PHP Server Monitor Script (New)

Check if a server is working well using Websockets
This package can check if a server is working well using Websockets...


WordPress 5.0 Release Candidate

The first release candidate for WordPress 5.0 is now available!

This is an important milestone, as we near the release of WordPress 5.0. The WordPress 5.0 release date has shifted from the 27th to give more time for the RC to be fully tested. A final release date will be announced soon, based on feedback on the RC. This is a big release and needs your help—if you haven’t tried 5.0 yet, now is the time! 

To test WordPress 5.0, you can use the WordPress Beta Tester plugin or you can download the release candidate here (zip).

What’s in WordPress 5.0?

Screenshot of the new block editor interface.
The new block-based post editor.

WordPress 5.0 introduces the new block-based post editor. This is the first step toward an exciting new future with a streamlined editing experience across your site. You’ll have more flexibility with how content is displayed, whether you are building your first site, revamping your blog, or write code for a living.

The block editor is used on over a million sites, we think it’s ready to be used on all WordPress sites. We do understand that some sites might need some extra time, though. If that’s you, please install the Classic Editor plugin, you’ll continue to use the classic post editor when you upgrade to WordPress 5.0.

Twenty Nineteen is WordPress’ new default theme, it features custom styles for the blocks available by default in 5.0. Twenty Nineteen is designed to work for a wide variety of use cases. Whether you’re running a photo blog, launching a new business, or supporting a non-profit, Twenty Nineteen is flexible enough to fit your needs.

The block editor is a big change, but that’s not all. We’ve made some smaller changes as well,  including:

  • All of the previous default themes, from Twenty Ten through to Twenty Seventeen, have been updated to support the block editor.
  • You can improve the accessibility of the content you write, now that simple ARIA labels can be saved in posts and pages.
  • WordPress 5.0 officially supports the upcoming PHP 7.3 release: if you’re using an older version, we encourage you to upgrade PHP on your site.
  • Developers can now add translatable strings directly to your JavaScript code, using the new JavaScript language packs.

You can read more about the fixes and changes since Beta 5 in the last update post.

For more details about what’s new in version 5.0, check out the Beta 1Beta 2Beta 3, Beta 4 and Beta 5 blog posts.

Plugin and Theme Developers

Please test your plugins and themes against WordPress 5.0 and update the Tested up to version in the readme to 5.0. If you find compatibility problems, please be sure to post to the support forums so we can figure those out before the final release. An in-depth field guide to developer-focused changes is coming soon on the core development blog. In the meantime, you can review the developer notes for 5.0.

How to Help

Do you speak a language other than English? Help us translate WordPress into more than 100 languages! 

If you think you’ve found a bug, you can post to the Alpha/Beta area in the support forums. We’d love to hear from you! If you’re comfortable writing a reproducible bug report, file one on WordPress Trac, where you can also find a list of known bugs.

Ruedan los bloques
Contando vivos cuentos
Que se despiertan

The best of the ProBlogger Top 5 lists

The best of the ProBlogger Top 5 listsAs I mentioned yesterday there is a blog writing contest, well kind of a contest going on where people are writing articles on their top 5… whatever they want. I have included this list from that list to let you peruse other articles, mostly fitness, that I liked.

Here is the home page for darrens blog writing project
Top 5 – Group Writing Project Day 2

Great basics on staying or keeping in shape – with a great looking picture
5 Back-to-Basics Strategies For Renewing Your Energy at Ririan Project

Of course as a home beer brewer I had to add a page on beer making that I found in the list
5 Reasons Why I Make Wine and Beer

How to get your body aligned so that it works better
NPA Think Tank: Top 5 Physical Therapist Recommended Body Hacks

ZipFly PHP ZipArchive zip64 Creator

Compress files and create archives in Zip format
This package can compress files and create archives in Zip format...

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