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The 2018 FIFA World Cup that was grabbed by the French team was received with cheers, dance, and songs.
The 2018 FIFA World Cup that was grabbed by the French team was received with cheers, dance, and songs.
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SAN DIEGO (Legal Newsline) – The Vitamin Shoppe has requested an amended complaint over a supplement be dismissed with prejudice, claiming the plaintiff is unable to provide evidence supporting her case.
Andrea Nathan filed the class action lawsuit against the Vitamin Shoppe in June 2017 over allegations of false advertising on a bottle of pills she purchased. The U.S. District Court for the Southern District of California granted the defendant’s motion to dismiss in February but allowed Nathan the opportunity to amend her complaint.
In March, Vitamin Shoppe requested that Nathan’s first amended complaint be dismissed with prejudice because she allegedly has been unable to cite any studies that support her claims.
“She continues to cite to the exact same studies which the court has already found were misplaced,” it stated in its court filing. “Thus, there continues to be a fatal disconnect between what was the product advertised as and what plaintiff subjectively interpreted the product to offer.”
Nathan’s complaint stems from an incident in February 2017 when she bought a container of Garcinia Cambogia Extract from the Vitamin Shoppe for $20. The product’s label includes the terms “weight management” and “appetite control,” which she alleged made her to believe the product would provide weight loss benefits.
“Nathan alleges ‘[t]he representations on the product’s label were and are false and misleading, and had the capacity, tendency, and likelihood to confuse or confound Plaintiff and other consumers acting reasonably,'” the court stated in its February decision that granted the defendant’s motion to dismiss.
The U.S. District Court for the Southern District of California granted Vitamin Shoppe’s motion to dismiss but did so without prejudice, leaving it open for Nathan to continue pursuing her case.
“Plaintiff alleges the product contains false and misleading statements because the phrases ‘weight management’ and ‘appetite control’ appear on the label, in spite of the fact that its only active ingredients Garcinia Cambogia Extract/Hydroxycitric Acid (‘HCA’) and chromium ‘are scientifically proven to be incapable of providing such weight-loss benefits.’”
The court stated that the terms on the label could mean different things for different consumers and did not explicitly imply weight loss.
“It is irrelevant whether the alleged studies disprove that the active ingredients in the product can produce weight-loss benefits because the phrases themselves do not inherently promise weight-loss benefits,” the court said in its February order.
The court also raised questions about the studies that Nathan presented in defense of her position.
“The studies do not discuss the overall effectiveness of weight management or appetite control from all perspectives, i.e., weight gain, loss, and maintenance,” the order said.
Thus, it granted the motion to dismiss on the grounds that Nathan did not present enough evidence to support her case.
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The 2018 FIFA World Cup that was grabbed by the French team was received with cheers, dance, and songs.
The 2018 FIFA World Cup that was grabbed by the French team was received with cheers, dance, and songs.
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In this step-by-step video lesson we will recreate Apple's iconic home page using Bootstrap 4 from scratch.
Continue reading on Tutorialzine.Presented by PatchMD
There’s no reason for you to take your daily vitamins the way grandpa did. Swallowing pills the size of golf balls is wholly unpleasant, but for decades its been the only way to get your daily dose of vitamins and minerals. There’s a better solution called PatchMD, and we’ve even got a discount for you. Use code DAILYDOT25 at checkout and get 25% off sitewide.
PatchMD is the alternative to shoving massive capsules down your throat, chasing them with water and praying you don’t choke. Instead of a pill, PatchMD offers topical vitamin patches. They stick to your skin and deliver the necessary nutrients to the body within minutes. After eight hours, simply remove and repeat with a new patch as needed.
No, it’s not weird hippie hokum or snake oil magic. These patches rely on the concept of transdermal absorption. Transdermal is an SAT word that simply means “through the skin.” It’s a means of delivering nutritional supplementation through your bloodstream.
Sure, the throat is a great delivery system for vitamins in pill form. But what you may not know is pills are typically packed with fillers and binders that can affect your digestive system. Not to mention the amount of active ingredients your body actually absorbs from any given pill is about 10%.
Because PatchMD is absorbed through the skin, it contents go nowhere near your digestive system. This means you’ll get your daily dose while keeping your liver, kidneys, and sensitive tummy in check. Not to mention, transdermal patches let you absorb as much as 60-70% of the active ingredient, so you’re getting far more bang for your vitamin buck. And because patches are low profile by definition, you won’t have to fill up entire shelves with those massive bottles you get from Costco. Say goodbye to the very concept of a medicine cabinet.
Best of all, PatchMD offers a wide range of options. Its Patch Plan line curates all your favorite vitamins and supplements for whatever your needs may be.
If the July heat is sucking the energy out of your system, try the Summer Plan. You’ll get a 30 day supply of Garcinia Cambogia for weight loss, B12 for energy, and a multivitamin to give your body everything you need to have fun in the sun.
If you prefer your vitamins a la carte, you can buy individual patch packs. There are countless blends offered, all curated to suit your special needs. The Sleep Starter patch contains magnesium, hops, and melatonin to help lull you into a totally restful sleep. If you’re hitting the gym five times a week to make gains, Endurance Max patches not only give you the energy to lift but help with recovery. There’s even a Hangover Prevention patch. Slap it on one hour before drinking and you’re set. No more chugging Pedialyte for you!
Whether you go the pack route or buy your patches as needed, prices start as low as $19.99, so you won’t be dropping an entire paycheck on this space-age vitamin delivery system. And for a limited time, use code DAILYDOT25 at checkout and get 25% off sitewide.
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