The wireframe is a visual guide that depicts the skeleton of a website. Everything begins with it. It is a stage where your ideas materialize, sometimes on a piece of paper. So technically, it is a sketch – an outline version of a future web interface.
So, you may ask: “What does it have to do with the actual live website? How does it affect a vibrant design, clickable elements, motion, content that makes sense, etc.?“
Of course, we will not show you website designs that look like hand-drawn illustrations with crossed-out boxes and gobbledygook. Instead, we are going to focus your attention on web interfaces whose beauty and charisma were obtained by the ideas taken from the blueprint’s ideology. Let’s have a look.
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Wireframe style designs are a tiny trend these days that fill the web with elegant, refined solutions. Consider one of the most inspiring and refreshing examples in this area – the personal portfolio of Abdelkader El Issaoui.
Here, you can see a compositional harmony that pulls off a sense of sophistication with ease. All the elements of the hero area follow the rules of schematic arrangement that, in some way, reminds of a wireframe.
Thus, the navigation occupies the perimeter of the screen. The creative team uses both vertical and horizontal directions to make it nicely flow into the composition. The central part comprises an image, tagline, and a link that together form one space.
Ultra-thin lines perform a critical role: they give the design a sketch-like feeling and strengthen the general aesthetics. Coloring and a generous amount of whitespace tie everything together. The website looks just amazing.

Another fantastic example to explore is the portfolio of Alfa Charlie. The website has a subtle feeling of elegant negligence. It seems like the author has carelessly arranged the text and tagline over the main image. However, here every detail has its proper place, and nothing is made without intention.
Note, both examples lean on the same tricks, such as:
- Perimeter navigation that, in the case of Alfa Charlie, is minimal yet to-the-point.
- Lines before links and accompanying text.
- A light color scheme with a focus on grey tone.
- Arrangement of the content in the center.
- A bulk of whitespace that gives the design an airy feeling.
- A boxy layout that accommodates the elements in such a way that it feels wireframe-like.
While both websites have lots of in common, there are still some features that distinguish one from the other. For example, here, the main content overlaps the central image, making things tightly-packed together. Also, there is a small badge-like stamp located on the bottom right of the page. It is a compact version of the logotype that adds to the brand identity as well as the overall design.

Everess has obtained the same charisma as Alfa Charlie, yet its design looks bolder and more prominent. While the two previous examples bet on pale coloring, where light grey rules the roost, here you can see a classic black-and-white combination that makes things clear as ever.
The layout and arrangement of the components on the home screen stick to the same rules. Therefore, you will find in here:
- A hamburger button, logotype and icons that lead to social media profiles comfortably located in the corners;
- The central part that accommodates an image, overlapping tagline and tiny, subtle CTA;
- Several lines that run in vertical and horizontal directions;
- A boxy structure that brings about a wireframe-like vibe.

The creative team behind Muraflex takes the same approach. However, as in the case of Everess, some definite distinctions demonstrate different preferences in realizing the trend.
For instance, here the navigation, along with social media links and logotype are concentrated mostly on the left side. Even though there are a couple of components that take up the top bar, the design still feels a bit lopsided.
The central composition shows a prominent single-word title, vector buttons instead of text-based links with a line and a small disharmony in the horizontal plane. Here the level is set by text, not images. In addition, the coloring is not so washy and obscure.
However, despite these differences, the website meets the trend and looks amazing just like everyone else listed above.

Okay, it is time to widen our horizons and look at some offbeat and intricate takes on the trend. First, let’s consider PlasticBCN.
This one certainly shows us how to embrace chaos and produce an original hero area with a hint of wireframe style. The welcome screen heavily relies on the vertical orientation that adds a strong personality to the design. The spacious feeling, schematic presentation, primitive graphics, and arrangement have secured the website a place on the list.

The creative teams behind Wellness Hotel and 50.8 Studio have added traditional sketch details to the design, making things more exciting and captivating.
In the case of Wellness Hotel, you can see how the eye-catching image backdrop has been encrusted with outline details that, together, produce quite an impression. The welcome section looks organized and properly structured, yet it still feels picturesque.

In the case of 50.8 Studio, the team has gone a bit further. Here the hero area is split into two equal parts. Whereas the right section is a conventional image-based backdrop, the left panel presents the navigation and all useful links in a modular system, whose outline can be seen with the naked eye.
All of the columns and rows of the grid are delineated literally. This interfusion commands the attention and leaves a lasting impression.

Let’s consider two examples that stand in stark contrast to the previous websites, yet they still have that inspiring wireframe-style charisma.
The first one to look at is Future London Academy. Heavily inspired by Bauhaus, this outstanding home screen speaks volumes. It effortlessly sets the design off and proves that simplicity and geometry can do wonders together.

Nunziella Salluce is another eccentric solution. Much like the previous example, it has a note of a modernist industrial design inherent to the Bauhaus art school.
However, here it is skillfully combined with a wireframe style that brings about an outstanding outcome. It wins over readers with its beautiful primitiveness.

Wired for Great Design
Wireframe style design is ambiguous. It manifests itself in various solutions and can be seen in different concepts.
However, one thing you can say for sure: it has its own personality and irresistible charisma that easily singles out some projects from the others.
The post A Showcase of Websites That Have Been Inspired by Wireframes appeared first on Speckyboy Design Magazine.
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This class can generate classes to access database from dump file...
Recently, Garcinia Cambogia has been getting a lot of attention for its apparent ability to help people lose weight. Many physicians and consumers alike have praised the supplement as a safe and natural way to help the body burn fat and shed pounds quickly. According to Zen Health Labs, Garcinia Cambogia Extract contains an active ingredient called hydroxycitric acid (HCA), which prevents the body from producing fat by inhibiting a key enzyme that helps to turn carbohydrates into fat. In addition, the company notes, the weight loss supplement has been found to increase the levels of serotonin that are in the brain. Because serotonin can have a direct and positive impact on the mood, increased levels may cause people to be less likely to binge eat.
Zen Health Labs’ announcement could not have come at a better time—summer is here, swimsuit season is in full swing and many people are currently trying to lose weight. As Zen Health Labs states, Garcinia Cambogia can help compound weight loss efforts, leading to quicker results.
“Our Garcinia Cambogia extract dietary supplement is formulated using the very best all-natural ingredients in a GMP certified facility,” the company notes, adding that the Garcinia Cambogia offered by Zen Health Labs contains 60 percent HCA—which is higher than many other brands—and also comes in a large bottle count. In addition, the product does not contain any fillers, binders or artificial ingredients, and it is certified to be allergen free. To help the HCA absorb into the body as efficiently as possible, the supplement also includes potassium and calcium. These important features, Zen Health Labs states, help to set their product apart from some of the other less expensive forms of Garcinia Cambogia that are available online.
In the short time Zen Health Labs’ Garcinia Cambogia has been available on, it is already receiving positive reviews from customers. One reviewer named Natalie wrote that the supplement helped her to lose 10 pounds in just over four weeks.
“I really feel like I have more energy and my appetite has noticeably decreased. Obviously because I’m less hungry I eat less and that’s why the weight’s been dropping off.”
About Zen Health Labs:
Zen Health Labs was founded with a goal in mind: to provide the highest quality, natural supplements to support a healthy mind, body and spirit at a competitive price and with an exceptional level of customer service. For more information, please visit
Media Contact: Martin Jones, Zen Health Labs, 855 383 8191,
News distributed by PR Newswire iReach:
SOURCE Zen Health Labs
New weight loss supplement, garcinia cambogia, may not be much more than a fad, as some claim that the supplement lacks results.
Garcinia cambogia, also known as tamarind, is a Southeast Asian grown fruit that is now being sold in a highly concentrated version as a pill. Manufacturers and advocates such as Dr. Oz claim that this supplement can improve weight loss results by decreasing the body’s fat absorption, metabolizing body fat, shrinking belly fat, controlling bad Cholesterol (LDL), and increasing good Cholesterol. It also boasts mood boosting properties and the ability to stop emotional eating.
These benefits are attributed to the hydroxycitric acid (HCA), found in garcinia cambogia that contains an adipose metabolizing enzyme called citrate lyase.
“HCA does do that but in a petri dish,” says Steven Heymsfield, M.D., the former head of the Pennington Biomedical Research Center in Baton Rouge, La. “Converting that to actual weight loss in humans would take 1,000 steps beyond that.”
Dr. Oz calls it The newest, fastest fat buster, and says its an effortless way to lose weight quickly and effectively. He even claims it’s a way to get slim without any diet or exercise and that it contains a natural appetite suppressant. Sceptics are saying these claims are highly unlikely.
Heymsfield explain that in his 1998 study he found there aren’t any weight-loss benefits, and that upon years of studying similar supplements, he’s found that people will continue to promote know ineffective products such as Garcinia Cambodia.
“[supplement promoters continue] weaving a story with obscure facts. Maybe each fragment has some validity, but if you wind it together it makes no sense at all, he says.”
Heymsfield explains “there is no solid scientific evidence to support many of these health claims and says that many of the issues with garcinia cambogia is that it overlooks the only true weight loss formula of eating healthy foods in proper portions and maintaining an active lifestyle, and offers to fix all of your health problems with a nonexistent miracle pill.”
“Being obese is difficult because only some of it is related to self-control,” Heymsfield says. “And it’s not easy to lose weight in our environment. Just preventing further weight gain is an accomplishment for some people.”
Article source:
New weight loss supplement, garcinia cambogia, may not be much more than a fad, as some claim that the supplement lacks results.
Garcinia cambogia, also known as tamarind, is a Southeast Asian grown fruit that is now being sold in a highly concentrated version as a pill. Manufacturers and advocates such as Dr. Oz claim that this supplement can improve weight loss results by decreasing the body’s fat absorption, metabolizing body fat, shrinking belly fat, controlling bad Cholesterol (LDL), and increasing good Cholesterol. It also boasts mood boosting properties and the ability to stop emotional eating.
These benefits are attributed to the hydroxycitric acid (HCA), found in garcinia cambogia that contains an adipose metabolizing enzyme called citrate lyase.
“HCA does do that but in a petri dish,” says Steven Heymsfield, M.D., the former head of the Pennington Biomedical Research Center in Baton Rouge, La. “Converting that to actual weight loss in humans would take 1,000 steps beyond that.”
Dr. Oz calls it The newest, fastest fat buster, and says its an effortless way to lose weight quickly and effectively. He even claims it’s a way to get slim without any diet or exercise and that it contains a natural appetite suppressant. Sceptics are saying these claims are highly unlikely.
Heymsfield explain that in his 1998 study he found there aren’t any weight-loss benefits, and that upon years of studying similar supplements, he’s found that people will continue to promote know ineffective products such as Garcinia Cambodia.
“[supplement promoters continue] weaving a story with obscure facts. Maybe each fragment has some validity, but if you wind it together it makes no sense at all, he says.”
Heymsfield explains “there is no solid scientific evidence to support many of these health claims and says that many of the issues with garcinia cambogia is that it overlooks the only true weight loss formula of eating healthy foods in proper portions and maintaining an active lifestyle, and offers to fix all of your health problems with a nonexistent miracle pill.”
“Being obese is difficult because only some of it is related to self-control,” Heymsfield says. “And it’s not easy to lose weight in our environment. Just preventing further weight gain is an accomplishment for some people.”
Sportsmen and athletes hit a plateau after reaching a certain point. They find that they are unable to improve on the results and need a solution. The solution is to improve energy and help with fat loss, as well as build a lean muscled body. This facilitates training.
To improve and grow the muscles, they need to use a product or a supplement that is not only effective, but is also safe to use and does not have any side effects. What are the criteria for choosing such a product?

About Clenbuterol
Crazybulk, the company that manufactures products for bodybuilders and athletes, has launched a nutritional supplement called Clenbutrol. This is a completely legal product, and it is a completely safe substitute for the anabolic steroid Clenbuterol.
This product is thermogenic in nature, and although it is natural, it mimics the properties of the steroid Clenbuterol. This property of the natural Clenbutrol gives results, similar to the anabolic steroid but without the side effects.
This supplement sucks the fat from the body. It is similar to the steroids’ liposuction effect. It also increases lean muscle and improves cardiovascular performance. Another benefit of Clenbutrol is that it enhances energy levels and maximizes performance.

Clenbutrol is a natural and safe formulation of well-researched ingredients as given below: –
- Vitamin B3 – Vitamin B3, also known as Niacin, plays an important role in the synthesis of nutrients and production of energy. It is responsible for supplying energy to all the body cells; it increases metabolism and helps the body to burn fat effectively.
- Garcinia Cambogia – This ingredient is the most researched in the weight loss industry. This tropical fruit contains Hydroxycitric Acid that is responsible for partially blocking the enzyme Citrate Lyase. This enzyme converts sugars and carbohydrates to fat and stores it to be used as energy letter on. HCA also enhances the levels of serotonin, which regulate its appetite. All this results in less storage of fat, more fat burning and suppressed appetite. Garcinia Cambogia is also called as a fat preventer.
- Extract of Bitter Orange – The extract of Seville Orange enhances metabolism and suppresses appetite. It is a source of Synephrine, a compound that promotes thermogenesis, resulting in fat burning and appetite suppressing. This ingredient is also known as a fat burner.
- Guarana Extract – Guarana contains double the caffeine found in coffee beans. This important stimulant eliminates physical and mental tiredness, enhances metabolism, accelerates fat-burning and reduces appetite. This ingredient is a rich source of tannin. The tannin slowly releases caffeine throughout the day, thereby releasing energy.
How does Clenbutrol work?
Clenbuterol works in the following ways: –
- Thermogenesis – The supplement increases the internal temperature of your body excess. This causes the body to lose heat. It also increases the rate of metabolism so that your body burns more fat for energy, and leaves you with a great physique and lean muscles.
- Optimal Oxygen Supply – The body needs an optimal supply of oxygen for the proper functioning of its systems and organs. Clenbuterol improves the rate of the flow of oxygen to the muscles, which enhances the performance of the heart. It also prepares the muscles for an intense training session.
- Clenbutrol, as mentioned above, is thermogenic. It increases the internal temperature of the body. Therefore, your body’s basal metabolic rate (BMR) increases with an increase in metabolism. It starts using stored fat and converts it for energy. You will start burning calories and lose body fat, and have only lean and hard muscles.
The supplement gives a boost to your cardiovascular system.
Benefits of Clenbutrol
The supplement will give you the following benefits if you use it regularly: –
- Effective in burning fat;
- Converts the burnt fat into energy ;
- Enhances the flow of oxygen to the body thereby increasing blood flow;
- Has to be taken orally and no needle is required;
- Does not need a prescription;
- Will give you lean physique and ripped muscles;
- Suppresses appetite;
- Preserves muscles;
- Improves performance;
- Gives you a good result within one month;
Each bottle of Clenbutrol contains 30 capsules. The manufacturer recommends that you should take 3 capsules a day. Take the capsules 45 minutes before it is time for your workout.
Consume the capsules with water. Your workout should be accompanied by a proper diet and a good workout regimen. To get the best results out of your supplement, use it for at least 60 days.
The manufacturer has also recommended a workout period of at least 60 days with a break of one and a half weeks.

Precautions With Clenbutrol
Perhaps, the right question to ask is who should or who should not use the supplement.
The supplement is not for those who are looking for illegal Clenbuterol. It is also not for people who plan to pop a few pills and expect miraculous results without following a proper diet or a workout. Anybody with the following medical conditions should avoid the supplement: –
- Hypertension
- Tachycardia
- Urine retention
- Coronary artery disease
- congestive heart problems
- glaucoma
- Tachyarrhythmia
- Hyperthyroidism
- Prostate hypertrophy
Pregnant women and lactating mothers should not use a supplement.
The supplement is perfect for people looking for the following: –
- Quick fat burner
- Legal substitute for Clenbutrol
- Building muscles while burning fat
- Muscle development with rigorous workouts along with the supplement
Purchase and Price
Clenbutrol is available only on the official website of the manufacturer. By making it available only on the official website, the manufacturing company, CrazyBulk, ensures that all the customers get the genuine product. There are many duplicates of the supplement. While some of them promise quick results, others do not care about the side effects that the improper usage of ingredients can cause.
When you purchase the original product through the official website, you ensure that you are getting an authentic supplement that delivers the promises that it has made.
- A single bottle of the supplement will cost you $61.99.
- A company has an offer price of $123.98. When you avail their 2 + 1 offer, you buy two packages, and you get the third bottle completely free of cost. With this offer, the company also gives you 8 ‘exercise and nutrition guides’ to help you achieve your goal. In addition, it gives you a free subscription to their newsletter that is full of tips and tricks to maximize the benefits of your supplement.

Money-Back Guarantee and Refund Policy
There does not seem to be a money-back guarantee. However, the manufacturer offers a refund if you change your mind and return the packet unopened within a period of 14 days from the date of placing your order. You should speak to the customer support for more information on this.
Refer-a-Friend Scheme
The company, CrazyBulk, offers a refer a friend scheme. Happy users can recommend the product and the company to their friends, and they get an initial discount. You get a reward as a thank you. You need to share the scheme with your friends using your name. They can enter your name when they visit the CrazyBulk website and get a discount code.
When your friends purchase the product, there is a link above the voucher code box that asks if you have been referred by a friend. Your friend will have to confirm your name, and you can access your reward then.
The company will email you when your rewards are due. You can also see the status of the reference that you have made on your account dashboard.
Side Effects of Clenbutrol
Clenbuterol is a natural supplement, and hence, it does not have any side effects that come from using the illegal drug. Each of the ingredients used in the supplement has been scientifically researched. There have been no documented reports of side effects in users.
Tips To Use Clenbutrol
This supplement is to be used regularly and consistently for best results. To avoid contraindications and any side effects, use the supplement as recommended by the manufacturer. Clenbutrol contains caffeine, and therefore, it is recommended that you should not overdose. Otherwise there maybe side effects as given below: –
- Rapid heartbeat
- Headache
- Insomnia
- Muscle spasms
- Hypertension
- Increased sweating
Pros of Clenbutrol
- It is a legal and safe alternative to the steroid Clenbuterol.
- It is a powerful fat burner.
- It enhances the ratio of muscle and fat.
- It preserves lean muscle mass.
- It improves performance.
- It gives a ripped physique.
- It enhances endurance and stamina.
- You don’t need a prescription to buy the supplement.
- You get fast results within one month.
- Shipping is free worldwide.
Cons of Clenbutrol
- The product is available only on the official website of the manufacturer.
- There can be some side effects, if you do not use the product properly, as per the directions of the manufacturer.
Customer Reviews
Sara ~ This is a miracle pill. I have been using the supplement for a while now, and I have a lot of energy. I started running yesterday, and the energy was tremendous. After running for 10 km, I still had enough energy to do more.
Aaron ~ The supplement has given me a lot of energy. My weight has been dropping ever since I have started using the supplement with my diet. I have lost 10 pounds in 4 weeks. It works fabulously for me.
Tony ~ I haven’t used this as yet, but I would like to. I lift, but I am on the heavier side. If I use this supplement for two months, will I be able to lose weight? How hard do I have to work out and how much weight am I likely to lose? I have a low-calorie diet. Can someone please let me know?
Alena ~ I take 3 pills about 45 minutes before my morning workout. When I take the pills, I am in a fasting state. The pills give me a lot of energy in the gym no matter what. I can lift heavier weights, and my workout intensity has increased. I used these pills before my wedding as I had to lose weight they work like magic for me.
Clenbutrol Before and After Pictures

Are crazy bulk products legal?
CrazyBulk products are completely legal to buy. The supplement is a legal alternative to steroids.
Do I need a prescription to buy the supplement?
No, you do not need a prescription to buy the supplement.
What are the side effects of using CrazyBulk products?
CrazyBulk products are manufactured using completely natural ingredients. Therefore, there are no side effects of the product.
How do I use Clenbutrol?
To use this product, take 3 capsules in a day approximately 45 minutes before your workout. Be regular with your supplement so that you get the best results within one month.
How long does it take for the results to be visible?
The results will be visible in 30 days.
What happens if I stop taking the supplement?
You will not lose the gains achieved after using the supplement if you continue with proper nutrition and your workout routine.
Conclusion – The Final Verdict
The supplement is produced by a reputed brand that recommends a healthy diet and regular workout for best results. It is not a scam. If you are looking for a good supplement to achieve a vascular and shredded body, then Clenbutrol is the right supplement for you.
This product contains natural ingredients that are completely safe to use. The ingredients have been scientifically researched and tested in labs for safety and effectiveness before been launched in the market.
However, Clenbutrol is not a magical pill that gives you miraculous overnight results. If that is what you are looking for, then this product is not for you. It is for hard-working people who don’t mind combining the supplement with a healthy diet and a rigorous workout.
Losing weight requires a lot of discipline and hard work. It is not an easy thing to do. You need to control what you eat and count the calories that you are putting inside your body.
What this product does is give you enough energy so that you are motivated to hit the gym and workout regularly and intensely.
Given below are a few points that you should remember when you purchase the supplement: –
- The manufacturer offers free worldwide shipping.
- The manufacturer does not offer refunds on opened products.
- If you have any medical issues, please consult your doctor before you start using the supplement.

Article source:

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The post Weekly News for Designers № 507 appeared first on Speckyboy Design Magazine.
Sportsmen and athletes hit a plateau after reaching a certain point. They find that they are unable to improve on the results and need a solution. The solution is to improve energy and help with fat loss, as well as build a lean muscled body. This facilitates training.
To improve and grow the muscles, they need to use a product or a supplement that is not only effective, but is also safe to use and does not have any side effects. What are the criteria for choosing such a product?
About Clenbuterol
Crazybulk, the company that manufactures products for bodybuilders and athletes, has launched a nutritional supplement called Clenbutrol. This is a completely legal product, and it is a completely safe substitute for the anabolic steroid Clenbuterol.
This product is thermogenic in nature, and although it is natural, it mimics the properties of the steroid Clenbuterol. This property of the natural Clenbutrol gives results, similar to the anabolic steroid but without the side effects.
This supplement sucks the fat from the body. It is similar to the steroids’ liposuction effect. It also increases lean muscle and improves cardiovascular performance. Another benefit of Clenbutrol is that it enhances energy levels and maximizes performance.
Clenbutrol is a natural and safe formulation of well-researched ingredients as given below: –
- Vitamin B3 – Vitamin B3, also known as Niacin, plays an important role in the synthesis of nutrients and production of energy. It is responsible for supplying energy to all the body cells; it increases metabolism and helps the body to burn fat effectively.
- Garcinia Cambogia – This ingredient is the most researched in the weight loss industry. This tropical fruit contains Hydroxycitric Acid that is responsible for partially blocking the enzyme Citrate Lyase. This enzyme converts sugars and carbohydrates to fat and stores it to be used as energy letter on. HCA also enhances the levels of serotonin, which regulate its appetite. All this results in less storage of fat, more fat burning and suppressed appetite. Garcinia Cambogia is also called as a fat preventer.
- Extract of Bitter Orange – The extract of Seville Orange enhances metabolism and suppresses appetite. It is a source of Synephrine, a compound that promotes thermogenesis, resulting in fat burning and appetite suppressing. This ingredient is also known as a fat burner.
- Guarana Extract – Guarana contains double the caffeine found in coffee beans. This important stimulant eliminates physical and mental tiredness, enhances metabolism, accelerates fat-burning and reduces appetite. This ingredient is a rich source of tannin. The tannin slowly releases caffeine throughout the day, thereby releasing energy.
How does Clenbutrol work?
Clenbuterol works in the following ways: –
- Thermogenesis – The supplement increases the internal temperature of your body excess. This causes the body to lose heat. It also increases the rate of metabolism so that your body burns more fat for energy, and leaves you with a great physique and lean muscles.
- Optimal Oxygen Supply – The body needs an optimal supply of oxygen for the proper functioning of its systems and organs. Clenbuterol improves the rate of the flow of oxygen to the muscles, which enhances the performance of the heart. It also prepares the muscles for an intense training session.
- Clenbutrol, as mentioned above, is thermogenic. It increases the internal temperature of the body. Therefore, your body’s basal metabolic rate (BMR) increases with an increase in metabolism. It starts using stored fat and converts it for energy. You will start burning calories and lose body fat, and have only lean and hard muscles.
The supplement gives a boost to your cardiovascular system.
Benefits of Clenbutrol
The supplement will give you the following benefits if you use it regularly: –
- Effective in burning fat;
- Converts the burnt fat into energy ;
- Enhances the flow of oxygen to the body thereby increasing blood flow;
- Has to be taken orally and no needle is required;
- Does not need a prescription;
- Will give you lean physique and ripped muscles;
- Suppresses appetite;
- Preserves muscles;
- Improves performance;
- Gives you a good result within one month;
Each bottle of Clenbutrol contains 30 capsules. The manufacturer recommends that you should take 3 capsules a day. Take the capsules 45 minutes before it is time for your workout.
Consume the capsules with water. Your workout should be accompanied by a proper diet and a good workout regimen. To get the best results out of your supplement, use it for at least 60 days.
The manufacturer has also recommended a workout period of at least 60 days with a break of one and a half weeks.
Precautions With Clenbutrol
Perhaps, the right question to ask is who should or who should not use the supplement.
The supplement is not for those who are looking for illegal Clenbuterol. It is also not for people who plan to pop a few pills and expect miraculous results without following a proper diet or a workout. Anybody with the following medical conditions should avoid the supplement: –
- Hypertension
- Tachycardia
- Urine retention
- Coronary artery disease
- congestive heart problems
- glaucoma
- Tachyarrhythmia
- Hyperthyroidism
- Prostate hypertrophy
Pregnant women and lactating mothers should not use a supplement.
The supplement is perfect for people looking for the following: –
- Quick fat burner
- Legal substitute for Clenbutrol
- Building muscles while burning fat
- Muscle development with rigorous workouts along with the supplement
Purchase and Price
Clenbutrol is available only on the official website of the manufacturer. By making it available only on the official website, the manufacturing company, CrazyBulk, ensures that all the customers get the genuine product. There are many duplicates of the supplement. While some of them promise quick results, others do not care about the side effects that the improper usage of ingredients can cause.
When you purchase the original product through the official website, you ensure that you are getting an authentic supplement that delivers the promises that it has made.
- A single bottle of the supplement will cost you $61.99.
- A company has an offer price of $123.98. When you avail their 2 + 1 offer, you buy two packages, and you get the third bottle completely free of cost. With this offer, the company also gives you 8 ‘exercise and nutrition guides’ to help you achieve your goal. In addition, it gives you a free subscription to their newsletter that is full of tips and tricks to maximize the benefits of your supplement.
Money-Back Guarantee and Refund Policy
There does not seem to be a money-back guarantee. However, the manufacturer offers a refund if you change your mind and return the packet unopened within a period of 14 days from the date of placing your order. You should speak to the customer support for more information on this.
Refer-a-Friend Scheme
The company, CrazyBulk, offers a refer a friend scheme. Happy users can recommend the product and the company to their friends, and they get an initial discount. You get a reward as a thank you. You need to share the scheme with your friends using your name. They can enter your name when they visit the CrazyBulk website and get a discount code.
When your friends purchase the product, there is a link above the voucher code box that asks if you have been referred by a friend. Your friend will have to confirm your name, and you can access your reward then.
The company will email you when your rewards are due. You can also see the status of the reference that you have made on your account dashboard.
Side Effects of Clenbutrol
Clenbuterol is a natural supplement, and hence, it does not have any side effects that come from using the illegal drug. Each of the ingredients used in the supplement has been scientifically researched. There have been no documented reports of side effects in users.
Tips To Use Clenbutrol
This supplement is to be used regularly and consistently for best results. To avoid contraindications and any side effects, use the supplement as recommended by the manufacturer. Clenbutrol contains caffeine, and therefore, it is recommended that you should not overdose. Otherwise there maybe side effects as given below: –
- Rapid heartbeat
- Headache
- Insomnia
- Muscle spasms
- Hypertension
- Increased sweating
Pros of Clenbutrol
- It is a legal and safe alternative to the steroid Clenbuterol.
- It is a powerful fat burner.
- It enhances the ratio of muscle and fat.
- It preserves lean muscle mass.
- It improves performance.
- It gives a ripped physique.
- It enhances endurance and stamina.
- You don’t need a prescription to buy the supplement.
- You get fast results within one month.
- Shipping is free worldwide.
Cons of Clenbutrol
- The product is available only on the official website of the manufacturer.
- There can be some side effects, if you do not use the product properly, as per the directions of the manufacturer.
Customer Reviews
Sara ~ This is a miracle pill. I have been using the supplement for a while now, and I have a lot of energy. I started running yesterday, and the energy was tremendous. After running for 10 km, I still had enough energy to do more.
Aaron ~ The supplement has given me a lot of energy. My weight has been dropping ever since I have started using the supplement with my diet. I have lost 10 pounds in 4 weeks. It works fabulously for me.
Tony ~ I haven’t used this as yet, but I would like to. I lift, but I am on the heavier side. If I use this supplement for two months, will I be able to lose weight? How hard do I have to work out and how much weight am I likely to lose? I have a low-calorie diet. Can someone please let me know?
Alena ~ I take 3 pills about 45 minutes before my morning workout. When I take the pills, I am in a fasting state. The pills give me a lot of energy in the gym no matter what. I can lift heavier weights, and my workout intensity has increased. I used these pills before my wedding as I had to lose weight they work like magic for me.
Clenbutrol Before and After Pictures
Are crazy bulk products legal?
CrazyBulk products are completely legal to buy. The supplement is a legal alternative to steroids.
Do I need a prescription to buy the supplement?
No, you do not need a prescription to buy the supplement.
What are the side effects of using CrazyBulk products?
CrazyBulk products are manufactured using completely natural ingredients. Therefore, there are no side effects of the product.
How do I use Clenbutrol?
To use this product, take 3 capsules in a day approximately 45 minutes before your workout. Be regular with your supplement so that you get the best results within one month.
How long does it take for the results to be visible?
The results will be visible in 30 days.
What happens if I stop taking the supplement?
You will not lose the gains achieved after using the supplement if you continue with proper nutrition and your workout routine.
Conclusion – The Final Verdict
The supplement is produced by a reputed brand that recommends a healthy diet and regular workout for best results. It is not a scam. If you are looking for a good supplement to achieve a vascular and shredded body, then Clenbutrol is the right supplement for you.
This product contains natural ingredients that are completely safe to use. The ingredients have been scientifically researched and tested in labs for safety and effectiveness before been launched in the market.
However, Clenbutrol is not a magical pill that gives you miraculous overnight results. If that is what you are looking for, then this product is not for you. It is for hard-working people who don’t mind combining the supplement with a healthy diet and a rigorous workout.
Losing weight requires a lot of discipline and hard work. It is not an easy thing to do. You need to control what you eat and count the calories that you are putting inside your body.
What this product does is give you enough energy so that you are motivated to hit the gym and workout regularly and intensely.
Given below are a few points that you should remember when you purchase the supplement: –
- The manufacturer offers free worldwide shipping.
- The manufacturer does not offer refunds on opened products.
- If you have any medical issues, please consult your doctor before you start using the supplement.
Extend a string type with regular expression match
This package can extend a string type with regular expression matching support...
(Part 1 (intro) is here.)
Now that we know what to do, let's go for it! First rule of business: load an audio file and play it.
Let's build a simple HTML page (demo) to test things:
<button onclick="play()">▶ play</button>
<button onclick="stop()">STOP!!!!</button>
Now let's implement this play()
Loading means fetching from the server and what could be better to use than the newish addition to the Web Platform, namely the appropriately named function fetch()
. Let's go with the promise syntax (alternatively you can use the await
operator too).
is the C3 cello sample that will be the basis of all sounds in the Deep Note.
function play() {
.then(/* MAGIC HERE */)
.catch(e => console.log('uff, error!', e));
What happens after the file is loaded from the server into our test page? Its contents needs to be represented as an ArrayBuffer, which is then decoded and turned into an AudioBuffer. Sounds scary but once you do it, you can put all this into a utility function and forget about it.
function play() {
.then(response => response.arrayBuffer())
.then(arrayBuffer => audioContext.decodeAudioData(arrayBuffer))
.then(audioBuffer => {
// and now we play!
.catch(e => console.log('uff'));
... and release
All things web audio start with the AudioContext()
constructor. You create one per page load and use it all over the place:
const audioContext = new AudioContext();
This audio contect has a destination
which is your speakers or headphones. And what does each destination need? A source!
One way to begin making noise is to start with an oscillator. You know, something generated in code that goes beeeeeeeep... Very pure and unlistenable, because nothing in nature is this pure. (We need overtones to perceive timbre, but that's a discussion for another time). You can create an oscillator source in WebAudio with audioContext.createOscillator()
, but we're not going to.
Another way to make noise is to start not with an oscillator source, but with a buffer source. As luck would have it, we have a pre-recorded sound (our cello sample) that we've already turned into an audio buffer. Let's create our buffer source then:
const sample = audioContext.createBufferSource();
sample.buffer = audioBuffer;
Next comes connecting the buffer source to the audio context destination.
We can create sources and not plug them in and they will not make a sound. Similarly, we can disconnect (unplug) things to prevent them from playing. A main concept in web audio is the audio graph made of nodes (e.g. sources and processors) that you plug into each other any way you see fit. We'll talk about it soon enough.
OK, one last thing to do, once everything is plugged in, is to start the source, meaning hit the ▶ button on the old cassette player/CD player/iPod.
And this is it, you should hear the cello sample now. Try it here: demo.
Stop it!
Whenever you're ready to stop playing, you call sample.stop()
. BTW, you can also start playing not from the beginning, like sample.start(2)
will start 2 seconds in.
One important thing: once you you've started a sample, you cannot start it again. You can loop it (we'll see how in the next installment), you can stop it, but you cannot reuse it. If you want to play the same sound again, you need to create another buffer source with createBufferSource()
. You don't need to fetch the actual file or decode it again though.
Complete code
So here's everything together:
const audioContext = new AudioContext();
let sample;
function play() {
.then(response => response.arrayBuffer())
.then(arrayBuffer => audioContext.decodeAudioData(arrayBuffer))
.then(audioBuffer => {
sample = audioContext.createBufferSource();
sample.buffer = audioBuffer;
.catch(e => console.log('uff'));
function stop() {
If you tried the demo in iOS or desktop Safari, chances are you didn't hear anything. There are 3 things to take care of to make this happen, ranging from trivial, to PITA, to a hack.
Trivial: browser prefix
is still behind a prefix in Safari, which is actually understandable given that the spec is still a "Working Draft". Easy to fix. Atop of everything we just go:
if (!window.AudioContext && window.webkitAudioContext) {
window.AudioContext = window.webkitAudioContext;
... and then proceed as usual.
A bit of a pain: callback API
One of the methods we used - decodeAudioData()
- doesn't return a promise, but uses an older callback API, so you're supposed to call it like decodeAudioData(arrayBuffer, callbackFunction)
. This is unfortunate because it messes up the nice then().then()
chain. But I think I have a solution that is not half bad, imho. It may look a little confusing but the point was to make it polyfill-style so it doesn't break the chain.
The first thing is to branch based on Safari/not-Safari. To do this, we check the signature of the decodeAudioData
method. It it takes two arguments, it's the old callback API. If not, we proceed as usual.
.then(arrayBuffer => {
if (audioContext.decodeAudioData.length === 2) { // Safari
// hack, hack!
} else { // not Safari
return audioContext.decodeAudioData(arrayBuffer);
And what to do about the old method that doesn't return a promise? Well, create the promise ourselves and return it:
return new Promise(resolve => {
audioContext.decodeAudioData(arrayBuffer, buffer => {
The whole fetch-and-play is now:
.then(response => response.arrayBuffer())
.then(arrayBuffer => {
if (audioContext.decodeAudioData.length === 2) { // Safari
return new Promise(resolve => {
audioContext.decodeAudioData(arrayBuffer, buffer => {
} else {
return audioContext.decodeAudioData(arrayBuffer);
.then(audioBuffer => {
sample = audioContext.createBufferSource();
sample.buffer = audioBuffer;
.catch(e => console.error('uff', e));
Safari problem #3: the Hack
Safari wisely decides that auto-playing sounds is the root of all evil. A user interaction is needed. In our case we're playing nicely and require a click on the Play button. However because the actual playing happens in a callback/promise after the file has been fetched, Safari forgets the user interaction ever happened and refuses to play. One solution, a good one at that, is to prefetch the file you'll need to play. However sometimes there may be too many options of things to play and prefetching them all is prohibitive.
A hack is in order.
The hack is to play something on user interaction and this way unlock the playing capabilities. Later, when what we actually meant to play is downloaded, we can play it.
What is the least obtrusive something to play? Well, just one sample of nothing! Huh?
OK, so by know you know of two ways to make noise - create an oscillator or a buffer from a source file. There's another one - create the buffer yourself, in code, not from a file. Like so:
const buffer = audioContext.createBuffer(1, 1, audioContext.sampleRate);
(Note createBuffer()
as opposed to createBufferSource()
What's going on here with the three arguments?
- First is the number of channels. 1 for mono. No need for stereo here, we're trying to be minimal.
- The third one is the sample rate. In this case we're going with whatever sample rate is the default in this system/computer/sound card. Back to the basics: sound is periodic change in air pressure. When you think periodic in its simplest, you imagine a sine wave. To represent sound on the computer we need to sample that wave every once in a while. How often? How many samples? That's the sample rate. For CD quality it's 44.1kHz (44100 times per second!). It's the default on many systems. Here we can define a lower rate to be economical and techically browsers should support rates between 8000 and 96000. Well, with Safari I only had success with as low as half the CD quality. So we can make this line
audioContext.createBuffer(1, 1, 22050)
. But why bother, keep it simple, use the default. Additionally the browser will resample 22050 to its working rate of, probably 44.1kHz. So let's not overthink this one.
- The second argument is the length of the buffer. In samples. Meaning that if you want one second at 44100 samples per second means the argument should be 44100. But we don't need a whole second. We just want to trick Safari into playing something, remember? So a single sample is enough. Which means our playing time will be 1/44100 or 0.00002267573696 seconds. No one can hear this.
Next we continue as before. Create a buffer source, connect()
to the destination and start()
const buffer = audioContext.createBuffer(1, 1, audioContext.sampleRate);
const sample = audioContext.createBufferSource();
sample.buffer = buffer;
It's essentially the same as playing a file, except that instead of loading and decoding to get a buffer, we created the buffer manually. Neat. You can actually see for yourself the contents of the buffer when using the cello sample by doing console.log(audioBuffer.getChannelData(0));
once you have the audio buffer decoded. You'll see a whole lot of values between -1 and 1 (sine wave, remember?)

And that concludes the hack. We don't actually need to put anything in the buffer. To put it all together, and make sure we do the hack only once, here goes:
let faked = true;
if (!window.AudioContext && window.webkitAudioContext) {
window.AudioContext = window.webkitAudioContext;
faked = false;
const audioContext = new AudioContext();
let sample;
function play() {
if (!faked) {
faked = true;
const buffer = audioContext.createBuffer(1, 1, audioContext.sampleRate);
sample = audioContext.createBufferSource();
sample.buffer = buffer;
.then(response => response.arrayBuffer())
.then(arrayBuffer => {
if (audioContext.decodeAudioData.length === 2) { // Safari
return new Promise(resolve => {
audioContext.decodeAudioData(arrayBuffer, buffer => {
} else {
return audioContext.decodeAudioData(arrayBuffer);
.then(audioBuffer => {
sample = audioContext.createBufferSource();
sample.buffer = audioBuffer;
.catch(e => console.error('uff', e));
function stop() {
The demo that works in Safari is right here.
End of part 2
In the next part let's loop this sounds so it keeps on playin'!