The best fast is a Juice fast

If you have ever had the chance to experience a juice fast, you know how invigorating it can be. You feel a renewed sense of vitality entering your life, bringing fresh energy into the body. If you haven’t experienced a juice fast or have never tried a fast, this is probably not the image of fasting that you hold in your mind. You likely associate fasting with hunger pains and tiredness. But is there a way to experience the great benefits of fasting, while minimizing any discomfort. The answer is yes.

Juice fasting allows us to experience the benefits of fasting with virtually no pain. Here is how it’s done.

1. Go to the store and buy fresh fruits and vegetables that you would like to juice. This can include carrots, apples, pears, celery or any other fruit or vegetable that sounds tasty. Use a low speed juicer to juice with. This will preserve the living enzymes of the juice.

2. Drink as much juice as you desire throughout the day. Dilute the juice with one-third pure water. It is very important to drink a large quantity of juice. If you feel hungry you are not drinking enough. This is the basis of the juice fast.

Add a small pinch of cayenne pepper to the juice every third glass. This will greatly help with circulation and cleansing. If possible, make individual servings at a time to maximize the freshness of the juice. I like to make 18 ounces of pure juice and add 6 ounces of water to it. This will last you for an hour or two. Then, when you’re ready you can make more juice fresh.

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Cayenne – Wonder herb

Is it possible that one of the most powerful, health inspiring substances in the world could already have a home in your kitchen’s spice rack? It’s true that most folks have a bottle of cayenne right in their own home without even realizing the health benefits they could be receiving if they only utilized it on a daily basis.

This article is going to reveal the true power cayenne possesses to heal a variety of ailments. Let’s get right into the benefit’s a daily dose of cayenne will bring to you.

Greatly improved digestion. Cayenne is highly effective in addressing a variety of digestive issues. Stomach ulcers, poor digestion, gas and other gastric ailments all respond very favorably to cayenne. This may seem counter intuitive, but it works nonetheless. Cayenne enlivens the whole digestive tract bringing renewed life to the area and clearing away any blockages.

Outstanding improvement in overall circulation. Poor circulation is one of the most common conditions people have. This is where cayenne really gets a gold star. It offers absolutely stunning increases in circulation throughout your whole body. This brings about untold benefits. Better circulation translates into every cell of your body, becoming more healthy and vibrant and leading to an overall state of health and well being. This also greatly helps if you suffer from cold hands and feet by bringing fresh, warm blood into those extremities.

Greatly strengthens the heart and arteries. Cayenne has the marvelous ability to revitalize and strengthen your heart and arteries. Here is how it works. Cayenne greatly increases the circulation of blood in the body. This increased circulation feeds the heart and arteries far more effectively, greatly increasing strength and vitality. Cayenne also increases the amount of oxygen tissues can hold. This combination of enhanced circulation and increased oxygenation prove to be incredibly beneficial to the health of the heart arteries, and the body as a whole. Cayenne has even been noted for its ability to stop heart attacks within 1 minute of being consumed in warm water. If that doesn’t showcase its power, I don’t know what will.

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Soluble fiber and insoluble fiber

I was looking through some cereals at the store the other day and noticed that fiber is now being broken up on food labels into the amount of soluble fiber versus insoluble fiber.

This made me a little nervous as I was not sure what I would really want in my diet. Is one better than the other? Well in a word, NO. Here is the differences:

Soluble Fiber

Soluble fiber is a fiber that binds with fatty acids, this helps it sit in your stomach and allows the sugars (carbohydrates) to site in your stomach longer and to be broken down. This will help to lower your cholesterol and to also regulate your blood sugar level better so it is helpful for everyone but especially those with diabetes.Soluble fiber and insoluble fiber

Insoluble Fiber

Insoluble fiber does not bind with anything and is the most common type of fiber in any diet. The insoluble fiber in your diet is the one that people most think about with fiber, it moves the bulk through your digestive system as well as toxins out of your colon.

Also insoluble fiber is helpful for regulating the PH level in your digestive tract.

So now you know. You will more than likely, when you look, see that there is more insoluble fiber but do not go out looking for more or less of either more often just go and make sure that you are getting a lot of fiber in your diet.

Most North American diets are very low in fiber as it is a natural food and as we know most people eat a lot more very processed and refined food and are therefore missing out on the health benefits of fiber.

Increasing Fiber Intake

How can you increase your intake of fiber easily? Well there are some obvious sources like Bran cereals and bran muffins but also legumes peas, soybeans, and other beans oats, rye, chia, and barley some fruits including apples and bananas, and berries, vegetables, such as broccoli, carrots, green beans, cauliflower, zucchini, celery and tomatoes also root vegetables, such as potatoes and yams.

Is that enough sources of fiber? And can you see why most people do not get much fiber in their diet?

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