Experts Weigh The Latest Diet Pill Fad — Garcinia Cambogia

(CBS) – Losing weight can be frustrating. Plenty of people are looking for the magic bullet to help them achieve their goal.

You may have seen the ads on the web lately for what claims to be the newest, fastest fat-burner. But what is it and does it work?

CBS 2’s Mary Kay Kleist checks out garcinia cambogia.

TV’s “Dr. Oz” talked about it on his show. With research from Georgetown University, people rushed to buy pills that supposedly will help you lose weight without diet or exercise.

“Everybody’s looking for the magic pill,” says Mike Carlucci, who tried the product.

The pumpkin-shaped fruit that grows in Southeast Asia and India supposedly suppresses appetite and blocks fat from being made in the body. Dr. Harry Preuss from Georgetown University studied the extract and says it has “great metabolic effects” that prevents conversion of carbohydrates into fat.

Dana Vento lost 8 inches off her waistline by taking garcinia and exercising a little more.

“It was very rewarding to see the difference, and I think in moms that’s a big deal when you can lose some of that belly fat,” she says.

Others had no luck with it.

“As far as I’m concerned, the research isn’t very accurate, in my case, because it didn’t work at all,” Carlucci says.

Melinda Ring, medical director for Northwestern Integrative Medicine, says it may not work for everyone, depending on factors.

“Just because one particular extract of the HCA worked doesn’t mean that every other garcinia brand is going to have the same effect,” she says.

Because supplements are not all created equal, here’s what to look for: the words garcinia cambogia; at least 50 percent HCA (hydroxycitric acid); potassium (for absorption); and zero fillers, binders or artificial ingredients.

Garcinia is definitely not for everyone. People with certain medical conditions should avoid taking it. That includes women who are pregnant or breastfeeding. Also, garcinia is not recommended for people with diabetes, Alzheimer’s or those taking statin medication for high cholesterol.

So, could this tiny pill be a miracle weight loss supplement? Maybe.

“I think it can be a beneficial adjunct to a well-rounded approach to weight loss,” Ring says.

Patients were only studied for 12 weeks on the supplement; so, until larger, longer studies are conducted, it’s recommended to limit use to three months and make sure you eat healthy and exercise daily.

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WordPress 5.2.1 Maintenance Release

WordPress 5.2.1 is now available! This maintenance release fixes 33 bugs, including improvements to the block editor, accessibility, internationalization, and the Site Health feature introduced in 5.2.

You can browse the full list of changes on Trac.

WordPress 5.2.1 is a short-cycle maintenance release. Version 5.2.2 is expected to follow in approximately two weeks.

You can download WordPress 5.2.1 or visit Dashboard → Updates and click Update Now. Sites that support automatic background updates have already started to update automatically.

Jonathan Desrosiers and William Earnhardt co-led this release, with contributions from 52 other contributors. Thank you to everyone that made this release possible!

Alex Dimitrov, Alex Shiels, Andrea Fercia, Andrew Duthie, Andrew Ozz, Andrey “Rarst” Savchenko, Andy Fragen, anischarolia, Birgir Erlendsson (birgire), chesio, Chetan Prajapati, daxelrod, Debabrata Karfa, Dima, Dion Hulse, Dominik Schilling, Ella van Durpe, Emil Dotsev, ghoul, Grzegorz (Greg) Ziółkowski, gwwar, Hareesh, Ian Belanger, imath, Jb Audras, Jeremy Felt, Joen Asmussen, Jonathan Desrosiers, Jonny Harris, Josepha, jrf, kjellr, Marius L. J., MikeNGarrett, Milan Dinić, Mukesh Panchal, onlanka, paragoninitiativeenterprises, parkcityj, Peter Wilson, Presskopp, Riad Benguella, Sergey Biryukov, Stephen Edgar, Sébastien SERRE, Thorsten Frommen, Tim Hengeveld, Timothy Jacobs, timph, TobiasBg, tonybogdanov, Tor-Bjorn Fjellner, William Earnhardt, and Yui.

426 Upgrade Required

The 426 Upgrade Required status code is used when a server wants to tell a client that they should be using a newer version or different protocol to talk to the server.


HTTP/1.1 426 Upgrade Required
Upgrade: HTTP/3
Connection: Upgrade

To use this service, you must use HTTP version 3. 


When a HTTP connection is switched to another protocol (such as Websocket), typically this is done via the Upgrade header in the request, and the server responding with 101 Switching Protocols. This is true for initiating a Websocket connection and for switching a (non-TLS) HTTP/1 to HTTP/2 connection.

The 426 status code could be used by a server to force this protocol switch, however, I haven’t seen any examples personally of servers doing this.

I can imagine that during the upgrade from HTTP/1.0 to HTTP/1.1 this could have been useful and thus this feature may have been added to prepare for situations where servers want to enforce a client to use a newer version.

I believe this is also used by people who are forcing a switch from HTTP to HTTPS without an automated redirect.

I’m not aware if there are clients that can switch protocols or protocol versions automatically, and I don’t know if browsers support this out of the box. My guess is no, but I don’t have a source for this.


6 M-Commerce Design Practices to Help Improve Your Sales in 2019

Year by year, the e-Commerce landscape is becoming seismically shifted by mobile devices. Since Amazon has launched its shopping app with a mobile reach of 40 percent in 2017, M-Commerce is still gaining momentum.

According to Statista, M-Commerce sales are predicted to make up 44.7% of total US e-Commerce sales in 2019, up from 39.6% in 2018. On the charts below, you can see that the mobile commerce tendency is expected to grow in the upcoming years.

mobile ecommerce stats 2019

It’s becoming more challenging to make an e-Commerce mobile application stand out of the crowd and catch the customer’s attention. People don’t just want to buy anymore, they are now seeking for the visually engaging online shopping experience.

“One of my insights is that design can be a huge weapon to make your company look cool and build brand loyalty.” – Ted Chung, CEO of Hyundai.

This is especially true when it comes to e-Commerce design directly related to sales. In order to create a fresh and memorable shopping experience and help a brand to build customer loyalty, many designers should rethink their approach to M-Commerce UI/UX.

After long hours of researching and interviewing mobile app design and development companies, we defined 6 essential tips that will help you create a better mobile shopping experience.

1. Simple, but crucial truth: think mobile-first

Due to the poor mobile user experience which usually results in high bounce rate and short web sessions, you can lose a lot of mobile traffic. Google reported that almost 50% of mobile shoppers never come back after one negative user experience.

How to avoid M-Commerce pitfalls? The first thing is to make design decisions driven by data, not by your design instincts. Explore the M-Commerce design analytics created by other UX designer. This will definitely help you save time when creating a smooth shopping experience.

Another thing to keep this in mind: a mobile app user is not a desktop website user, learn how to convert a website into a mobile app. Don’t try to fit all the information from your desktop website into a mobile app.

People usually scan a web page to get an idea of what the website offers. This psychology works with mobile apps too. Let the user see at a glance what your mobile app is about. You can use a simple layout with a central image followed by a list of categories below it. One shining example is Jimmy Choo’s mobile app, a famous luxury shoes and bags brand.

Jimmy Choo mobile ecommerce app

The world is moving rapidly and we don’t want to spend the time on unnecessary things. Taking the above-mentioned approach, you will simply save your mobile app users’ time and let them easily understand what kind of products they can expect to find on a website.

2. Be touch-friendly and use in-app gestures

It’s better not to irritate users with insufficient space between the different touch elements within your content. It’s advisable to keep elements nearly 7×7 mm size while making the separators between them at 2×2 mm visually. It makes it easier for users to tap.

Mobile eCommerce concept
Mobile eCommerce concept by Alex Khoroshok.

The masterful use of in-app gestures in the mobile shopping experience is paramount too. All people are familiar with gestures like double tapping and pinching in order to zoom in to images on mobile.

These gestures play a great role in your e-Commerce success. When people are going to spend their money, they become even more attentive than usual. They are concerned with the smallest details and want to thoroughly inspect the product. And if there is no opportunity to zoom…Oops! Just be ready to miss a prospective customer.

That’s true, he or she was interested in purchasing your product, but, sadly to say, they just went to another store where they can explore a similar product by zooming.

3. Make, but don’t break, your UX with the micro-interactions

People like to “like”, give the assessment, and leave feedback. And they also like to investigate how others react to a certain product. Simply give your users the opportunity to do it with the micro-interactions in your app. Follow human nature, and it will make your e-Commerce app more successive.

Product color selection micro-interaction
Product color selection micro-interaction. Design by Mykolas Puodziunas.

You can use micro-interactions to guide a user through the app in a more intuitive way. Another thing is that smoother and more natural interactions can help reduce shopper anxiety and boost overall psychological comfort.

Micro-interactions can be used for preventing future errors and providing immediate feedback to users based on the activities they’ve completed.

4. Make the mobile app user’s life easier with Auto-Suggestion

The designer’s main mission is to make things convenient, intuitively understood and beautiful. So a simple thing such as an auto-suggestion can help your customers find the products on your store more easily.

Search with auto-suggestion
Search with auto-suggestion in Etsy’s and Toys R Us applications.

There is one thing all of us hate – filling forms, especially when it comes to long credit card numbers. You can improve your app’s usability by using card-type auto-detection. This will help to streamline the purchasing process providing immediate feedback for supported card types. Try to automate as many data entry processes as possible. It’ll reflect positively on your conversion rate.

5. Create a feeling of security in your mobile e-Commerce application

Security is a number one thing customers are concerned with when providing their credit card details. Even if your mobile app is super-secure but your UI design doesn’t reflect it somehow, your customers will still feel uncomfortable and insecure.

Make your design convey a feeling of security using lock symbols. They communicate the assurance to customers that their transactions are secure. 

When designing the UI of transaction processes use words like “proceed”, “secure”, and “encrypted” to reduce user anxiety.

Don’t forget about the power of color psychology! We are visual creatures. Color is the first thing we perceive and our subconsciousness translates it into some feeling, positive or negative. You can evoke a feeling of trust and security applying the right combination of audience-oriented and gender-specific colors.

6. Build a simple, smooth, and speedy mobile checkout

28% of lost sales happen because of unfriendly checkout processes. A person is ready and willing to pay – don’t make him/her abandon just because the checkout process in your mobile application is too long and complicated.

Let’s consider an example of Zalora’s mobile checkout. There are just three simple steps:

 Zalora mobile checkout

The next most important thing in a mobile checkout is not to ask a user to create an account before purchasing. You can significantly reduce cart abandonment rates by designing a fast checkout process and not asking users to register first.

To provide psychological comfort for a user, use visual representations like progress bars and let users see their progress in the checkout process.


M-Commerce is fastly growing and it’s important to stay ahead with the renovated UI/UX design strategy for your e-Commerce mobile application. The proof is in the numbers: online store owners can’t afford to neglect mobile commerce in 2019.

Optimizing your online store for mobile you will be able to offer to your prospective customers a better omnichannel shopping experience that will positively impact the conversion rates.

When rethinking your mobile commerce, keep security and user experience top of mind.

We hope these design practices will help you see how your M-Commerce is growing in the shortest time.

The post 6 M-Commerce Design Practices to Help Improve Your Sales in 2019 appeared first on Speckyboy Design Magazine.

Community News: Latest PECL Releases (05.21.2019)

Latest PECL Releases:

  • parallel 1.0.1
    - Fix #42 parallelrun will choose wrong thread for scheduling

    • Fix #41 buffered channel could not be drained after close
    • Fix #40 class in FQN stops stubs being generated
  • gRPC 1.21.0RC1
    - gRPC C Core 1.21 uptake
  • parallel 1.0.0
    - Caching improvements - Channel comparison (==) fixed - Debug handler added for Channel - Debug handler for Future (just shows runtime) - Fix copying of interned strings - Object support - Functional API for parallelRuntime
  • swoole 4.3.4
    Fixed --- * Fixed SSL certificate configuration failure (#2573) (@twose) * Fixed onReceive callback null pointer (#2568) (@twose) * Fixed ssl->ciphers null pointer (#2553) (@matyhtf) * Fixed document_root can't be a relative path (#2513) (@windrunner) * Fixed HTTP proxy that does not need to handshake (16ea176f) (@matyhtf)

Global Weight Loss Dietary Supplements Market is also estimated to bring in US$ 37177.6 million revenue by 2026 end

As per the latest study by Persistence Market Research (PMR), the global weight loss dietary supplements market is anticipated to witness healthy growth. The market is likely to register 6.0% CAGR throughout the forecast period 2017-2026. The global weight loss dietary supplements market is also estimated to bring in US$ 37,177.6 million revenue by 2026 end.

With obesity becoming a global health concern, weight loss continues to be one of the most focused areas. Hence, increasing number of companies are coming up with the new products in weight loss supplements. The increasing consumption and demand for weight loss dietary supplements, regulations on the production of these supplements along with ingredients used are also gaining traction in various countries. The government in various countries are also focusing on the quality and quantity of ingredients used and if any of these ingredients can have severe side-effects, affecting the health of the consumers negatively.

Increasing use of Natural and Organic Ingredients in the Weight Loss Dietary Supplements

The negative effects of being obese and overweight are resulting in the increasing use of weight management products. Consumers are also adopting weight loss supplements in forms of pill, liquid, and powder. Hence, with the increase in the use of these supplements, manufacturers are also trying to produce safer products, thereby using organic and natural ingredients and plant-based ingredients. Among various ingredients, green tea extract is considered as one of the most popular and safest ingredients in the weight loss dietary supplements. Similarly, Garcinia cambogia is also being considered as an ingredient in the weight loss supplements. However, these ingredients have been reported to have adverse effects like a headache, constipation, UTI. Hence, there has been an increase in the investment in the research on other organic ingredients that can be used to produce weight loss supplements.

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Global Weight Loss Dietary Supplements Market: Segmental Insights

The global weight loss dietary supplements market includes various segments such as end-user, form, ingredients, distribution channel, and region. Based on the form, the market is categorized into powder, liquid, and soft gell/pills. Soft gell/pills are expected to dominate the market during the forecast period. By the end of 2026, soft gell/pills are expected to exceed US$ 18,500 million revenue.

Based on the end-user, the segment consists of men, women and senior citizen. Among these, women are expected to be the largest users of weight loss dietary supplements. Women segment as the end-user is estimated to create an incremental opportunity of more than US$ 7,900 million between 2017 and 2026.

By Distribution Channel, pharmacies drug store is expected to emerge as the largest distribution channel for the weight loss dietary supplements. Pharmacies drug store is estimated to account for more than one-third of the revenue share by the end of 2017.

Based on the ingredients, the segment consists of amino acids, vitamins minerals, botanical supplements, and others. Vitamins minerals are expected to emerge as one of the largest used ingredients in the weight loss dietary supplements. By the end of 2026, vitamins minerals are estimated to exceed US$ 16,900 million revenue.

Region-wise, the market is categorized into Europe, North America, Asia Pacific Excluding Japan (APEJ), Latin America, Japan, and the Middle East and Africa (MEA). Among the given regions, North America is expected to dominate the global weight loss dietary supplements market throughout the forecast period 2017-2026.

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Global Weight Loss Dietary Supplements Market: Competitive Assessment

Key players in the global weight loss dietary supplements market are Amway (Nutrilite), Abott Laboratories, GlaxoSmithKline, Glanbia, Herbalife International, Pfizer, American Health, Stepan, Nature’s Sunshine Products, and FANCL.

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Best apple cider vinegar brand for weight loss to buy in 2019 – apple cider vinegar brand for weight loss buying guide

Organic Apple Cider Vinegar Capsules ACV PRO Diet Pills Detox Cleanse for Weight Loss Raw Unfiltered With Mother Powder Supplements Tablets Vitamins Cayenne Pepper Inulin Prebiotics Lemon 1500mg 90 ct

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Organic Apple Cider Vinegar Capsules ACV PRO Diet Pills Detox Cleanse for Weight Loss Raw Unfiltered With Mother Powder Supplements Tablets Vitamins Cayenne Pepper Inulin Prebiotics Lemon 1500mg 90 ct *

  • ✔ BURN FAT, CONTROL APPETITE SUPPORT METABOLISM – Our ACV PRO supplement is the perfect solution for healthy weight loss, fat burner, bloating relief, increase energy, cleanse for weight loss, colon cleanse detox, and a natural appetite suppressant.
  • ✔ BEST FOR HEART GUT HEALTH – The supplements in Apple Cider Vinegar PRO are not only proven to support weight loss healthy blood sugar levels, they can also help with blood pressure and lipid (cholesterol) levels, as well as a healthy microbiome and digestion regularity. ACV PRO is designed to reduce bloating and get to the root of your digestive issues.
  • ✔ EASY TO STOMACH EASY ON YOUR STOMACH – Our apple cider vinegar colon cleanse detox weight loss pills for women men give you all the benefits of apple cider vinegar with the mother (and more) without the bad taste of drinking down a shot of an ACV drink! Each tablet is small enough to be swallowed with ease and is gentle enough to be taken on a daily basis. No more harsh 3 day cleanse necessary!
  • ✔ HIGHEST QUALITY ORGANIC APPLE CIDER VINEGAR CAPSULES – Our premium organic ACV PRO boasts a potent 1500 mg of 100% pure and natural raw unfiltered freeze-dried Organic Apple Cider Vinegar Powder and 375 mg of Organic Inulin Prebiotic Powder, along with 75mg of Organic Cayenne and Lemon Powder each plus BioPerine for enhanced absorption. This complex presents the most powerful combination of daily detox cleanse weight loss ingredients available, without the harsh side effects of cleansers.
  • ✔ MADE IN USA | NON-GMO | VEGAN FRIENDLY – Each bottle of Apple Cider Vinegar PRO is vegan friendly and made right here in the USA in an FDA-Approved facility that follows all GMP standards. Rest assured you are getting the highest quality apple cider vinegar supplements on the market, with no added chemicals, preservatives or potentially harmful “other ingredients”. We are so confident that you will love our premium ACV PRO that we back it with a hassle-free 60-day money back guarantee.

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List of Top best apple cider vinegar brand for weight loss in 2019

Here is a short list of the top apple cider vinegar brand for weight loss products from each of the price ranges. Don’t think that cheap means poorly made, often the difference in the products by price are in what features they include not the quality of their manufacture.

That’s why we’ve decided to do an in-depth research around these apple cider vinegar brand for weight loss. Now, at the end of those hours-long using sessions and analysis, we are all set to recommend the best choices you’ll have in the apple cider vinegar brand for weight loss category. Obviously, we have our picks from premium, semi-premium and budget-friendly sectors. Therefore, when it’s time, you can have the best apple cider vinegar brand for weight loss .

Premium Segment

The premium segment includes products that are priced above a certain range. The quality of these and feature capabilities can make these apple cider vinegar brand for weight loss deal for professional use.

Medium Segment

The medium segment of the apple cider vinegar brand for weight loss market has a mid price range which fits those looking for best bang of their buck.. This is a very wide price range to find products with such similar features but what differentiates them from each other is the approach they take to their features. These are higher end consumer products, but not the pro-summer quality of the premium segment.

Why do you need a apple cider vinegar brand for weight loss

A apple cider vinegar brand for weight loss is one of the most popular item that is going to be viral in coming years, due to its wide range of applicability in the industry. People may or may not be aware of the reason why people should buy a apple cider vinegar brand for weight loss or why they need to have one.

How to choose the best apple cider vinegar brand for weight loss for you?

To choose and buy the right kind of apple cider vinegar brand for weight loss , you will have to be very careful in doing so. Because the apple cider vinegar brand for weight loss come in a wide range of types, having different characteristics and capabilities and if you don’t concentrate on each and every aspect, then you surely would miss out the best one for you.

Here is a checklist you can use to double check your choice while selecting and purchasing it.

Determine the type and function you need

You should be very clear about the type of apple cider vinegar brand for weight loss you need. Keep in mind the various types and determine the best on the basis of the feature you need and the purpose you need to accomplish. Like for a medium range product with a medium quality or a high end stuff.

Brand and price

If you have a particular budget or a specific brand in mind then do sort out the brand first and then look for further features.

Quality of the material

The first thing you should look at, is the quality of material and the sturdiness of the structure. It is important because the apple cider vinegar brand for weight loss should be made of high quality and durable material to help it withstand normal day to day wear and tear.

Warranty and complimentary tools

If you can get a warranty from the manufacturer then it would be a plus, so look at this feature also. In addition to it you may also find some tool that some of the manufacturers offer, along your product.

Where to buy the best apple cider vinegar brand for weight loss

Buying a apple cider vinegar brand for weight loss could be hectic, if you don’t know where you can find the best brands and a wide range apple cider vinegar brand for weight loss types to let you select the one you need. For this, you’ll have to search for the most trustworthy and reliable seller that will offer you all the best rated brands along with the best price available on the market. You can either look to buy it from a local market or through online retailer and stores like Amazon.

Most of the people have a tendency to prefer online stores like The amazon. The reason behind it is the availability of the wide range of quality products, trustworthy sellers and an opportunity to compare the products and pick the best one for you.

So, You can easily buy your apple cider vinegar brand for weight loss on amazon at affordable rates and an assurance of a quality product.

The final word

This is just an overview of some of the best apple cider vinegar brand for weight loss in each of the price ranges. The point is that no matter what your budget, there is a functional apple cider vinegar brand for weight loss for you. Make sure you filter them for the ones that interest you so you know all the features and considerations of each. That can be the best way to identify what features you really need in a more expensive version.

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