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With the sometimes-overwhelming number of tools, libraries and technologies out there, it’s impossible to know it all. Yet it also seems like those of us in the web design industry place a great deal of pressure on ourselves to keep up. It can lead to a feeling of being burned out and hopelessly behind.
The truth is that there’s only so much you can know. After all, you have clients to serve and a limited amount of time to dedicate to learning. Therefore, there are going to be some skills where you’re either not proficient or simply lacking.
This is one of the hardest things for many of us to accept. If you look around, you’re being bombarded with messages that you should know JavaScript like the back of your hand or how to crank out sites with a static CMS. If not, your career is apparently doomed.
Every one of us has our own limitations. So, how do we learn to accept it? How can we still thrive as designers and developers?
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A Common Scenario
Raise your hand if you’ve ever been in this situation. You’re working on a project and your client requests a new feature (never mind the scope creep for the moment). The feature requires a skill you aren’t so adept at – let’s say it’s writing some custom PHP.
Sure, you can do a little bit of coding here and there – but you’ve never taken on something this dense. You’re a little bit wary of saying yes, but you agree to do it.
You begin building the must-have feature and hope that you can learn as you go. While you do pick up on some of the concepts involved, you quickly realize that you are running into some roadblocks.
You’re spending precious time and resources trying to piece things together from tutorials and support sites. Meanwhile, your deadline is approaching. This is not a good feeling.

Finding a Better Approach
It’s likely that some version of this scenario has happened to most of us at one time or another. At first glance, it may seem like our lacking of a certain skill (PHP, in this case) is the culprit. But that’s not the whole story.
Sure, it would be nice to have a Jedi-like mastery of the language. But in our made-up plot, it’s just not in our skillset at this point in time. And by refusing to accept that fact, we put ourselves (and our client) into a tough spot.
If you’re a fan of sports or action movies, you know the narrative of the brave soul who takes a hit but comes back stronger. However, web design is neither of these things. While star athletes and action heroes can afford to spend endless amounts of time fighting their battles, we have other things to do.
So, while attempting to wing your way through this type of project sounds noble, it’s also counter-productive. Instead, there are a few things you can do that will be more effective in the long run:
Explain the Reality to Your Client
When it comes to client relations, honesty is the best policy. As such, having a frank discussion about your own limitations can be a bit freeing. Plus, it sets a realistic level of expectation with your client.
For the most part, clients tend to appreciate having some guidelines regarding what can and perhaps can’t be done (at least, not without some extra steps).
Make a Plan
Now, this doesn’t mean that your client doesn’t get what they want/need. That still has to happen. So, in your discussion, it’s important to have a plan for how that new feature gets implemented and what it will take to get there.
This could mean pushing the deadline back. The advantage here is that you have enough time to work through all of the potential roadblocks. Or, it might require hiring on an expert to help out (and bumping up the budget accordingly). That will save you the burden of having to figure it all out on your own.
Follow Through
As far our fictional client is concerned, the most important part of this whole scenario is the end result. How it happens is of little consequence.
So, by following through with the above process, we can satisfy their needs while avoiding a negative experience ourselves.
Instead, we’ve taken the step to acknowledge our limits and still found a way to facilitate a positive outcome. Even better, the world didn’t end just because there was something we didn’t quite know. Pretty cool, huh?

It’s All About Perspective
The web design industry, and society itself, often look at limitations as some sort of massive flaw. As if to say, because we can’t do absolutely everything, that maybe we’re not worthy of an opportunity.
Both freelancers and agencies tend to perpetuate this myth by promising everything under the sun. The whole “we can do it all” narrative is great for marketing, but little else.
The reality is far different. Accepting it is the first step towards breaking free of the impossible standards placed upon us.
The post Accepting Your Limitations as a Web Designer appeared first on Speckyboy Design Magazine.
Fourteen years ago, almost to the day, I received a job offer from Zend to join
their nascent eBiz team, where I started contributing almost immediately to the
yet-to-be-announced Zend Framework. Two years later, I joined the Zend Framework
team full-time. A year later, I was promoted to Architect. A year after that, I
was promoted to Project Lead of Zend Framework, a role I kept for the next ten
years. Over the years, Zend was acquired by RogueWave Software, which was in
turn acquired by Perforce earlier this year.
Two months ago, almost to the day, was my last day with Zend/RogueWave/Perforce.
I'm now looking for a new adventure.
But first, a word about Laminas
As some of you might recall, in April, I blogged about transitioning Zend
Framework to the Linux Foundation, as the new "Laminas
This is still a work in progress, and I'm still dedicated to finalizing the
transition. While we are well under-way technically, we're still identifying our
initial corporate members. Regardless, we plan to launch the technical project
soon, and will likely do a small, targeted fundraising effort to allow us to
do some marketing projects and conference/speaker sponsorships while we finalize
our long-term funding goals.
It's simply taking longer than we anticipated.
In the interim, I am still acting as project lead for the Laminas Project,
including Apigility and Expressive, and working actively towards the project's
organizational and funding goals.
And now this
Could your business benefit from somebody who has been in a leadership position
of a large, enterprise, Open Source framework with hundreds of millions of
Do you need an expert PHP developer and application architect?
Do you need somebody to guide and implement your organization's API strategy?
Do you need somebody who can help you extract, maintain, and publish discrete
library packages for your applications?
Do you need a competent and professional communicator for your development team?
Do you need somebody who can help you with your unit testing and continuous
Do you need somebody who can implement git workflows, and help your team adopt
Do you need somebody to mentor your developers, teaching them about standards,
object oriented programming, unit testing, and best practices?
These are all skills I can bring to the table.
What are my needs in a new position?
I work remotely. My entire tenure with Zend was done remotely, and I thrive best
when I can manage my own time, including when and how interruptions occur.
Additionally, I still have a child in the public school system, and uprooting
them from their peers and support system is something I'd prefer to avoid. I
will consider relocating, but only for exceptional teams and locations.
I would love for a company to hire me to continue working on Laminas as
my primary duties. The project needs people with dedicated time to review issues
and feature requests, create releases, write documentation, and answer questions
from users.
One dream I've had for some time is to work for a company with a social mission,
as I'd like to use my skills to make the world a better place.
If you or your company feel like I'd be a good fit for your organization, I
invite you to contact me via my contact page!
Or become a Patron
I have also launched a Patreon, to cover some of
my time and expenses while I work towards the Laminas launch and finalizing its
funding. If you find this valuable, become a Patron today!
Show Notes
Roy Sivan's web site
This episode is sponsored by Using the WordPress REST API
The post Interview with Roy Sivan appeared first on Voices of the ElePHPant.
I think that even if you are already using Data Providers, you will find some of those tips useful.
Data Providers are a handy feature of PHPUnit which allows you to run the same test with different inputs and expected results. This is useful when you are writing some text filtering, transf...
Latest PECL Releases:
- sdl 2.2.2
- Fix undefined symbol (sdl_window_to_zval)
- Tidy up GL context creation
- mongodb 1.6.0RC1
** Bug
* [PHPC-1419] - Error label from server error is not exposed in ServerException
* [PHPC-1432] - Fix documentation for Session::startTransaction() options parameter
* [PHPC-1435] - Fix Session::startTransaction() arginfo
** Epic
- [PHPC-1235] - PHPC MongoDB 4.2 Support
** New Feature
- [PHPC-1254] - Implement ObjectID spec
- [PHPC-1288] - Implement Unified URI Options
- [PHPC-1290] - Support mongos pinning for sharded transactions
** Task
- [PHPC-1428] - Bump libmongoc to 1.15.1
** Improvement
- [PHPC-1346] - Do not allow empty string for username
- [PHPC-1431] - Session::startTransaction() should accept null for options
- swoole 4.4.5
+ Better Reactor (@matyhtf)
+ Better AIO (@twose)
+ Better Redis (3608f4c2) (@twose)
+ Handle Empty upload files (#2779) (@sshymko)
+ Add File uploads array parser (#2773) (@sshymko)
+ Support PURGE (#2754) (#2764) (@sshymko)
+ Allow HTTP methods like GETX POSTX PUTX etc (#2772) (@doubaokun)
+ Reduce the default max_wait_time to 3 (ed5c838) (@twose)
- Fixed AIO memory error (@twose)
- Fixed compilation without zlib (f5a03366) (@twose)
- Fixed timeout param of stream (c8275989) (@twose)
- Fixed missing http headers (#2789) (@doubaokun)
- Fixed client type (#2771) (@doubaokun)
- sdl 2.2.0
- Add support for window events. (Benoit Viguier)
- Add support for the SDL_RenderCopyEx, SDL_RenderDrawLine and SDL_RenderDrawRect functions. (Benoit Viguier)
- Fix memory leak in the SDL_RenderCopy function. (Benoit Viguier)
The post Interview with Roy Sivan appeared first on Voices of the ElePHPant.
The post Interview with Roy Sivan appeared first on Voices of the ElePHPant.

The global Garcinia Cambogia Extract market was valued at $XX million in 2019, and our analysts predict the global market size will reach $XX million by the end of 2025, growing at a CAGR of XX% between 2019 and 2025.
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The Garcinia Cambogia Extract Market report profiles the following companies, which includes: –
Xi’an Lyphar Biotech
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Market Segment by Product Type
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Food Industry
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Key Regions split in this report: breakdown data for each region.
United States
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This report studies the global Garcinia Cambogia Extract Market status and forecast, categorizes the global Garcinia Cambogia Extract Market size (value volume), revenue (Million USD), product price by manufacturers, type, application, and region. Garcinia Cambogia Extract Market Report by Material, Application, and Geography-Global Forecast to 2024 is an expert and far-reaching research provide details regarding the world’s major provincial economic situations, Concentrating on the principle districts (North America, Europe, and Asia-Pacific) and the fundamental nations (United States, Germany, United Kingdom, Japan, South Korea, and China).
Report Highlights
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Deep insights about regulatory and investment scenarios of the global Garcinia Cambogia Extract market
Analysis of market effect factors and their impact on the forecast and outlook of the global Garcinia Cambogia Extract market
A roadmap of growth opportunities available in the global Garcinia Cambogia Extract market with the identification of key factors
The exhaustive analysis of various trends of the global Garcinia Cambogia Extract market to help identify market developments
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Overview of the chapters analysing the global Garcinia Cambogia Extract Market in detail:
Chapter 1 details the information relating to Garcinia Cambogia Extract introduction, Scope of the product, market overview, Market risks, driving forces of the market, etc
Chapter 2 analyses the top manufacturers of the Garcinia Cambogia Extract Market by sales, revenue etc for the Forecast period 2019 to 2024
Chapter 3 throws light on the competition landscape amongst the top manufacturers based on sales, revenue, market share etc for the period 2019 to 2024.
Chapter 4 analyses the global market by regions and their market share, sales, revenue etc for the period 2019 to 2024.
Chapters 5 to 9 analyse the Garcinia Cambogia Extract regions with Garcinia Cambogia Extract countries based on market share, revenue, sales etc.
Chapter 10 and 11 contain the information regarding market basis types and application, sales market share, growth rate etc for forecast period 2019 to 2024.
Chapter 12 focuses on the market forecast for 2019 to 2024 for the Garcinia Cambogia Extract Market by regions, type and application, sales and revenue.
Chapter 13 to 15 contain the details related to sales channels, distributors, traders, dealers, research findings, research findings, and conclusion etc for the Garcinia Cambogia Extract Market.
It began in 2017 when designers started to play with the glitch effect. It was seen everywhere: videos, animations, and of course, images. This effect perfectly blended into a wave of nostalgia that took both the virtual and real worlds by storm.
However, the time has passed. And even though TV series centered around the 80s and 90s like Young Sheldon or Stranger Things are still in the lead, 2019 promises us some new trends and obsessions.
These days, the glitch effect is experiencing a decrease in popularity. However, it has managed to give life to another stylish solution: distortion in image display. It is gaining popularity among designers each day.
The approach is quite universal. While it may seem at first that it is another smart idea for enriching transitions between slides, it can also be paired with various details of the interface. Even a simple static image block can benefit from it.
Let’s take a look at some examples that show this new trend in action.
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While it does not feature a traditional distortion effect in our understanding, nevertheless here the images are still deformed. The artist was able to pull off a realistic curtain-like effect that forces the pictures to fly in the wind while you are scrolling down.
In such a modest environment and minimal design, the effect simply shines. It makes the entire website look sophisticated and simply outstanding.

No one can say that the official promo website of Dallara Stradale is boring. The site is a true masterpiece, much like the car created by the Italian-based team. It is packed with innovative features to meet the ideology of the product itself.
So it comes as no surprise that here, every detail counts. And every aspect is modern and stylish. The fantastic image distortion effect that accompanies each shift between the main sections on the homepage fits like a glove.
It transforms simple scrolling into a performance, giving each area a dramatic entrance. What’s more, thanks to its blurriness, it naturally imitates a sense of speed that is also a characteristic trait of the Dallara Stradale.

While in the previous example, a feeling of speed lies in the heart of the transition effect, here a trendy liquid-like effect tries to win over readers with its flowing nature. As is often the case, here the image distortion effect is used in the home screen carousel.
Instead of an annoying sliding effect, we can enjoy a lovely transition with a smooth nature and charisma that gives every scene change a twist. What’s more, the effect also corresponds with the nameplate of the agency – strengthening the extraterrestrial high-tech atmosphere.

The personal portfolio of Max Colt, a world-recognized visual effect producer, also features a distortion effect. Much like in the case of Planetary, it improves the shift between the slides in the carousel that depict the most impressive works by the artist. It has the same charisma, due to its water-inspired nature, yet it looks a bit different in comparison with Planetary’s solution.

This website stands in startling contrast to the others in our collection, thanks to its geometric-based distortion effect. The other examples are centered around a ripple effect that twists the images. Here, the relatively wide vertical panels and rhombuses deform the surface of the scenes.
The solution goes perfectly well with the overall boxy vibe, making an important contribution.

1MD is the first example in our roundup where the distortion effect does not accompany any shifting. It is just used in one of the sections presented on the homepage to set it apart from the others.
Not only is it a part of an animated background, but it is also a medium for giving the tagline in the middle some spice. As a result, the section is inspiring, whereas the call-to-action that leads to the “About Us” page looks clickable and alluring.

The team behind Precision Run also goes for a similar route. Yet this time, they use this trendy solution to make a simple static picture an eye-catcher.
Here the homepage includes retro-inspired elements like duotone coloring. The distortion effect that is skillfully paired with the double exposure adds a wonderful old-timey feeling to the entire interface. It perfectly plays with everything else on the website and effectively places the image into a spotlight.

The team behind Sass Café shows a different way to derive benefits from distortion effects. They have combined the effect with masking and mouse interaction, transforming the hero area into a playground.
A clean black canvas with two bold taglines greets the online audience at first. If you start to move the cursor around, you will notice that something is hidden inside. There are two background images. Each one comes into focus when you hover over the tagline. The rest of the time, the picture stays heavily deformed.
The solution drums up the interest from the get-go. It is just a brilliant idea.

The personal portfolio of Ada Sokol is also marked by the little tendency of messing around with the image display. This is another example in our collection that steps aside from the usual well-worn path and used in tandem with the mouse cursor.
As you may have already noticed, the hero area accommodates several titles that represent the works of the artist. Each title is supported by a picture that appears when you hover the mouse cursor over it.
In this case, when you move the cursor, the picture leaves a trace of distorted graphics behind. It reminds of the situation when a graphics card lacks the necessary bandwidth and can’t keep pace with the user’s movements. This original solution naturally encourages us to play with the website, thereby making us stay for while.

Adding an Unexpected Twist
Standard image effects are still in favor, yet you have to admit that they have lost a desirable “wow” factor. It becomes more and more challenging to draw attention with the help of well-worn sliding or bouncing.
So, it is not surprising that developers are always trying to come up with something new to keep their websites compelling. And the infamous distortion effect that used to be avoided now saves the day.
Even though the solution implies a deformed and twisted appearance, it is still quite universal. It plays nicely with various details. But it’s not just sliders that benefit from it.
As practice shows, the technique perfectly collaborates with solutions based on mouse cursor interactions and regular scrolling. The effect makes ordinary things look refreshing and inspiring.
The post Beyond Glitched: Using Distorted Images in Web Design appeared first on Speckyboy Design Magazine.