Soluble fiber and insoluble fiber

I was looking through some cereals at the store the other day and noticed that fiber is now being broken up on food labels into the amount of soluble fiber versus insoluble fiber.

This made me a little nervous as I was not sure what I would really want in my diet. Is one better than the other? Well in a word, NO. Here is the differences:

Soluble Fiber

Soluble fiber is a fiber that binds with fatty acids, this helps it sit in your stomach and allows the sugars (carbohydrates) to site in your stomach longer and to be broken down. This will help to lower your cholesterol and to also regulate your blood sugar level better so it is helpful for everyone but especially those with diabetes.Soluble fiber and insoluble fiber

Insoluble Fiber

Insoluble fiber does not bind with anything and is the most common type of fiber in any diet. The insoluble fiber in your diet is the one that people most think about with fiber, it moves the bulk through your digestive system as well as toxins out of your colon.

Also insoluble fiber is helpful for regulating the PH level in your digestive tract.

So now you know. You will more than likely, when you look, see that there is more insoluble fiber but do not go out looking for more or less of either more often just go and make sure that you are getting a lot of fiber in your diet.

Most North American diets are very low in fiber as it is a natural food and as we know most people eat a lot more very processed and refined food and are therefore missing out on the health benefits of fiber.

Increasing Fiber Intake

How can you increase your intake of fiber easily? Well there are some obvious sources like Bran cereals and bran muffins but also legumes peas, soybeans, and other beans oats, rye, chia, and barley some fruits including apples and bananas, and berries, vegetables, such as broccoli, carrots, green beans, cauliflower, zucchini, celery and tomatoes also root vegetables, such as potatoes and yams.

Is that enough sources of fiber? And can you see why most people do not get much fiber in their diet?

The case against Antioxidants?

For years we have looked at antioxidants as being one of those magic substances that will heal our bodies from the ravages of free radicals and also the natural breakdown of the body.

New Scientist has an article today that disputes the help of antioxidants on getting rid of free radicals and even mentions a couple of reports and studies that support their hypothesis.

I am not to sure how much to trust this story but it is always important to look at any studies with a critical eye and watch as more and more come out. For now I will continue taking my vitamins and working on getting as many antioxidants into my diet as possible.

Wondering about what exactly an antioxidant is? Here is some info from Wikipedia:

Since the discovery of vitamins, it has been recognized that antioxidants from the diet are essential for healthful lives in humans and many other mammals. More recently, a large body of evidence has accumulated that suggests supplementation of the diet with various kinds of antioxidants can improve health and extend life. Many nutraceutical and health food companies now sell formulations of antioxidants as dietary supplement. These supplements may include specific antioxidant chemicals, like resveratrol (from grape seeds), combinations of antioxidants, like the “ACES” products that contain beta carotene (provitamin A), vitamin C, vitamin E and Selenium, or specialty herbs that are known to contain antioxidants such as green tea and jiaogulan. However, to date, the FDA finds insufficient evidence to endorse health claims that have been made regarding antioxidant supplementation (see Clinical Trials above).

Article source:

Don’t Drink the Purell

There is a nutty story making the rounds today about a woman that drank hand sanitizer, you know the stuff that you rub on your hands as a disinfectant.

The people in the know about how to find alcoholic beverages in strange places apparently know that hand sanitizer is mostly alcohol…and probably do not care that it is very dangerous to drink.

The 49-year-old Maryland inmate seemed seriously sick after he drank from a gallon-container of hand sanitizer. Described as “loony,” “red-eyed” and “combative,” officials whisked him to a nearby Baltimore hospital for treatment.

But they quickly discovered he wasn’t ill — just very, very drunk on Purell.

Don't Drink the PurellThe October incident, detailed Wednesday in the New England Journal of Medicine as one of the first documented cases of its kind.

It has raised questions about the potential abuse of alcohol-based hand sanitizers by teenagers and other at-risk groups.

“The widespread use of hand sanitizer is fraught with a great deal of danger,” said Suzanne Doyon, medical director of the Maryland Poison Center, who co-authored a letter in the journal about the case. ”

From an infection control perspective they are excellent, but there is this risk involved.”

Purell, which is 70 per cent alcohol, is far more potent than conventional drinks such as beer (five per cent), wine (10 per cent) or hard liquor (40 per cent)

Since the October incident, the Maryland Poison Center has received reports from five or six other adults in the state who consumed hand sanitizer because “they were looking for a buzz,” Doyon said.

A spokeswoman for Johnson Johnson, the maker of Purell, said when used as directed, Purell is “safe and effective.”

Article source:

Rowing Machines

Rowing MachinesI wrote a post last week about buying used exercise equipment because at this time of year it is much easier to by exercise equipment then it is at any other time of the year and to save money to boot. Anyway in all of the equipment that I mentioned I never did mention the best piece of cardio exercise equipment and that is the rowing machine.

Rowing machines are a bit more complex and a bit harder to use than the standard stair machine, exercise bike, or treadmill. A rowing machine is a much better piece of equipment if you are looking for a new piece of equipment because it does a lot more for your body. With a bike you work your legs mostly and your abs a little and with a treadmill it is only a leg workout for the most part but with a rowing machine you work a lot more body parts.

Rowing machines work nearly all of the major muscle groups with work done by your quads, hamstrings, back, biceps and abs. There is no better exercise for the entire body than a rowing machine besides maybe swimming.

The great thing that I really like about rowing machines is the rythym. You start by being crunched up and get to explode out. Uou will push your legs, extend your back and at the same time accelerate the handle by pulling it into your chest. The rowing machine is like a mass contraction for you to do while working out.

Lastly, most rowing machines take almost no space. A good quality rowing machine is very flat and can fit under a bed or up against a wall and for this reason alone it is much easier to contain a rowing machine in an apartment or small house then it is to have a treadmill or exercise bike.

Article source:

24 hour fitness Recognizing California wellness initiative

California governor and ex bodybuilding pro Arnold Schwarzenegger as you can imagine understands the need for fitness and wellness programs for everyone in the state of California. This press release not only is a bit of a plug that 24 hour fitness shows that they support the program but also makes the governors announcement yesterday a bit more public around the country.

24 Hour Fitness today commended California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger’s “Stay Healthy California” five-point plan highlighting the importance of preventative health and wellness initiatives.

Since October 2005, 24 Hour Fitness has supported Governor Schwarzenegger’s dedication to health and wellness through the Governor’s Challenge, a program designed to track physical activity and reward young adults who are active for 30-60 minutes a day at least 3 days a week.

24 Hour Fitness exclusively offers program participants free access to its clubs to further success of the Governor’s program.

24 Hour Fitness realizes the significance of corporate client partnerships and the wellness of employees. Through its corporate wellness program, 24 Hour Fitness serves more than 4,000 corporations across the country with special packages and discounts for employees, a program proven to help improve workers’ overall health, morale as well as productivity.

“With more than three million members globally, we are excited to support Governor Schwarzenegger’s ‘Stay Healthy California’ plan of physical fitness and wellness,” said Mark Mastrov, chairman and founder.

“Together, this partnership delivers unparalleled fitness and wellness offerings to meet the evolving needs of those Californians looking to experience an active and fulfilling lifestyle.

About 24 Hour Fitness
Headquartered in San Ramon, Calif., 24 Hour Fitness, an innovative leader in the health and fitness industry, serves more than 3 million members in over 350 clubs across 16 different states and four countries in Asia. Founded in 1983 as a one-club operation by Chairman and Founder Mark S. Mastrov, 24 Hour Fitness pioneered the concept of making fitness accessible, affordable and a way of life for everyone. Supporting the communities it serves, 24 Hour Fitness sponsors many charitable events and organizations including the 2004 – 2008 U.S. Olympic Teams and the Magic Johnson, Andre Agassi and Lance Armstrong Foundations. Please call1-800-224-0240 or visit for more information and to find the location nearest you.

Article source:

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This package can compress files and create archives in Zip format...


Soluble fiber and insoluble fiber

I was looking through some cereals at the store the other day and noticed that fiber is now being broken up on food labels into the amount of soluble fiber versus insoluble fiber.

This made me a little nervous as I was not sure what I would really want in my diet. Is one better than the other? Well in a word, NO. Here is the differences:

Soluble Fiber

Soluble fiber is a fiber that binds with fatty acids, this helps it sit in your stomach and allows the sugars (carbohydrates) to site in your stomach longer and to be broken down. This will help to lower your cholesterol and to also regulate your blood sugar level better so it is helpful for everyone but especially those with diabetes.Soluble fiber and insoluble fiber

Insoluble Fiber

Insoluble fiber does not bind with anything and is the most common type of fiber in any diet. The insoluble fiber in your diet is the one that people most think about with fiber, it moves the bulk through your digestive system as well as toxins out of your colon.

Also insoluble fiber is helpful for regulating the PH level in your digestive tract.

So now you know. You will more than likely, when you look, see that there is more insoluble fiber but do not go out looking for more or less of either more often just go and make sure that you are getting a lot of fiber in your diet.

Most North American diets are very low in fiber as it is a natural food and as we know most people eat a lot more very processed and refined food and are therefore missing out on the health benefits of fiber.

Increasing Fiber Intake

How can you increase your intake of fiber easily? Well there are some obvious sources like Bran cereals and bran muffins but also legumes peas, soybeans, and other beans oats, rye, chia, and barley some fruits including apples and bananas, and berries, vegetables, such as broccoli, carrots, green beans, cauliflower, zucchini, celery and tomatoes also root vegetables, such as potatoes and yams.

Is that enough sources of fiber? And can you see why most people do not get much fiber in their diet?

Canada Food Guide

My six year old daughter brought home a copy of the Canada food guide from school a couple of days ago and all weekend she has been comparing our diet with the number of servings of food that the Canada Food Guide says that we should be eating. I am not impressed at the food guide itself but would like to make my own. As some Canadians would know there are always praise and criticisms every time there is a change to the Canada Food Guide and just be reading it it seems that the guidelines are created by the farmers of Canada.

What Foods are in the Canada Food Guide?

5-12 servings of Grain products
5-10 servings of Vegetables and Fruit
2-4 servings of Milk products
2-3 servings of Meat and alternatives

Let’s see where to start. The guidelines set out are very vague. What if I have 12 servings of white bread in a day and five servings of fruit? Does anyone really need 12 servings of grains a day? That would not be balanced. What about the meat? It looks like there is a very small protein component. And why is milk or cheese something that should be mandated? Isn’t the calcium in green vegetables easier for out body to metabolize?

Portion sizes in the Canada Food Guide

The other big problem is serving size. We occasionally see some kind of marketing on what a serving size is and I have dealt with that in this blog before but the fact is that no one knows what the of something is. A 50-100 gram serving of steak is about 4 onces and I have not seen a steak less than 8 onces in a restaurant before.

I definitely am not opposed to a food guide I truly believe that anyone that is trying to stay healthy must have some kind of benchmark for what kind of and how much food they should be eating and I am really glad that six year old kids are being taught the essence of healthy eating, I just wish this education would continue because we all know that teenagers basically forget this info and treat their stomach as some kind of science project.

Stay tuned to my version of the food guide later today.

Update – new Canada Food Guide Out

Well just a couple of weeks after I lay into the Canada food guide a new Canada Food Guide is released by the health minister here in Canada. The new food guide looks at serving sizes which I like and junk food which I also like but I have not had too much of a chance to look at the nuances of the food guide which I hope to do later today.

For now go look at the Canada Food Guide, there is a guided tour as well as lots of other information on the official government website.

Article source:

Cinco ingredientes que son claves en los productos de cuidado personal para hombres

Cinco ingredientes que son claves en los productos de cuidado personal para hombres - ingredientes-en-los-productos-de-cuidado-personal-para-hombres-450x300Photo: Syda_Productions /Depositphotos

Aparentemente la industria de la belleza siempre ha estado enfocada al sexo femenino; sin embargo, existen diversas marcas que buscan transmitir el mensaje de que el cuidado personal también es importante para los hombres.

La piel es el órgano más grande del cuerpo y, sin distinción de género, necesita cuidados especiales para mantener su elasticidad, firmeza e hidratación; por tal razón, existen algunos ingredientes cuyo uso constante, en combinación con actividad física y una dieta balanceada, mejoran de manera impresionante la apariencia de la piel.

Ingredientes en los productos de cuidado personal para hombres

Muchos hombres aún guardan en secreto sus rutinas diarias de belleza, sin embargo, hay cinco ingredientes que son claves en sus productos de cuidado personal. ¡Descúbrelos!:

CLA (Ácido Linoléico Congujado)

El CLA es un ácido graso, esencial para quienes desean bajar de peso con dietas sin perder masa muscular; al ser ingerido, actúa sobre la lipoproteína lipasa, la enzima responsable de almacenar la grasa presente en el torrente sanguíneo, generando su reducción. Además, el CLA es un potente antioxidante que fortalece el sistema inmunológico, así como un importante anticancerígeno.

¿Y todas estas cualidades se pueden aplicar de forma cutánea? Existen productos en el mercado que contienen CLA y cuyo impacto en la piel y en los músculos se refleja al obtener definición, hidratación y firmeza.

Garcinia Cambogia

Con sus raíces en la India, la Garcinia Cambogia es una planta que se utiliza comúnmente como especia y que ayuda a la prevención y alivio de padecimientos relacionados a las vías respiratorias e intestinales; sin embargo, esta planta tiene otras cualidades especiales en el metabolismo y en el perfil lipídico, ya que contribuye a la disminución de niveles elevados de grasa.

La Garcinia Cambogia contiene HCA Ácido Hidroxicítrico, vitamina C y antocianósidos, lo que ayuda a definir la silueta de forma efectiva si se aplica de manera tópica. Adicionalmente, si lo untas, además de hidratarte, aumenta la resistencia al ejercicio y reduce el estrés.

L – Carnitina

Este compuesto orgánico se ha vuelto popular en los últimos años. ¿La razón? Es un aminoácido que se produce de manera natural en el cuerpo, su función principal es la de enviar más ácidos grasos a las mitocondrias para convertirlas en energía, de tal manera que el cuerpo almacena menos grasa.

De manera tópica, existen geles corporales reafirmantes en la Línea Black de Torongia, cuyos ingredientes suman a la L – Carnitina como elemento principal; potencializando su absorción, a través de Nano Partículas que hacen más eficiente su uso y efecto termogénico.

Cinco ingredientes que son claves en los productos de cuidado personal para hombres - l-carnitina-450x450

Extracto de Yerba Mate

Por su acción lipogénica es altamente recomendable para incluir en tratamientos específicos para eliminar la piel de naranja y obesidad localizada.

Contiene vitaminas A, C, E, B1, B2 y B compuesta, ácido nicotínico (B3), ácido pantoténico (B5), magnesio, calcio, hierro, sodio, potasio, manganeso, silicón, fosfato, sulfuro, ácido hidroclórico y clorofila. Además, la yerba mate posee “xanthinas”, sustancias tónicas, reafirmantes.

Aceite Esencial de Soya

Ayuda a prevenir líneas de expresión por sus propiedades hidratantes, protectores y suavizantes. Además de su alto contenido en vitaminas y minerales, las isoflavonas de la soya (compuestos bioactivos) refuerzan la cohesión celular de la piel y aumentan su flexibilidad, evitando la aparición de los signos de expresión. También posee propiedades emolientes, y humectantes.

Los cinco ingredientes que acabas de conocer, se ubican en productos cosméticos que buscan contribuir a que alcances metas que mejoran tu apariencia y estado físico. Si ya tomaste la decisión de ejercitarte y cambiar tu estilo de vida, aunque sea de forma gradual, busca en los anaqueles productos certificados y aprobados debidamente por las autoridades sanitarias de nuestro país.

Para conocer más, visita Torongia o conversa con la marca vía: Facebook, Twitter o Instagram.

Article source:

Canada Food Guide

My six year old daughter brought home a copy of the Canada food guide from school a couple of days ago and all weekend she has been comparing our diet with the number of servings of food that the Canada Food Guide says that we should be eating. I am not impressed at the food guide itself but would like to make my own. As some Canadians would know there are always praise and criticisms every time there is a change to the Canada Food Guide and just be reading it it seems that the guidelines are created by the farmers of Canada.

What Foods are in the Canada Food Guide?

5-12 servings of Grain products
5-10 servings of Vegetables and Fruit
2-4 servings of Milk products
2-3 servings of Meat and alternatives

Let’s see where to start. The guidelines set out are very vague. What if I have 12 servings of white bread in a day and five servings of fruit? Does anyone really need 12 servings of grains a day? That would not be balanced. What about the meat? It looks like there is a very small protein component. And why is milk or cheese something that should be mandated? Isn’t the calcium in green vegetables easier for out body to metabolize?

Portion sizes in the Canada Food Guide

The other big problem is serving size. We occasionally see some kind of marketing on what a serving size is and I have dealt with that in this blog before but the fact is that no one knows what the of something is. A 50-100 gram serving of steak is about 4 onces and I have not seen a steak less than 8 onces in a restaurant before.

I definitely am not opposed to a food guide I truly believe that anyone that is trying to stay healthy must have some kind of benchmark for what kind of and how much food they should be eating and I am really glad that six year old kids are being taught the essence of healthy eating, I just wish this education would continue because we all know that teenagers basically forget this info and treat their stomach as some kind of science project.

Stay tuned to my version of the food guide later today.

Update – new Canada Food Guide Out

Well just a couple of weeks after I lay into the Canada food guide a new Canada Food Guide is released by the health minister here in Canada. The new food guide looks at serving sizes which I like and junk food which I also like but I have not had too much of a chance to look at the nuances of the food guide which I hope to do later today.

For now go look at the Canada Food Guide, there is a guided tour as well as lots of other information on the official government website.

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