A body scrub can make you look and feel better. The idea of getting rid of dead skin especially as sking is approaching will make you look healthier even if it does not actually really make you healthier.
Next time you serve fresh pineapple, reserve the rinds to use later in the shower to slough off dead skin cells on your elbows, knees and heels.
The unique enzyme found in pineapple, known as bromelain, has many important dermatological benefits. Its anti-inflammatory properties make it useful in soothing insect bites and minimizing unsightly bruises. For our purposes, bromelain’s enzymatic processes have an exfoliating effect which, added to the natural abrasion from the fleshy inside of the pineapple peel, works wonderfully in smoothing rough, calloused or flaky skin.
The optional almond flour/ground almonds also work gently to remove dull, dead skin cells, both through the exfoliating effect of their granular texture as well as through their relatively high beta-hydroxy acid content. Almonds are also one of the highest sources of vitamin E — an antioxidant that mops up free radicals while protecting other vitamins and nutrients from oxidative damage, allowing them to do their work.
Because pineapple is slightly acidic, this treatment should not be used on your face.
Pineapple rind, cut into wide slivers
Almond flour, prepackaged or finely ground almonds (optional)
Take pineapple peels — cupping rough side in your hand — and either using alone, or with a sprinkling of almond flour, rub the fleshy side of the rind on problem areas. Moisturize afterwards with a tropical-scented oil or cream to protect new skin and complete your spa experience.
The blockbuster drug Vioxx was pulled from the market in the fall of 2004 after research showed that the painkiller doubled the risk of heart attack and stroke and that its use may have contributed to thousands of deaths in North America.
Now, a new Canadian study shows that the risk was even more dramatic because one in four of the heart attacks that occurred were within two weeks of the start of treatment.
“This demonstrates that cardiovascular risks from taking Vioxx may occur much earlier than previously believed,” said Linda Lévesque, an assistant professor in the department of community health and epidemiology at Queen’s University in Kingston.
At the same time, however, the research shows that additional risk virtually disappears within a month, meaning it is likely safe for long-term use.
The earlier data had suggested that the risk remained elevated for up to 18 months.
The research was published yesterday in the on-line edition of the Canadian Medical Association Journal.
Peter Liu, scientific director of the institute of circulatory and respiratory health of the Canadian Institutes for Health Research, said the study “adds important new information on how the Cox-2 inhibitors like Vioxx affect the heart.”
Rofecobix, which was sold under the brand name Vioxx, is one of a class of drugs known as Cyclo-oxygenase-2 inhibitors.
(The Cox enzyme has two forms in the body: Cox-1 protects the stomach lining from harsh acids and digestive chemicals, while Cox-2 is produced when joints are injured or damaged.)
One Cox-2 inhibitor, celecoxib, sold under the brand name Celebrex, is still available in Canada. Research has shown that Celebrex does not appear to increase cardiovascular risk in the same way as Vioxx and Bextra (valdecoxib), which was pulled from the Canadian market in April, 2005.
Data for the new study, conducted while Dr. Lévesque was a doctoral student at McGill University, were drawn from a database of 125,000 Quebec senior citizens who were prescribed painkillers between 1999 and 2002, and about one-quarter of whom were deemed “current users.”
Their average age was almost 79.
Researchers found that 239 current users of Vioxx and 287 current users of Celebrex suffered heart attacks — not an uncommon occurrence in this age group.
However, the risk of a heart attack rose sharply in the two weeks after first-time use of Vioxx, which was not the case with Celebrex.
An expert advisory panel, struck by Health Canada, had recommended last year that Vioxx be allowed to return to the market in Canada, but that has not occurred.
The panel also said that all anti-inflammatory drugs, including non-prescription painkillers such as ibuprofen, should have much stronger health warnings.
In the United States, the maker of Vioxx, Merck Co. Inc., has been fighting thousands of lawsuits related to the drug.
Kara Keto Garcinia Cambogia is a little pumpkin-like natural product that has a functioning fixing called hydroxycitric corrosive (HCA). It helps in the easy weight reduction which implies you don’t really need to change your dietary patterns in particular. This organic product has a characteristic equation that smothers the craving of any individual who expends it.
The Forskolin Extract originated from the base of a plant which is a piece of the mint family. It additionally helps in weight reduction and muscle building. An investigation partaken by corpulent and overweight individuals affirms the impacts of taking 250 milligrams of forskolin every day.
Phenterage Garcinia Cambogia is one of the best offering items on the weight reduction showcase at this moment. What’s more, that must be for a reason right? With everything taken into account, individuals simply appear to be fed about this new item. Perhaps it’s the expansion of weight reduction disapproved of web-based social networking accounts. Or on the other hand, perhaps the athleisure incline is prodding individuals to really need to take care of business. It could likewise be the way that there are new weight reduction items turning out each day. Furthermore, individuals are beginning to pay heed and attempt to discover ones they like. All things considered, in the event that you need to make sense of if Phenterage Garcinia is for you, you’ll need to give it a shot. What’s more, it’s anything but difficult to join and do that.
Phenterage Garcinia Cambogia is interesting on the grounds that it’s so new, yet it’s as of now so mainstream. Generally, prevalence doesn’t manage much. Be that as it may, with regards to prominent supplements, we sit up and pay heed. Why? Since, if everybody is attempting one particular equation, that must be on purpose. What we’re stating is, you have to try out an item like this sooner or later. Furthermore, why not experiment with one that is now so cherished? Additionally, joining is simple, and you’re as of now on this page. Things being what they are, the reason not give it a go in your sound daily practice? You should simply take that jump and act now. Tap the catch underneath to arrange Phenterage Garcinia for yourself today!
Does Phenterage Garcinia Cambogia Work?
In this way, how about we get into the genuine supplement. Obviously, you will need to know whether Phenterage Garcinia works. Be that as it may, lamentably, we don’t have a straight response for you on this. Why? Since, there isn’t an examination out on it at the present time. Also, we generally jump at the chance to discover a fake treatment controlled, twofold visually impaired clinical examination before saying an item works or not. Presently, it’s normal to have supplements that aren’t considered. Actually, most supplements never get contemplated. Yet, that implies you need to experiment with Phenterage Garcinia Cambogia to check whether it lives up to your desires. Since, let be honest, you have distinctive desires for this item than, say, your neighbor.
Furthermore, you and your neighbor have distinctive sound schedules, as well. You additionally have diverse bodies, and distinctive cosmetics. In this way, truly, there are huge amounts of elements going into if Phenterage Garcinia works or not. Since, we’re all so unique that it’s truly on us to make sense of if an item is the thing that we need or not. That being stated, experimenting with this item is quite simple. Join just takes a couple of minutes. At that point, you get the item conveyed to your entryway. What’s more advantageous than that? That may be another reason Phenterage Garcinia is taking off. Nobody needs to go looking for supplements any longer. Presently, you can simply get it to your entryway on account of the web.
Phenterage Garcinia At A Glance:
Any Gender Can Use This Product
Accompany 60 Capsules Per Bottle
Accessible As An Internet Offer Only
Can’t Find This Product In Stores
Supplies Are Limited So Order Today
Phenterage Garcinia Ingredients
Along these lines, you can most likely figure the principle fixing in the Phenterage Garcinia equation. Definitely, it’s Garcinia Cambogia. This is a genuinely regular normal weight reduction fixing. What’s more, it additionally is a standout amongst the most prevalent ones. In the event that you don’t comprehend what Garcinia is, that is alright. Relatively few individuals do until the point that they see an advertisement for a weight reduction supplement that utilizations it. Garcinia originates from Indonesia. Furthermore, it likewise passes by the names brindleberry and tamarind. Once in a while, you’ll see individuals discussing Hydroxycitric Acid, or HCA. What’s more, this is an extravagant logical term for Garcinia Cambogia remove. Along these lines, what we’re stating is, we’ve seen items like Phenterage Garcinia a ton. What’s more, we aren’t sure on the off chance that they’re utilizing a concentrate or the entire fixing. Genuinely, all Phenterage Garcinia truly advertises is that they utilize Garcinia Cambogia. Along these lines, we don’t have numerous points of interest on what that involves.
Phenterage Garcinia Side Effects
All in all, will you encounter Phenterage Garcinia Side Effects? All things considered, it at last descends to your body. Like we stated, there isn’t an examination out on this specific equation. Along these lines, clinical reactions haven’t been considered in people. Garcinia when all is said in done has been considered for the most part in rats. For instance, this examination in rats demonstrated no clinically huge reactions when Garcinia was given to them for 90 days. In any case, that doesn’t represent what it does in people. Along these lines, take that review with a grain of salt. At the present time, simply be sheltered in case you’re utilizing Phenterage Garcinia. What’s more, make sure to quit utilizing it in the event that you encounter any reactions. Also, converse with your specialist if the reactions are not kidding or constant. You know how to deal with your body, however it merits rehashing. Simply tune in to your body in case you’re taking Phenterage Garcinia or whatever else, truly.
Along these lines, there are two items that are intended to be utilized together. What’s more, it’s Phenterage Garcinia and UltraPique. At the present time, we have no data on what UltraPique really is. Be that as it may, we expect that in the event that you arrange Phenterage Garcinia, you’ll be incited to experiment with the other one, as well. There, you can choose if that is something you need to do. A few people love utilizing in excess of one supplement without a moment’s delay. What’s more, some truly see profits by utilizing the two equations. Be that as it may, there isn’t an investigation out on utilizing these two together at the present time. Along these lines, we can’t represent in the event that it would really enhance results, or do anything truly. In the event that you need to experiment with two equations, you can with Phenterage Garcinia and UltraPique.
Request Phenterage Garcinia Cambogia Today!
Like we stated, the weight reduction network just is by all accounts developing on account of online networking. We see an ever increasing number of individuals posting photos of their plates of mixed greens, how far they ran, and what number of calories they consumed. Additionally, they post what supplements they take. What’s more, it just takes one influencer individual to utilize Phenterage Garcinia, post about it, and for the item to offer out. We don’t need that to transpire. Along these lines, on the off chance that you need to arrange this item for yourself, don’t pause. It really can offer out whenever. Tap the catch beneath to arrange your container of Phenterage Garcinia Cambogia today! At that point, you can arrive before the group and check whether this equation is the one you need or not.
It is starting to become warmer, and many people will be returning to their fitness routines. Most sports injuries that happen when a person works out are caused due to a lack of proper warm up and stretching of the muscles before a workout.
It has been said that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. This is definitely the case when you start to workout or do your fitness routine. Sore muscles, sprains, and even broken bones can result from not warming up your body prior to conditioning.
The best medicine for saving yourself the agony of ‘the morning after syndrome’ is to properly stretch out before your workout and then to warm up by doing some light jogging. You can use an ipod and listen to music, or take a friend with you for company.
Start by doing a simple stretching exercise. First, stand with your feet shoulder length apart. Reach down as far as you can with both hands and try to touch the floor. Don’t jerk, but simply extend your arms to the floor slowly and hold that position until you feel slight pressure on your leg and back muscles. Repeat this 5 times.
Next, sit on a mat or semi-soft surface. Put both of your feet directly in front of you and together. Extend your hands slowly and touch the tips of your shoes if you can. If you can’t quite reach that far don’t worry, this is the reason you are doing the stretching exercises in the first place. Your body needs to expand the ligaments and muscles to allow for the pressure of the upcoming workout. Repeat this stretching exercise up to 10 times.
I have mentioned many times before that I ride a bike to work and during the last few weeks have been up and down with it so I thought it may be a good time to try to communicate the issues that I have run into.
I have been riding my bike to work for years but here in Calgary the weather in the winter is really cold so I have always taken a few months off in the winter and done some exercise in the house instead, be it weights or elliptical trainer or stationary bike. This winter the weather was mild and I have access to a shower at my work so I was able to ride often right through the winter.
I was pretty excited to be on the bike and have the freedom of exercising to start the day in November but by the time January came I was not sleeping enough and my body was feeling pretty beat up, I continued riding but was resenting it. The coldness of the morning was making me cold and I felt like the exercise was not a good enough reason to be riding but felt like I would be a bit of a whimp to be taking the car instead when it was not really cold enough to use the winter excuse.
All of this silent rage kind of got to me in February. I felt like I had no energy anymore and my muscles were sore and the road seemed a little unsafe. I knew the spring was coming and that I was not going to get a break and would be riding every day again until at least fall. Finally, I got off the bike and drove for most of four weeks and started sleeping more as well as stretching again. You would think that I would follow my own advice from this blog but no, I often don’t and should really know better. When I finally got back on the bike I felt refreshed and energized. I had more energy in my legs and the attitude that was so destructive was gone.
Now I realize that anytime that there is a problem with my attitude, and really it is 99% attitude as Arnold Schwarzenegger says, then take that break and get back to the basics. We may all be striving to better ourselves everyday but sometimes you need a short time to regroup and get you head back into the game as they would say so that you can push yourself hard again.