Site News: Blast from the Past – One Year Ago in PHP (05.23.2019)

Here's what was popular in the PHP community one year ago today:

PHP extensions status with upcoming PHP 7.4

With PHP 7.4 entering stabilization phase, time to check the status of most commonly used PHP extensions (at least, the ones available in my repository).

Here is the (not yet) exhaustive list.

1. Compatible

The last published version is compatible

# Name Version State
  ahocorasick 0.0.6 OK
  amqp 1.9.4 OK
  apcu 5.1.17 OK
  apcu_bc 1.0.5 OK
  apfd 1.0.1 OK
  ast 1.0.1 OK
  base58 0.1.3 OK
  bitset 3.0.1 OK
  brotli 0.7.0 OK
  couchbase 2.6.0 OK
  dio 0.1.0 OK
  ds 1.2.9 OK
  event 2.5.0 OK
  fann 1.1.1 OK
  gearman 2.0.5 OK
  geoip 1.1.1 OK
  horde_lz4 1.0.10 OK
  igbinary 3.0.1 OK
  inotify 2.0.0 OK
  json_post 1.0.1 OK
  krb5 1.1.2 OK
  libvirt 0.5.4 OK
  lzf 1.6.7 OK
  mailparse 3.0.3 OK
  maxminddb 1.4.1 OK
  memcache 4.0.3 OK
  memcached 3.1.3 OK

Truncated by Planet PHP, read more at the original (another 6699 bytes)

Beyond Bland: HTML Lists with Style

The HTML list is one of the true survivors in the throwaway world of web design. Trends come and go, but both ordered <ol> and unordered <ul> lists are still as useful as ever.

Like most basic HTML elements, these old-timers are quite boring to look at when used within a site’s content (as opposed to navigation, where much more effort goes into styling). Even with a little bit of basic CSS applied, they don’t really quicken the pulse. But there is a ton of potential to do more (and we have proof).

We formed a search party to scour the web, looking for signs of creative HTML lists. It turns out that some talented designers are indeed going beyond simple bullets and numbers. Take a look!

Color and Dimension

One potential problem for a long list is that it can be difficult to make each item stand out. That’s the beauty of this example. Each number is highlighted with a bold font and gradient background. What’s more, each piece of content utilizes a CSS box-shadow to add depth. The result is something that is attractive and easy to read.

A Mobile Solution

The more we see people blankly staring at their phones, endlessly scrolling into the abyss, the easier it is to justify building long pages. Yet each bit of scrolling takes time. That’s where this experiment gets interesting. What displays on large screens as a multi-column unordered list turns into a simple comma-separated paragraph on mobile devices. This saves users time and effort that can be better spent elsewhere (like scrolling through their Facebook feed).

Keeping It Simple

You don’t need to go wild with style to improve upon the default look of your lists. Take this collection of custom numbers. They use basic shapes, color and sizing to improve the overall readability. It’s the perfect inspiration for a buttoned-down corporate or non-profit website.

On the Other Hand…

Think of this animated 3D list as the very opposite of the above. This one is an attention-getter (in a good way). It combines SVG and JavaScript to make this short group of bullet points anything but ordinary. It could be a great compliment to an online presentation or landing page.

A Simple Timeline

When it comes to creating a design feature, it’s easy to overthink the process. A timeline, for instance, doesn’t need any fancy scripts – a basic one can be created with just a simple unordered list. Using CSS pseudo elements to add a connecting line ties the whole thing together.

Nested Numbers

There are times when an ordered list needs to include multiple nested levels, while following a consistent numeric pattern. Thankfully, CSS counter-reset is there to make automatic numbering a breeze. In this example, the list goes four levels deep while the numbering follows suit.

A More Stylish Nest

Here’s another little enhancement that can make nested lists easier for users to digest. Not only are the numbers given a circular background, the background color changes based on level. Along with indentation, this makes it even easier to distinguish between the nested levels – and it’s incredibly easy to do via CSS.

The Goodness of Grid

CSS Grid is changing the way we build layouts – and lists. This example demonstrates the ability to create lists that are fully responsive. On large viewports they split into multiple columns, while collapsing down to a single column on smaller screens. It’s a good lesson in taking advantage of whatever screen real estate is available.

Bonus: All the Lists

CSS features a number of built in list style options – more than you might think. This pen offers a handy rundown of the different styles, as well as examples of using images and Font Awesome icons in place of traditional bullet points.

Top Listings

HTML lists are one of the most flexible and indispensable design elements. When you take a deeper look, it’s quite amazing to think of just how much we use them.

When it comes to adding lists to our content, well, they often leave a lot to be desired. However, the examples above are proof that we don’t have to settle for the default. Just a little bit of CSS (and even a sprinkle of JavaScript) can go a long way towards making list content more interesting and easier to read.

The post Beyond Bland: HTML Lists with Style appeared first on Speckyboy Design Magazine.

PHP Internals News: Episode 11: Parallel Extension

PHP Apache Status Page Parser Component

Extract details from Apache server status pages
This package can extract details from Apache server status pages...


CBD Oil Free Trials: Know the Risks and Sample Offer Fee Terms Before Buying Cannabidiol Product Scams

You don’t have to look far online to find free CBD oil trial offers. The hype over cannabidiol (CBD) supplements has never been higher. Today, a growing number of companies are trying to lure customers in with free trial offers.

Of course, not all CBD oil trial offers are built alike. Some sleazy nutritional supplement manufacturers are trying to get on board the CBD hype train. The same companies that made diet pills and garcinia cambogia supplements for years are now making CBD oil supplements.

What’s the “catch” behind a free CBD oil trial? What kinds of terms and conditions should you watch out for? What’s the difference between a good and bad CBD oil company? Today, we’re explaining everything you need to know about CBD oil products and free trials, including the risks, fees, and terms you need to know about.

Remember: Nobody Gives Anything Away for Free

First and most importantly, let’s clear something up, nobody gives something away for free without expecting something in return. This lesson is especially true on the internet.

On the internet, somebody might give away an email newsletter in exchange for your email address. Your email address gets added to that company’s mailing list. You receive a free newsletter today, but you’ll receive future email advertisements for CBD products.

Or, someone might publish a blog post online. That blog post is available for anyone to read, although the website hosting the blog post is generating ad revenue from every view the article gets.

When someone sells a free trial of a supplement, they’re not giving away that trial out of the goodness of their heart. They’re giving away the trial because they’re making money from the trial in some way or another.

This is how the internet works. Nobody gives away something for free online without expecting something in return. If an offer sounds too good to be true then it probably is too good to be true.

With that lesson in mind, let’s look at some of the strategies CBD companies use today to give away products for free online.

How Can a CBD Company Give Away Products for Free? How CBD Free Trials Work

A growing number of CBD companies are offering free trials of their products online. Some of these companies include reputable, well-known producers like Charlotte’s Web, which offers free trials for its hemp extract oil. Other companies giving away free trials are sleazy supplement manufacturers. In both cases, however, the company giving away CBD for free is expecting something in return.

Here are some of the reasons a CBD company might give a product away for free:

7 Day Free Trials May Have Hidden Fees

Some CBD companies will advertise a “free trial” for their products. Users can get a free, full-sized CBD oil or CBD supplement as part of a “trial”.

At first glance, there doesn’t appear to be a catch. You might be asked to pay a small fee for shipping and handling – say, $5 or $10. You pay the fee with a credit card, enter your shipping address, and the product arrives in the mail a few days later.

You don’t notice any new charges on your credit card. For all intents and purposes, it appears as though you’ve got a full-sized CBD supplement free of charge.

Unfortunately, this is where the scam starts: the fine print of the “free trial offer” explained that the free trial only lasts a certain length of time – typically 7 to 14 days. Once this free trial period is over, you must send the supplement back to the manufacturer. If you do not send the supplement back to the manufacturer before the trial period expires, then your credit card will be charged the full amount for the CBD supplement – which can be anywhere from $80 to $200 per bottle.

This was a common scam with diet pill companies in recent years. Today, many of the same companies are moving into the CBD supplement space.

If a company tries to offer you a free trial of a CBD supplement, make sure you comprehensively read the terms and conditions. It’s easy for a CBD manufacturer to quietly sneak hidden fees into the fine print while absolving themselves of legal responsibility.

The Free Trial Has Excessive Shipping Charges

Other CBD supplement manufacturers take a sneaky approach with free trials: they might claim to sell a supplement totally free of charge as part of a free trial. The only “catch” is that you need to pay a small fee for shipping and handling.

The fee may be something like $10 to $15 for U.S. orders and $20 to $30 for international orders. You don’t think the fee is exorbitant. After all, you’re getting the CBD supplement for free.

In reality, it costs the manufacturer just $1 to produce the CBD supplement and $0.50 to send the supplement anywhere in the world. They’re still generating enormous profit even when giving away the supplement for “free”. You might think you got a great deal, only to realize the CBD supplement you received has a ludicrously low dose of CBD – or no CBD whatsoever.

It’s a Free Trials for a Low-Quality Supplement with a Low Dose of CBD

Good cannabidiol supplements aren’t cheap. The CBD space is exploding with growth, and the demand for high-quality hemp producers is surging. Good CBD supplements made by reputable manufacturers from high-quality sources can be hard to find.

That’s why many manufacturers are turning to low-quality sources of CBD – like synthetic sources. Other manufacturers use good sources of CBD, but they dilute that CBD to a level of purity where it’s unlikely to have any effect on your body.

These companies may be comfortable offering a free trial to customers because the supplement is so cheap to produce. These companies can comfortably sell the CBD supplement for $5 to $20 per bottle because there’s hardly any CBD inside the capsules.

You might think you’re getting a great deal on a CBD supplement, only to realize your CBD supplement hardly has anything inside of it.

Long Delivery Times May Make It Impossible to Test the Product Before the Trial Expires

Some cannabidiol supplement manufacturers claim to offer legitimate free trials. They’ll send you a package of products. You have 14 days to try the products. If you like the products, then you can keep them, and the company will charge you. If you don’t like the products, then you can return them and the company will not charge you.

That all sounds good, but there are hidden problems along the way.

First, the company might offer a 14 calendar day free trial. However, it takes 5 to 7 business days for your product to arrive. That means you might only have a day to test the product before you have to ship it back.

Some companies take this scam to the next level by requiring you to ship the product to some remote country. Your product may have initially been shipped from a U.S. warehouse, for example, but you need to mail the product back to a refund processing center in Cyprus or Singapore to get a refund.

Some CBD free trials begin the day you purchased the free trial. Other free trials begin the day the trial product arrives at your address. Many trial periods, however, are setup deliberately for you to fail. Make sure you understand the terms and conditions of your CBD supplement’s delivery: it could be impossible to ever cash in on your refund request.

Other Terms and Conditions to Watch Out For

Other cannabidiol (CBD) manufacturers may not offer a free trial, but they hide other problematic information in their terms and conditions. They might sneak in shady refund policies, for example, or make absurd claims about the quality of their products.

Shady Moneyback Guarantee Policies

Some CBD manufacturers try to trick you with shady moneyback guarantee policies. These companies might make big promises about how “satisfaction is guaranteed”. They might promise that you’ll be satisfied by the supplement or “get your money back.”

In reality, these moneyback guarantee policies are virtually impossible to use. The company might list a customer service hotline or email address that doesn’t work, for example. They might take days to respond to your request – by which point the refund period has already expired.

Other companies might make absurd requirements for their guarantee policy. They might refuse to provide a guarantee on opened supplements, for example, and may require your supplement to be returned in perfect condition. How can you try a supplement without actually opening the bottle?

Fake Third Party Lab Testing

Many CBD manufacturers toss around words like “third party lab testing”. Every other CBD manufacturer claims their products are tested by a third party lab, so why can’t we?

In reality, there are few CBD producers that test every batch with a third party lab. The companies that do test their products in a third party lab often publish these results online for anyone to see. It’s a huge signal that a company is committed to selling quality product.

If a company tosses around words like “third party lab tested” without providing any additional proof, documents, or paperwork, then it’s possible there is no third party lab, and that the company is simply using buzzwords to convince you it’s a high-quality product.

Good third party lab testing isn’t cheap. The companies that have legitimate partnerships with third party labs will want to advertise evidence of that lab testing as much as possible.

“Certified Organic”

Right now, cannabis has an unclear legal status nationwide. The passage of the 2018 Farm Bill has clarified the status of hemp and CBD across the country, although there are still few ways that a CBD supplement can be certified as organic. There is no USDA Certified Organic status for hemp plants. If a company tries to claim their product has been certified as the USDA for using organic ingredients, then they could be misleading you.

That being said, there are certain other organization that may be able to certify a hemp supplement as organic, and the USDA may begin certifying hemp plants as organic in the future.

USDA has also announced plans to launch USDA Certified Organic status for hemp in the future. In September 2018, the USDA announced plans to move forward with organic certification of industrial hemp production. As of January 2019, however, the USDA certified organic requirements are still being worked out.

Bad Marketing Tactics to Watch For

Cannabidiol may be the most powerful natural compound in the world at treating illnesses. Or, it could be completely useless. The jury is still out on CBD and its effects. Some studies have shown it to be effective at treating certain conditions. Other studies have shown that CBD is no better than a placebo for treating some conditions.

This is a crucial lesson that many CBD manufacturers fail to grasp. Some CBD manufacturers claim their supplements will cure cancer. Others claim that they have other enormous health benefits. Some even claim to be recommended by doctors.

Here are some of the bad marketing tactics to watch for when looking for free CBD supplements and trials online:

“Our CBD Supplement Cures Everything”

Generally, a supplement cannot be advertised as a way to treat any type of disease, illness or condition. You cannot sell a CBD supplement online as an “effective treatment for cancer”, for example. You cannot advertise hemp oil as a “proven cure for AIDS”.

If you see a CBD supplement online that frivolously mentions terms like “cure” and “effective treatment”, then it’s a sign you’re dealing with a shady CBD oil manufacturer.

The world’s most reputable CBD manufacturers are very careful not to make bold health claims about their supplements. Lower-quality manufacturers, meanwhile, love to make bold health claims.

“As Featured On Major Media Outlets”

Other CBD supplement manufacturers make bold claims about their media coverage. The website might be covered with logos for CNN, CNBC, Fox News, CBS News, and other major media outlets. Customers are led to assume that this company’s CBD products have been featured by mainstream media.

In reality, this is rarely the case. Typically, when a CBD manufacturer’s website features the logos of major media outlets, it means one of three things:

  • Cannabidiol has been featured by the media outlet in the past (in a general news story unrelated to the manufacturer’s specific CBD supplements)
  • The CBD manufacturer paid to host an advertisement on a major media website
  • The CBD manufacturer issued a press release, and the press release was automatically reported by a mainstream media outlet

When you see a logo for CNN or The New York Times, you’re led to assume that these media outlets have featured the CBD supplement in some major way. It adds an air of legitimacy to a product. In reality, this is just another way for CBD companies to scam you.

Remember: The CBD Industry is Like the Wild West

Ultimately, the important thing to remember here is that the hemp and CBD oil industry is like the Wild West. There’s limited oversight from governmental officials. Regulatory requirements and certifications are still being established. These issues will be solved over time. Today, however, many CBD manufacturers are still able to take advantage of CBD users looking for free trial offers online.

Best apple cider vinegar brand to buy in 2019 – apple cider vinegar brand buying guide

(2 Pack | 180 Pills) Apple Cider Vinegar Capsules w/Garcinia Cambogia (1500mg) ACV Tablets - Fiber Supplement - Detox Cleanse Relief - Heartburn, Digestion, Organic Weight Management - 3 Month Supply

Buy on Amazon

List of Top best apple cider vinegar brand in 2019

Here is a short list of the top apple cider vinegar brand products from each of the price ranges. Don’t think that cheap means poorly made, often the difference in the products by price are in what features they include not the quality of their manufacture.

That’s why we’ve decided to do an in-depth research around these apple cider vinegar brand. Now, at the end of those hours-long using sessions and analysis, we are all set to recommend the best choices you’ll have in the apple cider vinegar brand category. Obviously, we have our picks from premium, semi-premium and budget-friendly sectors. Therefore, when it’s time, you can have the best apple cider vinegar brand .

Premium Segment

The premium segment includes products that are priced above a certain range. The quality of these and feature capabilities can make these apple cider vinegar brand deal for professional use.

Medium Segment

The medium segment of the apple cider vinegar brand market has a mid price range which fits those looking for best bang of their buck.. This is a very wide price range to find products with such similar features but what differentiates them from each other is the approach they take to their features. These are higher end consumer products, but not the pro-summer quality of the premium segment.

Why do you need a apple cider vinegar brand

A apple cider vinegar brand is one of the most popular item that is going to be viral in coming years, due to its wide range of applicability in the industry. People may or may not be aware of the reason why people should buy a apple cider vinegar brand or why they need to have one.

How to choose the best apple cider vinegar brand for you?

To choose and buy the right kind of apple cider vinegar brand , you will have to be very careful in doing so. Because the apple cider vinegar brand come in a wide range of types, having different characteristics and capabilities and if you don’t concentrate on each and every aspect, then you surely would miss out the best one for you.

Here is a checklist you can use to double check your choice while selecting and purchasing it.

Determine the type and function you need

You should be very clear about the type of apple cider vinegar brand you need. Keep in mind the various types and determine the best on the basis of the feature you need and the purpose you need to accomplish. Like for a medium range product with a medium quality or a high end stuff.

Brand and price

If you have a particular budget or a specific brand in mind then do sort out the brand first and then look for further features.

Quality of the material

The first thing you should look at, is the quality of material and the sturdiness of the structure. It is important because the apple cider vinegar brand should be made of high quality and durable material to help it withstand normal day to day wear and tear.

Warranty and complimentary tools

If you can get a warranty from the manufacturer then it would be a plus, so look at this feature also. In addition to it you may also find some tool that some of the manufacturers offer, along your product.

Where to buy the best apple cider vinegar brand

Buying a apple cider vinegar brand could be hectic, if you don’t know where you can find the best brands and a wide range apple cider vinegar brand types to let you select the one you need. For this, you’ll have to search for the most trustworthy and reliable seller that will offer you all the best rated brands along with the best price available on the market. You can either look to buy it from a local market or through online retailer and stores like Amazon.

Most of the people have a tendency to prefer online stores like The amazon. The reason behind it is the availability of the wide range of quality products, trustworthy sellers and an opportunity to compare the products and pick the best one for you.

So, You can easily buy your apple cider vinegar brand on amazon at affordable rates and an assurance of a quality product.

The final word

This is just an overview of some of the best apple cider vinegar brand in each of the price ranges. The point is that no matter what your budget, there is a functional apple cider vinegar brand for you. Make sure you filter them for the ones that interest you so you know all the features and considerations of each. That can be the best way to identify what features you really need in a more expensive version.

Article source:

20+ Stunning Squarespace Examples to Model Your Site After

Squarespace has proven to be a widely popular website building platform that has helped millions of people (currently 1.9 million) launch personal blogs, online businesses, and eCommerce shops. As one of the leading SaaS-based content management systems in the market today, Squarespace offers people an inexpensive and easy way to build websites from the ground up, regardless of skill level.

Many people prefer Squarespace because of its comprehensive nature. It comes with a dedicated website builder, tons of beautiful pre-designed templates, hosting, eCommerce functionality, a blogging platform, and so much more.

Because of this, we wanted to share with you some of the most stunning Squarespace examples you can model your own website after.

So, let the inspiration begin!

1. Slow Travel Magazine

slow travel magazine
Template: Brine family

Slow Travel Magazine leaves a great first impression thanks to the large homepage image slider that greets you once you arrive on its site. It also makes navigating the site, getting in touch, and following on social media a breeze. That’s because all of these elements are in the header section. There’s also a neatly organized blog section, complete with post title, excerpt, and a stunning featured image to spark interest.

2. Lucia Balcazar

lucia balcazar
Template: Avenue family

Lucia Balcazar is a creative that takes her skills and applies them to her website, earning her a spot in this roundup of Squarespace examples. She has created beautiful image galleries of her best work that open in using the Squarespace lightbox feature. She also connects straight to her Instagram account so people can immediately click and follow.

3. Julie Harmsen

julie harmsen
Template: Wexley family

Julie Harmsen is a wedding/family/lifestyle photographer that utilizes Squarespace’s grid layouts to ensure people focus on her photos and nothing else. To get a closer look at her photographs, hover over the image (notice the cool hover effect) and click. The gallery then turns into a paginated series so you can continue viewing – distraction free.

4. Kismet

Template: Avenue family

Kismet is a group of Los Angeles restaurants. The homepage is designed for customers to access information about all three restaurants from one unique location. It uses a bold color scheme to grab people’s attention and three links that lead to each respective restaurant. When you click one of the links, you are immediately taken to a mini site. Each mini site is complete with menu information, reservation booking, open positions, and even an online shop.

5. Salvage Solutions

salvage solutions
Template: Aviator family

Salvage Solutions is one of the coolest Squarespace examples on this list. To start, they are a company dedicated to helping people make use of reclaimed materials. But beyond that, each webpage has a natural looking background image that pulls together the written text and is visually appealing. Recent projects come with images and the ability to like, share, or comment on. And since it has a dedicated contact page, visiting in person, calling, or sending a quick email is simple.

6. Darren Booth

darren booth
Template: Flatiron family

Darren Booth uses the Squarespace platform to create a grid-like portfolio displaying his best works. You can read his blog that showcases video content and shop online for your favorite pieces. Plus, you can even follow him on social media by using the convenient social media links. Lastly, check out previous clients, subscribe to a newsletter, and even catch a glimpse of Darren’s Instagram account thanks to the Squarespace sections added near the bottom of the homepage.

7. Active Schools

active schools
Template: custom designed

Active schools is the type of website that keeps you scrolling. As you move down the homepage, more information instantly lazy loads so site performance and the user experience is never sacrificed. Furthermore, mid-page there is a large video that explains what the website’s core message is. You can subscribe to the newsletter or donate by clicking on the CTA buttons. And if you want to share their message with others, you can follow them on Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and even YouTube.

8. SJK Audio

sjk audio
Template: Brine family

SJK Audio is one of those Squarespace examples you don’t forget. It’s the perfect blend of black, complete with pops of color to draw attention and encourage action, without distracting from the overall vibe. This one page website has a slick vertical slider that follows you as you scroll, so you always know where you’re at on the site. There’s also a testimonials section, audio clips you can listen to, and a services section complete with a CTA to get in touch.

9. Rodarte

Template: custom designed

Rodarte is an online retailer of stylish clothing that takes Squarespace and makes it fancy. The quickly changing, fullscreen slider gallery makes you stick around to see what’s coming next. Other than that, the homepage has a simple navigation menu that guides you through the rest of the site and social media icons so you can easily like, follow, or view their video content.

10. Bandsintown

Template: custom designed

Bandsintown is a custom designed Squarespace site that uses dark, bold colors and material design to make its presence known. As each section on the homepage loads, you see simple effects revealing icons, text, and call to action buttons, making this a stand out website. The navigation menu is sticky, so you can always click away and explore other parts of the site if you want to. And to make the most of the footer section, Bandsintown adds menu links, social media icons, and a large logo that once clicked redirects you to the top of the site.

11. Dixie Chicks

dixie chicks
Template: Pacific family

The Dixie Chicks are a well-known country band that is no stranger to site traffic. And yet, Squarespace handles their popularity with ease. The stunning image below the header section lets you know right away you’re in the right place. There are audio clips so you can listen to their music before buying it, a gallery of Instagram photos that link out to their account, and even a fullscreen search bar in the footer if you’re looking for something in particular.

12. Blue Dog

blue dog
Template: Tremont family

Blue Dog claims to be an “eclectic healthy eatery” and their web design follows suit. The words eat, drink, and visit are links leading you to different locations and corresponding menus. But the neatest thing about this Squarespace site, is the hover effect when you place your mouse over these words. Each word has its own image attached to it and as you move over them individually, you are presented with a beautiful background image. On this site you’ll also enjoy a tasteful image gallery, a convenient way to make reservations, and social share icons for staying up to date.

13. A Fabulous Fete

a fabulous fete
Template: Brine family

A Fabulous Fete is one of our soft feminine Squarespace examples. Featuring a light pastel color scheme, cursive fonts, and lots of pretty things, the overall design matches the site owners reason for having a site in the first place: she creates, designs, and shares her knowledge with other creatives. Subscribe to her newsletter using the built-in subscribe box, read her latest blog post, follow her on social media, and of course, shop for stationery, cards, envelopes, stamps, and so much more.

14. Freemans Restaurant

freemans restaurant
Template: Pacific family

Freemans Restaurant is a solid example of what Squarespace offers restaurant owners by way of design and functionality. To start, this website leaves a lasting impression with its fullscreen header image. As you scroll down, you’ll see beautiful background images with text overlay conveying information about the restaurant’s menu items. But best of all, if you want to give someone the gift of dining at Freemans Restaurant, you can purchase gift cards online thanks to the simple Squarespace checkout page.

15. Uppercase Magazine

uppercase magazine
Template: Five family

Uppercase Magazine grabs your attention right away with the cute fullscreen animation that appears once you arrive. It also catches your attention after a little bit of activity with a popup subscribe box that invites you to sign up in exchange for a $15 off coupon. Follow the team on Instagram (after seeing the gallery of images), browse and buy books they’ve published, and even get involved by submitting your own work for publication in print, online, and on their site for others to see.

16. Architecture Information

architecture information
Template: Forte family

Architecture Information takes their Squarespace template and turns it into something truly unique. For instance, the homepage is covered from top to bottom with an ever-changing image slider that you can click on too. Navigate to other parts of the website, follow on social media, and even get in touch using the menu items. And if you’re curious about Architecture Information’s latest projects, view their beautiful image galleries that turn into sliders once you click on a single image.

17. Elle & Co.

elle & co.
Template: Bedford family

Elle & Co. takes advantage of whitespace and a sectional homepage to covey a lot of information at once without overwhelming site visitors. Check out Elle’s blog posts, podcast, and services by clicking on any one of the standout CTA buttons. In addition,you can see where Elle & Co. has been featured in the small section near the bottom of the homepage, click on the hamburger menu icon and view the vertical menu that slides in, and of course, follow Elle and her team on social media.

18. Pat Blute

pat blute
Template: Aviator family

Pat Blute is another one of our Squarespace examples that uses his homepage to display one large image that catches your attention right away. Other than a simple navigational menu, the only other element on Pat’s homepage are social media icons. That said, his portfolio has large and beautiful imagery and video content. And the About page has plenty of external links to show you just what he is capable of producing.

19. Fotio

Template: Avenue family

Fotio is a simple and minimal Squarespace website that ensures site visitors know what they are all about. This is in large part to the large image slider that you see immediately upon arriving. Additionally, the mixture of color and black and white photography gives customers a sense of what their services can provide. Complementing the imagery is plenty of written text and a link to the reservation form for those that want to rent the photo “boothless” booth. Read up on some FAQs, check out upcoming events, and even read some testimonials to decide whether Fotio is something you want to use.

20. From Roses

from roses
Template: Brine family

From Roses is another feminine Squarespace theme that uses soft color schemes, font pairings that are strong and subtle at the same time, and beautiful images to make you say “ooh.” Plus, this site also uses the large search bar at the bottom of the homepage that we’ve seen on previous Squarespace sites, similar social media icons, and a bold CTA button if you want to get in touch and work with this lifestyle photographer/blogger.

21. PICA Things We Love

PICA things we love
Template: Galapagos family

PICA Things We Love is the perfect example of how Squarespace gives you the tools to create a simple portfolio. The organized grid layout is appealing to the eye, and the use of whitespace ensures site visitors aren’t drawn to too many things at once. When you click on a portfolio item that you like, you are brought to its product page so you can buy it if you want. There’s also a distinct search bar, social media icons, and a subscribe call to action button site visitors can click on to sign up.

22. Edible Boston

edible boston
Template: Brine family

Edible Boston is a little different than most of the Squarespace examples up until now. For example, it focuses on content and takes advantage of the fact that Squarespace supports multiple authors with ease. It also has cool featured images and posts titles, lets you comment on your favorite content, and has delicious recipes to try for yourself. Plus, follow them on Instagram so you never miss a thing (thanks to the Instagram feed highlighting their best and latest images).

23. Mike Kelley

mike kelley
Template: Supply family

Mike Kelley is a serious photographer that monetizes his skill and uses Squarespace to showcase his work. There’s a dedicated FAQ page for those that need clarification and menu items linking to categories of work. There are also add to cart buttons (and a social share icon) to guide you through to the checkout page. Lastly, if you need to get in touch with Mike, there’s a simple contact form to fill out.


And there you have it! Some of the best Squarespace examples found on the internet today you can use if you’re in need of a little web design and functionality guidance.

If you’ve decided on a Squarespace template for your new website, but need help choosing a domain name, be sure to check out this roundup of the best domain name generators around. And if you aren’t sure Squarespace is for you, be sure to peruse our roundup of fantastic Wix examples and see if that platform has what you need instead.

Have you ever used Squarespace for your blog, online business, or eCommerce shop? Which template did you use? We’d love to hear all about it in the comments below!

The post 20+ Stunning Squarespace Examples to Model Your Site After appeared first on WebresourcesDepot.

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