NEW ORLEANS — If you’ve ever tried to lose weight, you’ve probably turned to the latest product on the market for help, like supplements, drinks and devices.
But this is the first time we’ve looked at a chewing gum.
Her career has taken her from a hit TV dance show in the late 70s, to movies in the 80s, like ‘Staying Alive,’ ‘A Chorus Line,’ ‘Flamingo Kid’ and ‘American Anthem.’ And when she married ice hockey Hall of Famer Wayne Gretzky, the ceremony was broadcast live across Canada. Janet Jones is known for her in-shape body and physical fitness. When it comes to her physique, she admits, at 5 feet 9 inches tall, she has been genetically blessed and exercises and eats right, but there have been times even she wanted to shed some pounds.
“I’m 58-years-old and I’ve birthed five children and so weight hasn’t always been perfect for myself either,” she said. “I’ve wanted, after having a child, you want to lose that unnecessary weight on your body.”
And then something caught her attention called OMG for Overeating Management Gum.
“More importantly, I believed in it. I tried it and I was like, ‘This is a great product, and this works,'” she said.
So, not long ago, she brought it to the attention of fitness and nutrition expert Mackie Shilstone.
“And of course, I’m very suspect until I start doing the research and I see the leading researchers behind it,” Shilstone said.
Mackie says the active ingredient, Hydroxycitric acid, or HCA, is a chemical that is found in the rinds of garcinia cambogia, a tropical fruit from Indonesia.
It’s been a popular weight-loss supplement for years. People say it helps lower your appetite and blocks your body’s ability to make fat. Other claims are that it could help keep cholesterol levels and blood sugar in range. So, after doing his due diligence on the effectiveness of OMG, Mackie decided to add it to his GNC inventory.
“You really need to take it 30 to 60 minutes before a meal, thus they came up with the idea of the gum, because one of the most effective ways to absorb is under the tongue or through the saliva,” he explained.
So, he asked Newman School kindergarten teacher Marie Summitt to try the gum.
“I eat lunch very early with my class at 10:45 a.m. I get really hungry between 3:30 and 5:00 p.m. And if there’s anything in the teachers’ lounge, like king cake or birthday cup cake, I might go in there and have a bite to eat,” Summitt said about her daily routine.
She has a weight loss goal in mind. Her daughter’s wedding is in October and she wants to take off 10 lbs. for the special day.
“Just so I would look my best and feel better too, and also I thought this was a good opportunity for me to just try and change my eating habits a little bit,” she said.
Marie already walks every weekday morning and plays tennis for hours on weekends, but it’s those afternoons, when she is planning her next day’s lessons, where she needs the boost. So every day for a week, she’s been trying OMG, chewing it 30 minutes before a meal and drinking a glass of water.
“It’s been great. I may have lost a pound, not too much, but I think it takes a couple of weeks. It has helped me realize I don’t need a cupcake at 3:45 in the afternoon. I can just do without until dinner time,” Summitt said.
When it comes to garcinia cambogia and weight loss the Journal Obesity reports people using it in studies lost about two pounds more than people who didn’t take it.
A nutrition scientist at LSU Health Sciences Center, Dr. Henry Nuss, doesn’t feel the research is convincing.
When asked if it can help suppress appetite, Dr. Nuss said “It can, but probably not to the degree that most people would like it to. They’ve been able to show in laboratory settings that this substance does affect lipid metabolism in the sense that it can prevent the body from storing fat, but again, not to the extent that we would consider as an effective weight loss mechanism.”
“What they’re finding is that you’re not eating as much,” Shilstone said. “Now, I have to be clear. If you think you can chew this gum and go eat everything, forget it. It’s part of a comprehensive program.”
Janet attributes the gum to helping her husband, Wayne Gretzky, drop weight.
“He finally said, ‘OK, I’m going to try this. I’m going to give it a shot, and he started chewing three-to-six pieces a day and over probably, a six-to-eight-week period, he lost 35 lbs.,” she said.
While Marie Summitt is helping her bride-to-be daughter pick out bridesmaids dresses and go to all the food tastings to pick a caterer, she says knowing that she is going chew the gum before a meal is making her more mindful of her portion sizes.
“I’m starting off with less and realizing that’s all I need,” Summitt said.
Doctors warn that people taking medication for diabetes, high cholesterol or blood thinners should not use any products with garcinia cambogia in them. It can also interact negatively with medications for pain, asthma and psychiatric conditions and it should also not be used by people with kidney or liver problems.
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Say hello to the new perf hotness - a profiler built into React. This announcement blog post shows how to use it as a Chrome Extension, but you can also use it in your code, to get insight into real world interactions, even in production. Let's see how.
Create a new react app
If you're not familiar, there's a create-react-app tool that gets you started quickly with a new app.
npm i -g create-react-app
npx create-react-app my-app
cd my-app
npm start
Boom! A new app is born, showing a rotating logo.
Stop spinning
Now let's make that logo start/stop spinning on click. Tweak the CSS first.
Profiling this interaction (and any other in your app) is simply a question of wrapping the interesting part (even your whole app) in a Profiler component. Let's wrap everything, which means something like:
// require
import React, {Component, unstable_Profiler as Profiler} from 'react';
So you give the profiler an ID since you can have multiple interesting parts of the app profiled, and an onRender callback.
Now this callback is invoked every time ReactDOM does a "commit" to the actual DOM. Which is usually the expensive part, and something you want to do as fewer times as practical. And what goes into the callback? Here's an example:
function onRender(id, phase, actualDuration, baseDuration, startTime, commitTime) {
if (id !== 'profi') { // optional
So now what happens when you load the app and click the logo twice? You see the initial rendering (phase: mount) and the two updates (phase: update)
What do these numbers mean? The first two are durations (actual and base) explained here. The other two are when the commit is starting when it's done, explained here.
And finally: the profiling React build, see here. Now in addition to "dev" and "prod" you have "profiling" which is prod+profiling, in other words a fast prod version without all the dev overhead.
When doing any kind of exercise and even at times when you are not doing any exercise you will notice your core of your body. Your core is the muscles right around your torso, that is the muscles of your abdominals right around your lower back and everything in between.
The muscles of the core of your body give you the ability to stand upright, to bend over, to pick things up, to lean and also for you to turn around. Think of all the times during the day that you use these core muscles and you will realize that this is indeed a very important part of your muscle to keep strong.
Low back pain is very common. It affects 4 of 5 people at some time during their lives. It is the leading cause of disability for those aged 19 to 45 and is the second most common cause of missed work days (after the common cold) for adults younger than 45. Low back pain becomes more common as people age.
On the flip side of a strong core is a weak set of core muscles. If you have any back problems you may be dealing with weak core muscles (I am a little sensitive to this as my wife has a bad back and a stronger core has not helped) and strengthening these core muscles will give you less pain and a lot more agility.
How To Train Your Core – Abdominals
To strengthen your core lets look at the muscle a bit separately. To start in the front you can strengthen your abdominal muscles by doing crunches or situps as well as lying down on your back and doing some kind of leg lifts.
For these abdominal exercises do them for about 20-30 reps for three sets. A related set of muscles are on your sides called the obliques. You can strengthen your oblique muscles by standing straight up with your hands on your head and then leaning over to one side, coming back up straight and then leaning to the other side. do about 15 reps on each side for three sets.
How To Train Your Core – Lower Back
To strengthen your lower back you will want to do the same exercise as your obliques except bringing your body forward and then back straight up. Do not go too far as you do not want to overextend these muscles. Another great exercise is the pelvic tilt. Do do a pelvic tilt lie on your back with your legs bent and just push your pelvis straight up.
Pilates has become really popular over the last few years and if you have seen one of those Windsor pilates commercials you will notice how much they focus on core muscle training where traditional cardio always seems to focus on your arms and legs.
You should do all of these core training workouts as one workout three days a week. The important thing to really remember is that if you have a strong midsection to your body you will have better strength and flexibility throughout your body and this will help you throughout your day.
Have you thought that maybe you have the whole picture wrong about how to get six pack abs? There is this fantastic diet and exercise system that will teach you everything you need to know about how to get a firm and trim midsection and that allows your ab muscles to show through.Check out my Six Pack Abs review now.
Many people looking for core strength neglect lower back exercise while focusing on the abs. This is a huge mistake as the muscles of the back are vital for core strength. If you are undertaking any kind of workout program or even for normal day to day life, the back must be strong to avoid back injuries.
Why You need Lower Back Exercise
The first thing to say when we consider lower back exercise is that especially if you have current back pain or a recent injury or medical condition you should consult with your doctor or physiotherapist before undertaking any exercise program. While gentle stretching and controlled movement is generally good for healing back injuries, intensive exercise is usually better postponed until your pain is gone. Also, there are many causes of back pain and some require more rest than others.
lower back exercise
Assuming you are fit and well, there are a number of exercises that can be undertaken to improve your lower back strength. Some of the best of these are includedl ower back exercise in the series of stretches and poses known as yoga.
Yoga as Lower Back Exercise
Many of the forms and postures in yoga training are a perfect lower back exercise for improving the flexibility and strength of the back.
There are many different muscles in the back and if any of them are neglected, as they often are if we do not perform regular stretching exercises in all directions, they become tight. This can lead to distortion of the spine (causing back pain) or injuries when these neglected muscles are suddenly called into action.
If you do not want to join a yoga class, you can perform the same lower back exercise at home. Find a yoga DVD that includes the poses that you need. If you are looking online, searching for the Indian names of the stretches or poses (called asanas in yoga) makes them easy to find.
Look for the following lower back exercise stretches or postures:
pelvic tilt (not strictly a yoga pose but you will find it on many yoga sites)
knee to chest (pawanmuktasan)
supine twist (supta matsyendrasana) or half spinal twist (ardha matsyendrasana)
cat (marjariasana)
cobra (bhujangasana)
downward facing dog (adho mukha svanasana)
It is important to do them all because they have different and complementary actions on the spine. In other words, they balance each other out.
Lower Back Exercise – Watch your posture
Move into each position slowly and be sure to follow all of the instructions, noticing especially the correct position of your head. You can hold each position for 2-3 minutes. You will probably find that you can comfortably increase the stretch once or twice while you hold, as your lower back exercise muscles become accustomed to the pose.
Do not expect to be able to do the pose to the full extent demonstrated by the teacher. This is especially true if you are more muscular than the teacher or others in the class. A muscular body will be less flexible. There are also differences between the sexes in how far they can stretch in certain poses. That is natural and nothing to be concerned about.
Yoga is not a competition, it is just about increasing your own flexibility within the range that you have. And in your case it is a great lower back exercise.
This is your opportunity to learn the “world-class” Back Pain relief secrets that only a handful of lucky people even knew existed a short time ago…including the “super-advanced” skill, know-how and techniques. It is called the Miracle Back Pain Cure.
Keep in mind that yoga exercises should never stress the muscles or the spine. Do not try to stretch to your limits. You should be able to breathe freely without constriction at all times during your lower back exercise program.
Deux mois en retard, j’ai fait le tour des livres que j’ai lus en 2019. J’en ai déjà recommandé plusieurs autour de moi et, en parcourant mes lectures de ces derniers mois, j’en ai vu d’autres dont je n’ai jamais parlé mais qui étaient tout aussi intéressants. Voici donc quelques livres que j’ai lus en 2018 et que je recommande.
Why we sleep — Matthew Walker Pour commencer, Why we sleep est un livre très intéressant sur le sommeil (j’avais écrit un article à ce sujet il y a un moment, d’ailleurs).