D3 PHP POP3 Receive Email

Retrieve email messages from POP3 mailbox with YII
This package can retrieve email messages from POP3 mailbox with YII...

Read more at https://www.phpclasses.org/package/11144-PHP-Retrieve-email-messages-from-POP3-mailbox-with-YII.html#2019-03-24-16:05:51


Retrieve email messages from POP3 mailbox with YII
This package can retrieve email messages from POP3 mailbox with YII...

Read more at https://www.phpclasses.org/package/11144-PHP-Retrieve-email-messages-from-POP3-mailbox-with-YII.html#2019-03-24-16:05:51

Room to Breathe: Using Whitespace in the Hero Area

Developers are often so obsessed with extravagant solutions that they sometimes get carried away – forgetting how the simplest things can make an interface a better place. One such example is whitespace.

Creatives do not always give it proper credit. However, if you are building a comfortable user experience with a prime focus on the content, then whitespace is your friend. It’s the one that stands behind a pleasant UX, encouraging visitors to stay on a website. It creates order out of chaos and puts everything in its place. It assists in establishing visual paths and determining the priorities. It does all the heavy lifting behind the curtains.

These arguments may sound banal. Nevertheless, they are reasonable and based on a long history of experimentation. Without a proper amount of fresh air, your users will feel claustrophobic. The general experience will lack enjoyment.

Of course, whitespace will always be whitespace. You cannot transform it into a mind-blowing animation – it is just a blank space. However, this does not mean that it has nothing to do with the design. On the contrary, it is an integral part of it.

Today we are going to show you how whitespace skillfully sets the content apart from everything else, as well as plays an essential role in the overall aesthetics. Let us explore some designs with lots of whitespace presented as huge, organized gaps.

What We’re Looking For

We will intentionally step aside from more traditional designs like Beyond Theory or Heartbeat Labs, whose hero areas can be deservedly called spacious.

Their welcome sections consist of only vital elements such as the tagline, navigation and whitespace. Without a doubt, they are filled with fresh air. They both look crisp. And, their slogans instantly catch an eye. However, there are other intricate ways of using whitespace. Therefore, we are going to consider only those interfaces where cleverly organized gaps run the show.

Beyond Theory

Heartbeat Labs

Olio Intini

The first example to examine is Olio Intini. The design team goes beyond just displaying content. They took the regular hero area, with an image and tagline, and made it look exceptional with a little help from huge gaps on both sides. These gaps easily direct everyone’s attention towards the central part of the screen as well as add an intricate charm to the design.

Olio Intini

Polar Bears Pools

Olio Intini is a perfect primer for the balance between whitespace and content, even though the left and right margins feel bold and too large at first. Polar Bears Pools is a similar example.

The team behind the website’s design sticks to the same route. There are huge gaps on the left and right side. Yet in this case, the image-based section takes more space than in the previous example.

Nevertheless, the trick still works. What’s more, it is here where the boxy structure meets a generous amount of whitespace, carefully arranged in delineated blocks. As a result, the hero area looks fantastic. The huge gaps are an integral part of the overall aesthetic.

Polar Bears Pools

Archi Graphi / Azura

Archi Graphi and Azura show us how huge gaps naturally blend into designs with vertical rhythm. Both of them have hero areas with trendy vertical text; and Azura even features vertical lines in the back. Note there is a bulk of white space in the top header. This trick naturally brings the logotype in Archi Graph and navigation with CTA in Azure into the spotlight. The home screens are well-balanced, informative and visually appealing.

Archi Graphi


Tappezzeria Novecento / Gucci Gift

In the previous examples huge gaps strengthen the overall design, playing the role of a perfect addition. But in the case of Tappezzeria Novecento and Gucci Gift, they are just a necessity.

The hero area in Tappezzeria Novecento is content heavy. Without a proper amount of whitespace, it will scare users away with its informative pressure. Notice how the design team masterly plays with the gaps. The layout is asymmetrical, yet this works in its favor. The design feels original, although there is nothing grandiose about it – just a skillful combination of content, graphics, and whitespace. Simply ingenious.

Tappezzeria Novecento

As for Gucci Gift, the audience will not be able to enjoy the interactive part of the website without a proper amount of whitespace from every side. Here, huge gaps are required to show the interactive canvas that lies behind the images in the center. They provide users with an actual place to play with the background.

Gucci Gift

Spindle / Kolaps

How about adding even more space by opting in favor of truly enormous gaps?

If you think that is too much, then take a look at Spindle and Kolaps. They look fantastic. It feels like the entire aesthetic, as well as the first impression, rely on this massive amount of whitespace.

The team behind Spindle shows us the modern take on minimalism. The hero area is all about the relatively small image, vertical navigation, and text-based logotype. It looks neat, crisp and original.


The team behind Kolaps benefits from the symbiosis of high-end animation and whitespace. These two perfectly complement each other.


Editions – Jordan Sowers

Following the previous two examples of adopting large gaps, the team behind Editions – Jordan Sowers has opted in favor of incredibly large gaps on the left and right sides. Still, the solution does not look outrageous. It may look bold, but undoubtedly intriguing. It seems like you can never have enough whitespace.

The hero area of Jordan Sowers’ portfolio feels spacious and minimalistic. It screams out the portfolio works, drawing the overall attention towards the heart of the page.

Editions – Jordan Sowers

So Much Fresh Air

To make a first impression is increasingly vital, no one argues with that. However, what is next? You cannot survive on just a grandiose hero area.

In the long run, content is a king and the way you present it is even more crucial. Whitespace helps it to ascend to the throne. recreating a proper entourage. And if you feel like using whitespace is dull, you can always twist the solution a bit. Try and leverage huge, well-organized gaps that serve the same duty but bring about a more exciting effect.

The post Room to Breathe: Using Whitespace in the Hero Area appeared first on Speckyboy Web Design Magazine.

Weekly News for Designers № 480

Going Up: Vertical Lettering in Web Design – Vertical text is now being used in a number of different ways.
Going Up: Vertical Lettering in Web Design

CSS Grid: Floor Plan – Check out this colorful and complex example of what CSS Grid can do.
CSS Grid: Floor Plan

Speak Human – A tool that generates “human centric” copy for a number of use cases.
Speak Human

UX Books – A handy directory of UX-related books.
UX Books

Everything you need to know about Loading Animations – How loading animations can enhance the user experience.
Everything you need to know about Loading Animations

Mobile Usability Made Simple – How people use their devices and how it should affect your design choices.
Mobile Usability Made Simple

How Web Designers Benefit from Open Source – Open source lowers the barriers to entry and powers our careers.
How Web Designers Benefit from Open Source

Typetura – A tool for fluid typesetting, based on screen size.

How to simplify your design – Illustrated examples of how to keep things simple.
How to simplify your design

Typography in Design Systems – Taking the right approach to type when building a design system.
Typography in Design Systems

How to convince your team to adopt CSS Grid – Addressing the concerns and demonstrating the benefits of CSS Grid.
How to convince your team to adopt CSS Grid

Authority Figure: Positioning Yourself as a Web Design Expert – Strategies for standing out in a very crowded marketplace.
Authority Figure: Positioning Yourself as a Web Design Expert

How to manipulate CSS colors with JavaScript – Learn about color models and how to convert them in JS.
How to manipulate CSS colors with JavaScript

Microsite Concept with Rotating Background – View and download a demo with animation, built with CSS3, jQuery and GSAP.
Microsite Concept with Rotating Background

Planning for Responsive Images – Serving up images that don’t hinder performance on mobile devices.
Planning for Responsive Images

lax.js – A small, vanilla JavaScript plugin for creating smooth scrolling animations.

The Process of Implementing A UI Design From Scratch – A designer shares his thoughts and reasoning through an example project.
The Process of Implementing A UI Design From Scratch

The principle of design principles – Getting everyone on the same page when it comes to design.
The principle of design principles

Core – A free, multipurpose front-end starter kit for React or HTML.

Follow Speckyboy on Twitter or Facebook for a daily does of web design resources and freebies.

The post Weekly News for Designers № 480 appeared first on Speckyboy Web Design Magazine.

Dangers of Supplements – Hidden Ingredients in Weight Loss Supplements

Over half of Americans take some sort of dietary supplement, according to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). But they’ve long been controversial—do they help, hurt, or actually do nothing at all? And do supplements really contain what you think they do?

Sounds straightforward, but it might not actually be that simple: According to a new study from the JAMA Open Network, 776 different dietary supplements from 2007 to 2016 were shown to contain unapproved pharmaceutical ingredients that weren’t on their label.

Sexual enhancements, weight loss, and muscle-building supplements were among the most risky. Of the supplements shown to include unapproved ingredients, 46 percent were for sexual enhancement, 41 percent for weight loss, and 12 percent for muscle-building—the latter two which may be especially applicable for the active, running population.

“Twenty percent of the products had more than one unapproved ingredient,” study researcher Madhur Kumar, Ph.D., M.S, told Runner’s World by email. What’s more, 28 products were named in two or three FDA warnings about their unapproved ingredients.

[Want to start running? The Big Book of Running for Beginners will take you through everything you need to know to get started, step by step]

The common drug ingredients found in the weight loss supplements were sibutramine—an appetite suppressant that was taken off the market in 2010 after it was found to cause serious cardiovascular issues and liver damage—the laxative phenolphthalein, and the prescription antidepressant fluoxetine. Sibutramine, for instance, was detected in 85 percent of the weight loss supplements that were adulterated, and phenolphthalein in 24 percent.

In total, 25 percent of the adulterated weight loss supplements contained more than one hidden drug ingredient.

And muscle-building supplements also had some scary results, too. Of the 92 muscle-building supplements that were adulterated, 73 were deemed by the FDA to contain undeclared anabolic steroids or steroid-like substances.

“Overall, the study found that active pharmaceutical ingredients continue to be identified in dietary supplements, especially those marketed for sexual enhancement or weight loss, even after the prior public FDA warnings,” says Dr. Kumar. “The drug ingredients have the potential to cause serious adverse health effects due to misuse, overuse, or interaction with other medications, underlying health conditions, or other pharmaceuticals within the supplement.”

And another warning: If you’re ordering your supplements online, you should be extra careful. The study found that from 2014 to 2016, 39 percent of adulterated samples were identified through online sampling, and 34 percent were ID’ed through the examination of international mail shipments.

So how can you choose safe supplements? Honestly, it’s tricky. As the study noted, dietary supplements are not subject to premarket approval for safety and effectiveness by the FDA. That means the FDA is not authorized to review dietary supplements for safety and effectiveness before they are marketed—it’s up to the supplement manufacturers to make sure supplements are safe before they’re put on the market.

But doing your research can help. Seek information about the supplement you’re interested in from a non-commercial site, like the National Institute of Health’s (NIH) Office of Dietary Supplements, the FDA, and the United States Department of Agriculture.

The same goes for supplements with third-party verification seals like USP and NSF International. The seals don’t guarantee safety or effectiveness, but can be beneficial in ensuring the supplement contains the amount of ingredient stated on the label and isn’t adulterated with dangerous additives.

And consult your doctor before taking anything. As shown, the supplement you may want to take could contain pharmaceuticals or other ingredients that could interact negatively with medication you’re already taking, or make a condition you already have worse.

Article source: https://www.runnersworld.com/news/a24069350/supplements-contain-hidden-ingredients/

The weight loss pills and supplements that actually work

If you’re struggling to kickstart your diet, turning to natural weight-loss supplements might seem like an easy solution. 

With obesity levels among Australians on the rise – currently the figure sit at 65 per cent of adults – the market for weight-loss supplements is overrun.

‘People are looking for a quick fix,’ Sydney-based dietitian and exercise physiologist Gabrielle Maston told Femail. ‘So when supplement companies advertise pills that claim to help you lose weight without doing very much, it’s an easy sell.’

From hemp seeds to coffee extracts, we take a look at some of the more popular supplements and reveal which work and which you should avoid.

Sydney-based dietitian and exercise physiologist Gabrielle Maston (pictured) said with the rise in obesity it's no wonder more are turning to supplements to help with weight loss

Sydney-based dietitian and exercise physiologist Gabrielle Maston (pictured) said with the rise in obesity it’s no wonder more are turning to supplements to help with weight loss

1. Garcinia Cambogia

Garcinia Cambogia is a tropical fruit which looks a little bit like a small pumpkin.

It contains a large amount of Hydroxycitric Acid (HCA) – an ingredient which is claimed to aid weight loss.

‘Products containing Garcinia are believed to increase metabolism and decrease appetite at the same time,’ Ms Maston said.

Garcinia Cambogia is a small tropical fruit which looks a little bit like a small pumpkin

Garcinia Cambogia is a small tropical fruit which looks a little bit like a small pumpkin

‘It’s quite trendy at the moment, but with a lot of these types of supplements there is no evidence to support it and there’s been very little research done to show it actually does anything different to a placebo.’

Verdict: Garcinia Cambogia hasn’t been shown to be effective

2. Hemp seeds

Hemp and marijuana are from the same species, however, industrial hemp, as it is known, can safely be used as a food, without any fear of it causing an altered state.

Hemp products and seeds been available in Australia since 2017. 

It’s become a new staple on the shelves of many health food stores and has been heralded as a superfood because it comes packed with fibre and protein.  

‘There’s nothing harmful about eating hemp, the expert said, ‘as it’s a popular alternative to meat and whey protein.

‘In terms of fat burning, protein makes you feel fuller for longer so theoretically if you have a high-protein diet, rather than one that’s high in carbs, you are less likely to overeat.’

Verdict: Hemp seeds are a good source of protein 

Hemp seeds and products have become a new staple on the shelves of many health food stores 

Hemp seeds and products have become a new staple on the shelves of many health food stores 

3. Caffeine supplements

Throughout history, caffeine has been used as a way to boost energy and also as a way to suppress the appetite.

Caffeine, including extracts and straight shots of coffee, do have a stimulating effect on the metabolism, the expert said.

‘Caffeine is an ingredient that’s used in a lot weight loss supplements because it does have a fat-burning element.’ 

Ms Maston said there is some research showing caffeine and caffeine-based supplements can assist with weight loss, however, the overall amount wasn’t significant.

‘There may be a 10 per cent improvement compared to someone who wasn’t using it,’ she said.

Throughout history, caffeine has been used as a way to boost energy and also as a way to suppress the appetite

Throughout history, caffeine has been used as a way to boost energy and also as a way to suppress the appetite

While Ms Maston tended toward the view caffeine supplements could help some with weight loss, Dr Nick Fuller told News.com.au green coffee extracts, in particular, were of little use.

‘There is no scientific evidence to suggest green coffee extract assists with weight loss,’ Dr Fuller said.

Verdict: Caffeine does speed up the metabolism 

4. Capsaicin

Capsaicin is the flavour compound found in chillies and capsicums in smaller amounts.

It’s thought the active ingredient can boost metabolic rate as well as increasing thermogenesis, or the rate at which your body burns fat.

‘Studies that have supplemented in capsaicin have shown no difference between people taking the supplement and people who were eating normally.’

Verdict: Capsaicin hasn’t been shown to be effective

5. Bitter orange

In recent years, bitter orange, also known as the Seville orange or the marmalade orange, has become a popular ingredient in weight loss supplements.

It contains an alkaloid called synephrine, which is similar to ephedra, a drug banned in 2004 by the US Food and Drug Administration for its numerous side effects.

In recent years, bitter orange, also known as the Seville orange or the marmalade orange, has become a popular ingredient in weight loss supplements

In recent years, bitter orange, also known as the Seville orange or the marmalade orange, has become a popular ingredient in weight loss supplements

And while the extract is available as a fat-burning supplement in Australia, Ms Maston said there is ‘limited scientific evidence to suggest it increases metabolism and fat burning while decreasing appetite at the same time.’

Verdict: Bitter orange hasn’t been shown to be effective

Lastly, the dietitian offered a few words to those who may be struggling with weight loss and finding themselves wanting to turn to supplements as a way to help:

‘You have to do the time. You need to exercise and eat right because there is no magic pill.’  

Article source: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-5810731/The-weight-loss-pills-supplements-actually-work.html

Top 7 Herbs For Weight Loss

In the modern day world, the majority of the people, ranging from teenagers to older adults, want to be healthy and stay in shape. Many prefer beginning their journey of fitness and a healthier lifestyle from home remedies.

Herbs have traditionally been used from a long time ago for losing weight and in the treatment of various other diseases.

Some herbal supplements work directly while others induce weight loss by affecting the body mechanisms or biological pathways. Their incorporation and contribution in any plan for weight loss work in weight reduction.

The significance of any particular herbs appears depending on its possible impacts on the body. With research, the confidence over using herbs for weight reduction has increased. This advancement has also led to knowledge about how herbs work.

The benefit of using herbs for weight loss appears when the loss is permanent. According to Cleveland Clinic, the herbal products are not effective in this regard and they don’t cause weight loss permanently.

There are various mechanisms through which herbs induce this change. Some of the products having diuretic and laxative effect act to stimulate the serotonin level in the body. It helps to feel full ending urge for more food.

Some other herbs like Guarana, Dandelion, and Cascara may cause water-weight loss instead of fat loss from the body. Such herbs are also known for their diuretic or laxative effect. The digestion process slows down with the action of Dandelion.

As a result of slow digestion, there is a lesser urge for food and you don’t feel hunger quite earlier after eating any whole food. In contrary, Guarana and Yerba stimulate the metabolism process due to the presence of stimulants in it.

Caffeine is a major stimulant present in herbs. It causes a temporary increase in metabolism for a shorter period of time, thus causing a digestion at a relatively rapid rate.

RELATED: Is Caffeine Withdrawal a Real Thing? 

Top 7 Herbs For Weight Loss

What Are the Best Herbs for Weight Loss? 

  • Ginger

Ginger possesses a high nutritional value containing all essential vitamins, macro, and micronutrients. Being rich in dietary fiber, ginger contributes a lot in reducing weight. It also contains some important active phytochemicals. They play a role to impart medicinal properties to it.

Ginger also improves the digestion by increasing the metabolic activity by 20% than normal. The essential nutrients are absorbed rapidly in the body. The energy expenditure of body also increases driving the process of digestion, as a response burning up more of the fats stored in the body.

It reduces hunger to a greater level. By less intake of food, the net calorie gain is also low. All food that has been ingested, tailors the body energy requirements to carry out body functions. Also, prefer eating low-calorie food instead of heavy one.

  • Dandelion

The list of potential benefits associated with dandelion makes it an important herb for various medical purposes. Being rich in essential nutrients and vitamins, this flowering plant is perfect to use as a herb for making tea.

Dandelion is also available as supplements in form of dried leaves, roots, or tincture. For using it against increasing weight, it is preferred to prepare dandelion tea with dried leaves.

The main precursor found in dandelion is the phytochemicals it contains including beta-sitosterol, taraxacin, caffeic acid, alkaloids, and pectin. They are known to impart its diuretic and laxative properties.

The dandelion also stimulates the bile secretion from liver and aids digestion. Its diuretic action increases the weight loss by increasing the volume and frequency of urination to get rid of extra weight water.

  • Garcinia Cambogia

Have you ever heard of inhibitors? Garcinia works to inhibit the action of digestive enzymes in the body. The phytochemicals which are derivatives of citric acid like hydroxycitric acid (HCA) inhibits the function of citrate lyase.

You can easily find them at medical health care centers in form of supplements as tablets, capsules, and powders. The hydro citrate acid content makes them good to use for weight loss as it suppresses the appetite and blocks the assimilation of carbohydrates and fats.

  • Guarana

Burn your stored body fats by using guarana. The caffeine content of guarana makes it a good stimulant for weight loss because of the diuretic effect. It results in weight loss due to water but fats are at their place.

The presence of caffeine also makes it a stimulant, and fats are burned this way due to increase in physical activity. So care must be taken while combining it with other herbal remedies or stimulants. It may result in high blood pressure.

RELATED: Nutrisystem Lean 13 for managing your weight loss

  • Green Tea

Green tea is among most common teas of all time and is now grown in various parts of the world. Green tea is characterized by high level of anti-oxidants including polyphenols and Vitamin C.

Slightly oxidized leaves of Camellia sinensis are used to prepare tea. Its thermogenic properties stimulate the metabolism and burn body fats rapidly if taken regularly. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition carried out research to find its potential in weight loss.

In an experiment, green teas caused significant weight loss in individuals when 690 mg of green tea extract was given them over 3 months period. It showed positive impacts in removing body fats and water weight. So don’t wait and add green tea bags on your grocery list.

  • Cocoa

Have you ever thought of using raw cocoa beans for making tea? Raw cocoa is known to contain no fats and is also rich in nutrients thus making it good for health. Cocoa works to inhibit the digestive enzymes in a body including lipases and amylases.

Cocoa beans also act to increase the release of adiponectin which is a protein hormone produced in adipose tissues. This hormone is released into blood reducing the number of fats which get stored in the body, thus reducing the weight.

  • Yerba Mate

Yerba Mate is herbal extract which reduces the body weight by suppressing appetite. Caffeine, theobromine and other phytochemicals act as a stimulant to reduce weight. The alkaloids reduce the body weight by reducing the appetite.

Along with suppression of appetite, it also promotes increased metabolism causing diuresis. This double action increases the fat loss and eliminates water from the body causing weight loss.

What Are the Things You Should Keep In Mind Before Using Herbs? 

Herbs act as a potent stimulant and increase the physical activity by stimulating muscles. They may reduce the cravings for food. Some act as thermogenic agent and increase the thyroid functioning which in response increases metabolic rate.

Prevention of fat accumulation and fast fat metabolism burns the fats and generates energy for carrying out various daily activities. This results in immediate release of energy and elimination from the body by conversion of carbohydrates to stored fat.

Herbs reduce triglycerides and low-density lipoprotein level in the body. They are referred to as bad cholesterol, while most of the herbs increase the high-density lipoprotein level in body referred as good cholesterol.

Besides the potential list of benefits be cautious about the dosage of herbs. Herbs also have their associated side effects which may cause threat when taken in high doses. Elderly, children and pregnant women should be careful while using herbs.

Consult a medical practitioner before using herbal supplements. Always follow the prescription to avoid their reaction in a body or with drugs if taken.

Top 7 Herbs For Weight Loss

Article source: https://reportshealthcare.com/11867/top-7-herbs-for-weight-loss/

Helix Energy Solutions Group, Inc. (HLX) Reaches $7.48 After 3.00% Down Move; NUTRAFUELS (NTFU) Shorts Increased By 192%

Helix Energy Solutions Group, Inc. (NYSE:HLX) Logo

The stock of Helix Energy Solutions Group, Inc. (NYSE:HLX) is a huge mover today! The stock decreased 7.20% or $0.58 during the last trading session, reaching $7.48. About 667,068 shares traded. Helix Energy Solutions Group, Inc. (NYSE:HLX) has risen 23.75% since March 22, 2018 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 19.38% the SP500. Some Historical HLX News: 23/04/2018 – HELIX ENERGY 1Q REV. $164.3M, EST. $144.1M; 23/04/2018 – HELIX ENERGY SEES 2018 REV ABOUT $695M-$740M, SAW $685M-$730M; 25/04/2018 – HELIX ENERGY SOLUTIONS GROUP INC HLX.N : SIMMONS RAISES TARGET PRICE TO $9 FROM $7.10; 23/04/2018 – HELIX ENERGY COMMENTS IN SLIDES; 23/04/2018 – HELIX ENERGY SOLUTIONS GROUP INC – QTRLY REVENUES $164.3 MLN VS $104.5 MLN; 27/04/2018 – Helix to Participate in Upcoming Events; 27/04/2018 – Helix Energy at Morgan Stanley Energy Conference May 7; 24/04/2018 – Helix Energy Closes Above 200-Day Moving Average: Technicals; 19/04/2018 – DJ Helix Energy Solutions Group Inc, Inst Holders, 1Q 2018 (HLX); 14/05/2018 – Helix Energy Presenting at Conference TomorrowThe move comes after 6 months negative chart setup for the $1.11 billion company. It was reported on Mar, 22 by Barchart.com. We have $7.26 PT which if reached, will make NYSE:HLX worth $33.39 million less.

NUTRAFUELS INC (OTCMKTS:NTFU) had an increase of 192% in short interest. NTFU’s SI was 14,600 shares in March as released by FINRA. Its up 192% from 5,000 shares previously. With 100,800 avg volume, 0 days are for NUTRAFUELS INC (OTCMKTS:NTFU)’s short sellers to cover NTFU’s short positions. The stock increased 0.20% or $0.0004 during the last trading session, reaching $0.1743. About 27,175 shares traded. NutraLife BioSciences, Inc. (OTCMKTS:NTFU) has 0.00% since March 22, 2018 and is . It has underperformed by 4.37% the SP500.

Analysts await Helix Energy Solutions Group, Inc. (NYSE:HLX) to report earnings on April, 22. They expect $-0.04 earnings per share, down 100.00% or $0.02 from last year’s $-0.02 per share. After $-0.09 actual earnings per share reported by Helix Energy Solutions Group, Inc. for the previous quarter, Wall Street now forecasts -55.56% EPS growth.

Helix Energy Solutions Group, Inc., together with its subsidiaries, provides specialty services to the offshore energy industry primarily in the Gulf of Mexico, North Sea, the Asia Pacific, and West Africa regions. The company has market cap of $1.11 billion. It operates through three divisions: Well Intervention, Robotics, and Production Facilities. It has a 39.37 P/E ratio. The firm engineers, manages, and conducts well construction, intervention, and abandonment activities in water depths ranging from 200 to 10,000 feet; and operates remotely operated vehicles , trenchers, and ROVDrills for offshore construction, maintenance, and well intervention services.

More notable recent Helix Energy Solutions Group, Inc. (NYSE:HLX) news were published by: Seekingalpha.com which released: “Offshore Market Delays Can Derail Helix Energy Solutions’ Outlook – Seeking Alpha” on November 22, 2018, also Benzinga.com with their article: “Earnings Scheduled For October 22, 2018 – Benzinga” published on October 22, 2018, Seekingalpha.com published: “Helix Energy Solutions Group’s (HLX) CEO Owen Kratz on Q3 2018 Results – Earnings Call Transcript – Seeking Alpha” on October 23, 2018. More interesting news about Helix Energy Solutions Group, Inc. (NYSE:HLX) were released by: Seekingalpha.com and their article: “Helix Energy: Has It Gone Up Too High For Its Own Good? – Seeking Alpha” published on August 15, 2018 as well as Globenewswire.com‘s news article titled: “Factors of Influence in 2019, Key Indicators and Opportunity within Helmerich Payne, Genworth Financial, PBF Energy, EastGroup Properties, Helix Energy, and The Clorox — New Research Emphasizes Economic Growth – GlobeNewswire” with publication date: February 08, 2019.

NutraFuels, Inc. manufactures and distributes oral spray nutritional and dietary products to retail and wholesale outlets. The company has market cap of $19.17 million. The companyÂ’s products include sleep spray to support a healthy sleep cycle and improve the quality of restful sleep; energize spray to enhance energy, and restore vigor and vitality; and garcinia cambogia spray, an appetite and weight management spray. It currently has negative earnings. It also offers NRG-X extreme energy spray to enhance energy and stamina; headache and pain spray to relieve headaches and pain; and hair, skin, and nails spray to nourish and encourage hair, skin, and nail growth.

Helix Energy Solutions Group, Inc. (NYSE:HLX) Institutional Positions Chart

Article source: https://moveefy.com/2019/03/22/helix-energy-solutions-group-inc-hlx-reaches-7-48-after-3-00-down-move-nutrafuels-ntfu-shorts-increased-by-192/

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