encapsulations, shape organics,Search Results, Potent Organics, St.Botanica, Healthawin, Whole Body Research, NutriRise, PureNutria, Gaia Science? and  Morpheme Remedies among others.

Request Report Sample@ https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/sample/rep-gb-2587

Article source: http://364analyze.com/2018/07/16/garcinia-cambogia-extract-market-expected-to-witness-a-sustainable-growth-over-2027/

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