Chitosan research

Is Chitosan a good fat blocker?

Chitosan is a natural nutritional fiber which is made from the shell of shrimps. Chitosan has unique properties which makes it the effective fat blocker. Chitosan can bind dietary fat and cholesterol. By binding with cholesterol, Chitosan can reduce the re-absorption of cholesterol into our bodies therefore stopping fat from being stored in our bodies.
Numerous claims have emerged noting chitosan as one of the most successful fat burners. Chitosan is said to be capable of absorbing fat and preventing it from getting into your body. But, how effective is Chitosan at blocking fat?

It is important to note that whether chitosan is safe or effective as diet aid remains controversial even up to these days. There have been a lot of claims regarding the benefits of chitosan. Many people have said that chitosan does work, but these claims are contradicted by few studies. Some thorough clinical studies on humans have shown that chitosan does not work, making the question about Chitosans effectiveness very debatable.

Chitosan claims as a fat blocker

So which Chitosan research that support and contradict these claims? Firstly, one of the most commonly cited Chitosan research by the makers and distributors of chitosan-based products is the 1994 ARS Medicina Report. In this study, it was found out that test subjects lost 8% of body fat and reduced cholesterol by 32% in four weeks. Secondly, there are various Chitosan research which revealed that the substance lowers plasma cholesterol and triglycerides and improved the HDL cholesterol level.

Assessing at these pieces of evidence, one might be adequately persuaded that chitosans claims are indeed true. However, when taking the designs of the Chitosan research into consideration, the evidence appears in a much different light. The 1994 ARS Medicina Report and others that support it appear to be slackly designed. Experts have noted that only uncontrolled and anecdotal evidence seem to be the only available evidence in research that ha been carried out so far.

In addition, most of the cholesterol lowering evidences reported in other resources is obtained in another noteworthy fashion. Most of the Chitosan research were carried out on mice, canines and guinea pigs.

Not much Chitosan Research done yet

Unfortunately, only one well-designed study on chitosan, involving humans as subject, has been published. That study was conducted in 1999 by the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, showing that chitosan supplement were no better than a placebo in reducing body . 34 over subjects were actually involved in this study. They were assigned to either a treatment group which received 4 capsules of chitosan twice daily for 28 days, or to a placebo group which received a placebo under the same regimen. After days of treatment, the results revealed no significant difference between two groups on any of the body mass index, serum cholesterol, triglycerides, Vitamins A, D, E or beta-carotene levels. Based on these results, loss experts concluded that chitosan does not work.

Although further Chitosan research were conducted, they all have shown that chitosan did not block fat. Also of concern is a finding during some of the Chitosan research is the finding that that chitosan block out some vitamins and minerals.

The results of there various Chitosan research cast doubt on the effectiveness of Chitosan as a fat blocker. There is still a lack of well-designed and hard evidences that could support the effectiveness of chitosan.

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New Free Web Hosting Control Panel: administer your web server through an easy-to-use web interface

A new program has been added to the Free Web Hosting Control Panel Software. Such software are useful if you run your own web server and want to administer it from an easy-to-use web browser interface. And, of course, they are useful if you want to be a web host too. Note that if you only want to make a website, you should read How to Create a Website instead, since it is more relevant, and will point you to the software you will actually need.

Contact Lens and Eye Care

All of us contact lens wearers know that it is a good idea to take good care of your lenses or your eyes will suffer. This includes cleaning contact lenses and not wearing your contact lenses for more than eight to ten hours. Here are some tips from the FDA.

The FDA and CDC are urgently advising consumers to take precautions to prevent contamination of the lenses and the products used to maintain them. These preventive practices include:

* Wash hands with soap and water, and dry (lint-free method) before handling lenses.
* Wear and replace lenses according to the schedule prescribed by the doctor.
* Follow the specific lens cleaning and storage guidelines from the doctor and the solution manufacturer.
* Keep the contact lens case clean and replace every 3-6 months.
* Remove the lenses and consult your doctor immediately if you experience symptoms such as redness, pain, tearing, increased light sensitivity, blurry vision, discharge or swelling.

In addition, regardless of which cleaning/disinfecting solution used, wearers may want to consider performing a “rub and rinse” lens cleaning method, rather than a no-rub method, in order to minimize the number of germs and reduce the chances of infection.

Bausch Lomb has recommended that consumers stop using ReNu with MoistureLoc immediately and discard all remaining MoistureLoc solution including partially used or opened bottles. Both the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) continue to investigate reports of fungal keratitis in an effort to determine all contributing factors and/or products that may place contact lens wearers at increased risk for Fusarium keratitis. As part of this ongoing investigation, we are continuing joint inspections of the Bausch Lomb plant and facilities in Greenville, SC including testing of products, environmental factors and raw materials. Because of the nature of the organism (Fusarium), extensive microbiological testing is being conducted and may take up to one month to fully analyze. We are committed to continuing a comprehensive approach aimed at determining the cause of these infections and will provide regular updates on our activities through preliminary public health notices issued through FDA.

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Geolocalize IP addresses with PHP (New)

Get the location details of a given IP address
Powerful IP geolocation service implemented in a class easy to use for all your projects...


Low cal pop only allowed in US schools

Today I read a story that has been covered everywhere about how US schools are going to stop selling high calorie pop in schools and are going to instead focus more on juices and bottled water.

When I was in high school many years ago it was not acceptable to be drinking pop and eating junk food out of the machines, at least it was not for me. Now I look at my daughter who does not eat any junk food almost because of the strictness of my wife and watch my son try to get more candy all of the time. I myself do not always set a very good example, I set a great example for exercise and tell the kids what is good and bad to eat but I still bring a big bag of food to work every day and eat chocolate and pop everyday.

I am happy to see that the schools in the US will stop selling high sugar pop and instead focus on water and juice in the machines but really as a culture we need to go farther. The kids will just bring their own pop or have it after school but there needs to be less of an entitlement culture in North America when it comes to food. we need to decide that fitness and health are up to us as individuals and that the governments are really partners with us in education.

I will not get into the rage I feel when I see the giant lineup at a fast food drive thru of fat guys smoking cigarettes but still if we all decided to make a healthy lifestyle a priority I believe we would all be better off.

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