Dr Gabe Mirkin on Protein and exercise

Dr Gabe Mirkin on his blog this week talked about how important it is to take in protein after exercise.

Protein as we all know is built in your body and constructed from 22 amino acids. Some of these amino acids can be made by your body and another few namely histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan, and valine. In addition, the amino acids arginine, cysteine, glycine and tyrosine are essential amino acids – that is aminos that you need to get from your diet.

Dr Mirkin talks about the fact that your blood levels of amino acids drops after a tough workout and the sooner after you take in protein the better.

This is one of those things that I think is a bit of a myth in bodybuilding and that is the taking of amino acids. Amino acids can be bought in pill form but I really think that this is the most expensive way to get your nutrition. How about doing something a little more normal like drinking a protein drink after your workout? Another thing that you can do is make sure that you protein levels are good by eating more steak, chicken, and one of my favorite cheap protein sources, Tuna.

From now on if you do not do it already make sure that you get protein after your workout. Nowadays it is fairly cheap to get a vanilla or chocolate whey protein powder that you can mix with juice, milk or even water.

Article source: https://www.fitnesstipsforlife.com/dr-gabe-mirkin-on-protein-and-exercise.html

Fast rise in hyper obesity in the US

We all know how bad the obesity problem is but I found this article on MSNBC that is saying that the growth is people more than 100 pounds over – the Hyper Obese – is growing at an alarming rate.

People who are 100 pounds or more over are the fastest-growing group of over people in the United States, researchers reported on Monday.

They found the proportion of the severely obese was 50 percent higher in 2005 than it had been in 2000 — a startling rate of growth.

“The proportion of people at the high end of the scale continues to increase at a brisk rate despite increased public attention on the risks of obesity and the increased use of drastic loss strategies such as bariatric surgery,” said Roland Sturm, an economist at Rand Corporation, a nonprofit research institute.

“The explosion in the use of bariatric (-loss) surgery has made no noticeable dent in the trend of morbid obesity,” Sturm added in a statement.

Fast rise in hyper obesity in the US

Fast rise in hyper obesity in the US

The researchers found that based on self-reported height and , which tends to underestimate the part, 3 percent of Americans are already severely obese — defined as having a body mass index of 40 or higher.

Body mass index is calculated by dividing in kilograms by the square of a person’s height in meters.

The researchers, whose report will be published later this year in the journal Public Health, found that the proportion of Americans with a BMI of 30 or more increased by 24 percent between 2000 and 2005.

The proportion of people with a BMI of 40 or more increased by 50 percent and the proportion of Americans with a BMI of 50 or more increased by 75 percent.

The number of bariatric procedures, which include stomach stapling and stomach bypass surgery, rose to an estimated 200,000 in 2006 from 13,000 in 1998.

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Article source: https://www.fitnesstipsforlife.com/fast-rise-in-hyper-obesity-in-the-us.html

Garcinia Cambogia: cos’è, effetti dimagranti e rischi | DiLei

I 10 cibi con più antiossidanti che proteggono il corpo

Alleata del benessere e della salute: la Garcinia Cambogia è una pianta ricca di proprietà, perfetta per dimagrire, ma con qualche controindicazione.

Originaria dell’Indonesia, la Garcinia Cambogia è conosciuta soprattutto per le sue doti dimagranti. La polpa dei suoi frutti, e in particolare la buccia, sono perfetti per perdere peso in breve tempo, con risultati straordinari. Conosciuto come tamarindo del Malabar, questo frutto ha un colore verde e un gusto intenso. In Italia si possono acquistare sia i frutti interi che gli integratori, preparati con la buccia polverizzata.

Cosa rende la Garcinia Cambogia così speciale? Un principio attivo denominato acido idrossicitrico, che inibisce l’azione dell’enzima che metabolizza i grassi nel nostro corpo. Non solo: favorisce anche il senso di sazietà e limita il deposito dell’adipe sui punti più critici del corpo. I frutti della Garcinia Cambogia inoltre consentono di innalzare i livelli della serotonina nel cervello, per un effetto benefico non solo sulla dieta, ma anche sull’umore.

Questa pianta viene consigliata poi a chi soffre di colesterolo alto, poiché aiuta a tenerlo a bada, migliorando la circolazione del sangue. Infine la Garcinia Cambogia agisce sull’intestino e sullo stomaco, favorendo la digestione e il transito intestinale, grazie ad un leggero effetto lassativo.

Come usarla? Questa pianta si può assumere – come spiegato – sotto forma di integratore, per dare una scossa al metabolismo, favorire il dimagrimento e bruciare i grassi. Il suo sapore intenso è perfetto per esaltare moltissimi piatti e si può usare proprio come il peperoncino. La dose consigliata è pari ad 1 grasso per 3 volte al giorni: in questo modo la Garcinia Cambogia risulta efficace, ma non presenta controindicazioni.

Questo alimento infine non è consigliato a chi è incinta o in fase di allattamento. Il frutto potrebbe risultare dannoso anche per chi soffre di diabete o problemi renali, inoltre interferisce con alcuni medicinali, per questo prima di assumere la Garcinia Cambogia è fondamentale chiedere consiglio al proprio medico curante.

Article source: https://dilei.it/benessere/garcinia-cambogia-effetti-dimagranti-controindicazioni/572531/

Free Royalty-Free Music: use these music pieces however and wherever you please

A new source of free, royalty-free music has been added to the Free Royalty Free Music and Sounds page. In fact, that site actually hosts public domain pieces, which means that you can freely use them any way you please, whether on a website on the Internet, a powerpoint presentation, advertisement, or even as background music to a home video.

Garcinia Cambogia Extract Market Growth and Demand Research Report 2017-2027

Garcinia Cambogia a small, sweet tropical tree fruit also known as Malabar tamarind. Other names for Garcinia Cambogia are Assam Fruit, Gorakkapulli, Panampulli, Manda Huli, Goraka Pulli, Mangosteen, and Vadakkan Puli. Garcinia Cambogia is obtained in different colors depending on the spices such as yellow, green and red. Garcinia Cambogia extract is a hub of vitamins B, Thiamin, Folic Acid, Niacin, Magnesium, Vitamin C, Manganese, Potassium and Hydroxycitric Acid (HCA). Hydroxycitric Acid in Garcinia Cambogia Extract is appetite suppressant which reduces cravings and decrease the urge to consume calories. Hydroxycitric Acid also helps in managing stress hormones, increase serotonin level, speed up metabolism leading to better mood sleep and reduce belly fat. Garcinia Cambogia Extract not only improves your overall health, but also prohibits the conversion of calories into fat. Hydroxycitric Acid inhibits the production of an enzyme that slows down the metabolism rate of the body. Because of this, the body converts the extra calories into glycogen. Garcinia Cambogia extract also helps the body to build more muscles.

Market Segmentation:

Garcinia Cambogia Extract market is segment on the basis of form, distribution channel and region. On the basis of form market is segmented into powder, capsule and liquid.Garcinia Cambogia Extract come in different forms but the most popular form is the powdered form. Weight loss has become a common desire for many people these days and with huge rage of alternatives available it becomes quite difficult task for consumers to select one which they want for themselves. Exactly what makes garcinia cambogia extract powder hugely popular is the fact that it is natural, safe to consume and has proven positive results for weight loss. Garcinia cambogia extract powder with 100% HCA is probably the best remedies for weight loss. On the basis of distribution channel the market is segmented into supermarkets/hypermarkets, convenience stores, medical stores and online stores. Online Stores is expected to hold a relatively high share in the garcinia cambogia extract market. Medical stores have also contributed significantly to the growth of Garcinia cambogia extract market over the forecast period. On the basis of region garcinia cambogia extractmarket is segmented into North America, Latin America, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Asia Pacific, MEA and Japan.

Market Regional Outlook: Regional segment for the market of asparagus is divided into seven different regions: North America, Latin America, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Asia Pacific, MEA and Japan. Among these segment Asia Pacific is expected to have the major market share globally, as it is the largest consumer of garcinia cambogia extract. In Asia Pacific region the India is generating the major revenue. In terms of revenue Africa is the second prominent contributor in the garcinia cambogia extractmarket.

Market Drivers: The rise in demand for weight loosing supplement is expected to drive the growth of global garcinia cambogia extract market. Garcinia cambogia extract is not only used as a supplement for weight reduction but it also exhibits some special properties such as it helps to reduce the cortisol level, reduce risk of heart disease, reduce risk of ulcer and improve lipid profile. It also helps in maintaining better metabolism and better cardiovascular health. The versatile properties of garcinia cambogia extracthas defiantly attracted the pharmaceutical companies which will drive the garcinia cambogia extract market to a greater extent.Moreover, the market is also driven by the increasing awareness among the consumers about the health benefits associated with garcinia cambogia extract.

Market Key Players:

Some of the key players in garcinia cambogia extractmarket are Power up health, BioGanix, Nature wise, Naturabest, NOW Foods, Top Secret Nutrition, Natrol, Global Health Ideas, Quality Encapsulations, shape organics,Search Results, Potent Organics, St.Botanica, Healthawin, Whole Body Research, NutriRise, PureNutria, Gaia Science? and  Morpheme Remedies among others.

Request For Table Of Content @ https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/toc/rep-gb-2587

Article source: https://thefuturegadgets.com/105821/garcinia-cambogia-extract-market-growth-and-demand-research-report-2017-2027/

WordPress 5.0 Beta 4

WordPress 5.0 Beta 4 is now available!

This software is still in development, so we don’t recommend you run it on a production site. Consider setting up a test site to play with the new version.

There are two ways to test the WordPress 5.0 Beta: try the WordPress Beta Tester plugin (you’ll want “bleeding edge nightlies”), or you can download the beta here (zip).

The WordPress 5.0 release date has changed, it is now scheduled for release on November 27, and we need your help to get there. Here are some of the big issues that we’ve fixed since Beta 3:

Block Editor

The block editor has been updated to match the Gutenberg 4.3 release, the major changes include:

  • An Annotations API, allowing plugins to add contextual data as you write.
  • More consistent keyboard navigation between blocks, as well as back-and-forth between different areas of the interface.
  • Improved accessibility, with additional labelling and speech announcements.

Additionally, there have been some bugs fixed that popped up in beta 3:

  • Better support for plugins that have more advanced meta box usage.
  • Script concatenation is now supported.
  • Ajax calls could occasionally cause PHP errors.


We’ve added an API for translating your plugin and theme strings in JavaScript files! The block editor is now using this, and you can start using it, too. Check out the developer note to get started.

Twenty Nineteen

Twenty Nineteen is being polished over on its GitHub repository. This update includes a host of tweaks and bug fixes, including:

  • Menus now properly support keyboard and touch interactions.
  • A footer menu has been added for secondary page links.
  • Improved backwards compatibility with older versions of WordPress.

Default Themes

All of the older default themes—from Twenty Ten through to Twenty Seventeen—have polished styling in the block editor.

How to Help

Do you speak a language other than English? Help us translate WordPress into more than 100 languages! 

If you think you’ve found a bug, you can post to the Alpha/Beta area in the support forums. We’d love to hear from you! If you’re comfortable writing a reproducible bug report, file one on WordPress Trac, where you can also find a list of known bugs.

isation is a word with
many syllables.

Meta boxes are
the original style block.
Old is new again.

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