TUESDAY, Oct. 1, 2019 (HealthDay News) — Massive vitamin C infusions could be a life-saver for patients with sepsis, an inflammatory condition run amok, new research suggests.
Sepsis is a leading cause of death in U.S. hospitals, claiming as many as 300,000 lives a year, according to the U.S. National Institute of General Medical Sciences.
“It’s literally an explosion of the body’s immune defense,” said the study’s lead author, Dr. Alpha Fowler III, a professor of medicine at Virginia Commonwealth University, in Richmond. “Sepsis is the body’s response to a severe invading infection of bacteria or viruses or fungi.” Blood pressure plunges and widespread organ failure follows.
Fowler’s team found that four days of infusions with vitamin C reduced a patient’s risk of death within a month of treatment from 46% to 30%.
For the study, the investigators tracked 167 patients treated for sepsis at one of seven intensive care units between 2014 and 2017. All had been placed on a mechanical ventilator due to acute respiratory distress syndrome.
Half were randomly assigned to receive vitamin C infusions every six hours for four days. The others received standard care, which typically involves large amounts of intravenous fluids and drugs, including antibiotics.
After four days, the team saw no difference in risk of organ failure. Nineteen standard-care patients died during that time period, compared to four treated with vitamin C. And while nine vitamin C patients left the ICU during treatment, only one of the others had, the researchers said.
Over several weeks, patients who received vitamin C had spent significantly less time in the hospital. A 30-day follow-up found vitamin C patients averaged nearly 11 ICU-free days versus about 8 ICU-free days for those receiving standard care. Over 60 days, the vitamin C patients also had spent about a week less in the hospital overall than the standard-care group.
“Most importantly, we showed that we could improve survival,” Fowler said.
But what explains vitamin C’s power?
Fowler said it’s important to distinguish between widely used supplements and the treatment under review.
“When you take vitamin C orally you cannot develop any kind of a meaningful blood level of vitamin C — not even in massive doses,” he said. Given intravenously, “we can reach blood levels that are 3,000 times higher. And at that point it’s no longer just a vitamin. It becomes a very potent anti-inflammatory agent. And that is what’s saving lives.”
Ultimately, he said, it could be “a total game-changer.”
The findings were published in the Oct. 1 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association.
That level of enthusiasm is not shared by Dr. Emily Brant, co-author of an editorial that accompanied the study. She’s an attending physician at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine.
“Though they did demonstrate a mortality benefit among patients who received vitamin C, these results must be interpreted with caution,” she said. “They did not see any difference in markers of organ injury or inflammation between groups, something we’d expect to see if the mortality benefit is real.”
She said the results are interesting and should be tested in further studies. But, she added, they are “not dramatic, nor game-changing. More work is necessary before vitamin C infusions are considered the standard of care.”
Fowler and his team said that they hope to launch a new trial with 300 patients across 65 hospitals by next year.
} else {
// If we match both our test Topic Ids and Buisness Ref we want to place the ad in the middle of page 1
if($.inArray(window.s_topic, moveAdTopicIds) -1 $.inArray(window.s_business_reference, moveAdBuisRef) -1){
// The logic below reads count all nodes in page 1. Exclude the footer,ol,ul and table elements. Use the varible
// moveAdAfter to know which node to place the Ad container after.
window.placeAd = function(pn) {
var nodeTags = [‘p’, ‘h3′,’aside’, ‘ul’],
// Currently passing in 1 to move the Ad in to page 1
} else {
// This is the default location on the bottom of page 1
// Create a new conatiner where we will make our lazy load Ad call if the reach the footer section of the article
The venerable HTML table may (thankfully) be long-dead in terms of its use for page layout. But it’s still going strong with regards to its original intention: displaying tabular data. They’re still incredibly useful and have been enhanced further by the likes of CSS and jQuery.
Still, large tables aren’t always a great experience on mobile screens. If not handled properly, columns can be cut off and thus unreadable. It just makes for a poor UX.
Thankfully there are techniques we can use to make tables more user-friendly on mobile devices. Let’s explore a few approaches we can take to ensure that data is accessible on every screen. We’ll also provide a working example so you can see it in action.
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Here’s a super easy way to give mobile users access to a very wide table. Adding a container element with the overflow-x property set to auto will allow for horizontal scrolling on small screens. Not necessarily the most elegant way to do things, but at least the content is accessible. Special thanks to W3 Schools for the concept.
Collapsible Cells with Repositioned Table Headers
This method is a little bit more user-friendly than scrolling, albeit more difficult to set up. On mobile screens, each td cell is displayed as a block, thus stacking them on top of each other. Then, using some trickery with the data-th attribute and the :before CSS selector, tables headers are essentially moved from the top row over to the left.
Below is a slightly different take on this option. Rather than using the data-th attribute, table header items are defined via the CSS content property. While the effect is essentially the same, the requirements for maintaining code are different. This solution is probably better for smaller sites that don’t contain many tables.
Static Left Table Headers with Horizontal Scrolling
Here we see a table header (thead) that is setup to float:left via CSS and remain statically positioned on small screens. Rows of data are converted into columns, making for a nicely-organized table. A bit of JavaScript is used to keep the table headers the same height and alignment as the other cells.
Element Queries
Element queries focus on the sizing requirements of specific elements rather than on just the dimensions of a browser window. They’re experimental at this point, but you can read more about them at EQCSS (which also offers a JS library to utilize). In the following table example, the td cells are arranged in various column layouts. The whole thing is based on the width of table elements. This is definitely an interesting technique worth keeping an eye on.
Data Tables jQuery Plugin
The Data Tables jQuery plugin adds all kinds of useful functionality to standard HTML tables. And its responsive abilities are quite amazing. The script will automatically hide columns based upon screen size. The hidden data is available for viewing with a click (or touch). You also have the flexibility to give priority to specific columns. The example below shows a responsive table in all its glory.
Choosing the Best Technique
The techniques above are really just a small sampling of what developers are doing with responsive tables. They range from extremely simple all the way to complicated, script-dependent concoctions.
When it comes to picking the right solution for your project, it really comes down to a few factors:
Consider the size of the tables you’ll create and what type of data they’ll contain.
Determine what dependencies you are comfortable with.
Think about the potential for automating the whole process.
If you’re building a relatively small website that will only contain a table or two, then future maintenance might not be a big concern. But with larger sites, you’ll want to think of ways to keep everything running smoothly as new tables are added and existing ones are changed.
For example, using a method that pulls information from a data attribute can be really effective – but also potentially difficult to maintain. This is especially so if a non-designer will be responsible for adding content. In that case, it would be worthwhile to try and automate the process of creating data attributes through PHP or other code. That way, the person responsible for content doesn’t have to worry about dealing with code.
Tables present a unique challenge for designers. They were imagined long before the mobile web came into existence. But with a little creativity, you can build a great user experience – even on the smallest of screens.
Garcinia Cambogia is a small fruit that resembles a pumpkin and is found in India and various other parts of Asia. It has gained immense popularity as a weight loss supplement. Together with helping to lose weight, supplements that contain Garcinia Cambogia also has various other benefits to offer.
Persons not sure if they should opt for a supplement containing this amazing fruit can read this Garcinia Cambogia review to help them determine if it is right for them.
Garcinia Cambogia Extract Review – Examining The Benefits
Lowers cholesterol – Garcinia Cambogia Extract reduces the blood lipid levels and as a result reduces the bad cholesterol levels in the body. It also increases the HDL cholesterol or the “Good cholesterol” production in the body.
Appetite suppression – Improper diet is one of the main reasons why people end up gaining weight. If, however, they take Garcinia Cambogia Extract supplements, it will increase the serotonin levels in their body, which together with controlling their appetite will also control their mood.
Blocks fat storage – Garcinia Cambogia is better than other weight loss supplements because it prevents formation of new fat cells. Excess calories in carbohydrates usually get converted into fat cells. But Garcinia Cambogia does not allow this to happen. The carbs get burned off immediately and thus persons do not gain unnecessary weight.
Improves digestion – many people after using Garcinia Cambogia have experienced better digestion and improved bowel movement. It also prevents stomach ulcer which is commonly faced by many adults.
Main Ingredients in Garcinia Cambogia Products
Hydroxycitric acid or HCA is the main ingredient present in Garcinia Cambogia products. HCA helps satisfy the demands of the body for energy and also improves the functioning nervous system functioning.
HCA gets combined with Chromium which is a mineral that generally is found lacking in home diets, and the deficiency of which can lead to weight gain and diabetes. Chromium and HCA work together helping stabilize the blood sugar levels.
Potassium and Calcium
Potassium and calcium are the next two important ingredients present in Garcinia Cambogia supplements. These two substances boost the metabolism levels and thus increase the rate at which fat gets burned by the body. Moreover, both potassium and calcium is very beneficial for the overall health of the body.
Garcinia Cambogia pros:
Garcinia helps to reduce overall body fat percentage. Fat loss is the most important health benefit offered by Garcinia Cambogia, and that too without persons having to alter their diet or exercise regimen. It stimulates the brain to release serotonin, which in turn sends signal signifying that a person is full. It thus serves as an appetite suppressant preventing persons from consuming too much so they don’t end up gaining weight.
Boosts cardiovascular heath and creates muscles. Garcinia Cambogia helps reduce cholesterol levels and thus prevents persons from falling prey to various cardiovascular illnesses. It also regulates blood sugar level and thus suppresses the cravings for sugary food.
Garcinia Cambogia cons:
Not suitable for youngsters, diabetics and pregnant females.
Over-dosage of the supplement should be avoided else it can have side effects.
Smoking cigarettes or drinking alcohol should be avoided while consuming Garcinia Cambogia as it can have side effects.
Garcinia Cambogia is a wonderful weight loss supplement and most of who have tired it is happy with results. However, before persons start taking this supplement, they should first consult their doctor as is important before they start any diet or start taking any supplement.
About thedrozgarciniacambogia.org thedrozgarciniacambogia.org is a website by Stacey Spencer dedicated to providing unbiased reviews on popular weight loss supplements to educate consumers on pros and cons that they should take into consideration before making a purchase.
This is a write-up of my talk Crafting Maintainable Laravel Applications given at Laracon AU.
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It is quite an honor for me to have the opportunity to write the inaugural post for a company that is dedicated to continuous learning in the IT world. And, why is that, you might ask? Well, there are three main reasons.
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All websites should start with a good plan. Focussing on the design process first may be common for smaller sites. For larger sites, when user experience is paramount, creating an initial sitemap or user flow map is an effective way of working out how you want visitors to use and navigate around. UX is key to a successful site. And always remember the 5PS of planning a site – Proper Planning Prevents Poor Performance.
There are many different methods for creating a sitemap, but we don’t want to get into that today as they are typically not the best thing to look at from a design inspiration perspective.
So we’re going to take a look at sitemaps that have truly taken design into consideration. Not the site design, but the actual design of the sitemap. So no post-its, no Sharpies, no whiteboards, no mind-mapping software, just a beautiful selection of carefully crafted sitemaps.
October has been a busy month with preparations for WordCamp US as well as the next major release of WordPress. Read on to find out about all that work and more.
WordPress 5.2.4
On October 14, WordPress 5.2.4 was released as a security release fixing 6 security issues. The fixes were backported to earlier versions of WordPress as well, so they’re available for sites not yet upgraded to 5.2.
Early in the month, the Design team proposed adding a style guide for the WordPress brand that can be used across all of WordPress.org and anywhere the brand is represented. Work then began on putting the style guide together, and the current iteration is now available for viewing.
Work on this style guide is ongoing, and the latest update allows it to support multiple languages so that it can be used by more people.
WordPress 5.3 has seen active development over the past month, with a release date set for November 12. You can download and test the release candidate to get a taste of what to expect—this is largely what final release will look like.
Three new committers have been added to the WordPress Core organizational structure. Core committers are individuals who have direct access to the Core development code repositories in order to publish updates to the software.
The new committers are Ian Belanger (@ianbelanger), Timothy Jacobs (@timothyblynjacobs), and Joe Dolson (@joedolson). While Ian’s commit access is specifically for Core themes, both Timothy and Joe have full access to Core. This type of access is only given to individuals who have proved themselves with high-quality contributions and a deep understanding of how the WordPress project works.