Laravel Minify HTML Output

Minify the HTML generated using Blade templates
This package can be used to minify the HTML generated using Blade templates...


PHP Shutdown Function Shutdown Helper

Register functions to be called when a script ends
This is a simple class that register functions to be called when a script ends...


Arsenal PHP Singleton Trait

Trait to make classes only have singleton objects
This package provides a trait to make classes only have singleton objects...


Community News: Latest PECL Releases (02.04.2020)

Latest PECL Releases:

  • protobuf 3.11.3
    GA release.

  • decimal 2.0.0
    - Default decimal precision changed from 28 to 34. - Decimal operations now use the **minimum** precision of all operands. - Added `DecimalRational` implementation for rational numbers (fractions). - Added `DecimalNumber` abstract class. - Performance improvements, reduced object allocations. - Private constructors, static initializers via `valueOf`.
  • decimal 1.3.1
    - Fixed abs affected by precision.
  • zip 1.17.1
    - add ZipArchive::RDONLY constant (since libzip 1.0.0) - fix #73119 Wrong return for ZipArchive::addEmptyDir method
  • datadog_trace 0.39.0
    ### Changed: - Bring background sender to feature parity #738
  • pdo_sqlsrv 5.8.0
    [Added] - Support for PHP 7.4 - Support for [Microsoft ODBC Driver 17.5]( on all platforms - Support for Debian 10 and Red Hat 8 - require MS ODBC Driver 17.4+ - Support for macOS Catalina, Alpine Linux 3.11 and Ubuntu 19.10 - require ODBC Driver 17.5+ - Feature Request [#929]( - new [Language option]( - Pull Request [#930]( - [Data Classification Sensitivity Metadata Retrieval]( - requires ODBC Driver 17.4.2+ and [SQL Server 2019]( - Feature Request [#1018]( - support for [PHP extended string types]( - Pull Request [#1043]( - [Always Encrypted with secure enclaves]( - requires ODBC Driver 17.4+ and [SQL Server 2019]( - Feature Request [#1063]( - add configurable options for locale settings in Linux and macOS - Pull Request [#1069]( [Removed] - Dropped support for [PHP 7.1]( - Dropped support for SQL Server 2008 R2, macOS Sierra, Ubuntu 18.10 and Ubuntu 19.04. [Fixed] - Pull Request [#972]( - Removed redundant calls to retrieve the number of columns or rows in the current query result set - Pull Request [#978]( - PDO_SQLSRV implementation of PDO::getColumnMeta now references cached metadata rather than making an ODBC call every time - Pull Request [#979]( - Added support for Data Classification Sensitivity metadata retrieval - Pull Request [#985]( - Fixed memory issues with Data Classification data structures - Issue [#432]( - Having any invalid UTF-8 name in the connection string will no longer invoke misleading error messages - Issue [#909]( - Fixed potential exception with locale issues in macOS - Pull Request [#992]( - Produced the correct error when requesting Data Classification metadata with ODBC drivers prior to 17 - Pull Request [#1001]( - Fixed compilation issue with PHP 7.4 alpha - Pull Request [#1004]( - Fixed another compilation issue with PHP 7.4 alpha - Pull Request [#1008]( - Improved data caching when fetching datetime objects - Pull Request [#1011]( - Fixed a potential buffer overflow when parsing for escaped braces in the connection string - Pull Request [#1015]( - Fixed compilation issues and addressed various memory leaks detected by PHP 7.4 beta 1 - Issue [#1027]( - Fixed how drivers handle query timeout settings - Pull Request [#1049]( - Performance improvement for fetching from tables with many columns - cached the derived php types with column metadata to streamline data retrieval - Pull Request [#1068]( - Some cosmetic changes to source code as per suggestions from a static analysis tool - Issue [#1079]( - Support sql_variant types when using client buffers [Limitations] - No support for inout / output params when using sql_variant type - No support for inout / output params when formatting decimal values - In Linux and macOS, setlocale() only takes effect if it is invoked before the first connection. Attempting to set the locale after connecting will not work - Always Encrypted requires [MS ODBC Driver 17+]( - Only Windows Certificate Store and Azure Key Vault are supported. Custom Keystores are not yet supported - Issue [#716]( - With Always Encrypted enabled, named parameters in subqueries are not supported - Issue [#1050]( - With Always Encrypted enabled, insertion requires the column list for any tables with identity columns - [Always Encrypted limitations]( [Known Issues] - In Alpine Linux, the Client-Side Cursors feature may cause an access violation if both sqlsrv and pdo_sqlsrv are enabled. Either enable only sqlsrv or pdo_sqlsrv, or build PHP from source by compiling the drivers statically. - Connection pooling on Linux or macOS is not recommended with [unixODBC]( < 2.3.7 - When pooling is enabled in Linux or macOS - unixODBC <= 2.3.4 (Linux and macOS) might not return proper diagnostic information, such as error messages, warnings and informative messages - due to this unixODBC bug, fetch large data (such as xml, binary) as streams as a workaround. See the examples [here](
  • sqlsrv 5.8.0
    [Added] - Support for PHP 7.4 - Support for [Microsoft ODBC Driver 17.5]( on all platforms - Support for Debian 10 and Red Hat 8 - require MS ODBC Driver 17.4+ - Support for macOS Catalina, Alpine Linux 3.11 and Ubuntu 19.10 - require ODBC Driver 17.5+ - Feature Request [#929]( - new [Language option]( - Pull Request [#930]( - [Data Classification Sensitivity Metadata Retrieval]( - requires ODBC Driver 17.4.2+ and [SQL Server 2019]( - [Always Encrypted with secure enclaves]( - requires ODBC Driver 17.4+ and [SQL Server 2019]( - Feature Request [#1063]( - add configurable options for locale settings in Linux and macOS - Pull Request [#1069]( [Removed] - Dropped support for [PHP 7.1]( - Dropped support for SQL Server 2008 R2, macOS Sierra, Ubuntu 18.10 and Ubuntu 19.04. [Fixed] - Issue [#570]( - Fixed fetching varbinary data using client buffer with sqlsrv - Pull Request [#972]( - Removed redundant calls to retrieve the number of columns or rows in the current query result set - Pull Request [#979]( - Added support for Data Classification Sensitivity metadata retrieval - Pull Request [#985]( - Fixed memory issues with Data Classification data structures - Issue [#432]( - Having any invalid UTF-8 name in the connection string will no longer invoke misleading error messages - Issue [#909]( - Fixed potential exception with locale issues in macOS - Pull Request [#992]( - Produced the correct error when requesting Data Classification metadata with ODBC drivers prior to 17 - Pull Request [#1001]( - Fixed compilation issue with PHP 7.4 alpha - Pull Request [#1004]( - Fixed another compilation issue with PHP 7.4 alpha - Pull Request [#1008]( - Improved data caching when fetching datetime objects - Pull Request [#1011]( - Fixed a potential buffer overflow when parsing for escaped braces in the connection string - Pull Request [#1015]( - Fixed compilation issues and addressed various memory leaks detected by PHP 7.4 beta 1 - Issue [#1027]( - Fixed how drivers handle query timeout settings - Pull Request [#1049]( - Performance improvement for fetching from tables with many columns - cached the derived php types with column metadata to streamline data retrieval - Pull Request [#1068]( - Some cosmetic changes to source code as per suggestions from a static analysis tool - Issue [#1079]( - Support sql_variant types when using client buffers [Limitations] - No support for inout / output params when using sql_variant type - No support for inout / output params when formatting decimal values - In Linux and macOS, setlocale() only takes effect if it is invoked before the first connection. Attempting to set the locale after connecting will not work - Always Encrypted requires [MS ODBC Driver 17+]( - Only Windows Certificate Store and Azure Key Vault are supported. Custom Keystores are not yet supported - Issue [#716]( - With Always Encrypted enabled, named parameters in subqueries are not supported - Issue [#1050]( - With Always Encrypted enabled, insertion requires the column list for any tables with identity columns - [Always Encrypted limitations]( [Known Issues] - In Alpine Linux, the Client-Side Cursors feature may cause an access violation if both sqlsrv and pdo_sqlsrv are enabled. Either enable only sqlsrv or pdo_sqlsrv, or build PHP from source by compiling the drivers statically. - Connection pooling on Linux or macOS is not recommended with [unixODBC]( < 2.3.7 - When pooling is enabled in Linux or macOS - unixODBC <= 2.3.4 (Linux and macOS) might not return proper diagnostic information, such as error messages, warnings and informative messages - due to this unixODBC bug, fetch large data (such as xml, binary) as streams as a workaround. See the examples [here](
  • xdebug 2.9.2
    Fri, Jan 31, 2020 - xdebug 2.9.2

    = Fixed bugs:

    Fixed issue #1735: DBGp eval warning promoted to Exception can cause out-of-sync responses Fixed issue #1736: Segmentation fault when other extensions run PHP in RINIT Fixed issue #1739: Tracing footer not written

  • zip 1.17.0
    - add ZipArchive::registerProgressCallback() method (since libzip 1.3.0) - add ZipArchive::registerCancelCallback() method (since libzip 1.6.0) - drop support for old PHP versions
  • gRPC 1.27.0RC2
    - gRPC Core 1.27.0 update
  • zip 1.16.1
    - add ZipArchive::CM_XZ constant (since libzip 1.6.0) - add ZipArchive::ER_* missing constants - fix Windows build
  • datadog_trace 0.38.1
    ### Fixed - MessagePack serialization with a reference #730
  • uploadprogress 1.1.3
    - Improved documentation and examples included in the release package


Encrypt and decrypt data with PaSeTO protocol
This package can be used to Sign, encrypt and decrypt data with Platform-Agnostic Security Tokens protocol...


Exploring Neumorphism Through Code Snippets

The web design industry has always been great at throwing around buzzwords. One of the most recent examples is neumorphism – which is supposedly the “new skeuomorphic” for design elements.

It’s a UI trend where an element looks like it’s breaking free (or extruding) from its background. If you’re looking for a reference point, it seems reminiscent of that Star Wars scene where Han Solo is frozen in carbonite. But I digress.

As with any hot new idea, the web is teeming with examples of how this technique could be used in the real world. With that, here are some code snippets that bring neumorphism to life!

Push to Check

It’s an interesting concept: Checkboxes as buttons. Here, each option looks like a nicely-rounded button. Click it and the button looks “pressed”. This not only looks cool; it also adds a unique bit of interactivity to the form.

See the Pen Neuomorphic Checkboxes by Braydon Coyer

The Whole Form

Taking the trend a step further, this snippet imagines an entire form in this style. The text inputs look like they were carved out of the background, while the buttons are bursting forth.

See the Pen Neomorphic Form by Swapnil

Colorful Card

Card UIs are a popular trend in their own right. And they seem to be a perfect match with neumorphism, as they provide a subtle way for content to stand out. What makes this particular example interesting is the use of the gradient background.

See the Pen Neumorph card- soft ui by Cornelius Labuschagne

Neumorphism On the Menu

Icon-based navigation has been around for some time, but it’s been made somewhat new again with a dash of this technique. The hover effects make each button very intuitive, which is an absolute must with this type of low-contrast design.

See the Pen Neumorphism menu by Wouter

Collect Them All

This set of elements has just about everything you need to bring neumorphism to your own projects. There are buttons, form elements and, of particular interest: a loading bar. It just seems like a natural extension of the look.

See the Pen A bit of neumorphism by Damir

More Accessible Morphs

If there is a downside to this trend, it’s that interactive elements can be too subtle – which hurts accessibility. This snippet aims to fix that, with hover and click states that add high-contrast borders and color changes.

See the Pen Neumorphism Accessibility Example by Michael J. Fordham

Neu Calculations

One of neumorphism’s more logical use cases would be for app screens, like this calculator. It borrows several of the basic principles, but still keeps things both legible and intuitive.

See the Pen Neumorphic Calculator by Joseph R Miles

Table It

HTML tables wouldn’t seem to be the best fit for a neumorphic look, but see for yourself. Here, the table is super clean and the row/column hover effects are brilliant. A very creative solution.

See the Pen Nuemorphic Table by Abhishek Anil Deshmukh

Get It While It’s Hot

There’s a definite appeal to neumorphism. The look is rather seamless and, when cleverly implemented, quite smooth.

Judging from the examples above, it would appear that it’s best to use the style in combination with some higher contrasting elements. This provides the right vibe, but keeps the design accessible and user-friendly.

If you’d like to see even more neumorphic UI snippets, check out our CodePen collection!

The post Exploring Neumorphism Through Code Snippets appeared first on Speckyboy Design Magazine.

Shikiryu PHP Backup Tool

Backup files and databases to different storage
This package can backup files and databases to different storage containers...

Powered by Gewgley