Weight Loss Dietary Supplements Market is also estimated to bring in US$ 37177.6 million revenue by 2026 end.

As per the latest study by Persistence Market Research (PMR), the global weight loss dietary supplements market is anticipated to witness healthy growth. The market is likely to register 6.0% CAGR throughout the forecast period 2017-2026. The global weight loss dietary supplements market is also estimated to bring in US$ 37,177.6 million revenue by 2026 end.

With obesity becoming a global health concern, weight loss continues to be one of the most focused areas. Hence, increasing number of companies are coming up with the new products in weight loss supplements. The increasing consumption and demand for weight loss dietary supplements, regulations on the production of these supplements along with ingredients used are also gaining traction in various countries. The government in various countries are also focusing on the quality and quantity of ingredients used and if any of these ingredients can have severe side-effects, affecting the health of the consumers negatively.

A sample of this report is available upon request @  https://www.persistencemarketresearch.com/samples/20380

Increasing use of Natural and Organic Ingredients in the Weight Loss Dietary Supplements

The negative effects of being obese and overweight are resulting in the increasing use of weight management products. Consumers are also adopting weight loss supplements in forms of pill, liquid, and powder. Hence, with the increase in the use of these supplements, manufacturers are also trying to produce safer products, thereby using organic and natural ingredients and plant-based ingredients. Among various ingredients, green tea extract is considered as one of the most popular and safest ingredients in the weight loss dietary supplements. Similarly, Garcinia cambogia is also being considered as an ingredient in the weight loss supplements. However, these ingredients have been reported to have adverse effects like a headache, constipation, UTI. Hence, there has been an increase in the investment in the research on other organic ingredients that can be used to produce weight loss supplements.

Global Weight Loss Dietary Supplements Market: Segmental Insights

The global weight loss dietary supplements market includes various segments such as end-user, form, ingredients, distribution channel, and region. Based on the form, the market is categorized into powder, liquid, and soft gell/pills. Soft gell/pills are expected to dominate the market during the forecast period. By the end of 2026, soft gell/pills are expected to exceed US$ 18,500 million revenue.

Based on the end-user, the segment consists of men, women and senior citizen. Among these, women are expected to be the largest users of weight loss dietary supplements. Women segment as the end-user is estimated to create an incremental opportunity of more than US$ 7,900 million between 2017 and 2026.

By Distribution Channel, pharmacies drug store is expected to emerge as the largest distribution channel for the weight loss dietary supplements. Pharmacies drug store is estimated to account for more than one-third of the revenue share by the end of 2017.

Based on the ingredients, the segment consists of amino acids, vitamins minerals, botanical supplements, and others. Vitamins minerals are expected to emerge as one of the largest used ingredients in the weight loss dietary supplements. By the end of 2026, vitamins minerals are estimated to exceed US$ 16,900 million revenue.

Region-wise, the market is categorized into Europe, North America, Asia Pacific Excluding Japan (APEJ), Latin America, Japan, and the Middle East and Africa (MEA). Among the given regions, North America is expected to dominate the global weight loss dietary supplements market throughout the forecast period 2017-2026.

To view TOC of this report is available upon request @  https://www.persistencemarketresearch.com/methodology/20380

Global Weight Loss Dietary Supplements Market: Competitive Assessment

Key players in the global weight loss dietary supplements market are Amway (Nutrilite), Abott Laboratories, GlaxoSmithKline, Glanbia, Herbalife International, Pfizer, American Health, Stepan, Nature’s Sunshine Products, and FANCL.

Article source: https://managementjournal24.com/761651/weight-loss-dietary-supplements-market-is-also-estimated-to-bring-in-us-37177-6-million-revenue-by-2026-end/

How to avoid the Avian Flu

The Avian Flu is all over the news these days and I am amazed how so many people are not taking it seriously. Sure we all get flus every once in a while but this strain of the flu is much worse than usual flus.

Bird flu is an infection caused by avian influenza viruses. These flu viruses occur naturally among birds. Wild birds worldwide carry the viruses in their intestines, but usually do not get sick from them. However, bird flu is very contagious among birds and can make some domesticated birds, including chickens, ducks, and turkeys, very sick and kill them. The latest strain of the Avain Flu is designated H5N1 virus has been a flu that has mutated over the last few years and is now to the point of being passed over to humans and actually killing people. The US CDC has a page with some useful information about the flu and where it has come from.

The last time that the world had a global epidemic of a flu otherwise known as a pandemic was in 1918. The Flu Pandemic of 1918 killed and estimated 50 million people worldwide. The world has had pandemics before and since but that 1918 pandemic was the biggest in recent history.

Now we have factors that make the spread of disease much easier and dangerous than back in the early 20th century. We have a much better transportation system, with cars and planes readily available all over the world. We also have a much higher concentration of people living in cities compared to rural populations of the 1900s And lastly our great pharmaceutical advances of the last 100 years have left people overmedicated and often much less resistant to disease because they have become resistant to the more common antibiotics such as penicillin that was so important in stopping disease 50 years ago or so. One factor that is up in the air to me is the lifestyles of people today compared to 100 years ago. As we all know people are a lot more sedentary now compared to the agrarian hard living lifestyle of 100 years or even 50 years aso but our health system infrastructure is much better now than then and peoples longevity proves that out.

The latest reports about the Avian Flu is that at least 62 people have been killed in the far east and the scary part of this stat is that almost half of the people that are becoming infected with the Avian Flu are dying from it. The people that have been infected so far are mostly people that work with livestock so their proximity to the flu is an important reason that they may have been infected.

Now that you know what the flu is and how bad it could be here are some tips to avoid the flu.

With the holidays coming Osha has the following info for travelers

The CDC has issued precautions for travel to countries that are reporting outbreaks of avian influenza A (H5N1) in humans and animals. Currently, CDC does not recommend that the general public avoid travel to any of the countries affected by avian influenza A (H5N1). CDC has issued the following recommendations for travel to countries reporting human or animal cases of avian influenza A (H5N1):

There is no longer any such thing as Computer Security

Remember "cybersecurity"?


Mysterious hooded computer guys doing mysterious hooded computer guy .. things! Who knows what kind of naughty digital mischief they might be up to?

Unfortunately, we now live in a world where this kind of digital mischief is literally rewriting the world's history. For proof of that, you need look no further than this single email that was sent March 19th, 2016.


If you don't recognize what this is, it is a phishing email.


This is by now a very, very famous phishing email, arguably the most famous of all time. But let's consider how this email even got sent to its target in the first place:

  • An attacker slurped up lists of any public emails of 2008 political campaign staffers.

  • One 2008 staffer was also hired for the 2016 political campaign

  • That particular staffer had non-public campaign emails in their address book, and one of them was a powerful key campaign member with an extensive email history.

On successful phish leads to an even wider address book attack net down the line. Once they gain access to a person's inbox, they use it to prepare to their next attack. They'll harvest existing email addresses, subject lines, content, and attachments to construct plausible looking boobytrapped emails and mail them to all of their contacts. How sophisticated and targeted to a particular person this effort is determines whether it's so-called "spear" phishing or not.


In this case is it was not at all targeted. This is a remarkably unsophisticated, absolutely generic routine phishing attack. There is zero focused attack effort on display here. But note the target did not immediately click the link in the email!


Instead, he did exactly what you'd want a person to do in this scenario: he emailed IT support and asked if this email was valid. But IT made a fatal mistake in their response.


Do you see it? Here's the kicker:

Mr. Delavan, in an interview, said that his bad advice was a result of a typo: He knew this was a phishing attack, as the campaign was getting dozens of them. He said he had meant to type that it was an “illegitimate” email, an error that he said has plagued him ever since.

One word. He got one word wrong. But what a word to get wrong, and in the first sentence! The email did provide the proper Google address to reset your password. But the lede was already buried since the first sentence said "legitimate"; the phishing link in that email was then clicked. And the rest is literally history.

What's even funnier (well, in the way of gallows humor, I guess) is that public stats were left enabled for that bit.ly tracking link, so you can see exactly what crazy domain that "Google login page" resolved to, and that it was clicked exactly twice, on the same day it was mailed.


As I said, these were not exactly sophisticated attackers. So yeah, in theory an attentive user could pay attention to the browser's address bar and notice that after clicking the link, they arrived at


instead of


Note that the phishing URL is carefully constructed so the most "correct" part is at the front, and weirdness is sandwiched in the middle. Unless you're paying very close attention and your address bar is long enough to expose the full URL, it's … tricky. See this 10 second video for a dramatic example.

(And if you think that one's good, check out this one. Don't forget all the unicode look-alike trickery you can pull, too.)

I originally wrote this post as a presentation for the Berkeley Computer Science Club back in March, and at that time I gathered a list of public phishing pages I found on the web.


Of those five examples from 6 months ago, one is completely gone, one loads just fine, and three present an appropriately scary red interstitial warning page that strongly advises you not to visit the page you're trying to visit, courtesy of Google's safe browsing API. But of course this kind of shared blacklist domain name protection will be completely useless on any fresh phishing site. (Don't even get me started on how blacklists have never really worked anyway.)


It doesn't exactly require a PhD degree in computer science to phish someone:

  • Buy a crazy long, realistic looking domain name.
  • Point it to a cloud server somewhere.
  • Get a free HTTPS certificate courtesy of our friends at Let's Encrypt.
  • Build a realistic copy of a login page that silently transmits everything you type in those login fields to you – perhaps even in real time, as the target types.
  • Harvest email addresses and mass mail a plausible looking phishing email with your URL.

I want to emphasize that although clearly mistakes were made in this specific situation, none of the people involved here were amateurs. They had training and experience. They were working with IT and security professionals. Furthermore, they knew digital attacks were incoming.

The … campaign was no easy target; several former employees said the organization put particular stress on digital safety.

Work emails were protected by two-factor authentication, a technique that uses a second passcode to keep accounts secure. Most messages were deleted after 30 days and staff went through phishing drills. Security awareness even followed the campaigners into the bathroom, where someone put a picture of a toothbrush under the words: “You shouldn’t share your passwords either.”

The campaign itself used two factor auth extensively, which is why personal gmail accounts were targeted, because they were less protected.

The key takeaway here is that it's basically impossible, statistically speaking, to prevent your organization from being phished.

Or is it?


Nobody is doing better work in this space right now than Maciej Ceglowski and Tech Solidarity. Their list of basic security precautions for non-profits and journalists is pure gold and has been vetted by many industry professionals with security credentials that are actually impressive, unlike mine. Everyone should read this list very closely, point by point.


Computers, courtesy of smartphones, are now such a pervasive part of average life for average people that there is no longer any such thing as "computer security". There is only security. In other words, these are normal security practices everyone should be familiar with. Not just computer geeks. Not just political activists and politicians. Not just journalists and nonprofits.


It is a fair bit of reading, so because I know you are just as lazy as I am, and I am epically lazy, let me summarize what I view as the three important takeaways from the hard work Tech Solidarity put into these resources. These three short sentences are the 60 second summary of what you want to do, and what you want to share with others so they do, too.

1) Enable Two Factor authentication through an app, and not SMS, everywhere you can.


Logging in with only a password, now matter how long and unique you attempt to make that password, will never be enough. A password is what you know; you need to add the second factor of something you have (or something you are) to achieve significant additional security. SMS can famously be intercepted, social engineered, or sim-jacked all too easily. If it's SMS, it's not secure, period. So install an authenticator app, and use it, at least for your most important credentials such as your email account and your bank.

Have I mentioned that Discourse added two factor authentication support in version 2.0, and our just released 2.1 adds printed backup codes, too? There are two paths forward: you can talk about the solution, or you can build the solution. I'm trying to do both to the best of my ability. Look for the 2FA auth option in your user preferences on your favorite Discourse instance. It's there for you.

(This is also a company policy at Discourse; if you work here, you 2FA everything all the time. No other login option exists.)

2) Make all your passwords 11 characters or more.

It's a long story, but anything under 11 characters is basically the same as having no password at all these days. I personally recommend at least 14 characters, maybe even 16. But this won't be a problem for you, because...

3) Use a password manager.

If you use a password manager, you can simultaneously avoid the pernicious danger of password re-use and the difficulty of coming up with unique and random passwords all the time. It is my hope in the long run that cloud based password management gets deeply built into Android, iOS, OSX, and Windows so that people don't need to run a weird melange of third party apps to achieve this essential task. Password management is foundational and should not be the province of third parties on principle, because you never outsource a core competency.

Bonus rule! For the particularly at-risk, get and use a U2F key.

In the long term, two factor through an app isn't quite secure enough due to the very real (and growing) specter of real-time phishing. Authentication apps offer timed keys that expire after a minute or two, but if the attacker can get you to type an authentication key and relay it to the target site fast enough, they can still log in as you. If you need ultimate protection, look into U2F keys.


I believe U2F support is still too immature at the moment, particularly on mobile, for this to be practical for the average person right now. But if you do happen to fall into those groups that will be under attack, you absolutely want to set up U2F keys where you can today. They're cheap, and the good news is that they literally make phishing impossible at last. Given that Google had 100% company wide success against phishing with U2F, we know this works.

In today's world, computers are now so omnipresent that there is no longer any such thing as cybersecurity, online security, or computer security – there's only security. You either have it, or you don't. If you follow and share these three rules, hopefully you too can have a modicum of security today.

PHP DB Migration Library (New)

Migrate MySQL database tables with given SQL files
This package can migrate MySQL database tables with given SQL files...

Read more at https://www.phpclasses.org/package/10911-PHP-Migrate-MySQL-database-tables-with-given-SQL-files.html

5 erbe brucia grassi per dimagrire velocemente

NewTuscia – Per chi spera di trovare la formula magica per dimagrire senza sforzi, ho brutte notizie da darvi: non esiste. Alla base di ogni perdita di peso deve necessariamente esserci un’alimentazione sana ed equilibrata unita ad attività fisica costante.

Esistono però delle sostanze naturali che possono aiutare molto nel processo di dimagrimento. Si tratta delle ormai famose erbe brucia grassi, le quali agiscono direttamente sul metabolismo, favorendo l’ossidazione dei grassi ed eliminando le tossine in eccesso.

Le erbe brucia grassi che vengono generalmente utilizzate per la composizione dei supplementi erboristici si distinguono in quattro categorie:

– le erbe diuretiche, che permettono di eliminare le tossine e depurare l’organismo;

– le erbe stimolanti, le quali aumentano la termogenesi ed il metabolismo, sono energizzanti ed aiutano a ridurre il senso di fame (Queste erbe sono disponibili anche come integratori. Per maggiori informazioni clicca qui;

– gli integratori di fibre e mucillagini, che permettono di aumentare il senso di sazietà e rallentano l’assorbimento dei nutrienti, aiutando cosí a mantenere stabile la glicemia;

– le erbe che accelerano il metabolismo, tra le quali troviamo principalmente alcune alghe in quanto ricche di iodio, vitamine, minerali e fibre e sono indispensabili per mantenere il metabolismo corporeo.

Vediamo ora quali sono le 5 principali erbe brucia grassi.


  1. Tè verde

Il tè verde è l’erba brucia grassi per eccellenza, ottima se bevuta in infusione da sola o in abbinamento con altri ingredienti, rappresenta un vero e proprio toccasana per l’organismo.

Vediamo insieme le sue proprietà:

– ricco di antiossidanti,

– è un antibatterico naturale;

– stimola il metabolismo, permettendo di eliminare il grasso in eccesso;

– protegge la pelle, in quanto ricco di vitamine B, C, E e betacarotene;

– aiuta nel trattamento del diabete, in quanto tiene sotto controllo il livello di zuccheri nel sangue.


  1. Alghe

Riscoperte anche nella cultura occidentale, le alghe sono da sempre utilizzate in Oriente sia nell’alimentazione, sia in ambito cosmetico, in quanto ricchissime di sostanze nutrienti.

Ne esistono di vario genere, ma generalmente presentano proprietà comuni:

– disintossicanti;

– favoriscono la digestione ed aiutano ad eliminare le scorie tossiche dall’organismo;

– antinfiammatorie e antibiotiche, grazie alla presenza di acidi grassi;

– accelerano il metabolismo basale in quanto ricche di iodio, il quale ripristina il corretto funzionamento della tiroide;

– combattono i radicali liberi.


  1. Garcinia Cambogia

La Garcinia Cambogia è un’erba brucia grassi ormai famosa in quanto ricca di acido idrossicitrico, indispensabile per inibire l’azione dell’enzima ATP citratoliasi, fondamentale nella metabolizzazione dei grassi. Viene spesso prescritta in caso di obesità o diabete in quanto previene la formazione di tessuto adiposo.

Vediamo nello specifico le sue proprietà:

– dimagrante, grazie all’acido idrossicitrico (HCA), favorisce l’eliminazione dei tessuti adiposi e ne previene la formazione;

– riduce l’appetito;

– velocizza il transito del cibo nell’intestino, limitando l’assorbimento di zuccheri e carboidrati;

– abbassa trigliceridi e colesterolo;

– aumenta la serotonina, la quale favorisce il buonumore e aiuta a tenere a bada la fame;

– digestiva, soprattutto se utilizzata sotto forma di decotto;

– depurante, in quanto libera l’organismo dalle impurità grazie alle sue proprietà lievemente lassative.


  1. Coleus Forskholii

Il Coleus Forskholii è un’erba spesso utilizzata per i suoi effetti benefici sul sistema cardiocircolatorio. Utilizza il principio attivo della forskolina, contenuta principalmente nelle radici della pianta e viene solitamente impiegata come rimedio per coadiuvare le diete ipocaloriche e in abbinamento con la Garcinia Cambogia.

Vediamo ora le sue proprietà:

– abbassa la pressione, difatti viene spesso consigliata ai soggetti che soffrono di ipertensione;

– è antinfiammatoria e un ottimo antiaggregante piastrinico;

– stimola la produzione degli ormoni tiroidei, i quali aiutano a regolarizzare il metabolismo anche in presenza di variazioni del regime alimentare;

– favorisce la diminuzione della massa grassa e l’incremento della massa magra, in quanto sollecita gli enzimi preposti alla scissione dei trigliceridi.


  1. Yerba Mate

La Yerba Mate viene utilizzata soprattutto sotto forma di bevanda dai popoli dell’America Latina ed è ricca di proprietà benefiche per l’organismo, in quanto ricca di caffeina, vitamina C, proteine, polifenoli e minerali.

Le sue proprietà principali:

– stimola il metabolismo;

– aumenta i livelli energetici dell’organismo;

– rafforza il sistema immunitario;

– migliora il rendimento mentale;

– favorisce la digestione e la diuresi;

– aiuta a bruciare le calorie in eccesso e diminuisce l’appetito.




Phendora Garcinia Now on Sale in South Africa

South Africa residents now benefit from a special offer available on the official Phendora Garcinia website

PORT ELIZABETH – A few moments ago, news of a special offer made available on the official Phendora Garcinia website have been shared to the public of South Africa. Residents in the African country who wish to boost their efforts of losing weight through a natural supplement can now benefit from an organic product that aims to support individuals’ efforts in a natural way.

Many people struggle with extra weight and even obesity and work hard to fight it. Regular exercise, cutting down on sugar and maintaining a clean, healthy diet are the first – very important – steps that one should take in order to start seeing results. Manufacturers of Phendora Garcinia strongly encourage individuals to do so, but also consider introducing a natural supplement such as Phendora into a healthy lifestyle in order to obtain better results on the long-term.

More information has been made available on the official Phendora Garcinia website

Phendora Garcinia Cambogia Helps Suppress the Appetite

The natural supplement contains one key ingredient that is responsible for numerous benefits and carries the name of Garcinia Cambogia. The tropical fruit is known worldwide for boosting the fat-burning processes and suppressing the appetite, helping people reduce their cravings and, therefore, eating less. The fruit also carries the name of Malabar Tamarind and contains one active ingredient: hydroxycitric acid, or HCA in short.

Furthermore, HCA aims to block an enzyme that the body uses to create fat, called citrate lyase. In addition to this, it increases serotonin levels, which means that individuals will benefit from a better overall mood. Having in mind that there are many emotional eaters worldwide, this can be a very important aspect.

Numerous people tend to blame gaining weight on genes and thyroid issues; however, in the majority of cases, gaining weight is a result of one of the following factors: stress, unhealthy habits, lack of sleep, eating a lot of sugar and junk food, satisfying all cravings and a sedentary lifestyle.

On this very topic, manufacturers of Phendora Garcinia argue that the first step towards achieving a slimmer, fitter body is maintaining a healthy lifestyle and reducing stress levels. Involving in activities such as yoga, Pilates, swimming or dancing could significantly benefit nay individual.

Among the benefits of Garcinia Cambogia – the main ingredient in Phendora Garcinia – we can count:

  • A significant decrease in appetite and cravings
  • Increased serotonin levels
  • A better overall mood
  • More efficient burn of fat in trouble areas such as stomach and thighs

Phendora Garcinia Price Offer in South Africa

Residents of South Africa benefit from a trial offer for the natural supplement, meaning that they will receive a bottle of Phendora Garcinia while only having to pay a modest fee for shipping, as follows:

  • Phendora Garcinia Trial Bottle – R 86

*Phendora Garcinia should not substitute a healthy diet. Maximum results are obtained when the supplement is introduced into an already healthy lifestyle. The offer is available for South Africa residents only.

Article source: https://airherald.com/phendora-garcinia-now-on-sale-in-south-africa/

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