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After writing about how bad the sun is for you I have found this very balanced article by Robert Bazell at MSNBC that offers a great counter point to how good or bad the sun is for you. As always I believe that some good research is the most important way for anyone to decide weather they are doing the right thing or not as everyone has a bias as far as this subject goes.
The heresy: the sun can be healthy. The heretic: Dr. Michael Holick of Boston University, a seemingly gentle, but combative scientist-physician who studies the beneficial effects of Vitamin D, produced by our skin when exposed to the sun.
Report a story about Holick’s research and a reporter can expect to get — as I did — a rocket in the name of the president of the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) alleging that the information endangers America’s health.
This battle is not about facts
It is more akin to arguments that erupt over advice that a drink or two of alcoholic beverages a day can help the heart. If we give those who are addicted an excuse, the argument goes, we’re handing them a ticket to excess.
To understand the debate, one must appreciate the AAD’s enormous success in recent years persuading Americans to either avoid the sun altogether or to slather on a lot of sun block if they can’t. Then, along comes Holick alleging that the campaign has gone overboard leaving millions of Americans Vitamin D deficient.
Not long ago medical wisdom held that Vitamin D deficiency only matters if severe enough to produce rickets, a horrible disintegration of the bones seen in children living in severe poverty. But research by Holick and others in recent years proves that Vitamin D plays a key role in avoiding osteoporosis, the bone thinning that often occurs with aging.
In addition, every cell and tissue in the body requires Vitamin D so a lack of it can increase the risk for conditions including heart disease, breast and prostate cancer and high blood pressure.
Many experts now say we need at least 1,000 international units a day of Vitamin D, and it is almost impossible to ingest that much from the typical American diet. Large doses of supplements or moderate sun exposure are the alternatives. One can argue the sun is the far more natural alternative.
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I just found an article over at Ediets of seven foods never to eat.
1. Doughnuts It’s hard to resist the smell of a Krispy Kreme doughnut, which is why I never step foot in the store. Doughnuts are fried chock-full of sugar and white flour and loads of trans fat.
According to the Krispy Kreme website, an average 3.5 ounce sugar doughnut weighs in with about 400 calories and contains few other nutrients besides fat. These sugary treats may satisfy your craving but it won’t satisfy your hunger as most of the calories come from fat.
“Eating a lot of refined sugar contributes to blood sugar swings or extreme fluctuations, eDiets Chief Nutritionist Susan Burke said.
2. Cheeseburger with fries The age-old classic may be delicious but think twice before sinking your teeth into that Big Mac. The saturated fat found in cheese burgers has been linked to heart attacks, strokes and some types of cancer.
In fact, fast-food portions are gargantuan, almost double the calories per meal compared to 20 years ago,” Susan says. “Twenty years ago the average fast-food cheeseburger had about 300 calories. Today’s BK Whopper with cheese has 720. To burn the excess 420 calories, you’d have to run for 40 minutes. For example, in 1985 a medium French fry had 240 calories, 2.4 ounces. Today’s medium is 6.9 ounces and 610 calories.
“This fast-food meal of cheeseburger and fries has way too many calories and fat grams, not to mention grams of saturated fat, trans fat and cholesterol and sodium.
Let’s break down this meal. First, take the white-flour bun (refined carbohydrates), then add some processed cheese (saturated fat and trans fat, plus lots of additives and preservatives) and then top off with fried red meat (cholesterol and saturated fats). And let’s not forget about the condiments such as the always fattening mayonnaise.
Not sounding so appetizing anymore, huh? Oh, and let’s not forget about the infamous side dish. You cheeseburger will most likely come with a side of French fries, which is sadly the most popular vegetable dish in the U.S. Don’t kid yourself, French fries are not vegetables, they are extremely high in fat and contain a tiny amount of nutrients.
3. Fried Chicken and Chicken Nuggets With the recent class-action lawsuit between The Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) and KFC, the health risks posed by fried foods are becoming more public. The CSPI is suing the food chain for their use of cooking oil containing unhealthy trans fats. The lawsuit seeks to order KFC to use other types of cooking oils and to inform customers how much trans fats KFC’s food contains.
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The promise of a more youthful look was too tempting for 53-year-old Mary Schwallenberg to pass up. So, when the Food and Drug Administration approved a product that temporarily improves the appearance of frown lines between the eyebrows, the Orlando, Fla., resident took a shot at it. And it wasn’t long before she became one of many people clamoring for regular treatments that often include refreshments and friendly conversation, as well as injections.
Facts about Botox
Botulinum Toxin Type A (Botox Cosmetic) is a protein complex produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum, which contains the same toxin that causes food poisoning.
When used in a medical setting as an injectable form of sterile, purified botulinum toxin, small doses block the release of a chemical called acetylcholine by nerve cells that signal muscle contraction.
By selectively interfering with the underlying muscles’ ability to contract, existing frown lines are smoothed out and, in most cases, are nearly invisible in a week.
Botox injections are the fastest-growing cosmetic procedure in the industry, according to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS). In 2001, more than 1.6 million people received injections, an increase of 46 percent over the previous year. More popular than breast enhancement surgery and a potential blockbuster, Botox is regarded by some as the ultimate fountain of youth.
Schwallenberg, a pharmaceutical sales representative who is excited about her next round of injections, says she wants to look her best for her job. “That’s corporate America for you,” she says. “I have a lot of energy and I just wanted to look good.”
Botox was first approved in 1989 to treat two eye muscle disorders–uncontrollable blinking (blepharospasm) and misaligned eyes (strabismus). In 2000, the toxin was approved to treat a neurological movement disorder that causes severe neck and shoulder contractions, known as cervical dystonia.
As an unusual side effect of the eye disorder treatment, doctors observed that Botox softened the vertical frown (glabellar) lines between the eyebrows that tend to make people look tired, angry or displeased. But until this improvement was actually demonstrated in clinical studies, Allergan Inc., of Irvine, Calif., was prohibited from making this claim for the product.
By April 2002, the FDA was satisfied by its review of studies indicating that Botox reduced the severity of frown lines for up to 120 days. The agency then granted approval to use the drug for this condition.
The FDA regulates products, but not how they are used. Approved products are sometimes used by a licensed practitioner for uses other than those stated in the product label. Botox Cosmetic, for example, is currently being used by physicians to treat facial wrinkles other than those specified by the FDA. Consumers should be aware, however, that this “off-label” use has not been independently reviewed by the agency, and the safety and effectiveness of Botox injections into other regions of the face and neck, alone or in combination with the frown-lines region, have not been clinically evaluated.
Ella L. Toombs, M.D., a dermatologic medical officer in the FDA’s Office of Cosmetics and Colors, says, “Careful deliberation, investigation and evaluation is undertaken by the agency before any prescription product is approved.”
Drugs such as Botox, which are not indicated for serious or life-threatening conditions, “are subject to a greater level of scrutiny because of the benefit-to-risk ratio.” Toombs says this means that the FDA may allow someone to incur a greater risk from products that treat medical conditions, rather than from those that are approved for cosmetic purposes.
Considering Facts about Botox Cosmetic?
* Be sure that a qualified doctor performs the procedure.
* Make sure that the doctor is trained and qualified in cosmetic skin surgery of the face.
* Ask questions and be informed about the benefits and risks involved in the procedure.
* Avoid alcohol and remain upright for several hours following the procedure.
* Choose a medical setting using sterile techniques. Necessary equipment should be available to respond to any potential problems.
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Many people understand the importance of good nutrition, but believe that a daily vitamin pill will substitute for actually eating the fruits and vegetables that they know are good for them.
The more we learn about nutrition and the human body, however, the more we realize the importance of eating whole foods. That is why the American Dietetic Association and the U.S. Department of Agriculture still recommend that we eat two to four servings of fruit and three to five servings of vegetables a day.
Here is an example of what science has found. During the last 15 years, a number of studies have shown that people who eat a diet rich in beta-carotene have a lower rate of several kinds of cancer. Beta-carotene is an antioxidant chemical naturally found in foods such as sweet potatoes, winter squash and carrots, and is also available in a pure, synthetic form.
The pure form of beta-carotene has become a popular dietary supplement, either by itself or as an ingredient in multi-vitamin pills. A number of recent studies, though, have not shown that taking beta-carotene in pill form lessens the risk of cancer.
Why should a nutrient in a pill be less effective than the same nutrient obtained from food?
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A study by Johns Hopkins University has shown that a regular high-carb diet that is changed to include a little more protein or healthy oils can further curb heart disease risks, say researchers who had volunteers try three variations of the same diet.
This is a validation to many athletes diets that are slightly lower in carbs and slightly higher in protein but not as extreme as either end of the scale as a vegitarian diet or an Atkins style diet.
The Testing
But the study involving 159 adults with borderline or mild high blood pressure found the best results with diets that replaced some carbohydrates with protein like nuts and dairy, or with healthy fats, like olive oil.
The findings don’tt mean you should gorge on meat, or that carbs should be shunned. But the study involving 159 adults with borderline or mild high blood pressure found the best results with diets that replaced some carbohydrates with protein like nuts and dairy, or with healthy fats, like olive oil.
All three diets were low in saturated fats and required plenty of fruits and vegetables, and all improved blood pressure and cholesterol readings.
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By None
Oct. 03, 2018
This is the most up to date weight reduction supplement that contains 60% of the most perfect Garcinia cambogia for a characteristic and fast weight reduction. This is the most astounding accessible available!Ideal for the two people – this profoundly viable, regular, and safe weight reduction supplement has been intended to offer you a speedy weight reduction arrangement. Healthy Life Corps Mince contains an abnormal state of unadulterated HCA, which is the key fixing in a successful weight reduction supplement.
Healthy Life Corps Mince Ingredients
The key fixing in body thin garcinia is known as HCA. This is a Healthy Life Corps Mince extricate that has horde capacities for safe weight reduction.The HCA works by boosting the digestion framework. With this, your body will effectively consume all the overabundance fat inside the most limited time conceivable. Aside from this, a functioning digestion helps the body to stay solid independent of a fast weight reduction. It will follow up on the abundance muscle to fat ratio around the tummy and convert fat stores into vitality.The other capacity of the HCA is to stifle your hunger. The fixing will help keep you more full for extend periods of time; consequently you get the chance to control the amount you eat. Other than this, it likewise can support the generation of serotonin hormones.
Chromium and Potassium
These are other two fixings found in the enhancement. Potassium helps in boosting your digestion framework. This guides the body in staying dynamic. Then again, the chromium is intended for guaranteeing no more arrangement of fat in the body.
How Healthy Life Corps Mince Works For Weight Loss
The enhancement works in various approaches to guarantee that you flawlessly get more fit. The enhancement will help in a snappy and safe weight reduction by smothering your craving.It is essential that you effectively control the amount you eat amid the get-healthy plan. The HCA in the enhancement will help in guaranteeing that you don’t desire for specific dinners. This will imply that low calories will be brought into the body along these lines prompting more sheltered weight reduction.
Healthy Life Corps Mince likewise works by obstructing the arrangement of extra muscle versus fat. For you to get a lasting weight reduction, it is imperative that your body doesn’t frame any extra fat. The HCA, which is the key fixing, will follow up on the catalyst changing over the sugar and starch into fat.
Advantages of Healthy Life Corps Mince
The Healthy Life Corps Mince has an extensive variety of advantages for people.
A portion of the key advantages of the enhancement incorporate;
Consuming of Body Fat
The initial step for a protected and brisk weight reduction requires your body to completely dispose of all the abundance fat. The Healthy Life Corps Mince has an intense enhancement known as HCA. This will help in consuming the overabundance muscle versus fat collected on the lower some portion of the body. Through this, you will have the capacity to pick up a slimmer body you have constantly longed for.
No Side Effects
Do you require a sheltered and normal weight reduction supplement? In the event that you have to get more fit securely and quicker, at that point this is a definitive weight reduction supplement you have to experiment with. It is on the grounds that the Healthy Life Corps Mince is just produced using the most perfect type of HCA without any fillers and synthetic concoctions.
Controls Your Appetite The Healthy Life Corps Mince will likewise guarantee that you don’t bring extra calories into the body. This is on the grounds that the enhancement will stifle your hunger. This implies you will never again ache for sugary, fat framing nourishments. You will just need to take a little bit of nourishment and this will keep you full for a considerable length of time. While picking the sustenance we prescribe you eat low calorie nourishments.
Lift Body Energy The enhancement is likewise an awesome wellspring of vitality that will keep you solid in spite of losing abundance fat in only weeks. This is on the grounds that it will consume the overabundance calories and convert them into vitality. It will likewise guarantee that all the sugar and starch are just changed over into vitality rather than fat. This will keep you solid similarly as required amid the weight reduction venture.
Lift Your Mood Aside from consuming fat and stifling your hunger, the Healthy Life Corps Mince is likewise perfect for improving your temperament. This is on account of the HCA will advance the generation of serotonin hormone that is in charge of boosting your temperaments. It will oversee both pressure and uneasiness; thus the ideal weight reduction supplement to experiment with.
Is Healthy Life Corps Mince Safe?
This is all you will require on the off chance that you have to get in shape quicker and securely. This is on account of the enhancement is 100% safe since it is free from the two synthetic concoctions and folios.
It is just produced using characteristic and unadulterated fixings that will have no symptoms on your body.
The most effective method to Use Healthy Life Corps Mince
The enhancement comes as cases, which implies that it is anything but difficult to regulate. You have to take the cases orally with water.
For an every day measurements, you require around 1000mg every day. This implies you should take the enhancement three times each day dependably before each feast. With this, you will encounter an awesome change in simply an issue of weeks.
To what extent to Expect Results with Healthy Life Corps Mince
When you choose to experiment with the Healthy Life Corps Mince, you have to expect fast and safe outcomes in simply an issue of weeks.
The distinction might be because of how brisk your body reacts to the enhancement.
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Sertraline is used medically mainly to treat the symptoms of depression and anxiety. It has also been prescribed for the treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, premenstrual dysphoric disorder, panic disorder, and bipolar disorder. It was first approved by the FDA in 1991. The patent for this brand-name drug expired in December 2005. It is anticipated that the generic drug will be available in the United States in June of 2006, manufactured by Andrx, Aurobindo, Genpharm, Ivax, Mylan, and Roxane. In Scandinavia a generic drug called Sertralin, manufactured by HEXAL is available. The price differences between Zoloft and Sertralin are as high as 1.50 dollars per pill.
Sertraline can have a number of adverse effects, including insomnia, asthenia, gastrointestinal complaints, tremors, confusion, dizziness, anorgasmia, and decreased libido; it can induce mania or hypomania in around 0.5% of patients. It has also been known to cause minorweight loss. It is contraindicated in individuals taking MAOIs or undergoing electroconvulsive therapy.
Until 2003 Zoloft was only approved for use in adults ages 18 and over; that year it was approved by the FDA for use in treating children ages 6 to 17 with extreme obsessive compulsive disorder. In June, 2004, Britain banned the use of Zoloft by minors and in February, 2005, Pfizer was forced to change the labeling of Zoloft to include information regarding increased incidences of suicidal behavior and depression in adolescent users of the drug.
According to, Zoloft is not currently recommended or advised for use in individuals under the age of 18. After these changes, multiple incidences and at least one medical study showed an increased risk of suicide in seniors who were taking Zoloft. In response to these findings, the FDA released a public health warning. This warning indicates that anyone currently using Zoloft for any reason has a greater chance of exhibiting suicidal thoughts or behaviors regardless of age. This warning is questionable, however, due to the types of illnesses Zoloft is used to treat, it is impossible to determine if these tendencies are a side effect of the drug or the illness the drug is meant to treat.
Zoloft has long been seen as the best option for breastfeeding mothers who wish to continue breastfeeding and be able to take their antidepressants. Despite its apparent safety and effectiveness during the breastfeeding period, recent studies and consumer complaints have seen a need to alter Zoloft’s labeling regarding use during the third trimester of pregnancy.
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